Example #1
def install_with_pip(prefix, index, specs):
    r = Resolve(index)
    for_conda = []

    except StopIteration:
        print("Pip not found, running `conda install pip` ...")
            install_package(prefix, 'pip')
        except Exception as e:
            print("Could not install pip --- continuing...")
            return specs

    for s in specs:
        except StopIteration:
            if s == 'pip':
            print("Conda package not available for %s, attempting to install "
                  "via pip" % s)
            pip_install(prefix, s)
    return for_conda
Example #2
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Example #3
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2["package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["package2"],
        "name": "package1",
        "requires": ["package2"],
        "version": "1.0",
    index2["package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["package1"],
        "name": "package2",
        "requires": ["package1"],
        "version": "1.0",
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec("package1"))) == {"package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2"}
    assert set(r.get_dists(["package1"]).keys()) == {"package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2", "package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2"}
    assert (
        == r.solve(["package2"])
        == r.solve(["package1", "package2"])
        == ["package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2", "package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2"]
Example #4
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Example #5
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.solve(['package1']) == r.solve(['package2']) == \
        r.solve(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Example #6
def install_from_pypi(prefix, index, specs):
    r = Resolve(index)
    for_conda = []
    for s in specs:
        except StopIteration:
            print("Conda package not available for %s, attempting to create "
                  "and install conda package from pypi" % s)
            recipedir = create_recipe(s)
            pkgname = build_package(prefix, recipedir)
            install_package(prefix, pkgname)
    return for_conda
Example #7
def test_optional_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2 >1.0 (optional)'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': [],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': [],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-2.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': [],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': [],
        'version': '2.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == [
    assert r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == r.install(['package1', 'package2 >1.0']) == [
    assert raises(UnsatisfiableError, lambda: r.install(['package1', 'package2 <2.0']))
    assert raises(UnsatisfiableError, lambda: r.install(['package1', 'package2 1.0']))
Example #8
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': '0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['package2'],
            'name': 'package1',
            'requires': ['package2'],
            'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': '0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['package1'],
            'name': 'package2',
            'requires': ['package1'],
            'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Example #9
def execute(specs: List[str], r: Resolve) -> None:
    mspecs = [MatchSpec(m) for m in specs]

    unmet_dependency = None  # type: Union[None, str]
    pkgs = implicated_packages(specs, r)
    unmet_depgraph = {}  # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]

    # mapping from package name to all of the filenames that are plausible
    # installation candidates for that package
    valid = {}  # type: Dict

    # when all of the plausible installation candidates for a package are
    # removed from ``valid``, we record the reason for that exclusion in
    # this dict, which maps package names to descriptions (english strings).
    exclusion_reasons = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict

    for pkg in pkgs:
            # if we have a matchspec for this package, get the valid files
            # for it.
            ms = next((ms for ms in mspecs if ms.name == MatchSpec(pkg).name))
        except StopIteration:
            # if this package is an indirect dependency, we just have the name,
            # so we get all of the candidate files
            ms = MatchSpec(pkg)
        valid[pkg] = list(r.find_matches(ms))

    while True:
        # in each iteration of this loop, we try to prune out some packages
        # from the valid dict.

        # first, record the number of filenames in the valid dict. use this
        # to ditect convergence and control terminatio of the while loop.
        pre_length = sum(len(fns) for fns in valid.values())

        # iterate over the items in ``valid`` with the keys in the order
        # of pkgs, so that we go up the dependency chain.
        for key, fns in zip(pkgs, (valid[pkg] for pkg in pkgs)):

            # map filenames to a dict whose keys are the MatchSpecs
            # that this file depends on, and the values are whether
            # or not that MatchSpec currently has *any* valid files that
            # would satisfy it.
            satisfied = {fn: deps_are_satisfiable(fn, valid, r) for fn in fns}

            # files can only stay in valid if each of their dependencies
            # is satisfiable.
            valid[key] = {
                for fn, sat in satisfied.items() if all(sat.values())

            # if a certain package now has zero valid installation candidates,
            # we want to record a string to help explain why.
            if len(valid[key]) == 0 and key not in exclusion_reasons:
                unmet_depgraph[key] = {
                    for ms2sat in satisfied.values() for ms in ms2sat
                    if not ms2sat[ms]

                fn2coloreddeps = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
                for fn, sat in satisfied.items():
                    parts = [
                        colored(d.spec, 'green' if sat[d] else 'red')
                        for d in sorted(sat, key=lambda m: m.spec)
                    fn2coloreddeps[fn] = ', '.join(parts)

                lines = ['No %s binary matches specs:' % colored(key, 'blue')]
                max_fn_length = max(len(fn) for fn in fn2coloreddeps.keys())
                fn_spec = '%-{0:d}s'.format(max_fn_length - 6)
                for fn in sorted(fn2coloreddeps.keys(), reverse=True):
                    coloreddeps = fn2coloreddeps[fn]
                    # strip off the '.tar.bz2' when making the printout
                        ('  ', fn_spec % (fn[:-8] + ': '), coloreddeps)))
                exclusion_reasons[key] = '\n'.join(lines)

                # if a package with zero installation candidates is *required*
                # (in the user's supplied specs), then we know we've failed.
                if any(key == ms.name for ms in mspecs):
                    unmet_dependency = key

        # convergence without any invalidated packages, so we can't generate
        # a hint :(
        post_length = sum(len(fns) for fns in valid.values())
        if pre_length == post_length:

        if unmet_dependency is not None:
            print_output(unmet_dependency, exclusion_reasons, unmet_depgraph)

        return None
Example #10
def deps_are_satisfiable(fn: str, valid: Dict[str, List[str]],
                         r: Resolve) -> Dict[MatchSpec, bool]:
    return {
        ms: any(depfn in valid[ms.name] for depfn in r.find_matches(ms))
        for ms in r.ms_depends(fn)
Example #11
def test_nonexistent_deps():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index2['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    target_result = r.install(['mypackage'])
    assert target_result == r.install(['mypackage 1.1'])
    assert target_result == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0']))
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0', 'burgertime 1.0']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [

    # This time, the latest version is messed up
    index3 = index.copy()
    index3['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index3['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index3 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index3)}
    r = Resolve(index3)

    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert r.install(['mypackage']) == r.install(['mypackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.1']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname))for dname in [

    # If recursive checking is working correctly, this will give
    # anotherpackage 2.0, not anotherpackage 1.0
    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname))for dname in [
Example #12
def test_nonexistent_deps():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2["mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "python 3.3*", "notarealpackage 2.0*"],
        "name": "mypackage",
        "requires": ["nose 1.2.1", "python 3.3"],
        "version": "1.0",
    index2["mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "python 3.3*"],
        "name": "mypackage",
        "requires": ["nose 1.2.1", "python 3.3"],
        "version": "1.1",
    index2["anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "mypackage 1.1"],
        "name": "anotherpackage",
        "requires": ["nose", "mypackage 1.1"],
        "version": "1.0",
    index2["anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "mypackage"],
        "name": "anotherpackage",
        "requires": ["nose", "mypackage"],
        "version": "2.0",
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec("mypackage"))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(["mypackage"]).keys()) == {

    assert set(r.get_dists(["mypackage"], max_only=True).keys()) == {

    assert (
        == r.solve(["mypackage 1.1"])
        == [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.solve(["mypackage 1.0"]))

    assert r.solve(["anotherpackage 1.0"]) == [

    assert r.solve(["anotherpackage"]) == [

    # This time, the latest version is messed up
    index3 = index.copy()
    index3["mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "python 3.3*", "notarealpackage 2.0*"],
        "name": "mypackage",
        "requires": ["nose 1.2.1", "python 3.3"],
        "version": "1.1",
    index3["mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "python 3.3*"],
        "name": "mypackage",
        "requires": ["nose 1.2.1", "python 3.3"],
        "version": "1.0",
    index3["anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "mypackage 1.0"],
        "name": "anotherpackage",
        "requires": ["nose", "mypackage 1.0"],
        "version": "1.0",
    index3["anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2"] = {
        "build": "py33_0",
        "build_number": 0,
        "depends": ["nose", "mypackage"],
        "name": "anotherpackage",
        "requires": ["nose", "mypackage"],
        "version": "2.0",
    r = Resolve(index3)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec("mypackage"))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(["mypackage"]).keys()) == {

    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.get_dists(["mypackage"], max_only=True))

    assert (
        == r.solve(["mypackage 1.0"])
        == [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.solve(["mypackage 1.1"]))

    assert r.solve(["anotherpackage 1.0"]) == [

    # If recursive checking is working correctly, this will give
    # anotherpackage 2.0, not anotherpackage 1.0
    assert r.solve(["anotherpackage"]) == [
Example #13
def test_nonexistent_deps():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index2['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert r.install(['mypackage']) == r.install(['mypackage 1.1']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0']))
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0', 'burgertime 1.0']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [

    # This time, the latest version is messed up
    index3 = index.copy()
    index3['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index3['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = Record(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index3 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index3)}
    r = Resolve(index3)

    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert r.install(['mypackage']) == r.install(['mypackage 1.0']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.1']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [

    # If recursive checking is working correctly, this will give
    # anotherpackage 2.0, not anotherpackage 1.0
    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [Dist(dname) for dname in [
Example #14
def test_nonexistent_deps():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index2['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert set(r.get_dists(['mypackage'], max_only=True).keys()) == {

    assert r.solve(['mypackage']) == r.solve(['mypackage 1.1']) == [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.solve(['mypackage 1.0']))

    assert r.solve(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [

    assert r.solve(['anotherpackage']) == [

    # This time, the latest version is messed up
    index3 = index.copy()
    index3['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index3['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    r = Resolve(index3)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.get_dists(['mypackage'], max_only=True))

    assert r.solve(['mypackage']) == r.solve(['mypackage 1.0']) == [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFound, lambda: r.solve(['mypackage 1.1']))

    assert r.solve(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [

    # If recursive checking is working correctly, this will give
    # anotherpackage 2.0, not anotherpackage 1.0
    assert r.solve(['anotherpackage']) == [
Example #15
def execute(specs: List[str], r: Resolve) -> None:
    mspecs = [MatchSpec(m) for m in specs]

    unmet_dependency = None  # type: Union[None, str]
    pkgs = implicated_packages(specs, r)
    unmet_depgraph = {}  # type: Dict[str, Set[str]]

    # mapping from package name to all of the filenames that are plausible
    # installation candidates for that package
    valid = {}  # type: Dict

    # when all of the plausible installation candidates for a package are
    # removed from ``valid``, we record the reason for that exclusion in
    # this dict, which maps package names to descriptions (english strings).
    exclusion_reasons = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict

    for pkg in pkgs:
            # if we have a matchspec for this package, get the valid files
            # for it.
            ms = next((ms for ms in mspecs if ms.name == MatchSpec(pkg).name))
        except StopIteration:
            # if this package is an indirect dependency, we just have the name,
            # so we get all of the candidate files
            ms = MatchSpec(pkg)
        valid[pkg] = list(r.find_matches(ms))

    while True:
        # in each iteration of this loop, we try to prune out some packages
        # from the valid dict.

        # first, record the number of filenames in the valid dict. use this
        # to ditect convergence and control terminatio of the while loop.
        pre_length = sum(len(fns) for fns in valid.values())

        # iterate over the items in ``valid`` with the keys in the order
        # of pkgs, so that we go up the dependency chain.
        for key, fns in zip(pkgs, (valid[pkg] for pkg in pkgs)):

            # map filenames to a dict whose keys are the MatchSpecs
            # that this file depends on, and the values are whether
            # or not that MatchSpec currently has *any* valid files that
            # would satisfy it.
            satisfied = {fn: deps_are_satisfiable(fn, valid, r) for fn in fns}

            # files can only stay in valid if each of their dependencies
            # is satisfiable.
            valid[key] = {fn for fn, sat in satisfied.items()
                          if all(sat.values())}

            # if a certain package now has zero valid installation candidates,
            # we want to record a string to help explain why.
            if len(valid[key]) == 0 and key not in exclusion_reasons:
                unmet_depgraph[key] =  {ms.name for ms2sat in satisfied.values()
                                                for ms in ms2sat if not ms2sat[ms]}

                fn2coloreddeps = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
                for fn, sat in satisfied.items():
                    parts = [colored(d.spec, 'green' if sat[d] else 'red')
                             for d in sorted(sat, key=lambda m: m.spec)]
                    fn2coloreddeps[fn] = ', '.join(parts)

                lines = ['No %s binary matches specs:' % colored(key, 'blue')]
                max_fn_length = max(len(fn) for fn in fn2coloreddeps.keys())
                fn_spec = '%-{0:d}s'.format(max_fn_length-6)
                for fn in sorted(fn2coloreddeps.keys(), reverse=True):
                    coloreddeps = fn2coloreddeps[fn]
                    # strip off the '.tar.bz2' when making the printout
                    lines.append(''.join(('  ', fn_spec % (fn[:-8] + ': '), coloreddeps)))
                exclusion_reasons[key] = '\n'.join(lines)

                # if a package with zero installation candidates is *required*
                # (in the user's supplied specs), then we know we've failed.
                if any(key == ms.name for ms in mspecs):
                    unmet_dependency = key

        # convergence without any invalidated packages, so we can't generate
        # a hint :(
        post_length = sum(len(fns) for fns in valid.values())
        if pre_length == post_length:

        if unmet_dependency is not None:
            print_output(unmet_dependency, exclusion_reasons, unmet_depgraph)

        return None
Example #16
def deps_are_satisfiable(fn: str, valid: Dict[str, List[str]], r: Resolve) -> Dict[MatchSpec, bool]:
    return {
        ms: any(depfn in valid[ms.name]
                for depfn in r.find_matches(ms))
        for ms in r.ms_depends(fn)