Example #1
def components_config(config):
    config.add_source_dir('components/src/**', "components config")
Example #2
def ADL_configuration(config, project_directory, project_name, source_dir_name,

    config.add_source_dir('hal/src/', "HAL config")

    # Linker script configuration is not available for the moment
    # linker_script_config(config)

    print("The configuration is now finished.")
    print("Let's generate some files:")

    relative_ADL_root_path = os.path.relpath(ADL_root_dir, project_directory)
    source_dir = os.path.join(project_directory, source_dir_name)
    ada_config_path = os.path.join(source_dir, "adl_config.ads")
    gpr_path = os.path.join(project_directory, "%s.gpr" % project_name.lower())

    #  GPR file
    gpr = "--  This project file was generated by the " + \
          "Ada_Drivers_Library project wizard script\n"
    gpr += "library project %s is\n" % project_name

    gpr += """
   type Build_Type is ("Debug", "Production");
   Build : Build_Type := external ("ADL_BUILD", "Debug");

   type Build_Checks_Type is ("Disabled", "Enabled");
   Build_Checks : Build_Checks_Type := external ("ADL_BUILD_CHECKS", "Disabled");

   --  Target architecture
   Target := Project'Target;

   --  Callgraph info is not available on all architectures
   Callgraph_Switch := ();
   case Target is
      when "riscv32-unknown-elf" => null;
      when others => Callgraph_Switch := ("-fcallgraph-info=su");
   end case;

   Build_Checks_Switches := ();
   case Build_Checks is
      when "Disabled" => null;
      when others =>
         Build_Checks_Switches :=
           ("-gnaty", "-gnatyM120", "-gnatyO", --  Style checks
            "-gnatwe"); --  Warnings as errors
   end case;

   package Compiler is
      case Build is
         when "Production" =>
            for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
              ("-O3",     -- Optimization
               "-gnatp",  -- Supress checks
               "-gnatn"); -- Enable inlining
         when "Debug" =>
            for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
              ("-O0",    -- No optimization
               "-gnata") -- Enable assertions
              & Callgraph_Switch;
      end case;

      for Default_Switches ("ada") use Compiler'Default_Switches ("Ada") &
        Callgraph_Switch &
        Build_Checks_Switches &
        ("-g",       -- Debug info
         "-gnatwa",  -- All warnings
         "-gnatQ",   -- Don't quit. Generate ALI and tree files even if illegalities
         "-gnatw.X", -- Disable warnings for No_Exception_Propagation
         "-ffunction-sections", -- Create a linker section for each function
         "-fdata-sections");  -- Create a linker section for each data
   end Compiler;

    gpr += "   for Languages use (\"Ada\");\n"
    gpr += "   for Create_Missing_Dirs use \"True\";\n"
    gpr += "   for Object_Dir use \"%s_\" & Build;\n" % object_dir_name
    gpr += "   for Library_Dir use \"%s_lib_\" & Build;\n" % object_dir_name
    gpr += "   for Library_Kind use \"static\";\n"
    gpr += "   for Library_Name use \"ada_drivers_library\";\n"

    gpr += config.gpr_configuration(relative_ADL_root_path, source_dir_name)
    gpr += "end %s;\n" % project_name
    print(" -> Writing gprbuild project file.")
    with open(gpr_path, "w") as f:

    # Ada config package
    print(" -> Writing the Ada configuration file.")


    ada = "--  This package was generated by the " + \
          "Ada_Drivers_Library project wizard script\n"
    ada += "package ADL_Config is\n"
    ada += config.ada_configuration()
    ada += "end ADL_Config;\n"
    with open(ada_config_path, "w") as f:


    print("Your Ada Drivers Library project is now ready to use.")
Example #3
def middleware_config(config):
    config.query_integer_key('Max_Path_Length', 0, default="1024")
    config.query_integer_key('Max_Mount_Points', 0, default="2")
    config.query_integer_key('Max_Mount_Name_Length', 0, default="128")

    origin = "middleware config"
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/filesystem', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/BLE', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/utils', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/audio', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/monitor', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/bitmap', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/command_line', origin)
    config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/sdmmc', origin)

    runtime_profile = config.get_config("Runtime_Profile")

    if runtime_profile is None:
        runtime_profile = ''

    if runtime_profile.startswith("ravenscar"):
        config.add_source_dir('middleware/src/ravenscar-common', origin)