def transform(self): """Transforms addresses.csv Transforms addresses.csv to new_addresses.csv by adding geocoded x, y coordinates to new_addresses.csv. Returns: ./data/new_addresses.csv with geocoded x, y coordinates for use with arcpy. """ arcpy.AddMessage('Transforming addresses using geocoder') # Create transformed csv with X, Y, and Type for headers csv_path = set_path(self.config_dict['etl_dir'], 'addresses.csv') new_csv_path = set_path(self.config_dict['etl_dir'], 'new_addresses.csv') with open(new_csv_path, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f: fieldnames = ['X', 'Y', 'Type'] writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() with open(csv_path, 'r') as address_reader: csv_dict = csv.DictReader(address_reader, delimiter=',') for row in csv_dict: address = row['Address'] arcpy.AddMessage(f'geocoding {address}') url = f"{self.config_dict['geocoder_prefix_url']}{address}{self.config_dict['geocoder_suffix_url']}" r = self.s.get(url) resp_dict = r.json() x = resp_dict['result']['addressMatches'][0]['coordinates']['x'] y = resp_dict['result']['addressMatches'][0]['coordinates']['y'] row_dict = {'X': x, 'Y': y, 'Type': 'Residential'} arcpy.AddMessage(f'Writing row to new_addresses.csv: {row_dict}') writer.writerow(row_dict)
def render_layout(map_subtitle, map_features, map_spatial_reference, address_count, output_db): """Map renderer orchestration. Orchestrates the rendering of layout and converting the layout to a pdf output file. Args: map_subtitle: Desired subtitle for the output map. map_features: Desired features to map. map_spatial_reference: Desired spatial reference for map. address_count: Addresses count variable previously calculated for output map. output_db: File location for map_features. Returns: Side effect is rendering functions are provided with correct inputs for layout configuration and pdf file output. """ aprx_path = set_path(config_dict.get('proj_dir'), 'WestNileOutbreak.aprx') aprx = arcpy.AddMessage(f'aprx path: {aprx.filePath}') mp = get_map(aprx, 'Map') set_spatial_reference(mp, map_spatial_reference) for f, c in map_features: fc_name = f fc = set_path(output_db, f) colour = c add_feature_to_map(mp, fc_name, fc, colour, transparency=50) # Export final map export_map(aprx, map_subtitle, address_count)
def export_map(subtitle): logger.debug('Starting map export.') # Setup aprx aprx_path = set_path(config_dict.get('proj_dir'), 'WestNileOutbreak.aprx') aprx = lyt = aprx.listLayouts()[0] for el in lyt.listElements(): arcpy.AddMessage( if 'Title' in el.text = f'{el.text} {subtitle}' arcpy.AddMessage(el.text) lyt.exportToPDF(f'{config_dict["proj_dir"]}/wnv.pdf') logger.debug('Export map complete.')
def main(flush_output_db=False): """main orchestration Coordinates the major operations of the West Nile Outbreak project. No try except block included because these exist in helper functions called by this function. Args: flush_output_db: =False means contents of the output db will not be deleted. =True means contents of the output db will be deleted """ # Setup geoprocessing environment. # NAD 1983 StatePlane Colorado North: pcs = 102653 # Setup arcgis environment arcgis_setup(flush_output_db, spatial_reference=pcs) # Setup output db output_db = config_dict.get('output_gdb_dir') arcpy.AddMessage(f'output db: {output_db}') # ----- run_etl ----- # Run etl, generates the avoid_points feature class. run_etl() # ----- run_analysis ----- # Run Analysis to create the final analysis features. analysis_results_dictionary = run_analysis(output_db) # ----- render_layout ----- # Render the map including analysis features, correct colours, subtitle, and addresses at risk count. # analysis_results_dictionary below is included for debugging so don't have to run_analysis: # analysis_results_dictionary = {'map_subtitle': 'debug subtitle', 'addresses_at_risk_count': 123} map_features = [('final_analysis', [255, 0, 0, 100]), ('avoid_points_buf', [115, 178, 255, 100]), ('Target_Addresses', [102, 119, 205, 100])] map_subtitle = analysis_results_dictionary['map_subtitle'] map_spatial_reference = pcs address_count = analysis_results_dictionary['addresses_at_risk_count'] render_layout(map_subtitle, map_features, map_spatial_reference, address_count, output_db) # ----- generate_report ----- # Generate a csv report in the WestNileOutbreak directory with the Target Addresses that require spraying. target_addresses_fc = set_path(output_db, 'Target_Addresses') generate_target_addresses_csv(target_addresses_fc)
def extract(self): """Extracts data from a google spreadsheet. Google spreadsheet url is contained in the config yaml. Returns: ./data/addresses.csv with addresses from the google spreadsheet is created. """ # Get data arcpy.AddMessage('Extracting addresses from google spreadsheet') r = self.s.get(self.config_dict.get('gsheet_url')) arcpy.AddMessage(f'HTTP Response: {r.status_code} \n {r.content} \n') r.encoding = 'utf-8' data = r.text # Write data to csv csv_path = set_path(self.config_dict['etl_dir'], 'addresses.csv') arcpy.AddMessage(f'Writing data to addresses.csv in {csv_path}\n') with open(csv_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(data)
def load(self): """Loads new_addresss.csv into an arcpy feature class. Returns: arcpy XY table to point loads a feature class into an ArcGIS Pro db. """ arcpy.AddMessage('\nCreating a point feature class from input table\n') # Setup local variables in_table = set_path(self.config_dict['etl_dir'], 'new_addresses.csv') out_feature_class = 'avoid_points' x_coords = 'X' y_coords = 'Y' # Create XY event layer, out_feature_class, x_coords, y_coords) arcpy.AddMessage( f'\nFeature class avoid_points created with {arcpy.GetCount_management(out_feature_class)} rows.')
def run_model(): # Check setup user_inputs = {'intersect_fc': 'IntersectAnalysis', 'buf_distance': '2500 Feet'} output_db = config_dict.get('output_gdb_dir') arcpy.AddMessage(f'output db: {output_db}') aprx_path = set_path(config_dict.get('proj_dir'), 'WestNileOutbreak.aprx') aprx = arcpy.AddMessage(f'aprx path: {aprx.filePath}') mp = get_map(aprx, 'Map') # # Buffer Analysis buf_fc_list = ['Mosquito_Larval_Sites', 'Wetlands_Regulatory', 'Lakes_and_Reservoirs', 'OSMP_Properties', 'avoid_points'] for fc in buf_fc_list: buf_distance = user_inputs['buf_distance'] input_fc_name = fc buf_fc_name = f'{fc}_buf' buf_fc = set_path(output_db, buf_fc_name) buffer(mp, input_fc_name, buf_fc, buf_fc_name, buf_distance) # Intersect Analysis # for loop is used to create intersect_fc_list for intersect function (including paths to output_db) intersect_fc_list = [] for fn in buf_fc_list: if fn == 'avoid_points': arcpy.AddMessage( '\nSkipping avoid_points for Intersect Analysis they will be used for Symmetrical Difference.\n') else: intersect_fn = set_path(output_db, f'{fn}_buf') intersect_fc_list.append(intersect_fn) intersect_fc_name = user_inputs['intersect_fc'] inter = set_path(output_db, intersect_fc_name) intersect(mp, intersect_fc_list, inter, intersect_fc_name) # Query by Location join_output_name = 'IntersectAnalysis_Join_BoulderAddresses' jofc = set_path(output_db, join_output_name) sp = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis('Boulder_Addresses', inter, jofc, join_type="KEEP_COMMON", match_option="WITHIN") check_status(sp) # Record Count record_count = arcpy.GetCount_management(jofc) arcpy.AddMessage(f'\nBoulder Addresses at-risk = {record_count[0]}\n') # Clip (Analysis) # inFeatures = set_path(output_db, 'avoid_points_buf') clipFeatures = set_path(output_db, 'IntersectAnalysis') clipOutput = set_path(output_db, 'clip_intersect') # Execute Clip c = arcpy.Clip_analysis(inFeatures, clipFeatures, clipOutput) check_status(c) # Record re-count join_output_name = 'clip_intersect_Join_BoulderAddresses' jofc = set_path(output_db, join_output_name) sp = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis('Boulder_Addresses', set_path(output_db, 'clip_intersect'), jofc, join_type="KEEP_COMMON", match_option="WITHIN") check_status(sp) record_count = arcpy.GetCount_management(jofc) arcpy.AddMessage( f'\nBoulder Addresses in risk zone that need to be opted out of pesticide spraying = {record_count[0]}\n')
def run_analysis(output_db): """Analysis orchestration. Coordinates geospatial analysis operations to create required output feature classes: - final_analysis - avoid_points_buf - Target_Addresses Args: output_db: path of the output data base so each geoprocessing tool can write ouput feature classes. Returns: Results dictionary with the addresses at risk and map subtitle. Side effect is final_analysis, avoid_points_buf, Target_Addresses exist in output_db """ # Start Input GUI user_inputs = input_gui()'Simulation Parameters: {user_inputs}') # Buffer Analysis # Create buffers around high risk areas that will require pesticide control spraying. # Avoid points is also buffered here for convenience. # Avoid points will not be included in the intersect analysis. # Avoid points buffer represents individuals that signed up to opt out of pesticide control spraying. buf_fc_list = [ 'Mosquito_Larval_Sites', 'Wetlands_Regulatory', 'Lakes_and_Reservoirs', 'OSMP_Properties', 'avoid_points' ] for fc in buf_fc_list: buf_distance = user_inputs['buf_distance'] buf_fc_name = f'{fc}_buf' buf_fc = set_path(output_db, buf_fc_name) buffer(fc, buf_fc, buf_distance) # Intersect Analysis # Create an intersect feature layer of all the high risk buffer areas. # The intersect feature layer represents the highest risk zone for West Nile Virus transmission. # The intersect feature layer includes all areas that will require pesticide control spraying. intersect_fc_list = [] for fn in buf_fc_list: if fn == 'avoid_points': arcpy.AddMessage( '\nSkipping avoid_points not used for Intersect Analysis.\n') else: intersect_fn = set_path(output_db, f'{fn}_buf') intersect_fc_list.append(intersect_fn) intersect_fc_name = user_inputs['intersect_fc'] intersect_fc = set_path(output_db, intersect_fc_name) intersect(intersect_fc_list, intersect_fc) # Erase the intersection of the intersect layer and the avoid points. # Pesticide control spraying needs to occur in the intersect layer. # However the city can not spray in the avoid points buffer. # Therefore the avoid points will be erased from the intersect layer. # The resulting layer will be safe for pesticide control spraying. erase_input = intersect_fc erase_fc = set_path(output_db, 'avoid_points_buf') erase_output = set_path(output_db, 'final_analysis') erase(erase_input, erase_fc, erase_output) # Perform a spatial join between Boulder_addresses and final_analysis. # Then count the addresses in the Target_addresses layer. # This count represents the addresses impacted by pesticide spraying. # def spatial_join(target_fc, join_fc, output_fc): # def record_count(count_fc): target_fc = 'Boulder_Addresses' join_fc = set_path(output_db, 'final_analysis') join_output_fc = set_path(output_db, 'Target_Addresses') spatial_join(target_fc, join_fc, join_output_fc) addresses_at_risk_count = record_count(join_output_fc) arcpy.AddMessage( f'\nBoulder Addresses at-risk = {addresses_at_risk_count}\n') # Create a dictionary of results for external use results = { 'addresses_at_risk_count': addresses_at_risk_count, 'map_subtitle': user_inputs['map_subtitle'] } return results
def run_model(): # setup the logger to generate log file use commands: logger.debug(msg), setup_logging(level='DEBUG', fn=f'{config_dict["proj_dir"]}/{config_dict["log_fn"]}') # Start Input GUI user_inputs = input_gui()'Starting West Nile Virus Simulation')'Simulation Parameters: {user_inputs}') # setup arcpy environment output_db = config_dict.get('output_gdb_dir') arcpy.AddMessage(f'output db: {output_db}') aprx_path = set_path(config_dict.get('proj_dir'), 'WestNileOutbreak.aprx') aprx = arcpy.AddMessage(f'aprx path: {aprx.filePath}') mp = get_map(aprx, 'Map') # Buffer Analysis buf_fc_list = [ 'Mosquito_Larval_Sites', 'Wetlands_Regulatory', 'Lakes_and_Reservoirs', 'OSMP_Properties', 'avoid_points' ] for fc in buf_fc_list: buf_distance = user_inputs['buf_distance'] input_fc_name = fc buf_fc_name = f'{fc}_buf' buf_fc = set_path(output_db, buf_fc_name) buffer(mp, input_fc_name, buf_fc, buf_fc_name, buf_distance) # Intersect Analysis # for loop is used to create intersect_fc_list for intersect function (including paths to output_db) intersect_fc_list = [] for fn in buf_fc_list: if fn == 'avoid_points': arcpy.AddMessage( '\nSkipping avoid_points for Intersect Analysis they will be used for Symmetrical Difference.\n' ) else: intersect_fn = set_path(output_db, f'{fn}_buf') intersect_fc_list.append(intersect_fn) intersect_fc_name = user_inputs['intersect_fc'] inter = set_path(output_db, intersect_fc_name) intersect(mp, intersect_fc_list, inter, intersect_fc_name) # Query by Location logger.debug('Starting Spatial Join geoprocessing.') join_output_name = 'IntersectAnalysis_Join_BoulderAddresses' jofc = set_path(output_db, join_output_name) sp = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis('Boulder_Addresses', inter, jofc, join_type="KEEP_COMMON", match_option="WITHIN") check_status(sp) logger.debug('Spatial Join geoprocessing complete.') # Record Count logger.debug('Starting Get Count geoprocessing.') record_count = arcpy.GetCount_management(jofc) arcpy.AddMessage(f'\nBoulder Addresses at-risk = {record_count[0]}\n') logger.debug('Get Count geoprocessing complete.') # Clip (Analysis) # logger.debug('Starting Clip geoprocessing.') inFeatures = set_path(output_db, 'avoid_points_buf') clipFeatures = set_path(output_db, user_inputs['intersect_fc']) clipOutput = set_path(output_db, 'clip_intersect') # Execute Clip c = arcpy.Clip_analysis(inFeatures, clipFeatures, clipOutput) check_status(c) logger.debug('Clip geoprocessing complete.') # Record re-count logger.debug('Starting Spatial Join geoprocessing.') join_output_name = 'clip_intersect_Join_BoulderAddresses' jofc = set_path(output_db, join_output_name) sp = arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis('Boulder_Addresses', set_path(output_db, 'clip_intersect'), jofc, join_type="KEEP_COMMON", match_option="WITHIN") check_status(sp) logger.debug('Spatial Join geoprocessing complete.') logger.debug('Starting Get Count geoprocessing.') record_count = arcpy.GetCount_management(jofc) logger.debug('Get Count geoprocessing complete.') arcpy.AddMessage( f'\nBoulder Addresses in risk zone that need to be opted out of pesticide spraying = {record_count[0]}\n' ) # Add desired features to output map and colour the features map_features = [(user_inputs['intersect_fc'], [255, 235, 190, 100]), ('avoid_points_buf', [115, 178, 255, 100]), ('clip_intersect_Join_BoulderAddresses', [102, 119, 205, 100])] for f, c in map_features: fc_name = f fc = set_path(output_db, f) colour = c add_feature_to_map(mp, fc_name, fc, colour) # Export final map export_map(user_inputs['map_subtitle'])