Example #1
def res_temp_reset_gridded(inst: Entity):
    """Temporary result - reset gridded state on a surface.

    Used for antline routers to undo ItemLightStrip's 4x4 texturing.
    This should be removed after geometry is done.
    pos = Vec(0, 0, -64)
    norm = Vec(z=-1).rotate_by_str(inst['angles'])
    for axis in 'xyz':
        # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
        # those are already fine.
        if not norm[axis]:
            pos[axis] //= 128
            pos[axis] *= 128
            pos[axis] += 64
    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)

    if brush is None:

    if brush.color is template_brush.MAT_TYPES.white:
        brush.face.mat = const.WhitePan.WHITE_1x1
        brush.face.mat = const.BlackPan.BLACK_1
Example #2
def flag_brush_at_loc(inst, flag):
    """Checks to see if a wall is present at the given location.

    - Pos is the position of the brush, where `0 0 0` is the floor-position
       of the brush.
    - Dir is the normal the face is pointing. (0 0 -1) is 'up'.
    - Type defines the type the brush must be:
      - "Any" requires either a black or white brush.
      - "None" means that no brush must be present.
      - "White" requires a portalable surface.
      - "Black" requires a non-portalable surface.
    - SetVar defines an instvar which will be given a value of "black",
      "white" or "none" to allow the result to be reused.
    - If gridPos is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
      the 128 brushes (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).
    - RemoveBrush: If set to 1, the brush will be removed if found.
      Only do this to EmbedFace brushes, since it will remove the other
      sides as well.
    from conditions import VMF
    pos = Vec.from_str(flag['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = Vec.from_str(flag['dir', '0 0 -1']).rotate_by_str(
        inst['angles', '0 0 0']

    if utils.conv_bool(flag['gridpos', '0']):
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if norm[axis] == 0:
                pos[axis] = pos[axis] // 128 * 128 + 64

    result_var = flag['setVar', '']
    should_remove = utils.conv_bool(flag['RemoveBrush', False], False)
    des_type = flag['type', 'any'].casefold()

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)

    if brush is None or brush.normal != norm:
        br_type = 'none'
        br_type = str(brush.color)
        if should_remove:

    if result_var:
        inst.fixup[result_var] = br_type

    if des_type == 'any' and br_type != 'none':
        return True

    return des_type == br_type
Example #3
def flag_brush_at_loc(inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Checks to see if a wall is present at the given location.

    - Pos is the position of the brush, where `0 0 0` is the floor-position
       of the brush.
    - Dir is the normal the face is pointing. (0 0 -1) is 'up'.
    - Type defines the type the brush must be:
      - "Any" requires either a black or white brush.
      - "None" means that no brush must be present.
      - "White" requires a portalable surface.
      - "Black" requires a non-portalable surface.
    - SetVar defines an instvar which will be given a value of "black",
      "white" or "none" to allow the result to be reused.
    - If gridPos is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
      the 128 brushes (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).
    - RemoveBrush: If set to 1, the brush will be removed if found.
      Only do this to EmbedFace brushes, since it will remove the other
      sides as well.
    from conditions import VMF
    pos = Vec.from_str(flag['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = flag['dir', None]
    if norm is not None:
        norm = Vec.from_str(norm).rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'], )

    if srctools.conv_bool(flag['gridpos', '0']) and norm is not None:
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if norm[axis] == 0:
                pos[axis] = pos[axis] // 128 * 128 + 64

    result_var = flag['setVar', '']
    should_remove = srctools.conv_bool(flag['RemoveBrush', False], False)
    des_type = flag['type', 'any'].casefold()

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)

    if brush is None or (norm is not None and abs(brush.normal) != abs(norm)):
        br_type = 'none'
        br_type = str(brush.color)
        if should_remove:
            VMF.remove_brush(brush.solid, )

    if result_var:
        inst.fixup[result_var] = br_type

    if des_type == 'any' and br_type != 'none':
        return True

    return des_type == br_type
Example #4
def res_set_texture(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Set the brush face at a location to a particular texture.

    pos is the position, relative to the instance
      (0 0 0 is the floor-surface).
    dir is the normal of the texture.
    If gridPos is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
     the 128 brushes (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).

    tex is the texture used.
    If tex begins and ends with '<>', certain
    textures will be used based on style:
    - '<delete>' will remove the brush entirely (it should be hollow).
      Caution should be used to ensure no leaks occur.
    - '<special>' the brush will be given a special texture
      like angled and flip panels.
    - '<white>' and '<black>' will use the regular textures for the
      given color.
    - '<white-2x2>', '<white-4x4>', '<black-2x2>', '<black-4x4'> will use
      the given wall-sizes. If on floors or ceilings these always use 4x4.
    - '<2x2>' or '<4x4>' will force to the given wall-size, keeping color.
    - '<special-white>' and '<special-black>' will use a special texture
       of the given color.
    If tex begins and ends with '[]', it is an option in the 'Textures' list.
    These are composed of a group and texture, separated by '.'. 'white.wall'
    are the white wall textures; 'special.goo' is the goo texture.

    If 'template' is set, the template should be an axis aligned cube. This
    will be rotated by the instance angles, and then the face with the same
    orientation will be applied to the face (with the rotation and texture).
    import vbsp
    pos = Vec.from_str(res['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = Vec.from_str(res['dir', '0 0 -1']).rotate_by_str(inst['angles',
                                                                 '0 0 0'])

    if srctools.conv_bool(res['gridpos', '0']):
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if not norm[axis]:
                pos[axis] //= 128
                pos[axis] *= 128
                pos[axis] += 64

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)
    ':type brush: solidGroup'

    if not brush or brush.normal != norm:

    face_to_mod = brush.face  # type: Side

    # Don't allow this to get overwritten later.

    temp = res['template', None]
    if temp:
        # Grab the scaling template and apply it to the brush.

    tex = res['tex']

    if tex.startswith('[') and tex.endswith(']'):
        face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(tex[1:-1])
    elif tex.startswith('<') and tex.endswith('>'):
        # Special texture names!
        tex = tex[1:-1].casefold()
        if tex == 'delete':

        if tex == 'white':
            face_to_mod.mat = 'tile/white_wall_tile003a'
        elif tex == 'black':
            face_to_mod.mat = 'metal/black_wall_metal_002c'

        if tex == 'black' or tex == 'white':
            # For these two, run the regular logic to apply textures
            # correctly.
                vbsp_options.get(bool, 'tile_texture_lock'),

        if tex == 'special':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(face_to_mod, str(brush.color))
        elif tex == 'special-white':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(face_to_mod, 'white')
        elif tex == 'special-black':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(brush.face, 'black')

        # Do <4x4>, <white-2x4>, etc
        color = str(brush.color)
        if tex.startswith('black') or tex.endswith('white'):
            # Override the color used for 2x2/4x4 brushes
            color = tex[:5]
        if tex.endswith('2x2') or tex.endswith('4x4'):
            # 4x4 and 2x2 instructions are ignored on floors and ceilings.
            orient = vbsp.get_face_orient(face_to_mod)
            if orient == vbsp.ORIENT.wall:
                face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(color + '.' + tex[-3:])
                face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(color + '.' + str(orient))
        face_to_mod.mat = tex
Example #5
def res_set_texture(inst, res):
    """Set the brush face at a location to a particular texture.

    pos is the position, relative to the instance
      (0 0 0 is the floor-surface).
    dir is the normal of the texture.
    If gridPos is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
     the 128 brushes (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).

    tex is the texture used.
    If tex begins and ends with '<>', certain
    textures will be used based on style:
    - If tex is '<special>', the brush will be given a special texture
      like angled and clear panels.
    - '<white>' and '<black>' will use the regular textures for the
      given color.
    - '<white-2x2>', '<white-4x4>', '<black-2x2>', '<black-4x4'> will use
      the given wall-sizes. If on floors or ceilings these always use 4x4.
    - '<2x2>' or '<4x4>' will force to the given wall-size, keeping color.
    - '<special-white>' and '<special-black>' will use a special texture
       of the given color.
    If tex begins and ends with '[]', it is an option in the 'Textures' list.
    These are composed of a group and texture, separated by '.'. 'white.wall'
    are the white wall textures; 'special.goo' is the goo texture.
    import vbsp
    pos = Vec.from_str(res['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = Vec.from_str(res['dir', '0 0 -1']).rotate_by_str(
        inst['angles', '0 0 0']

    if utils.conv_bool(res['gridpos', '0']):
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if not norm[axis]:
                pos[axis] //= 128
                pos[axis] *= 128
                pos[axis] += 64

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)
    ':type brush: solidGroup'

    if not brush or brush.normal != norm:

    tex = res['tex']

    if tex.startswith('[') and tex.endswith(']'):
        brush.face.mat = vbsp.get_tex(tex[1:-1])
        brush.face.mat = tex
    elif tex.startswith('<') and tex.endswith('>'):
        # Special texture names!
        tex = tex[1:-1].casefold()
        if tex == 'white':
            brush.face.mat = 'tile/white_wall_tile003a'
        elif tex == 'black':
            brush.face.mat = 'metal/black_wall_metal_002c'

        if tex == 'black' or tex == 'white':
            # For these two, run the regular logic to apply textures
            # correctly.
                vbsp.get_bool_opt('tile_texture_lock', True),

        if tex == 'special':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(brush.face, str(brush.color))
        elif tex == 'special-white':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(brush.face, 'white')
        elif tex == 'special-black':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(brush.face, 'black')

        # Do <4x4>, <white-2x4>, etc
        color = str(brush.color)
        if tex.startswith('black') or tex.endswith('white'):
            # Override the color used for 2x2/4x4 brushes
            color = tex[:5]
        if tex.endswith('2x2') or tex.endswith('4x4'):
            # 4x4 and 2x2 instructions are ignored on floors and ceilings.
            orient = vbsp.get_face_orient(brush.face)
            if orient == vbsp.ORIENT.wall:
                brush.face.mat = vbsp.get_tex(
                    color + '.' + tex[-3:]
                brush.face.mat = vbsp.get_tex(
                    color + '.' + str(orient)
        brush.face.mat = tex

    # Don't allow this to get overwritten later.
Example #6
def flag_brush_at_loc(vmf: VMF, inst: Entity, flag: Property):
    """Checks to see if a wall is present at the given location.

    - `Pos` is the position of the brush, where `0 0 0` is the floor-position
       of the brush.
    - `Dir` is the normal the face is pointing. `(0 0 -1)` is up.
    - `Type` defines the type the brush must be:
      - `Any` requires either a black or white brush.
      - `None` means that no brush must be present.
      - `White` requires a portalable surface.
      - `Black` requires a non-portalable surface.
    - `SetVar` defines an instvar which will be given a value of `black`,
      `white` or `none` to allow the result to be reused.
    - If `gridPos` is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
      the 128 grid (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).
    - `RemoveBrush`: If set to `1`, the brush will be removed if found.
      Only do this to `EmbedFace` brushes, since it will remove the other
      sides as well.
    pos = Vec.from_str(flag['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = flag['dir', None]
    if norm is not None:
        norm = Vec.from_str(norm).rotate_by_str(
            inst['angles', '0 0 0'],

    if srctools.conv_bool(flag['gridpos', '0']) and norm is not None:
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if norm[axis] == 0:
                pos[axis] = pos[axis] // 128 * 128 + 64

    result_var = flag['setVar', '']
    should_remove = srctools.conv_bool(flag['RemoveBrush', False], False)
    des_type = flag['type', 'any'].casefold()

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)

    if brush is None or (norm is not None and abs(brush.normal) != abs(norm)):
        br_type = 'none'
        br_type = str(brush.color)
        if should_remove:

    if result_var:
        inst.fixup[result_var] = br_type

    if des_type == 'any' and br_type != 'none':
        return True

    return des_type == br_type
Example #7
def res_set_texture(inst: Entity, res: Property):
    """Set the brush face at a location to a particular texture.

    pos is the position, relative to the instance
      (0 0 0 is the floor-surface).
    dir is the normal of the texture.
    If gridPos is true, the position will be snapped so it aligns with
     the 128 brushes (Useful with fizzler/light strip items).

    tex is the texture used.
    If tex begins and ends with `<>`, certain
    textures will be used based on style:
    - `<delete>` will remove the brush entirely (it should be hollow).
      Caution should be used to ensure no leaks occur.
    - `<special>` the brush will be given a special texture
      like angled and flip panels.
    - `<white>` and `<black>` will use the regular textures for the
      given color.
    - `<white-2x2>`, `<white-4x4>`, `<black-2x2>`, `<black-4x4>` will use
      the given wall-sizes. If on floors or ceilings these always use 4x4.
    - `<2x2>` or `<4x4>` will force to the given wall-size, keeping color.
    - `<special-white>` and `<special-black>` will use a special texture
       of the given color.
    If tex begins and ends with `[]`, it is an option in the `Textures` list.
    These are composed of a group and texture, separated by `.`. `white.wall`
    are the white wall textures; `special.goo` is the goo texture.

    If `template` is set, the template should be an axis aligned cube. This
    will be rotated by the instance angles, and then the face with the same
    orientation will be applied to the face (with the rotation and texture).
    import vbsp
    pos = Vec.from_str(res['pos', '0 0 0'])
    pos.z -= 64  # Subtract so origin is the floor-position
    pos = pos.rotate_by_str(inst['angles', '0 0 0'])

    # Relative to the instance origin
    pos += Vec.from_str(inst['origin', '0 0 0'])

    norm = Vec.from_str(res['dir', '0 0 -1']).rotate_by_str(
        inst['angles', '0 0 0']

    if srctools.conv_bool(res['gridpos', '0']):
        for axis in 'xyz':
            # Don't realign things in the normal's axis -
            # those are already fine.
            if not norm[axis]:
                pos[axis] //= 128
                pos[axis] *= 128
                pos[axis] += 64

    brush = SOLIDS.get(pos.as_tuple(), None)

    if not brush or brush.normal != norm:

    face_to_mod = brush.face  # type: Side

    # Don't allow this to get overwritten later.

    temp = res['template', None]
    if temp:
        # Grab the scaling template and apply it to the brush.

    tex = res['tex']

    if tex.startswith('[') and tex.endswith(']'):
        face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(tex[1:-1])
    elif tex.startswith('<') and tex.endswith('>'):
        # Special texture names!
        tex = tex[1:-1].casefold()
        if tex == 'delete':

        if tex == 'white':
            face_to_mod.mat = 'tile/white_wall_tile003a'
        elif tex == 'black':
            face_to_mod.mat = 'metal/black_wall_metal_002c'

        if tex == 'black' or tex == 'white':
            # For these two, run the regular logic to apply textures
            # correctly.
                vbsp_options.get(bool, 'tile_texture_lock'),

        if tex == 'special':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(face_to_mod, str(brush.color))
        elif tex == 'special-white':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(face_to_mod, 'white')
        elif tex == 'special-black':
            vbsp.set_special_mat(brush.face, 'black')

        # Do <4x4>, <white-2x4>, etc
        color = str(brush.color)
        if tex.startswith('black') or tex.endswith('white'):
            # Override the color used for 2x2/4x4 brushes
            color = tex[:5]
        if tex.endswith('2x2') or tex.endswith('4x4'):
            # 4x4 and 2x2 instructions are ignored on floors and ceilings.
            orient = vbsp.get_face_orient(face_to_mod)
            if orient == vbsp.ORIENT.wall:
                face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(
                    color + '.' + tex[-3:]
                face_to_mod.mat = vbsp.get_tex(
                    color + '.' + str(orient)
        face_to_mod.mat = tex