def vdom_pssm(pssm, letter_width=0.2, letter_height=0.8, **kwargs): """Nicely plot the pssm """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from concise.utils.plot import seqlogo_fig, seqlogo fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(letter_width * len(pssm), letter_height)) ax.axison = False seqlogo(pssm, ax=ax) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0) return fig2vdom(fig, **kwargs)
def seqlogo_clean(seq, letter_width=0.2, height=0.8, title=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from concise.utils.plot import seqlogo fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(letter_width * len(seq), height)) ax.axison = False seqlogo(seq, ax=ax) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) else: plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0) return fig
def plot_filters(W, ncol=2, figsize=(10,10)): """Plot convolutional filters as motifs Args: weights: weights returned by `model.layers[0].get_weights()[0]` ncol: number of columns in the plot figsize: Matplotlib figure size (width, height) """ N = W.shape[2] nrow = int(np.ceil(N/ncol)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=figsize) for i in range(N): ax = fig.axes[i] seqlogo(W[:,:,i], ax=ax); ax.set_title(f"Filter: {i}") plt.tight_layout()
def plot_profiles(self, x, tracks, contribution_scores={}, figsize=(20, 2), rc_vec=None, start_vec=None, width=20, legend=True, seq_height=2, ylim=[0, 3], n_limit=35, n_bootstrap=None, pattern_names=None, fpath_template=None, rc_fn=lambda x: x[::-1, ::-1]): """ Plot the sequence profiles Args: x: one-hot-encoded sequence tracks: dictionary of profile tracks contribution_scores: optional dictionary of contribution scores TODO - add the reverse complementation option to it """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from concise.utils.plot import seqlogo_fig, seqlogo seqs_all = self.extract_signal(x) ext_contribution_scores = { s: self.extract_signal(contrib) for s, contrib in contribution_scores.items() } # TODO assert correct shape in contrib if pattern_names is None: pattern_names = self.pattern_names() for i, pattern in enumerate(pattern_names): j = i seqs = seqs_all[pattern] sequence = ic_scale(seqs.mean(axis=0)) if rc_vec is not None and rc_vec[i]: rc_seq = True sequence = rc_fn(sequence) else: rc_seq = False if start_vec is not None: start = start_vec[i] sequence = sequence[start:(start + width)] n = len(seqs) if n < n_limit: continue fig, ax = plt.subplots(1 + len(contribution_scores) + len(tracks), 1, sharex=True, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [1] * len(tracks) + [seq_height] * (1 + len(contribution_scores)) }) ax[0].set_title(f"{pattern} ({n})") for i, (k, y) in enumerate(tracks.items()): signal = self.extract_signal(y, rc_fn)[pattern] if start_vec is not None: start = start_vec[i] signal = signal[:, start:(start + width)] if n_bootstrap is None: signal_mean = signal.mean(axis=0) signal_std = signal.std(axis=0) else: signal_mean, signal_std = bootstrap_mean(signal, n=n_bootstrap) if rc_vec is not None and rc_vec[i]: signal_mean = rc_fn(signal_mean) signal_std = rc_fn(signal_std) ax[i].plot(np.arange(1, len(signal_mean) + 1), signal_mean[:, 0], label='pos') if n_bootstrap is not None: ax[i].fill_between( np.arange(1, len(signal_mean) + 1), signal_mean[:, 0] - 2 * signal_std[:, 0], signal_mean[:, 0] + 2 * signal_std[:, 0], alpha=0.1) # label='pos') # plot also the other strand if signal_mean.shape[1] == 2: ax[i].plot(np.arange(1, len(signal_mean) + 1), signal_mean[:, 1], label='neg') if n_bootstrap is not None: ax[i].fill_between( np.arange(1, len(signal_mean) + 1), signal_mean[:, 1] - 2 * signal_std[:, 1], signal_mean[:, 1] + 2 * signal_std[:, 1], alpha=0.1) # label='pos') ax[i].set_ylabel(f"{k}") ax[i].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax[i].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[i].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[i].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax[i].xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') if isinstance(ylim[0], list): ax[i].set_ylim(ylim[i]) if legend: ax[i].legend() for k, (contrib_score_name, values) in enumerate(ext_contribution_scores.items()): ax_id = len(tracks) + k logo = values[pattern].mean(axis=0) # Trim the pattern if necessary if rc_seq: logo = rc_fn(logo) if start_vec is not None: start = start_vec[j] logo = logo[start:(start + width)] seqlogo(logo, ax=ax[ax_id]) ax[ax_id].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax[ax_id].set_ylabel(contrib_score_name) ax[ax_id].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[ax_id].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[ax_id].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax[ax_id].xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') seqlogo(sequence, ax=ax[-1]) ax[-1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax[-1].set_ylabel("Inf. content") ax[-1].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[-1].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[-1].spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax[-1].set_xticks(list(range(0, len(sequence) + 1, 5))) if fpath_template is not None: pname = pattern.replace("/", ".") plt.savefig(fpath_template.format(pname) + '.png', dpi=600) plt.savefig(fpath_template.format(pname) + '.pdf', dpi=600) plt.close(fig) # close the figure show_figure(fig)
def plot_profiles_single(seqlet, x, tracks, importance_scores={}, figsize=(20, 2), legend=True, rotate_y=90, seq_height=1, flip_neg=False, rc_fn=lambda x: x[::-1, ::-1]): """ Plot the sequence profiles Args: x: one-hot-encoded sequence tracks: dictionary of profile tracks importance_scores: optional dictionary of importance scores """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from concise.utils.plot import seqlogo_fig, seqlogo # -------------- # extract signal seq = seqlet.extract(x) ext_importance_scores = { s: seqlet.extract(imp) for s, imp in importance_scores.items() } fig, ax = plt.subplots(1 + len(importance_scores) + len(tracks), 1, sharex=True, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [1] * len(tracks) + [seq_height] * (1 + len(importance_scores)) }) # signal for i, (k, signal) in enumerate(tracks.items()): plot_stranded_profile(seqlet.extract(signal), ax=ax[i], flip_neg=flip_neg) simple_yaxis_format(ax[i]) strip_axis(ax[i]) ax[i].set_ylabel(f"{k}", rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) if legend: ax[i].legend() # ----------- # importance scores (seqlogo) # ----------- max_scale = max([ np.maximum(v, 0).sum(axis=-1).max() for v in ext_importance_scores.values() ]) min_scale = min([ np.minimum(v, 0).sum(axis=-1).min() for v in ext_importance_scores.values() ]) for k, (imp_score_name, logo) in enumerate(ext_importance_scores.items()): ax_id = len(tracks) + k # plot ax[ax_id].set_ylim([min_scale, max_scale]) ax[ax_id].axhline(y=0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='grey') seqlogo(logo, ax=ax[ax_id]) # style simple_yaxis_format(ax[ax_id]) strip_axis(ax[ax_id]) # ax[ax_id].set_ylabel(imp_score_name) ax[ax_id].set_ylabel(imp_score_name, rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) # va='bottom', # ----------- # information content (seqlogo) # ----------- # plot seqlogo(seq, ax=ax[-1]) # style simple_yaxis_format(ax[-1]) strip_axis(ax[-1]) ax[-1].set_ylabel("Inf. content", rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) ax[-1].set_xticks(list(range(0, len(seq) + 1, 5))) return fig
def plot_profiles( seqlets_by_pattern, x, tracks, importance_scores={}, figsize=(20, 2), start_vec=None, width=20, legend=True, rotate_y=90, seq_height=1, ymax=None, # determine y-max n_limit=35, n_bootstrap=None, flip_neg=False, patterns=None, fpath_template=None, only_idx=None, mkdir=False, rc_fn=lambda x: x[::-1, ::-1]): """ Plot the sequence profiles Args: x: one-hot-encoded sequence tracks: dictionary of profile tracks importance_scores: optional dictionary of importance scores """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from concise.utils.plot import seqlogo_fig, seqlogo # Setup start-vec if start_vec is not None: if not isinstance(start_vec, list): start_vec = [start_vec] * len(patterns) else: start_vec = [0] * len(patterns) width = len(x) if patterns is None: patterns = list(seqlets_by_pattern) # aggregated profiles d_signal_patterns = { pattern: { k: aggregate_profiles(extract_signal( y, seqlets_by_pattern[pattern])[:, start_vec[ip]:(start_vec[ip] + width)], n_bootstrap=n_bootstrap, only_idx=only_idx) for k, y in tracks.items() } for ip, pattern in enumerate(patterns) } if ymax is None: # infer ymax def take_max(x, dx): if dx is None: return x.max() else: # HACK - hard-coded 2 return (x + 2 * dx).max() ymax = [ max([ take_max(*d_signal_patterns[pattern][k]) for pattern in patterns ]) for k in tracks ] # loop through all the tracks if not isinstance(ymax, list): ymax = [ymax] * len(tracks) figs = [] for i, pattern in enumerate(tqdm(patterns)): j = i # -------------- # extract signal seqs = extract_signal( x, seqlets_by_pattern[pattern])[:, start_vec[i]:(start_vec[i] + width)] ext_importance_scores = { s: extract_signal( imp, seqlets_by_pattern[pattern])[:, start_vec[i]:(start_vec[i] + width)] for s, imp in importance_scores.items() } d_signal = d_signal_patterns[pattern] # -------------- if only_idx is None: sequence = ic_scale(seqs.mean(axis=0)) else: sequence = seqs[only_idx] n = len(seqs) if n < n_limit: continue fig, ax = plt.subplots(1 + len(importance_scores) + len(tracks), 1, sharex=True, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={ 'height_ratios': [1] * len(tracks) + [seq_height] * (1 + len(importance_scores)) }) # signal ax[0].set_title(f"{pattern} ({n})") for i, (k, signal) in enumerate(d_signal.items()): signal_mean, signal_std = d_signal_patterns[pattern][k] plot_stranded_profile(signal_mean, ax=ax[i], ymax=ymax[i], profile_std=signal_std, flip_neg=flip_neg) simple_yaxis_format(ax[i]) strip_axis(ax[i]) ax[i].set_ylabel(f"{k}", rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) if legend: ax[i].legend() # ----------- # importance scores (seqlogo) # ----------- # average the importance scores if only_idx is None: norm_importance_scores = { k: v.mean(axis=0) for k, v in ext_importance_scores.items() } else: norm_importance_scores = { k: v[only_idx] for k, v in ext_importance_scores.items() } max_scale = max([ np.maximum(v, 0).sum(axis=-1).max() for v in norm_importance_scores.values() ]) min_scale = min([ np.minimum(v, 0).sum(axis=-1).min() for v in norm_importance_scores.values() ]) for k, (imp_score_name, logo) in enumerate(norm_importance_scores.items()): ax_id = len(tracks) + k # Trim the pattern if necessary # plot ax[ax_id].set_ylim([min_scale, max_scale]) ax[ax_id].axhline(y=0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='grey') seqlogo(logo, ax=ax[ax_id]) # style simple_yaxis_format(ax[ax_id]) strip_axis(ax[ax_id]) # ax[ax_id].set_ylabel(imp_score_name) ax[ax_id].set_ylabel(imp_score_name, rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) # va='bottom', # ----------- # information content (seqlogo) # ----------- # plot seqlogo(sequence, ax=ax[-1]) # style simple_yaxis_format(ax[-1]) strip_axis(ax[-1]) ax[-1].set_ylabel("Inf. content", rotation=rotate_y, ha='right', labelpad=5) ax[-1].set_xticks(list(range(0, len(sequence) + 1, 5))) figs.append(fig) # save to file if fpath_template is not None: pname = pattern.replace("/", ".") basepath = fpath_template.format(pname=pname, pattern=pattern) if mkdir: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(basepath), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(basepath + '.png', dpi=600) plt.savefig(basepath + '.pdf', dpi=600) plt.close(fig) # close the figure show_figure(fig) return figs
def plot_patterns(patterns, tasks, pattern_trim=(24, 41), fp_slice=slice(10, 190), n_blank=1): df_info = get_df_info(patterns, tasks) max_vals = {t: df_info.max()[t + "_max"] for t in tasks} fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(patterns), 3 + len(tasks), figsize=get_figsize(1, aspect=1.2)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) # Get the ylim for each TF contrib_ylim = { tf: (min([ p.contrib[p.attrs['TF']].min() for p in patterns if p.attrs['TF'] == tf ]), max([ p.contrib[p.attrs['TF']].max() for p in patterns if p.attrs['TF'] == tf ])) for tf in tasks } max_digits = max([len(str(p.attrs["n_seqlets"])) for p in patterns]) for i, p in enumerate(patterns): # Motif logo ax = axes[i, 0] p = p.trim(*pattern_trim).rc() seqlogo(p.contrib[p.attrs['TF']], ax=ax) ax.set_ylim( contrib_ylim[p.attrs['TF']]) # all plots have the same shape strip_axis(ax) ax.axison = False pos1 = ax.get_position() # get the original position extra_x = pos1.width * 0.2 pos2 = [ pos1.x0, pos1.y0 + pos1.height * 0.4, pos1.width + extra_x, pos1.height * .5 ] ax.set_position(pos2) # set a new position if i == 0: ax.set_title("Importance\nscore") # Text columns before if "/" in pid ="_")[-1] else: pid ="m0_p", "") # Oct4/1 150 # str_n_seqlets = "%*d" % (max_digits, p.attrs["n_seqlets"]) ax.text(-9, 0, p.attrs["TF"] + "/" + pid, fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='right') ax.text(-1, 0, str(p.attrs['n_seqlets']), fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='right') ax = axes[i, 1] seqlogo(p.get_seq_ic(), ax=ax) ax.set_ylim([0, 2]) # all plots have the same shape strip_axis(ax) ax.axison = False pos1 = ax.get_position() # get the original position pos2 = [ pos1.x0 + extra_x, pos1.y0 + pos1.height * 0.4, pos1.width + extra_x, pos1.height * .5 ] ax.set_position(pos2) # set a new position if i == 0: ax.set_title("Sequence\ninfo. content") # ax.text(22, 1, i_to_motif_names[i], fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center') ax = axes[i, 2] blank_ax(ax) pos1 = ax.get_position() # get the original position pos2 = [ pos1.x0 + extra_x * 2, pos1.y0 + pos1.height * 0.4, pos1.width - 2 * extra_x, pos1.height * .5 ] ax.set_position(pos2) # set a new position # if i == 0: # ax.set_title("Assumed\nmotif") # Profile columns for j, task in enumerate(tasks): ax = axes[i, 3 + j] fp = p.profile[task] ax.plot(fp[fp_slice, 0], color=tf_colors[task]) ax.plot(-fp[fp_slice, 1], color=tf_colors[task], alpha=0.5) # negative strand ax.set_ylim([-max_vals[task], max_vals[task]]) # all plots have the same shape strip_axis(ax) ax.axison = False if i == 0: ax.set_title(task) return fig
print("unsuccessfull parsing. letter: " + let) # A, D, O, P dragonn.plot.standardize_polygons_str(O) ax = plt.gca() add_letter_to_axis(ax, "P", 0, 0, 1) all_polygons = {l: globals()[l] for l in string.ascii_uppercase} seqlogo(pwm, "DNA") seqlogo(pwm, "RNA") seqlogo(pwm, "AA") aa_matrix = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (10, len(VOCAB_colors["AA"]))) seqlogo(aa_matrix, "AA") aa_matrix = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (10, len(VOCAB_colors["AA"]))) seqlogo(aa_matrix, "AA")