def get_posneg_samples(self, imgwh, pos_size, neg_size, use_whole=True, **kwargs): pos_thresh = kwargs.get('pos_thresh', ADNetConf.g()['initial_finetune']['pos_thresh']) neg_thresh = kwargs.get('neg_thresh', ADNetConf.g()['initial_finetune']['neg_thresh']) gaussian_samples = self.gen_noise_samples(imgwh, 'gaussian', pos_size * 2, kwargs=kwargs) gaussian_samples = [x for x in gaussian_samples if x.iou(self) > pos_thresh] uniform_samples = self.gen_noise_samples(imgwh, 'uniform', neg_size if use_whole else neg_size*2, kwargs=kwargs) uniform_samples = [x for x in uniform_samples if x.iou(self) < neg_thresh] if use_whole: whole_samples = self.gen_noise_samples(imgwh, 'whole', neg_size, kwargs=kwargs) whole_samples = [x for x in whole_samples if x.iou(self) < neg_thresh] else: whole_samples = [] pos_samples = [] for _ in range(pos_size): # dylan, avoid gaussian_samplesv is empty if gaussian_samples: pos_samples.append(random.choice(gaussian_samples)) neg_candidates = uniform_samples + whole_samples neg_samples = [] for _ in range(neg_size): neg_samples.append(random.choice(neg_candidates)) return pos_samples, neg_samples
def __init__(self, db='VOT', path_head='', data_path='dataset/'): super(TrackEnv, self).__init__() # Becasuse multiprocessing start env processings by 'spawn', # ADNetConf configuration in the parent processing will be invalid ADNetConf.get('conf/dylan.yaml') self.stop_iou, self.stop_cnt = ADNetConf.get()['dl_paras']['stop_iou_cnt'] self.sample_zoom = ADNetConf.g()['dl_paras']['zoom_scale'] self.out_limit = ADNetConf.g()['dl_paras']['actor_out_limt'] self.len_seq = ADNetConf.g()['dl_paras']['len_seq'] self.reward_stages = ADNetConf.g()['dl_paras']['reward_stages'] self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(4,), dtype=np.float32) ob_shape = (107, 107, 3) if len(self.sample_zoom)==1 else (len(self.sample_zoom),) + (107, 107, 3) self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=255, shape=ob_shape, dtype=np.uint8) self.data_path = data_path pkl_path = path_head + 'dataset/vot-otb.pkl' if db=='VOT' else path_head +'dataset/otb-vot.pkl' with open(pkl_path, 'rb') as f: self.dataset = pickle.load(f) self.n_seq = len(self.dataset) self.seq_names = list(self.dataset) self.min_len = 40
def extract_region(img, bbox): xy_center = bbox.xy + bbox.wh * 0.5 wh = bbox.wh * ADNetConf.get()['predict']['roi_zoom'] xy = xy_center - wh * 0.5 xy.x = max(xy.x, 0) xy.y = max(xy.y, 0) # crop and resize crop = img[xy.y:xy.y + wh.y, xy.x:xy.x + wh.x, :] resize = cv2.resize(crop, (112, 112)) return resize
def crop_resize(img, bbox, img_size=107, zoom=None): if zoom == None: zoom = ADNetConf.g()['dl_paras']['zoom_scale'] if isinstance(img, np.ndarray): img = Image.fromarray(img) if not isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox): bbox = BoundingBox(*bbox) bbox = bbox.fit_image(img.size, margin=10) patchs = [] for scale in zoom: bbox_zoomed = bbox.zoom(scale).to_xyxy2().to_tuple() patch = img.crop(bbox_zoomed).resize((img_size,img_size)) patch = np.array(patch) patchs.append(patch) return np.squeeze(np.array(patchs))
def main(): from track_policy import TrackPolicy from baselines.common import tf_util as U ADNetConf.get('../../../conf/dylan.yaml') env = TrackEnv(db='OTB', path_head='../../../', data_path="../../../dataset/") ob = env.reset(startFromFirst=True) # ob = env.reset('vot2016/hand', startFromFirst=True) actor = TrackPolicy("actor", ob_space=env.observation_space, ac_space=env.action_space, load_path='../../../log/0309_track2CnnFc12_noAct/checkpoints/01100') U.initialize() img = + env.seq_id + r'/' + env.images[0]) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) im = ax.imshow(img) gt = env.gts[0].to_tuple() gt_rect = plt.Rectangle(tuple(gt[:2]), gt[2], gt[3], linewidth=2, edgecolor="r", zorder=1, fill=False) ax.add_patch(gt_rect) rect = plt.Rectangle(tuple(gt[:2]), gt[2], gt[3], linewidth=2, edgecolor="g", zorder=1, fill=False) ax.add_patch(rect) plt.pause(.01) plt.draw() ac1, vpred1 = actor.act(stochastic=False, ob=ob) ac1 = np.clip(ac1, -1, 1) # ac1 = 5.0*np.array(cal_distance(env.gts[0], env.gts[1])) #env.render() reward_sum, cnt = 0, 0 while True: im.set_data(env.img) gt = env.gts[env.pointer].to_tuple() gt_rect.set_xy(gt[:2]) gt_rect.set_width(gt[2]-1) gt_rect.set_height(gt[3]-1) ob, reward, done, tracker_info = env.step(ac1) cnt +=1 result_bb = tracker_info['tracker_post'].to_tuple() rect.set_xy(result_bb[:2]) rect.set_width(result_bb[2]-1) rect.set_height(result_bb[3]-1) plt.pause(.01) plt.draw() reward_sum += reward if done: break # env.render() ac1, vpred1 = actor.act(stochastic=False, ob=ob) ac1 = np.clip(ac1, -1, 1) # ac1 = 5.0*np.array(cal_distance(tracker_info['tracker_post'], tracker_info['gt'])) # ac1 = np.array([0.05,0.05,0.00,0.00]) print(reward_sum/(cnt))
import gym import track_env import numpy as np from stable_baselines.common.env_checker import check_env from conf.configs import ADNetConf ADNetConf.get('conf/dylan.yaml') env= gym.make('track-v0') obs = env.reset() ob_space = env.observation_space check_env(env)