Example #1
 def handler(*args, **kwargs):
         return func(*args, **kwargs)
     except DockerMachineCannotConnectToDockerError:
         log = get_logger_for_func(func)
         log.info('It looks like the Docker machine environment variables are not set correctly.')
         log.info('Let me try to reset the Docker machine environment variables..')
         docker_machine_vm_name = docker_machine.vm_name()
         [docker_machine.set_env(env[0], env[1]) for env in docker_machine.envs(docker_machine_vm_name)]
             log.warning('To set the environment variables for each terminal session '
                         'follow the instructions of the command:')
             log.warning('  docker-machine env {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))
             return func(*args, **kwargs)
         except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError):
             log.error('Docker still cannot connect to the Docker machine VM.')
             log.error('Please set the docker environment variables.')
             log.error('Afterwards verify that docker is up and running with: docker info')
Example #2
def validate_docker_vm(vm_type):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    if vm_type is DockerVmType.DOCKER_ENGINE:
            info = terminal.docker_info()
            existing_ram, has_sufficient_ram = docker.ram_check(info)
            existing_cpu, has_sufficient_cpu = docker.cpu_check(info)

            if not has_sufficient_ram or not has_sufficient_cpu:
                if not has_sufficient_ram:
                    log.warning('Docker has insufficient RAM of {} GiB - please increase to a minimum of {} GiB'
                                .format(existing_ram, docker.DEFAULT_DOCKER_RAM_SIZE))

                if not has_sufficient_cpu:
                    log.warning('Docker has an insufficient no. of CPUs {} - please increase to a minimum of {} CPUs'
                                .format(existing_cpu, docker.DEFAULT_DOCKER_CPU_COUNT))
        except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError):
            log.error('Docker native is installed but not running.')
            log.error('Please start Docker with one of the Docker flavors based on your OS:')
            log.error('  Linux:   Docker service')
            log.error('  MacOS:   Docker for Mac')
            log.error('  Windows: Docker for Windows')
            log.error('A successful Docker startup can be verified with: docker info')

    elif vm_type is DockerVmType.DOCKER_MACHINE:
        docker_machine_vm_name = docker_machine.vm_name()

        is_docker_machine_vm_installed = docker_machine.vm_install_check(docker_machine_vm_name)
        if not is_docker_machine_vm_installed:
            log.info('Creating Docker machine VM {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))
            log.info('This will take a few minutes - please be patient..')

        is_docker_machine_started = docker_machine.running_check(docker_machine_vm_name)
        if not is_docker_machine_started:
            log.info('Starting Docker machine VM {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))

        existing_ram, has_sufficient_ram = docker_machine.ram_check(docker_machine_vm_name)
        existing_cpu, has_sufficient_cpu = docker_machine.cpu_check(docker_machine_vm_name)

        if not has_sufficient_ram or not has_sufficient_cpu:
            if not has_sufficient_ram:
                log.warning('Docker machine VM {} has insufficient RAM of {} MB - '
                            'increasing to the minimum of {} MB'

            if not has_sufficient_cpu:
                log.warning('Docker machine VM {} has an insufficient no. of CPUs {} - increasing to the minimum of {} CPU'
                            .format(docker_machine_vm_name, existing_cpu, docker_machine.DEFAULT_DOCKER_MACHINE_CPU_COUNT))

            log.info('Stopping Docker machine VM {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))

            if not has_sufficient_ram:
                log.info('Increasing Docker machine VM {} RAM to {} MB'
                         .format(docker_machine_vm_name, docker_machine.DEFAULT_DOCKER_MACHINE_RAM_SIZE))

            if not has_sufficient_cpu:
                log.info('Increasing Docker machine VM {} no. of CPUs to {}'
                         .format(docker_machine_vm_name, docker_machine.DEFAULT_DOCKER_MACHINE_CPU_COUNT))

            log.info('Starting Docker machine VM {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))

            except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError):
                log.info('It looks like the Docker machine environment variables are not set correctly.')
                log.info('Let me try to reset the Docker machine environment variables..')
                [docker_machine.set_env(env[0], env[1]) for env in docker_machine.envs(docker_machine_vm_name)]
                    log.warning('To set the environment variables for each terminal session '
                                'follow the instructions of the command:')
                    log.warning('  docker-machine env {}'.format(docker_machine_vm_name))
                except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError):
                    log.error('Docker still cannot connect to the Docker machine VM.')
                    log.error('Please set the docker environment variables.')
                    log.error('Afterwards verify that docker is up and running with: docker info')

    elif vm_type is DockerVmType.NONE:
        log.error('Neither Docker native is installed nor the Docker machine environment variables are set.')
        log.error('We recommend to use one of following the Docker distributions depending on your OS:')
        log.error('  Linux:                                         Docker Engine')
        log.error('  MacOS:                                         Docker for Mac')
        log.error('  Windows 10+ Professional or Enterprise 64-bit: Docker for Windows')
        log.error('  Other Windows:                                 Docker machine via Docker Toolbox')
        log.error('For more information checkout: https://www.docker.com/products/overview')