Example #1
def sendEmailWithDefaultConfig():
    user = u"*****@*****.**"
    password = u"lcqctgdcbvklghde"
    to_users = u"[email protected], [email protected],[email protected]"
    conf = Config("default.ini")
    apk_name = conf.getconf("default").apk_name
    conf = Config("default.ini")
    event = conf.getconf("serial").serial_number
    serial = event.split(',')
    deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial[0])
    subject = deviceInfo.getDeviceInfo() + apk_name + u"启动时间数据分析"
    content = u"数据分析详见附件:"
    contentType = u"application/octet-stream"

        log_file = make_log_patch()

        patchFile = []
        MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: 收集邮件附件:")
        for files in os.walk(chart_data_path):
            for f in files[2]:
                new_file_path = files[0] + f


        MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: " + str(patchFile))

    except Exception, e:
        MLog.error(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: 收集附件失败! e = " +
        patchFile = None
def get_start_params():
    frame = 50
    firstLaunchTimes = 0
    notFirstLaunchTimes = 0
    enterLiveTimes = 1
    apkName = u"yy.apk"
    package = u"com.duowan.mobile"

        MLog.info(u"sys_config get_start_params: 读取配置文件参数...")
        conf = Config("default.ini")
        frame = conf.getconf("default").frame
        firstLaunchTimes = conf.getconf("default").first_start
        notFirstLaunchTimes = conf.getconf("default").normal_start
        enterLiveTimes = conf.getconf("default").enter_liveroom
        apkName = conf.getconf("default").apk_name
        package = conf.getconf("default").package

    except Exception:
        frame = 50
        firstLaunchTimes = 1
        notFirstLaunchTimes = 1
        enterLiveTimes = 1
        apkName = u"yy.apk"
        package = u"com.duowan.mobile"
        # start_python 需要运行在init_ffmpeg后面,否则拿不到帧数的值
        MLog.info("apkName = " + str(apkName) + " ,first_start = " \
                  + str(firstLaunchTimes) + " ,normal_start = " + str(notFirstLaunchTimes) + " ,frame = " + str(frame))

    return int(firstLaunchTimes), int(notFirstLaunchTimes), int(
        enterLiveTimes), str(apkName), str(package)
Example #3
def multi_huya_calculate_parts(params):
    device_name = params["device"]  # 设备名称
    name_with_suffix = device_name + "_first"
    dir_index = params["dir_index"]  # 当前算的第几组数据
    # rgb_folder = calculate_homepage_rgb()  # 计算样本库的rgb均值
    conf = Config("apk.ini")
    conf_default = Config("default.ini")
    app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app
    feature_dir = conf.getconf(app_key).feature  # 特征图的文件夹名字
    file_count = count_file("./screenrecord/" + name_with_suffix + "/" +
                            name_with_suffix + "_" + str(dir_index))
    real_path = "./screenrecord/" + name_with_suffix + "/" + name_with_suffix + "_" + str(
        dir_index) + "/"
    real_first_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_launch_feature.jpg"
    if not exists(real_first_feature_path):
            "calculate: first, there is no adapted feature pic for current Phone"
        real_first_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/common_launch_feature.jpg"
    # 中间launching判断
    real_launching_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_launching_feature.jpg"
    real_last_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_homepage_feature.jpg"
    first = first_frame_find(file_count, real_path,
                             real_first_feature_path)  # 取图片这些步骤好繁琐啊,想想有没办法改进下
    launching_index, last = huya_first_find_frame(
        file_count, first, real_path, real_launching_feature_path,
        real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder)  # 虎牙的计算也就只有这句不一样吊
    # frame_value = settings.get_value("ffmpeg")
    frame_value = 50
    total_time = int((last - first + 1) * (1000 / float(frame_value)))
    launching_time = int(
        (launching_index - first + 1) * (1000 / float(frame_value)))
    return dir_index, first, launching_index, last, total_time, launching_time, total_time - launching_time
Example #4
def compare_rgb(path, rgb_folder):
    rgb_pic = calculate_pic_rgb(path)
    # 主要就是怎么比这几个值了,要根据哪个值为准呢
    # 当前我决定取,rgb每个值都差了15 以上,则认为还没加载完成,这个值取啥一样是个难点
    r_threshold = 20
    g_threshold = 20
    b_threshold = 20
    conf_default = Config("default.ini")
    app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app
    # 陌陌由于白色部分过于多,因此把上限范围弄小点
    if app_key == "momo":
        r_threshold = 10
        g_threshold = 10
        b_threshold = 10

    # 除了上限,还要加个下限,预防启动黑了的情况
    if rgb_pic[0] > rgb_folder[0] + r_threshold:
        if rgb_pic[1] > rgb_folder[1] + g_threshold:
            if rgb_pic[2] > rgb_folder[2] + b_threshold:
                return False
    if rgb_pic[0] < rgb_folder[0] - 50:
        if rgb_pic[1] < rgb_folder[1] - 50:
            if rgb_pic[2] < rgb_folder[2] - 50:
                return False
    return True
def get_ent_pos(path, out_path, machineName):
    origin_height = clip_specific_pic(path,
                                      out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg")
    img = cv2.imread(out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg")
    height, width, something = img.shape
    print "height = {}, width = {}".format(height, width)
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    y_array = [0]
    array_flag = False
    for i in range(0, height, 2):
        # 行数遍历
        count = 0
        for j in range(0, width, 2):
            if img[i, j][0] >= 252 and img[i,
                                           j][1] >= 252 and img[i,
                                                                j][2] >= 252:
                count += 1
        if count >= width / 4:
            # print count
            if not array_flag:
                array_flag = True
            if array_flag:
                y_array.append(i - 1)
                array_flag = False
    print "pre-deal time = {}".format(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)
    print y_array
    ent_part_pair = []
    for t in range(1, len(y_array)):
        if y_array[t] - y_array[t - 1] > 120:
            # 测试过程可以打开这个
            ent_part_pair.append((y_array[t - 1], y_array[t]))
    print ent_part_pair
    print "all time = {}".format(datetime.datetime.now() - start_time)
    x = width * 3 / 4
    leng_arr = len(ent_part_pair)
    # 特征直播间存起来,似乎不用裁剪,只要专门往上算10个px(有坐标就行),看这10个px平均RGB多少,拿什么存坐标呢(settings)
    # 还是要裁剪图片的,因为需要图片来判断是否进入直播间成功
    # 裁第几格子,这个要靠app判断,读配置文件
    conf_default = Config("default.ini")
    app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app
    count = 2
    if app_key == "bigo":
        count = 1
    clip_specific_area(out_path + machineName + "_clip.jpg",
                       out_path + machineName + "_feature.jpg", width / 4,
                       ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0], width,
                       ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][1])
    settings.set_value("feature_path", out_path + machineName + "_feature.jpg")
    settings.set_value("ent_top_pos_x", x)
        ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0] + origin_height * 0.12)
    # 潜规则,要加上12%的高度,因为裁图裁掉了12%
    y = (ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][0] +
         ent_part_pair[leng_arr - count][1]) / 2 + origin_height * 0.12
    print "finally x = {}, y = {}".format(x, y)
    return x, y
def get_device_params():
    conf = Config("default.ini")
    event = conf.getconf("serial").serial_number
    serial = event.split(',')
    deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial[0])
    device_name = deviceInfo.getDeviceInfo(
    )  # device name 看看韦总到时候怎么处理,把这一个干掉,我这边的操作其实很多余
    device_name = re.sub('\s', '', device_name)
    return device_name
Example #7
class BaseConfig(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.conf = Config("default.ini")
        self.param = None
        print "BaseConfig init"

    def setParams(self, params):
        self.param = params

    def getParms(self):
        return self.param

    def getFirstStartTime(self):
        if self.param:
            return self.param.first_start_times
            self.firstTime = self.conf.getconf("default").first_start
            return self.firstTime

    def getNormalStartTime(self):
        if self.param:
            return self.param.normal_start_times
            self.normalTime = self.conf.getconf("default").normal_start
            return self.normalTime

    def getEnterLiveRoom(self):
        if self.param:
            return self.param.enter_liveroom_times
            self.enterLiveRomm = self.conf.getconf("default").enter_liveroom
            return self.enterLiveRomm

    def getApkName(self):
        self.apkName = self.conf.getconf("default").apk_name
        return self.apkName

    def getAppName(self):
        if self.param:
            return self.param.app_name
            self.appName = self.conf.getconf("default").app_name
            return self.appName

    def getPackage(self):
        if self.param:
            return self.param.package_name
            self.packageName = self.conf.getconf("default").package
            return self.packageName

    def getFeaturePath(self):
        self.featurePath = self.conf.getconf("default").feature_path
        return self.featurePath

    def getMethod(self):
        return self.param.install_method
Example #8
def calculate_repos_rgb():
    conf = Config("apk.ini")
    conf_default = Config("default.ini")
    app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app
    real_homepage = conf.getconf(app_key).homepage
    # homepage_dir = conf.getconf(real_homepage).feature
    path = feature_path + "/picrepos/homepage/" + real_homepage + "/"
    mean_r = 0
    mean_g = 0
    mean_b = 0
    length_file = base_utils.count_file(feature_path + "/picrepos/homepage/" + real_homepage)
    for i in range(1, length_file + 1):
        rgb = calculate_pic_rgb(path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg")
        mean_r += rgb[0]
        mean_g += rgb[1]
        mean_b += rgb[2]
    mean_r /= length_file
    mean_g /= length_file
    mean_b /= length_file
    MLog.debug("calculate_repos_rgb: the folder mean rgb: r = {}, g = {}, b = {}".format(mean_r, mean_g, mean_b))
    return mean_r, mean_g, mean_b
Example #9
 def startAppBySwipe(self, d, times, name):
     conf = Config("default.ini")
     app_name = conf.getconf("default").app_name
         MLog.info("startAppBySwipe:" + u"try start app ,name = " +
         bounds = d(text=app_name).info['bounds']
         print bounds
     except Exception, e:
         app_name = "@" + app_name
             u"start_app startAppBySwipe: change app's start name , appname is "
             + app_name)
Example #10
def start_calculate(device_name):
    conf_default = Config("default.ini")
    app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app
    first_launch_result = []
    normal_launch_result = []
    if app_key == "huya" or app_key == "momo":
        first_launch_result = multi_huya_calculate(device_name)
        first_launch_result = multi_normal_calculate(device_name, "first")
    # 以后想适配虎牙陌陌的话,必须uiautomator那边要手动处理下登录/跳过
    normal_launch_result = multi_normal_calculate(device_name, "notfirst")
    # TODO 如果进直播间测试次数设置为0,会崩溃,杨帆后续改
        enter_ent_result = enter_ent_calculate_new(device_name)
    except Exception, e:
        MLog.error(u"测试进直播间计算的时候出现崩溃了 + error = ")
        enter_ent_result = []
Example #11
    def initConfig(self):
        self.isRunning = False
        conf = Config("default.ini")
        self.sdkPath = conf.getconf("default").sdk_path  # sdk路径
        self.sdkPathEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.sdkPathEntry.insert(0, self.sdkPath)
        if self.combox.get() == "自动启动":
            self.installMethos = 1
            self.installMethos = 2

        self.videoPath = ""
        self.firstStartTime = conf.getconf("default").first_start  # 首次启动次数
        self.firstStartEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.firstStartEntry.insert(0, self.firstStartTime)

        self.normaStartTime = conf.getconf("default").normal_start  # 正常启动次数
        self.normalStartEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.normalStartEntry.insert(0, self.normaStartTime)

        self.enterLiveRoonTime = conf.getconf("default").enter_liveroom  # 进入直播间次数
        self.enterLiveRoomEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.enterLiveRoomEntry.insert(0, self.enterLiveRoonTime)

        self.appName = conf.getconf("default").app_name  # app名称
        self.appNameEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.appNameEntry.insert(0, self.appName)

        self.packageName = conf.getconf("default").package  # 包名
        self.packageNameEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.packageNameEntry.insert(0, self.packageName)

        self.appPath = conf.getconf("default").app_path  # 安装包地址
        self.appPathEntry.delete(0, END)
        self.appPathEntry.insert(0, self.appPath)

        self.features = ""  # 特征图
Example #12
# coding=utf-8
from PIL import Image
import base_utils

# 计算图片的rgb均值
from config.configs import Config
from log.log import MLog

conf = Config("default.ini")
feature_path = conf.getconf("default").feature_path

def calculate_pic_rgb(path):
    im = Image.open(path)
    pix = im.load()
    width = im.size[0]
    height = im.size[1]
    mean_r = 0
    mean_g = 0
    mean_b = 0
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            r, g, b = pix[x, y]
            mean_r += r
            mean_g += g
            mean_b += b
            # print "r = {}, g = {}, b = {}".format(r, g, b)

    mean_r /= (width * height)
    mean_g /= (width * height)
    mean_b /= (width * height)
def getApkName():
    conf = Config("default.ini")
    apkName = conf.getconf("default").apk_name
    return apkName