Example #1
    def on_melee(self, attack, attacker, attackee): 

        #XXX  I'm guessing dice dice is set in mons.c on weapon attacks
        #   if the monster had no weapon and then we use the 
        # the weapon dice if we have a weapon. But I have not checked.

        # chance is 1d20
        # if chance is less than hittable then attack works
        # we start in the middle at to_hit_base 
        # then high armor makes the attackee more hittable
        # then the attacker monster level adds to hittableness

        weapon = attack.way.name == 'wields' and attacker.inventory.melee
        hittable = max(1, self.to_hit_base + attackee.ac + attacker.species.level)
        roll = self.hit_dice.roll()
        msgd = {'ar': attacker.words, 'ae': attackee.words, 'melee':weapon}
        msg = attack.way.try_.format(**msgd)
        # if its a hit
        if hittable > roll:

            damage = weapon.dice.roll() if weapon else attack.dice.roll() 

            self._take_damage(attackee, attacker, damage)
            if not attackee.is_dead:
                msg += ' ' + attack.way.hit.format(**msgd)
                msg = attack.way.kill.format(**msgd)
            msg += ' ' + attack.way.miss.format(**msgd)
            damage = 0

        logger.msg_debug('{} {} with {} (h:{} r:{} d:{} new hp:{})'.format(
            attacker.words.You, attack, attackee, hittable, roll, damage, attackee.hit_points))
        return damage != 0, msg
Example #2
    def spell_attack(self, subject, target, spell):

        attackee = target.being
        attacker = subject.being

        if attacker:
            logger.ddebug('{} casting {} on {}.'.format(attacker.words.You_are, spell, attackee.words.your_self))
            logger.ddebug('{} is cast upon {}.'.format(str(spell).capitalize(), attackee.words.your_self))

        if [c for c in attackee.conditions if c.spell_resistance == spell.name]:
            logger.msg_info('{} resits the {} spell.'.format(attackee.words.You, spell.name))
            self.controller.events['being_spell_resistance'].emit(target.idx, attackee.guid, spell.view())
            damage = spell.damage.roll()
            logger.msg_debug("The {} spell does {} damage on {}".format(spell.name, damage, attackee))
            self.controller.events['being_spell_damage'].emit(target.idx, attackee.guid, spell.view())
            self._take_damage(attackee, attacker, damage)

        return True
Example #3
    def on_set_condition(self, attack, attacker, attackee):
        c = attack.means.condition
        r = c.resisted_by
        if r and attackee.has_condition(r):
            fmt = attack.way.miss
            logger.msg_debug('{You} {} {}, but it failed'.format(attack, attackee, **attacker.words_dict))
            time = 0
            fmt = attack.way.hit
            time = attack.dice.roll()
            ct = TimedCondition(c.name, time)
            logger.msg_debug('{You} {} {} for {} turns'.format(attack, attackee, time, **attacker.words_dict))

        msgd = {
            'ar': attacker.words, 
            'ae': attackee.words,
            'a': attack,
            'time': time,
            'resisted': c.resisted.me if attackee.is_player else c.resisted.she,
            'gained': c.gained,
        return time != 0, fmt.format(**msgd)