Example #1
def quick_hdu_list(i):
    assert isinstance(i, int)
    assert i in ALL_CHANNELS 
    assert i in GOOD_CHANNELS
    isolate.SILENT = True
    xyt_filename = prefix + str(i) + insuffix
    assert isolate.is_xyt_filename(xyt_filename)
    filaments_filename = isolate.filament_filename_from_xyt_filename(xyt_filename) 
    assert isolate.is_filament_filename(filaments_filename) 
    isolate.SILENT = False
    return config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='readonly', memmap=True, checksum=False)
Example #2
def update_all_keys(filaments_filename, force=False):
    # Updates the properties corresponding to all known sources

    def do_update_all(hdu_list, force):
        if not SILENT:
            print "Updating all keys in", hdu_list.filename()
            if not force:
                print "update_all_keys() is a long operation that involves everything in config.sources..."
                if "y" not in raw_input("Continue? ([no]/yes):  "):
                    return "Aborted: update_all_keys()"

        exceptions = ""
        for key in config.sources.iterkeys():  # TODO NOT NECESSARILY VALID!
                update_key(hdu_list, key, force=force)  # TODO Don't need to do anything with the output?
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                if len(exceptions) == 0:
                    exceptions += "except " + key
                    exceptions += ", " + key
        if len(exceptions) > 0 and string.count(exceptions, ",") > 0:
            exceptions = string.join(string.rsplit(exceptions, ",", 1), " and")
        return "All properties " + exceptions + "are now up to date in " + hdu_list.filename()

    if is_filament_filename(filaments_filename):
        # with config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update') as hdu_list:
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode="update")
        print do_update_all(hdu_list, force)
        return filaments_filename

    elif is_filament_hdu_list(filaments_filename):
        hdu_list = filaments_filename
        assert hdu_list.fileinfo(0)["filemode"] == "update"
        print do_update_all(hdu_list, force)
        return hdu_list, key

        raise ValueError("Unknown input encountered in update_all_key()...")
Example #3
def update_all_keys(filaments_filename, force=False):
    #Updates the properties corresponding to all known sources

    def do_update_all(hdu_list, force):
        if not SILENT:
            print 'Updating all keys in', hdu_list.filename()
            if not force:            
                print 'update_all_keys() is a long operation that involves everything in config.sources...'
                if 'y' not in raw_input('Continue? ([no]/yes):  '):
                    return 'Aborted: update_all_keys()'

        exceptions = ''
        for key in config.sources.iterkeys(): #TODO NOT NECESSARILY VALID!
                update_key(hdu_list, key, force=force) #TODO Don't need to do anything with the output?
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                if len(exceptions) == 0:
                    exceptions += 'except '+key
                    exceptions += ', '+key
        if len(exceptions) > 0 and string.count(exceptions, ',') > 0:
            exceptions = string.join(string.rsplit(exceptions, ',', 1), ' and')
        return 'All properties '+exceptions+'are now up to date in '+hdu_list.filename()
    if is_filament_filename(filaments_filename):
        #with config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update') as hdu_list:
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update')
        print do_update_all(hdu_list, force)
        return filaments_filename

    elif is_filament_hdu_list(filaments_filename):
        hdu_list = filaments_filename
        assert hdu_list.fileinfo(0)['filemode'] == 'update'
        print do_update_all(hdu_list, force)
        return hdu_list, key

        raise ValueError('Unknown input encountered in update_all_key()...')
Example #4
def update_onoff_key(filaments_filename, key, force=False):
    # Computes the value of the dataset indicated by key (or correlation_data) for each filament
    # Saves the value to the associated header entry of each filament
    assert isinstance(key, str)

    def do_update(hdu_list, key, force):
        suffix = "_ONOFF"

        if not SILENT:
            print "Updating key:", key + suffix, "in", hdu_list.filename()

            if not force and key + suffix in hdu_list[skip].header:
                print key + suffix + " keyword found in filament header..."
                if "y" not in raw_input("Overwrite? ([no]/yes):  "):
                    return hdu_list, key

        if key in config.source_data:
            correlation_data = config.source_data[key]
            raise KeyError("No source_data for key: " + key + " in config.source_data")

        # print key, key+suffix, correlation_data.shape
        N = len(hdu_list)
        for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list[skip:]):
            rht.update_progress(float(i / N), message=key + suffix + ": " + str(i))
            hdr = hdu.header
            if (
                not force
                and (key + suffix + "_AVG" in hdr)
                and (key + suffix + "_MED" in hdr)
                and (key + suffix + "_TOT" in hdr)
                and (key + suffix in hdr)

            ONMASK, OFFMASK, LL, UR = config.Cloud.on_and_off_masks_from_HDU(
                hdu, transpose=True, shape=correlation_data.shape
            # mask_slice = np.s_[hdr['MIN_Y']:hdr['MAX_Y']+1, hdr['MIN_X']:hdr['MAX_X']+1]
            mask_slice = np.s_[LL[1] : UR[1] + 1, LL[0] : UR[0] + 1]

            inset = correlation_data[mask_slice]
            on_nonzero = np.nonzero(ONMASK)
            off_nonzero = np.nonzero(OFFMASK)

            on_avg = np.nanmean(inset[on_nonzero])
            off_avg = np.nanmean(inset[off_nonzero])
            on_med = scipy.stats.nanmedian(inset[on_nonzero])
            off_med = scipy.stats.nanmedian(inset[off_nonzero])

            hdr[key + suffix + "_AVG"] = float(on_avg - off_avg)
            hdr[key + suffix + "_MED"] = float(on_med - off_med)
            hdr[key + suffix + "_TOT"] = hdr[key + suffix + "_AVG"] * hdr["LITPIX"]
            hdr[key + suffix] = config.timestamp()


    if is_filament_filename(filaments_filename):
        # with config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update') as hdu_list:
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode="update")
        do_update(hdu_list, key, force)
        return filaments_filename

    elif is_filament_hdu_list(filaments_filename):
        hdu_list = filaments_filename
        assert hdu_list.fileinfo(0)["filemode"] == "update"
        do_update(hdu_list, key, force)
        return hdu_list, key

        raise ValueError("Unknown input encountered in update_onoff_key()...")
Example #5
def isolate_all(xyt_filename, BINS=6, force=False, sparse=False):

    filaments_filename = filament_filename_from_xyt_filename(xyt_filename)  # Assertions inside function
    if not SILENT:
        print "Isolating filaments from:", xyt_filename

    if not force and os.path.isfile(filaments_filename):
        if SILENT:
            return filaments_filename
            print "Filaments already saved as", filaments_filename
            if "y" not in raw_input("Run isolate_all() anyway? ([no]/yes):  "):
                print "Aborted: isolate_all()"
                return filaments_filename

    hdu_list = config.default_open(xyt_filename)
    ntheta = hdu_list[0].header["NTHETA"]
    wlen = hdu_list[0].header["WLEN"]
    frac = hdu_list[0].header["FRAC"]
    naxis1 = hdu_list[0].header["NAXIS1"]
    naxis2 = hdu_list[0].header["NAXIS2"]
    original = hdu_list[0].header["ORIGINAL"]
    Hi = hdu_list[1].data["hi"]
    Hj = hdu_list[1].data["hj"]

    # Compute TheteRHT for all pixels given, then bin by theta
    B = map(rht.theta_rht, hdu_list[1].data["hthets"])  # List of theta_rht values
    C = np.multiply(np.asarray(B), BINS / np.pi).astype(np.int_)
    del B

    # Ready the output HDUList and close the input HDUList
    output_hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdu_list[0].copy())  # , open(filaments_filename, 'w')) #Overwrites

    # Set Assignment
    # unprocessed = list()
    list_of_HDUs = list()
    search_pattern = [
        (-1, -1),
        (-1, 0),
        (-1, 1),
        (0, -1),
    ]  # [(-1, 1), (-1,-1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (-2, -2), (-2, -1), (-2, 0), (-2, 1), (-2, 2), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (0,-2)]
    for bin in range(BINS):
        delimiter = np.nonzero(C == bin)[0]
        raw_points = zip(Hi[delimiter], Hj[delimiter])
        del delimiter
        problem_size = len(raw_points)
        # message='Step '+str(bin+1)+'/'+str(BINS)+': (N='+str(problem_size)+')'
        # progress_bar = Progress(problem_size, message=message, incrementing=True)

        point_dict = dict([x[::-1] for x in enumerate(raw_points)])
        set_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
        # theta_dict = dict()

        for coord in raw_points:
            # rht.update_progress(0.3*(i/problem_size), message=message)
            # progress_bar.update()
            # theta_dict[coord] = B[point_dict[coord]]
            for rel_coord in search_pattern:
                    j = point_dict[config.rel_add(coord, rel_coord)]
                except Exception:

        G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(set_dict)  # Undirected graph made using set_dict as an adjacency list
        del set_dict

        # progress_bar = Progress(problem_size, message=message, incrementing=False)
        sources = range(problem_size)
        flags = np.ones((problem_size), dtype=np.int_)
        while len(sources) > 0:
            source = sources.pop()
            if not flags[source]:
                # rht.update_progress(0.3+0.3*(1.0-len(sources)/problem_size), message=message)
                # progress_bar.update(len(sources))
                    for member in nx.descendants(G, source):
                        flags[member] = False
                        point_dict[raw_points[member]] = source
                        G.remove_node(member)  # TODO Remove members from G if that would speed up subsequent calls?
                except nx.NetworkXError:
                    # Assume we hit an isolated pixel (never made it into G) and move on
        del sources, flags, G

        histogram = np.bincount(map(point_dict.get, raw_points))
        mask = np.nonzero(histogram >= int(frac * wlen))[0]
        del histogram

        # progress_bar = Progress(problem_size, message=message, incrementing=False)
        mask_dict = dict([x[::-1] for x in enumerate(mask)])
        out_clouds = collections.defaultdict(list)

        while len(point_dict) > 0:
            temp = point_dict.popitem()
                # Keying into mask_dict is the only operation that ought to throw an exception
                # progress_bar.update(len(point_dict))
                # rht.update_progress(0.6+0.399*(1.0-len(point_dict)/problem_size), message=message)
            except Exception:

        while len(out_clouds) > 0:
            cloud = out_clouds.popitem()[1]
            # unprocessed.append(cloud)
            list_of_HDUs.append(config.Cloud(cloud).as_HDU(sparse=sparse))  # TODO Incorporate theta_dict

        # rht.update_progress(1.0, final_message='Finished joining '+str(problem_size)+' points! Time Elapsed:')

    # Convert lists of two-integer tuples into ImageHDUs
    # unprocessed.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
    # output_hdulist = fits.HDUList(map(config.Cloud.as_ImageHDU, map(config.Cloud, unprocessed)))
    # del unprocessed

    list_of_HDUs.sort(key=lambda h: h.header["DIAG"], reverse=False)
    while len(list_of_HDUs) > 0:

    # Output HDUList to File
    output_hdulist.writeto(filaments_filename, output_verify="silentfix", clobber=True, checksum=True)
    except Exception:
    except Exception:

    if not SILENT:
        print "Results successfully output to " + filaments_filename
    return filaments_filename
Example #6
def plot(filaments_filename, key=None, out_name=None, show=True, cut=config.passive_constant(True)):
    show &= not SILENT
    if not show and out_name is None:
        if not SILENT:
            raise ValueError("Unable to plot data without showing or saving it in isolate.plot()")

    def do_plot(hdu_list, key, out_name, show, cut):

        filaments_filename = hdu_list.filename()
        if not SILENT:
            print "Plotting key:", key, "in", filaments_filename
        backproj = hdu_list.pop(0)
        # TODO make sure to pop skip hdus!s
        hdu_list = filter(cut, hdu_list)  # TODO TURNS AN HDULIST INTO A LIST ~_~
        if key is None:
            figure_args = {"figsize": (8, 6), "facecolor": "white", "dpi": 250}
            fig = plt.figure(**figure_args)
            # display = np.zeros((backproj.header['NAXIS1'], backproj.header['NAXIS2']))
            display = np.zeros_like(backproj.data)
            N = len(hdu_list)
            for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list):
                hdr = hdu.header
                display[hdr["MIN_X"] : hdr["MAX_X"] + 1, hdr["MIN_Y"] : hdr["MAX_Y"] + 1][
                    config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU(hdu, transpose=True)
                ] = (N - i)
            ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.90, 0.90])
            ax1.imshow(display)  # .T)
            key = "Filaments"

        elif isinstance(key, str) and (key == "" or key in hdu_list[0].header):  # skip].header:
            displays = dict()
            datasets = dict()
            titles = [key + suffix for suffix in config.applicable_methods[key]]

            # for suffix in suffixes:
            for title in titles:
                displays[title] = np.zeros_like(backproj.data)
                datasets[title] = config.post_processing[key](
                    [hdu.header[title] for hdu in hdu_list]
                )  # TODO watch out for python list handling

            # for hdu in hdu_list:
            for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list):
                hdr = hdu.header
                mask_nonzero = config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU(hdu, transpose=True)
                mask_slice = np.s_[hdr["MIN_Y"] : hdr["MAX_Y"] + 1, hdr["MIN_X"] : hdr["MAX_X"] + 1]
                # for suffix in suffixes:
                for title in titles:
                    # try:
                    ##mask = displays[key+suffix][hdr['MIN_X']:hdr['MAX_X']+1, hdr['MIN_Y']:hdr['MAX_Y']+1]
                    ##displays[key+suffix][hdr['MIN_Y']:hdr['MAX_Y']+1, hdr['MIN_X']:hdr['MAX_X']+1][config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU(hdu, transpose=True)].fill(datasets[key+suffix][i])
                    # thing = displays[title][mask_slice]
                    # other_thing = datasets[title][i]
                    # thing[mask_nonzero] = other_thing #datasets[title][i] #.fill(datasets[title][i])
                    displays[title][mask_slice][mask_nonzero] = datasets[title][i]
                    # except Exception as e:
                    # print e #TODO
                    # print 'Failed to plot data from (1-indexed) HDU:', i+1+skip, title

            Nplots = len(titles)
            figure_args = {"figsize": (8, 2.5 * Nplots - 0.5), "facecolor": "white", "dpi": 250}
            fig = plt.figure(**figure_args)
            r = 4
            gs = gridspec.GridSpec(Nplots * r, 5 * r)
            for i, title in enumerate(titles):
                ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1 + r * i : r * (i + 1), 0:-4])
                ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1 + r * i : r * (i + 1) - 1, -3:-1])
                RANGE = (np.nanmin(datasets[title]), np.nanmax(datasets[title]))
                ax2.hist(datasets[title], bins=50, range=RANGE, orientation="horizontal", histtype="stepfilled")
                plt.colorbar(ax1.imshow(displays[title], cmap="YlOrRd"), ax=ax2, fraction=0.10)
                plt.title(title, fontsize=8)

            raise KeyError("Unable to plot data using the given key: " + str(key))

        plt.suptitle(key + " from " + filaments_filename, fontsize=12)
        if show:
        if out_name is not None and isinstance(out_name, str):
            plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=500, format="png")

        except Exception as e:
            print e


    if is_filament_filename(filaments_filename):
        # with config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='readonly') as hdu_list:
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode="readonly")
        do_plot(hdu_list, key=key, out_name=out_name, show=show, cut=cut)
        return filaments_filename

    elif is_filament_hdu_list(filaments_filename):
        hdu_list = filaments_filename
        do_plot(hdu_list, key=key, out_name=out_name, show=show, cut=cut)
        return hdu_list, key

        raise ValueError("Unknown input encountered in plot()...")
Example #7
def update_key(filaments_filename, key, correlation_data=None, force=False):
    # Computes the value of the dataset indicated by key (or correlation_data) for each filament
    # Uses the functions indicated by key from config
    # Saves the value to the associated header entry of each filament
    assert isinstance(key, str)

    def do_update(hdu_list, key, correlation_data, force):
        if not SILENT:
            print "Updating key:", key, "in", hdu_list.filename()

            if not force and (key == "" or key in hdu_list[skip].header):
                print key + " keyword found in filament header..."
                if "y" not in raw_input("Overwrite? ([no]/yes):  "):
                    return hdu_list, key

        # correlation_data can be None if and only if the functions you will call expect Cloud objects
        # else, it must correspond to a source_data and applicable_methods entry
        if correlation_data is None:
            if key in config.source_data:
                correlation_data = config.source_data[key]
                raise KeyError("No source_data for key: " + key + " in config.source_data")

        if key not in config.applicable_methods:
            raise KeyError("No applicable_methods for key: " + key + " in config.applicable_methods")

        # for i, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list[skip:]):
        for hdu in hdu_list[skip:]:
            hdr = hdu.header
            if correlation_data is not None:
                # Assumes correlation_data can be indexed into using ndarray notation [LowerLeft to UpperRight+1]
                # Assumes config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU will return the pixel coords offset properly for the above masked region
                # Assumes func can take this weird ndarray view as input and return a scalar value
                for suffix in config.applicable_methods[key]:
                    func = config.methods[suffix]
                    hdr[key + suffix] = func(
                        correlation_data[hdr["MIN_Y"] : hdr["MAX_Y"] + 1, hdr["MIN_X"] : hdr["MAX_X"] + 1][
                            config.Cloud.nonzero_data_from_HDU(hdu, transpose=True)
                hdr[key] = config.timestamp()
                # Assumes all func require a config.Cloud object to work
                tempCloud = config.Cloud(hdu)
                for suffix in config.applicable_methods[key]:
                    func = config.Cloud.functions[suffix][0]
                    hdr[key + suffix] = func(tempCloud)


    if is_filament_filename(filaments_filename):
        # with config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update') as hdu_list:
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode="update")
        do_update(hdu_list, key, correlation_data, force)
        return filaments_filename

    elif is_filament_hdu_list(filaments_filename):
        hdu_list = filaments_filename
        assert hdu_list.fileinfo(0)["filemode"] == "update"
        do_update(hdu_list, key, correlation_data, force)
        return hdu_list, key

        raise ValueError("Unknown input encountered in update_key()...")
Example #8
    print ''
    print 'Starting onoff.py'
    print '{'

    for i in available_integers:
        print 'Started:', str(i)

        isolate.SILENT = True
        xyt_filename = prefix + str(i) + insuffix
        assert isolate.is_xyt_filename(xyt_filename)

        filaments_filename = isolate.filament_filename_from_xyt_filename(xyt_filename) #prefix + str(i) + outsuffix
        assert isolate.is_filament_filename(filaments_filename) 

        #Open the file once, but allow for multiple uses
        hdu_list = config.default_open(filaments_filename, mode='update')
        assert isolate.is_filament_hdu_list(hdu_list)

        _key = 'GALFA'+str(i)


        isolate.SILENT = False
        isolate.update_onoff_key(hdu_list, key=_key, force=True)
        #_____________________________________________________________________________BAD PROGRAMMING
        NEWKEY = _key+'_ONOFF'
        #config.applicable_methods[NEWKEY] = ['_AVG', '_MED', '_TOT'] #Jenky
        config.include({NEWKEY: (