Example #1
def close_out_labels(
    ctx: GithubContext,
    pr_json: LazyJson,
    gh: Optional[github3.GitHub] = None,
    dry_run: bool = False,
) -> Optional[dict]:
    gh = ensure_gh(ctx, gh)
    # run this twice so we always have the latest info (eg a thing was already closed)
    if pr_json["state"] != "closed" and "bot-rerun" in [
            l["name"] for l in pr_json.get("labels", [])
        # update
        if dry_run:
            print("dry run: checking pr %s" % pr_json["id"])
            pr_obj = github3.pulls.PullRequest(dict(pr_json), gh)
            pr_json = pr_obj.as_dict()

    if pr_json["state"] != "closed" and "bot-rerun" in [
            l["name"] for l in pr_json.get("labels", [])
        if dry_run:
            print("dry run: comment and close pr %s" % pr_json["id"])
                "Due to the `bot-rerun` label I'm closing "
                "this PR. I will make another one as"
                " appropriate. This was generated by {}".format(
                    ctx.circle_build_url), )
            delete_branch(ctx=ctx, pr_json=pr_json, dry_run=dry_run)
        return pr_obj.as_dict()
    return None
Example #2
def close_out_dirty_prs(
    ctx: GithubContext,
    pr_json: LazyJson,
    gh: Optional[github3.GitHub] = None,
    dry_run: bool = False,
) -> Optional[dict]:
    gh = ensure_gh(ctx, gh)
    # run this twice so we always have the latest info (eg a thing was already closed)
    if pr_json["state"] != "closed" and pr_json["mergeable_state"] == "dirty":
        # update
        if dry_run:
            print("dry run: checking pr %s" % pr_json["id"])
            pr_json = lazy_update_pr_json(pr_json, ctx)

    if (pr_json["state"] != "closed" and pr_json["mergeable_state"] == "dirty"
            and not pr_json.get("draft", False)):
        d = dict(pr_json)

        if dry_run:
            print("dry run: comment and close pr %s" % pr_json["id"])
            pr_obj = get_pr_obj_from_pr_json(pr_json, gh)

            if all(c.as_dict()["commit"]["author"]["name"] in CF_BOT_NAMES
                   for c in pr_obj.commits()):
                    "I see that this PR has conflicts, and I'm the only committer. "
                    "I'm going to close this PR and will make another one as"
                    " appropriate. This was generated by {}".format(
                        ctx.circle_build_url, ), )

                delete_branch(ctx=ctx, pr_json=pr_json, dry_run=dry_run)

                pr_json = lazy_update_pr_json(pr_json, ctx)
                d = dict(pr_json)

                # This will cause the _update_nodes_with_bot_rerun to trigger
                # properly and shouldn't be overridden since
                # this is the last function to run, the long term solution here
                # is to add the bot to conda-forge and then
                # it should have label adding capability and we can just add
                # the label properly

        return d

    return None
Example #3
def refresh_pr(
    ctx: GithubContext,
    pr_json: LazyJson,
    gh: Optional[github3.GitHub] = None,
    dry_run: bool = False,
) -> Optional[dict]:
    if not pr_json["state"] == "closed":
        if dry_run:
            print("dry run: refresh pr %s" % pr_json["id"])
            pr_dict = dict(pr_json)
            pr_json = lazy_update_pr_json(copy.deepcopy(pr_json), ctx)

            # if state passed from opened to merged or if it
            # closed for a day delete the branch
            if pr_json["state"] == "closed" and pr_json.get(
                    "merged_at", False):
                delete_branch(ctx=ctx, pr_json=pr_json, dry_run=dry_run)
            pr_dict = dict(pr_json)

        return pr_dict

    return None