Example #1
def get_jpg(camera_id):
    if not motionctl.running():
        return None
    if camera_id not in MjpgClient.clients:
        # mjpg client not started yet for this camera
        logging.debug('creating mjpg client for camera %(camera_id)s' % {
                'camera_id': camera_id})
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not camera_config['@enabled'] or not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
            logging.error('could not start mjpg client for camera id %(camera_id)s: not enabled or not local' % {
                    'camera_id': camera_id})
            return None
        port = camera_config['stream_port']
        username, password = None, None
        if camera_config.get('stream_auth_method') > 0:
            username, password = camera_config.get('stream_authentication', ':').split(':')

        client = MjpgClient(camera_id, port, username, password)

    MjpgClient.last_access[camera_id] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    return MjpgClient.last_jpgs.get(camera_id)
Example #2
def cleanup_media(media_type):
    logging.debug('cleaning up %(media_type)ss...' % {'media_type': media_type})
    if media_type == 'picture':
        exts = _PICTURE_EXTS
    else:  # media_type == 'movie'
        exts = _MOVIE_EXTS + ['.thumb']

    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.is_local_motion_camera(camera_config):
        preserve_media = camera_config.get('@preserve_%(media_type)ss' % {'media_type': media_type}, 0)
        if preserve_media == 0:
            continue  # preserve forever
        still_images_enabled = bool(camera_config['picture_filename']) or bool(camera_config['snapshot_filename'])
        movies_enabled = bool(camera_config['ffmpeg_output_movies'])

        if media_type == 'picture' and not still_images_enabled:
            continue  # only cleanup pictures for cameras with still images enabled
        elif media_type == 'movie' and not movies_enabled:
            continue  # only cleanup movies for cameras with movies enabled

        preserve_moment = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=preserve_media)

        target_dir = camera_config.get('target_dir')
        if os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # create a sentinel file to make sure the target dir is never removed
            open(os.path.join(target_dir, '.keep'), 'w').close()

        _remove_older_files(target_dir, preserve_moment, exts=exts)
Example #3
def make_next_movie_preview():
    global _previewless_movie_files
    logging.debug('making preview for the next movie...')
    if _previewless_movie_files:
        (camera_config, path) = _previewless_movie_files.pop(0)
        make_movie_preview(camera_config, path)
        logging.debug('gathering movies without preview...')
        count = 0
        for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
            camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
            if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
            target_dir = camera_config['target_dir']
            for (full_path, st) in _list_media_files(target_dir, _MOVIE_EXTS):  # @UnusedVariable
                if os.path.exists(full_path + '.thumb'):
                logging.debug('found a movie without preview: %(path)s' % {
                        'path': full_path})
                _previewless_movie_files.append((camera_config, full_path))
                count += 1
        logging.debug('found %(count)d movies without preview' % {'count': count})    
        if count:
Example #4
def cleanup_media(media_type):
    logging.debug('cleaning up %(media_type)ss...' % {'media_type': media_type})
    if media_type == 'picture':
        exts = _PICTURE_EXTS
    elif media_type == 'movie':
        exts = _MOVIE_EXTS + ['.thumb']
    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
        preserve_media = camera_config.get('@preserve_%(media_type)ss' % {'media_type': media_type}, 0)
        if preserve_media == 0:
            return # preserve forever
        still_images_enabled = bool(
                ((camera_config['emulate_motion'] or camera_config['output_pictures']) and camera_config['picture_filename']) or
                (camera_config['snapshot_interval'] and camera_config['snapshot_filename']))
        movies_enabled = camera_config['ffmpeg_output_movies']

        if media_type == 'picture' and not still_images_enabled:
            continue # only cleanup pictures for cameras with still images enabled
        elif media_type == 'movie' and not movies_enabled:
            continue # only cleanup movies for cameras with movies enabled

        preserve_moment = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=preserve_media)
        target_dir = camera_config.get('target_dir')
        _remove_older_files(target_dir, preserve_moment, exts=exts)
Example #5
def get_jpg(camera_id):
    if camera_id not in MjpgClient.clients:
        # mjpg client not started yet for this camera
        logging.debug('creating mjpg client for camera %(camera_id)s' % {
                'camera_id': camera_id})
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not camera_config['@enabled'] or not utils.is_local_motion_camera(camera_config):
            logging.error('could not start mjpg client for camera id %(camera_id)s: not enabled or not local' % {
                    'camera_id': camera_id})
            return None
        port = camera_config['stream_port']
        username, password = None, None
        auth_mode = None
        if camera_config.get('stream_auth_method') > 0:
            username, password = camera_config.get('stream_authentication', ':').split(':')
            auth_mode = 'digest' if camera_config.get('stream_auth_method') > 1 else 'basic'

        client = MjpgClient(camera_id, port, username, password, auth_mode)
        MjpgClient.clients[camera_id] = client

    client = MjpgClient.clients[camera_id]

    return client.get_last_jpg()
Example #6
def get_jpg(camera_id):
    if camera_id not in MjpgClient.clients:
        # mjpg client not started yet for this camera

        logging.debug("creating mjpg client for camera %(camera_id)s" % {"camera_id": camera_id})

        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not camera_config["@enabled"] or not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
                "could not start mjpg client for camera id %(camera_id)s: not enabled or not local"
                % {"camera_id": camera_id}

            return None

        port = camera_config["stream_port"]
        username, password = None, None
        if camera_config.get("stream_auth_method") > 0:
            username, password = camera_config.get("stream_authentication", ":").split(":")

        client = MjpgClient(camera_id, port, username, password)

    MjpgClient.last_access[camera_id] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    return MjpgClient.last_jpgs.get(camera_id)
Example #7
def admincapture():	
	if request.method == 'GET':

		# Prefix for positive training image filenames.
		POSITIVE_FILE_PREFIX = 'positive_'
		camera = config.get_camera()
		# Create the directory for positive training images if it doesn't exist.
		if not os.path.exists(config.POSITIVE_DIR):
		# Find the largest ID of existing positive images.
		# Start new images after this ID value.
		files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.POSITIVE_DIR, 
			POSITIVE_FILE_PREFIX + '[0-9][0-9][0-9].pgm')))
		count = 0
		if len(files) > 0:
			# Grab the count from the last filename.
			count = int(files[-1][-7:-4])+1
		while True:
			print 'Capturing image...'
			image = camera.read()
			# Convert image to grayscale.
			image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
			# Get coordinates of single face in captured image.
			result = face.detect_single(image)
			if result is None:
				print 'Could not detect single face!  Check the image in capture.pgm' \
						  ' to see what was captured and try again with only one face visible.'
				return 'Could not detect single face!  Check the image in capture.pgm' \
						  ' to see what was captured and try again with only one face visible.'
			x, y, w, h = result
				# Crop image as close as possible to desired face aspect ratio.
				# Might be smaller if face is near edge of image.
			crop = face.crop(image, x, y, w, h)
				# Save image to file.
			filename = os.path.join(config.POSITIVE_DIR, POSITIVE_FILE_PREFIX + '%03d.pgm' % count)
			cv2.imwrite(filename, crop)
			print 'Found face and wrote training image', filename
			return 'Found face and wrote training image'
			if True:
				print"succesful capture"
			if True: 
				return redirect(url_for('/new'))

			#<----*****THis count will need to be edited --> 
			count += 1

			if count >4:
Example #8
def _disable_initial_motion_detection():
    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):

        if not camera_config['@motion_detection']:
            logging.debug('motion detection disabled by config for camera with id %s' % camera_id)
            set_motion_detection(camera_id, False)
Example #9
def main():
	# Load training data into model
	print 'Loading training data...'
	model = cv2.createEigenFaceRecognizer()
	print 'Training data loaded!'
	# Initialize camer and box.
	camera = config.get_camera()
	door = hardware.Door()
	# Move box to locked position.
	print 'Running Lock...'
	print 'Press button to lock (if unlocked), or unlock if the correct face is detected.'
	print 'Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
	while True:
			# Check if capture should be made.
			# TODO: Check if button is pressed.
			if door.is_button_up() or is_letter_input('l'):
				if not door.is_locked:
					# Lock the door if it is unlocked
					print 'Door is now locked.'
					print 'Button pressed, looking for face...'
					# Check for the positive face and unlock if found.
					image = camera.read()
					# Convert image to grayscale.
					image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
					# Get coordinates of single face in captured image.
					result = face.detect_single(image)
					if result is None:
						print 'Could not detect single face!  Check the image in capture.pgm' \
							  ' to see what was captured and try again with only one face visible.'
					x, y, w, h = result
					# Crop and resize image to face.
					crop = face.resize(face.crop(image, x, y, w, h))
					# Test face against model.
					label, confidence = model.predict(crop)
					print 'Predicted {0} face with confidence {1} (lower is more confident).'.format(
						'POSITIVE' if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL else 'NEGATIVE', 
					if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL and confidence < config.POSITIVE_THRESHOLD:
						print 'Recognized face! Unlocking Door Now...'
						print 'Did not recognize face!'
		except KeyboardInterrupt:
Example #10
def _check_ws():
    # schedule the next call
    io_loop = IOLoop.instance()
    io_loop.add_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=10), _check_ws)

    if not motionctl.running():

    def on_motion_detection_status(camera_id, must_be_enabled, working_schedule_type, enabled=None, error=None):
        if error:  # could not detect current status
            return logging.warn("skipping motion detection status update for camera with id %(id)s" % {"id": camera_id})

        if enabled and not must_be_enabled:
                "must disable motion detection for camera with id %(id)s (%(what)s working schedule)"
                % {"id": camera_id, "what": working_schedule_type}

            motionctl.set_motion_detection(camera_id, False)

        elif not enabled and must_be_enabled:
                "must enable motion detection for camera with id %(id)s (%(what)s working schedule)"
                % {"id": camera_id, "what": working_schedule_type}

            motionctl.set_motion_detection(camera_id, True)

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):

        working_schedule = camera_config.get("@working_schedule")
        motion_detection = camera_config.get("@motion_detection")
        working_schedule_type = camera_config.get("@working_schedule_type") or "outside"

        if not working_schedule:  # working schedule disabled, motion detection left untouched

        if not motion_detection:  # motion detection explicitly disabled

        now_during = _during_working_schedule(now, working_schedule)
        must_be_enabled = (now_during and working_schedule_type == "during") or (
            not now_during and working_schedule_type == "outside"

            camera_id, functools.partial(on_motion_detection_status, camera_id, must_be_enabled, working_schedule_type)
Example #11
def thread_id_to_camera_id(thread_id):
    # find the corresponding camera_id
    # (which can be different from thread_id)
    camera_ids = config.get_camera_ids()
    tid = 0
    for cid in camera_ids:
        camera_config = config.get_camera(cid)
        if utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
            tid += 1
            if tid == thread_id:
                return cid
    return None
def main(argv):
    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    print 'PID is: ', pid

    # Load training data into model
    print 'Loading training data...'
    model = cv2.createEigenFaceRecognizer()
    print 'Model created'
    print 'Training data loaded!'
    # Initialize camera and box.
    camera = config.get_camera()

    print 'Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
    goodpicture = False;
    while goodpicture == False:
        print 'Looking for face...'
        print 'Check for the positive face and unlock if found.'
        image = camera.read()

        print 'Convert image to grayscale.'
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

        print 'Get coordinates of single face in captured image.'
        result = face.detect_single(image)

        if result is None:
            print 'Could not detect single face!  Check the image in capture.pgm to see what was captured and try again with only one face visible.'
        else: goodpicture = True;
    x, y, w, h = result
    print 'Crop and resize image to face.'
    crop = face.resize(face.crop(image, x, y, w, h))
    print 'Test face against model.'
    label, confidence = model.predict(crop)
    print 'Predicted {0} face with confidence {1} (lower is more confident).'.format(
        'POSITIVE' if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL else 'NEGATIVE',

    print 'Starting to print in file'
    fo = open("foo.txt", "wr")

    if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL and confidence < config.POSITIVE_THRESHOLD:
        print 'Recognized face!'
        print 'Did not recognize face!'

    os.kill(pid, signal.SIGUSR2)
Example #13
def camera_id_to_thread_id(camera_id):
    # find the corresponding thread_id
    # (which can be different from camera_id)
    camera_ids = config.get_camera_ids()
    thread_id = 0
    for cid in camera_ids:
        camera_config = config.get_camera(cid)
        if utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
            thread_id += 1
        if cid == camera_id:
            return thread_id or None

    return None
Example #14
def make_message(subject, message, camera_id, moment, timespan, callback):
    camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
    # we must start the IO loop for the media list subprocess polling
    io_loop = IOLoop.instance()

    def on_media_files(media_files):
        timestamp = time.mktime(moment.timetuple())

        if media_files:
            logging.debug('got media files')
            media_files = [m for m in media_files if abs(m['timestamp'] - timestamp) < timespan] # filter out non-recent media files
            media_files.sort(key=lambda m: m['timestamp'], reverse=True)
            media_files = [os.path.join(camera_config['target_dir'], re.sub('^/', '', m['path'])) for m in media_files]
            logging.debug('selected %d pictures' % len(media_files))

        format_dict = {
            'camera': camera_config['@name'],
            'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
            'moment': moment.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
        if settings.LOCAL_TIME_FILE:
            format_dict['timezone'] = tzctl.get_time_zone()

            format_dict['timezone'] = 'local time'
        m = message % format_dict
        s = subject % format_dict
        s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
        m += '\n\n'
        m += 'motionEye.'
        callback(s, m, media_files)

    if not timespan:
        return on_media_files([])
    logging.debug('waiting for pictures to be taken')
    time.sleep(timespan) # give motion some time to create motion pictures
    logging.debug('creating email message')
    mediafiles.list_media(camera_config, media_type='picture', callback=on_media_files)
def _set_streameye_settings(camera_id, s):
    s = dict(s)
    s.setdefault('sePort', 8081)
    s.setdefault('seAuthMode', 'disabled')
    main_config = config.get_main()
    username = main_config['@normal_username']
    password = main_config['@normal_password']
    realm = 'motionEyeOS'

    logging.debug('writing streameye settings to %s' % STREAMEYE_CONF)
    lines = [
        'PORT="%s"' % s['sePort'],
        'AUTH="%s"' % s['seAuthMode'],
        'CREDENTIALS="%s:%s:%s"' % (username, password, realm)

    with open(STREAMEYE_CONF, 'w') as f:
        for line in lines:
            f.write(line + '\n')

    if 1 in config.get_camera_ids():
        # a workaround to update the camera username and password
        # since we cannot call set_camera() from here
        if s['seAuthMode'] == 'basic':
            url = 'http://%s:%[email protected]:%s/' % (username, password, s['sePort'])
            url = '' % s['sePort']
        if 1 in config._camera_config_cache:
            logging.debug('updating streaming authentication in config cache')
            config._camera_config_cache[1]['@url'] = url

        lines = config.get_camera(1, as_lines=True)
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            if line.startswith('# @url'):
                lines[i] = '# @url %s' % url

        config_file = os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, config._CAMERA_CONFIG_FILE_NAME % {'id': 1})
        logging.debug('updating streaming authentication in camera config file %s' % config_file)
        with open(config_file, 'w') as f:
            for line in lines:
                f.write(line + '\n')

    logging.debug('restarting streameye')
    if os.system('streameye.sh restart'):
        logging.error('streameye restart failed')
Example #16
def make_media_folders():
    import config
    config.get_main() # just to have main config already loaded
    camera_ids = config.get_camera_ids()
    for camera_id in camera_ids:
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if 'target_dir' in camera_config:
            if not os.path.exists(camera_config['target_dir']):
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.error('failed to create root media folder "%s" for camera with id %s: %s' % (
                            camera_config['target_dir'], camera_id, e))
Example #17
def _check_ws():
    # schedule the next call
    ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    ioloop.add_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=10), _check_ws)

    if not motionctl.running():

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):
        working_schedule = camera_config.get('@working_schedule')
        motion_detection = camera_config.get('@motion_detection')
        working_schedule_type = camera_config.get('@working_schedule_type') or 'outside'
        if not working_schedule: # working schedule disabled, motion detection left untouched
        if not motion_detection: # motion detection explicitly disabled
        now_during = _during_working_schedule(now, working_schedule)
        must_be_enabled = (now_during and working_schedule_type == 'during') or (not now_during and working_schedule_type == 'outside')
        currently_enabled = motionctl.get_motion_detection(camera_id)
        if currently_enabled is None: # could not detect current status
            logging.warn('skipping motion detection status update for camera with id %(id)s' % {'id': camera_id})
        if currently_enabled and not must_be_enabled:
            logging.debug('must disable motion detection for camera with id %(id)s (%(what)s working schedule)' % {
                    'id': camera_id,
                    'what': working_schedule_type})
            motionctl.set_motion_detection(camera_id, False)

        elif not currently_enabled and must_be_enabled:
            logging.debug('must enable motion detection for camera with id %(id)s (%(what)s working schedule)' % {
                    'id': camera_id,
                    'what': working_schedule_type})
            motionctl.set_motion_detection(camera_id, True)
Example #18
def comp():
	#import cv2
	#import config
	#import face
	# Load training data into model
	print 'Loading training data...'
	model = cv2.createEigenFaceRecognizer()
	print 'Training data loaded!'
	# Initialize camera.
	camera = config.get_camera()
	print 'Capturing Profile...'
	while True:
			image = camera.read()
				# Convert image to grayscale.
			image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
				# Get coordinates of single face in captured image.
			result = face.detect_single(image)
			if result is None:
				print 'Could not detect one face!  Check the image capture.pgm' 
				return "User Not Detected"
			x, y, w, h = result
				# Crop and resize image to face.
			crop = face.resize(face.crop(image, x, y, w, h))
				# Test face against model.
			label, confidence = model.predict(crop)
			print 'Predicted {0} face with confidence {1} (lower is more confident).'.format(
					'POSITIVE' if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL else 'NEGATIVE', 
			#user_login for the redirect refers to the def user_login not /user_login
			#return redirect(url_for('user_login'))

			if label == config.POSITIVE_LABEL and confidence < config.POSITIVE_THRESHOLD:
				print 'Did not recognize face!'
				return 'User Not Accepted !'
Example #19
def cleanup_media(media_type):
    logging.debug("cleaning up %(media_type)ss..." % {"media_type": media_type})

    if media_type == "picture":
        exts = _PICTURE_EXTS

    elif media_type == "movie":
        exts = _MOVIE_EXTS + [".thumb"]

    for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
        camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
        if not utils.local_motion_camera(camera_config):

        preserve_media = camera_config.get("@preserve_%(media_type)ss" % {"media_type": media_type}, 0)
        if preserve_media == 0:
            return  # preserve forever

        still_images_enabled = bool(
                (camera_config["emulate_motion"] or camera_config["output_pictures"])
                and camera_config["picture_filename"]
            or (camera_config["snapshot_interval"] and camera_config["snapshot_filename"])

        movies_enabled = camera_config["ffmpeg_output_movies"]

        if media_type == "picture" and not still_images_enabled:
            continue  # only cleanup pictures for cameras with still images enabled

        elif media_type == "movie" and not movies_enabled:
            continue  # only cleanup movies for cameras with movies enabled

        preserve_moment = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=preserve_media)

        target_dir = camera_config.get("target_dir")
        if os.path.exists(target_dir):
            # create a sentinel file to make sure the target dir is never removed
            open(os.path.join(target_dir, ".keep"), "w").close()

        _remove_older_files(target_dir, preserve_moment, exts=exts)
Example #20
def _get_streameye_enabled():
    global _streameye_enabled
    if _streameye_enabled is not None:
        return _streameye_enabled

    camera_ids = config.get_camera_ids(filter_valid=False) # filter_valid prevents infinte recursion
    if len(camera_ids) != 1:
        _streameye_enabled = False
        return False
    camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_ids[0], as_lines=True) # as_lines prevents infinte recursion
    camera_config = config._conf_to_dict(camera_config)
    if camera_config.get('@proto') != 'mjpeg':
        _streameye_enabled = False
        return False
    if '' not in camera_config.get('@url', ''):
        _streameye_enabled = False
        return False

    _streameye_enabled = True
    return True
Example #21
def capture():
	camera = config.get_camera()
	# Create the directory for positive training images if it doesn't exist.
	if not os.path.exists(config.TRAINING_DIR + CAPTURE_DIR):
		os.makedirs(config.TRAINING_DIR + CAPTURE_DIR)
	# Find the largest ID of existing positive images.
	# Start new images after this ID value.
	files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.TRAINING_DIR + CAPTURE_DIR, 
	count = 0
	if len(files) > 0:
		# Grab the count from the last filename.
		count = int(files[-1][-7:-4])+1
	print 'Capturing positive training images.'
	print 'Type c (and press enter) to capture an image.'
	print 'Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
	while True:
		# Check if button was pressed or 'c' was received, then capture image.
		if  is_letter_input('c'):
			print 'Capturing image...'
			image = camera.read()
			# Convert image to grayscale.
			image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
			# Get coordinates of single face in captured image.
			result = face.detect_single(image)
			if result is None:
				print 'Could not detect single face!  Check the image in capture.pgm' \
					  ' to see what was captured and try again with only one face visible.'
			x, y, w, h = result
			# Crop image as close as possible to desired face aspect ratio.
			# Might be smaller if face is near edge of image.
			crop = face.crop(image, x, y, w, h)
			# Save image to file.
			filename = os.path.join(config.TRAINING_DIR + CAPTURE_DIR, '%03d.pgm' % count)
			cv2.imwrite(filename, crop)
			print 'Found face and wrote training image', filename
			count += 1
Example #22
def make_message(subject, message, camera_id, moment, timespan, callback):
    camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
    def on_media_files(media_files):
        timestamp = time.mktime(moment.timetuple())

        media_files = [m for m in media_files if abs(m['timestamp'] - timestamp) < timespan] # filter out non-recent media files
        media_files.sort(key=lambda m: m['timestamp'], reverse=True)
        media_files = [os.path.join(camera_config['target_dir'], re.sub('^/', '', m['path'])) for m in media_files]

        format_dict = {
            'camera': camera_config['@name'],
            'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
            'moment': moment.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
        if settings.LOCAL_TIME_FILE:
            format_dict['timezone'] = tzctl._get_time_zone()
            format_dict['timezone'] = 'local time'
        m = message % format_dict
        s = subject % format_dict
        s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
        m += '\n\n'
        m += 'motionEye.'
        callback(s, m, media_files)

    if not timespan:
        return on_media_files([])
    time.sleep(timespan) # give motion some time to create motion pictures
    mediafiles.list_media(camera_config, media_type='picture', callback=on_media_files)
Example #23
def _set_streameye_enabled(enabled):
    global _streameye_enabled
    if enabled:
        logging.debug('removing all cameras from cache')
        config._camera_config_cache = {}
        config._camera_ids_cache = []
        logging.debug('disabling all cameras in motion.conf')
        cmd = 'sed -r -i "s/^thread (.*)/#thread \1/" /data/etc/motion.conf &>/dev/null'
        if os.system(cmd):
            logging.error('failed to disable cameras in motion.conf')
        logging.debug('renaming thread files')
        for name in os.listdir(settings.CONF_PATH):
            if re.match('^thread-\d+.conf$', name):
                os.rename(os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name), os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name + '.bak'))

        logging.debug('adding simple mjpeg camera')
        streameye_settings = _get_streameye_settings(1)
        main_config = config.get_main()
        device_details = {
            'proto': 'mjpeg',
            'host': '',
            'port': streameye_settings['sePort'],
            'username': '',
            'password': '',
            'scheme': 'http',
            'uri': '/'

        if streameye_settings['seAuthMode'] == 'basic':
            device_details['username'] = main_config['@normal_username']
            device_details['password'] = main_config['@normal_password']

        _streameye_enabled = True
        config._additional_structure_cache = {}
        camera_config = config.add_camera(device_details)
        # call set_camera again so that the streamEye-related defaults are saved
        config.set_camera(camera_config['@id'], camera_config)

    else: # disabled
        logging.debug('removing simple mjpeg camera')
        for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
            camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
            if camera_config.get('@proto') == 'mjpeg':

        logging.debug('renaming thread files')
        for name in os.listdir(settings.CONF_PATH):
            if re.match('^thread-\d+.conf.bak$', name):
                os.rename(os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name), os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name[:-4]))
        _streameye_enabled = False

        logging.debug('enabling all cameras')
        for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
            camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
            camera_config['@enabled'] = True
            config.set_camera(camera_id, camera_config)
Example #24
# Prefix for positive training image filenames.

def is_letter_input(letter):
	# Utility function to check if a specific character is available on stdin.
	# Comparison is case insensitive.
	if select.select([sys.stdin,],[],[],0.0)[0]:
		input_char = sys.stdin.read(1)
		return input_char.lower() == letter.lower()
	return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
	camera = config.get_camera()
	# Create the directory for positive training images if it doesn't exist.
	if not os.path.exists(config.POSITIVE_DIR):
	# Find the largest ID of existing positive images.
	# Start new images after this ID value.
	files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(config.POSITIVE_DIR, 
		POSITIVE_FILE_PREFIX + '[0-9][0-9][0-9].pgm')))
	count = 0
	if len(files) > 0:
		# Grab the count from the last filename.
		count = int(files[-1][-7:-4])+1
	print 'Capturing positive training images.'
	print 'Press button or type c (and press enter) to capture an image.'
	print 'Press Ctrl-C to quit.'
	while True:
Example #25
    # Utility function to check if a specific character is available on stdin.
    # Comparison is case insensitive.
    if select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.0)[0]:
        input_char = sys.stdin.read(1)
        return input_char.lower() == letter.lower()
    return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load training data into model
    print "Loading training data..."
    model = cv2.createEigenFaceRecognizer()
    print "Training data loaded!"
    # Initialize camer and box.
    camera = config.get_camera()
    personPresent = 0

    print "Running Hal 9000 recognition"
    print "Press Ctrl-C to quit."
    while True:
        # Check if capture should be made.
        # TODO: Check if button is pressed.
        # if is_letter_input('c'):
        # Check for the positive face and unlock if found.
        image = camera.read()
        # Convert image to grayscale.
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        # Get coordinates of single face in captured image.
        result = face.detect_single(image)
        if result is None:
Example #26
def _set_streameye_enabled(enabled):
    global _streameye_enabled
    if enabled:
        logging.debug('removing all cameras from cache')
        config._camera_config_cache = {}
        config._camera_ids_cache = []
        logging.debug('disabling all cameras in motion.conf')
        cmd = 'sed -r -i "s/^thread (.*)/#thread \\1/" /data/etc/motion.conf &>/dev/null'
        if os.system(cmd):
            logging.error('failed to disable cameras in motion.conf')
        logging.debug('renaming thread files')
        for name in os.listdir(settings.CONF_PATH):
            if re.match('^thread-\d+.conf$', name):
                os.rename(os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name), os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name + '.bak'))

        logging.debug('adding simple mjpeg camera')
        streameye_settings = _get_streameye_settings(1)
        main_config = config.get_main()
        device_details = {
            'proto': 'mjpeg',
            'host': '',
            'port': streameye_settings['sePort'],
            'username': '',
            'password': '',
            'scheme': 'http',
            'uri': '/'

        if streameye_settings['seAuthMode'] == 'basic':
            device_details['username'] = main_config['@normal_username']
            device_details['password'] = main_config['@normal_password']

        _streameye_enabled = True
        config._additional_structure_cache = {}
        camera_config = config.add_camera(device_details)
        # call set_camera again so that the streamEye-related defaults are saved
        config.set_camera(camera_config['@id'], camera_config)

    else: # disabled
        logging.debug('removing simple mjpeg camera')
        for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
            camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
            if camera_config.get('@proto') == 'mjpeg':

        logging.debug('renaming thread files')
        for name in os.listdir(settings.CONF_PATH):
            if re.match('^thread-\d+.conf.bak$', name):
                os.rename(os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name), os.path.join(settings.CONF_PATH, name[:-4]))
        _streameye_enabled = False

        logging.debug('enabling all cameras')
        for camera_id in config.get_camera_ids():
            camera_config = config.get_camera(camera_id)
            camera_config['@enabled'] = True
            config.set_camera(camera_id, camera_config)