Example #1
  def put(self, key=config.CONFIG_SINGLETON_KEY):
    model_key = ndb.Key(config.Configuration, key)
    old_model = model_key.get()
    if not old_model:
      raise NotFound('{} with key {} does not exist'.format('Configuration', key))
    # the history mechanism doesn't work unless we make a copy.  So a put is always a clone, never
    # an actual update.
    model = config.Configuration(**old_model.to_dict())
    model.key = model_key
    model.configuration = request.get_json(force=True)

    date = None
    if config.getSettingJson(config.ALLOW_NONPROD_REQUESTS, False):
      date = request.headers.get('x-pretend-date', None)
    if date is not None:
      date = parse_date(date)

    client_id = app_util.get_oauth_id()

    config.store(model, date=date, client_id=client_id)
    return model.configuration
Example #2
        plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTrain, 'b-')
        plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTest, 'ro')
        plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTest, 'r-')
        plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, sliding_window_graph, 'g-')
        axes = plt.gca()
        axes.set_ylim([0, 1000.05])
        plt.title("training (blue), test (red), avg " +
                  str(round(sliding_window_graph[-1], 5)) + "  /  " +
        plt.ylabel('diff squared')
        plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, "progress.png"))

        # Save the model.
        save_path = saver.save(sess, os.path.join(output_path, "model.ckpt"))
        config.store('last_tf_model', save_path)

        # put the print after writing everything so it indicates things have been written.
        debug_iteration = format(iteration, '^10')
        debug_loss = format(results_loss, '^16')
        debug_regularizers = format(results_regularizers, '^16')

        #Format sliding window
        debug_sliding_window = generate_color_text(prev_sliding_window,
        debug_sliding_window = format(debug_sliding_window, '^25')
        prev_sliding_window = sliding_window_graph[-1]

        # Format steering regression accuracy
        debug_sqr_acc = generate_color_text(prev_squared_diff,
Example #3
 def post(self, key=config.CONFIG_SINGLETON_KEY):
   model = config.Configuration(key=ndb.Key(config.Configuration, key),
   return model.configuration
Example #4
def main():
    global last_odometer_reset
    # Init some vars..
    old_steering = 0
    old_throttle = 0
    old_aux1 = 0
    steering = 90
    throttle = 90
    aux1 = 0
    frame_count = 0
    session_full_path = ''
    last_switch = 0
    button_arduino_out = 0
    currently_running = False
    override_autonomous_control = False
    train_on_this_image = True
    vel = 0.0
    last_odo = 0
    last_millis = 0.0

    # Check for insomnia
    if platform.system() == "Darwin":

    # Setup ports.
    port_in, port_out = setup_serial_and_reset_arduinos()

    # Setup tensorflow
    sess, net_model = setup_tensorflow()

    # Start the clock.
    drive_start_time = time.time()
    print 'Awaiting switch flip..'

    while True:
        loop_start_time = time.time()

        # Switch was just flipped.
        if last_switch != button_arduino_out:
            last_switch = button_arduino_out
            # See if the car started up with the switch already flipped.
            if time.time() - drive_start_time < 1:
                print 'Error: start switch in the wrong position.'

            if button_arduino_out == 1:
                currently_running = True
                print '%s: Switch flipped.' % frame_count
                last_odometer_reset = odometer_ticks
                if we_are_recording and (not we_are_autonomous):
                    session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/training-images')
                    print 'STARTING TO RECORD.'
                    print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
                    config.store('last_record_dir', session_full_path)
                elif we_are_recording and we_are_autonomous:
                    session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/tf-driving-images')
                    print 'DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY and STARTING TO RECORD'
                    print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
                    print("DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY (not recording).")
                print("%s: Switch flipped. Recording stopped." % frame_count)
                currently_running = False

        # Read input data from arduinos.
        new_steering, new_throttle, new_aux1, button_arduino_in, button_arduino_out = (
            process_input(port_in, port_out))
        if new_steering != None:
            steering = new_steering
        if new_throttle != None:
            throttle = new_throttle
        if new_aux1 != None:
            aux1 = new_aux1

        # Check to see if we should stop the car via the RC during TF control.
        # But also provide a way to re-engage autonomous control after an override.
        if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
            if (steering > 130 or steering < 50) and throttle > 130:
                if not override_autonomous_control:
                    print '%s: Detected RC override: stopping.' % frame_count
                    override_autonomous_control = True
        if abs(aux1 - old_aux1) > 400 and override_autonomous_control:
            old_aux1 = aux1
            print '%s: Detected RC input: re-engaging autonomous control.' % frame_count
            override_autonomous_control = False

        # Check to see if we should reset the odometer via aux1 during manual
        # driving. This is Button E on the RC transmitter.
        # The values will swing from ~1100 to ~1900.
        if abs(aux1 - old_aux1) > 400:
            old_aux1 = aux1
            print '%s: Resetting the odometer.' % frame_count
            last_odometer_reset = odometer_ticks

        # Overwrite steering with neural net output in autonomous mode.
        # This seems to take about 10ms.
        if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
            # Calculate velocity from odometer. Gets weird when stopped.
            if odometer_ticks != last_odo and milliseconds > last_millis:
                vel = (float(odometer_ticks) - last_odo) / (milliseconds -
                if last_millis == 0 and last_odo == 0:
                    vel = 0
                if odometer_ticks - last_odo > 50 or last_odo >= odometer_ticks:
                    vel = 0
                last_odo = odometer_ticks
                last_millis = milliseconds
            # Read a frame from the camera.
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            steering, throttle = do_tensorflow(
                sess, net_model, frame, odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset,
            # steering, throttle = do_tensor_flow(frame, odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset, vel)

        if we_are_recording and currently_running:
            # TODO(matt): also record vel in filename for tf?
            # Read a frame from the camera.
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            # Save image with car data in filename.
                "%s/" % session_full_path + "frame_" +
                str(frame_count).zfill(5) + "_thr_" + str(throttle) + "_ste_" +
                str(steering) + "_mil_" + str(milliseconds) + "_odo_" +
                str(odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset).zfill(5) + ".png",
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            cv2.imwrite('/tmp/test.png', frame)

        if override_autonomous_control:
            # Full brake and neutral steering.
            throttle, steering = 0, 90

        # Send output data to arduinos.
        process_output(old_steering, old_throttle, steering, throttle,
        old_steering = steering
        old_throttle = throttle

        # Attempt to go at 30 fps. In reality, we could go slower if something hiccups.
        seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
        while seconds < 1 / 30.:
            seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
        frame_count += 1
Example #5
                # plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTrain, 'bo')
                # plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTrain, 'b-')
                # plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTest, 'ro')
                # plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, allAccuracyTest, 'r-')
                # plt.plot(accuracy_check_iterations, sliding_window_graph, 'g-')
                # axes = plt.gca()
                # axes.set_ylim([0, 1000.05])
                # plt.title("training (blue), test (red), avg " + str(round(sliding_window_graph[-1], 5)) + "  /  " + str(
                #     len(sliding_window)))
                # plt.xlabel('iteration')
                # plt.ylabel('diff squared')
                # plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_path, "progress.png"))

                # Save the model.
                save_path = saver.save(sess, os.path.join(output_path, "model.ckpt"))
                config.store('last_tf_model', save_path)
                copyfile(os.path.join(output_path, "debug.html"), os.path.join(output_path, "debug_best.html"))
                print("Saved: " + str(cool_score))

            # put the print after writing everything so it indicates things have been written.
            debug_iteration = format(iteration, '^10')
            debug_loss = format(results_loss, '^16')
            debug_regularizers = format(results_regularizers, '^16')

            # Format sliding window
            debug_sliding_window = Colorize(prev_sliding_window, sliding_window_graph[-1], '^24')
            prev_sliding_window = sliding_window_graph[-1]

            # Format steering regression accuracy
            debug_sqr_acc = Colorize(prev_squared_diff, results_squared_diff, '^28')
            prev_squared_diff = results_squared_diff
Example #6
 def switch_cams(self):
     self.config['switch_cameras_on_start'] = not self.config.get(
         'switch_cameras_on_start', False)
Example #7
def main():
	global last_odometer_reset
	# Init some vars..
	telemetry = []
	old_steering = 0
	old_throttle = 0
	old_aux1 = 0
	steering = 90
	throttle = 90
	aux1 = 0
	frame_count = 0
	session_full_path = ''
	last_switch = 0
	button_arduino_out = 0
	currently_running = False
	override_autonomous_control = False
	train_on_this_image = True
	vel = 0.0
	last_odo_queue = [0] * (config.odo_delta + 1)
	last_millis_queue = [0] * (config.odo_delta + 1)

	# Check for insomnia
	if platform.system() == "Darwin":

	# Setup ports.
	port_in, port_out, imu_port = setup_serial_and_reset_arduinos()

	# Setup tensorflow
	sess, net_model = setup_tensorflow()

	# Start the clock.
	drive_start_time = time.time()
	print 'Awaiting switch flip..'

	if we_are_autonomous:
		print("Warning, we are intending to drive with tensorflow")

	session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/training-images')

	while True:
		loop_start_time = time.time()

		# Switch was just flipped.
		if last_switch != button_arduino_out:
			last_switch = button_arduino_out

			# resets stuck_override status
			last_time_when_nonzero_velocity = -1
			stuck_override_start = -1
			stuck_override_active = False

			# See if the car started up with the switch already flipped.
			# if time.time() - drive_start_time < 1:
			# 	print 'Error: start switch in the wrong position.'
			# 	sys.exit()

			if button_arduino_out == 1:
				currently_running = True
				print '%s: Switch flipped.' % frame_count
				last_odometer_reset = odometer_ticks
				if we_are_recording and (not we_are_autonomous):
					print 'STARTING TO RECORD.'
					print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
					config.store('last_record_dir', session_full_path)
				elif we_are_recording and we_are_autonomous:
					session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/tf-driving-images')
					print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
					print("DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY (not recording).")
				print("%s: Switch flipped. Recording stopped." % frame_count)
				override_autonomous_control = False
				currently_running = False

		# Read input data from arduinos.
		new_steering, new_throttle, new_aux1, button_arduino_in, button_arduino_out = (
			process_input(port_in, port_out))
		if new_steering != None:
			steering = new_steering
		if new_throttle != None:
			throttle = new_throttle
		if new_aux1 != None:
			aux1 = new_aux1

		#telemetry = process_imu(imu_port)
		# print("Throttle: {}".format(new_throttle))	

		# Check to see if we should stop the car via the RC during TF control.
		# But also provide a way to re-engage autonomous control after an override.
		if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
			if (steering > 130 or steering < 50) and throttle > 130:
				if not override_autonomous_control:
					print '%s: Detected RC override: stopping.' % frame_count
					override_autonomous_control = True
					if abs(aux1 - old_aux1) > 400 and override_autonomous_control:
						old_aux1 = aux1
						print '%s: Detected RC input: re-engaging autonomous control.' % frame_count
						override_autonomous_control = False

		# Check to see if we should reset the odometer via aux1 during manual
		# driving. This is Button E on the RC transmitter.
		# The values will swing from ~1100 to ~1900.
		if abs(aux1 - old_aux1) > 400:
			old_aux1 = aux1
			print '%s: Resetting the odometer.' % frame_count
			last_odometer_reset = odometer_ticks

		# Overwrite steering with neural net output in autonomous mode.
		# This seems to take about 10ms.
		if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
			# Calculate velocity from odometer. Gets weird when stopped.
			last_odo = last_odo_queue[-config.odo_delta]
			last_millis = last_millis_queue[-config.odo_delta]
			vel = 0
			if odometer_ticks != last_odo and milliseconds > last_millis:
				if milliseconds - last_millis == 0: vel = 0
				else: vel = (float(odometer_ticks) - last_odo) / (milliseconds - last_millis)
				if last_millis == 0 and last_odo == 0: vel = 0
				if last_odo >= odometer_ticks: vel = 0
			# append to circular queue
			if len(last_odo_queue) > config.odo_delta: last_odo_queue = last_odo_queue[1:]
			if len(last_millis_queue) > config.odo_delta: last_millis_queue = last_millis_queue[1:]
			# Read a frame from the camera.
			frame = camera_stream.read()
			steering, throttle = do_tensorflow(sess, net_model, frame, odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset, vel)
			if ((frame_count % 25) == 0) and (vel != 0):
				# Simulate dropped radio frames from  rc
				#throttle = 0
			# Stuck: throttle override
			# If the car is stuck for more than 2 s, override and full throttle.
			if config.stuck_override: # TODO config.py
				global last_time_when_nonzero_velocity, stuck_override_start, stuck_override_active
				stt = time.time()

				if vel > 0.0:
					last_time_when_nonzero_velocity = stt

				#print throttle,stuck_override_active,stt - stuck_override_start,stt - last_time_when_nonzero_velocity
				if stuck_override_active:
					throttle = 115

					if stt - stuck_override_start > 1.0: # How long to force throttle for: 1.0s
						stuck_override_active = False

					if stt - last_time_when_nonzero_velocity > 1.0: # this is true at the beginning.
						stuck_override_active = True
						stuck_override_start = stt
						last_time_when_nonzero_velocity = stt

			# steering, throttle = do_tensor_flow(frame, odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset, vel)

		global override_random_error
		if we_are_recording and currently_running and config.use_override_random_error:
			steering = override_random_error.tick(loop_start_time, steering)

		if we_are_recording and currently_running and override_random_error.state != 'override':
			# TODO(matt): also record vel in filename for tf?
			# Read a frame from the camera.
			frame = camera_stream.read()
			# Save image with car data in filename.
			cv2.imwrite("%s/" % session_full_path +
				"frame_" + str(frame_count).zfill(5) +
				"_thr_" + str(throttle) +
				"_ste_" + str(steering) +
				"_mil_" + str(milliseconds) +
				"_odo_" + str(odometer_ticks - last_odometer_reset).zfill(5) +
				".png", frame)
			frame = camera_stream.read()
			cv2.imwrite('/tmp/test.png', frame)

		#if telemetry is not None:
		#	frames = [str(frame_count).zfill(5)]
		#	telemetry = frames + telemetry + [throttle, steering]
		#	data_logger.log_data(telemetry)

		if override_autonomous_control:
			# Full brake and neutral steering.
			throttle, steering = 0, 90
			#print("Sending kill command to car")
			stop_car(steering, throttle, port_out)

			# Send output data to arduinos.
			process_output(old_steering, old_throttle, steering, throttle, port_out)
			old_steering = steering
			old_throttle = throttle

		# Attempt to go at 30 fps. In reality, we could go slower if something hiccups.
		seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
		while seconds < 1 / 30.:
			seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
		frame_count += 1
Example #8
	def set_brightness(self, value):
		value = min(max(value, 0), 8)
		config.brightness = value
Example #9
	def set_brightness(self, value):
		value = min(max(value, 0), 8)
		config.brightness = value
Example #10
def main():
    # Init some vars..
    telemetry = []
    old_steering = 0
    old_throttle = 0
    old_aux1 = 0
    steering = 90
    throttle = 90
    aux1 = 0
    frame_count = 0
    session_full_path = ''
    last_switch = 0  # set to 1 for auto-switch
    button_arduino_out = 0
    currently_running = False
    override_autonomous_control = False
    train_on_this_image = True
    vel = 0.0

    # Check for insomnia
    #if platform.system() == "Darwin":
    #       check_for_insomnia()

    # Setup ports.
    port_in, port_out, imu_port = setup_serial_and_reset_arduinos()

    # Setup tensorflow
    sess, net_model = setup_tensorflow()

    # Start the clock.
    print 'Awaiting switch flip..'

    if we_are_autonomous:
        print("Warning, we are intending to drive with tensorflow")

    session_full_path = make_data_folder('./training-images')

    # This block is copied from below, and is a temporary hack to make recording auto-start
    currently_running = True
    print '%s: Switch flipped.' % frame_count
    if we_are_recording and (not we_are_autonomous):
        print 'STARTING TO RECORD.'
        print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
        config.store('last_record_dir', session_full_path)
    elif we_are_recording and we_are_autonomous:
        session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/tf-driving-images')
        print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
        print("DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY (not recording).")
    # Endhack

    while True:
        loop_start_time = time.time()

        # Switch was just flipped.
        if last_switch != button_arduino_out:
            last_switch = button_arduino_out

            if button_arduino_out == 1:
                currently_running = True
                print '%s: Switch flipped.' % frame_count
                if we_are_recording and (not we_are_autonomous):
                    print 'STARTING TO RECORD.'
                    print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
                    config.store('last_record_dir', session_full_path)
                elif we_are_recording and we_are_autonomous:
                    session_full_path = make_data_folder('~/tf-driving-images')
                    print 'DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY and STARTING TO RECORD'
                    print 'Folder: %s' % session_full_path
                    print("DRIVING AUTONOMOUSLY (not recording).")
                print("%s: Switch flipped. Recording stopped." % frame_count)
                override_autonomous_control = False
                currently_running = False

        # Read input data from arduinos.
        # new_steering, new_throttle, new_aux1, button_arduino_in, button_arduino_out = (
        #       process_input(port_in, port_out))
        # if new_steering != None:
        #       steering = new_steering
        # if new_throttle != None:
        #       throttle = new_throttle
        # if new_aux1 != None:
        #       aux1 = new_aux1

        # Check to see if we should stop the car via the RC during TF control.
        # But also provide a way to re-engage autonomous control after an override.
        if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
            if (steering > 130 or steering < 50) and throttle > 130:
                if not override_autonomous_control:
                    print '%s: Detected RC override: stopping.' % frame_count
                    override_autonomous_control = True
                    if abs(aux1 -
                           old_aux1) > 400 and override_autonomous_control:
                        old_aux1 = aux1
                        print '%s: Detected RC input: re-engaging autonomous control.' % frame_count
                        override_autonomous_control = False

        # Overwrite steering with neural net output in autonomous mode.
        # This seems to take about 10ms.
        if we_are_autonomous and currently_running:
            # Read a frame from the camera.
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            # Hard code odo_ticks for pinball purposes
            odo_ticks = 0
            steering, throttle = do_tensorflow(sess, net_model, frame,
                                               odo_ticks, vel)
            if ((frame_count % 25) == 0) and (vel != 0):
                # Simulate dropped radio frames from  rc
                #throttle = 0

        if we_are_recording and currently_running:
            # TODO(matt): also record vel in filename for tf?
            # Read a frame from the camera.
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            # Save image with car data in filename.
                "%s/" % session_full_path + "frame_" +
                str(frame_count).zfill(5) + "_thr_" + str(throttle) + "_ste_" +
                str(steering) + "_mil_" + str(milliseconds) + ".png", frame)
            frame = camera_stream.read()
            cv2.imwrite('/tmp/test.png', frame)

        if telemetry is not None:
            frames = [str(frame_count).zfill(5)]
            telemetry = frames + telemetry

        if override_autonomous_control:
            # Full brake and neutral steering.
            throttle, steering = 0, 90
            #print("Sending kill command to car")
            stop_car(steering, throttle, port_out)

            # Send output data to arduinos.
            # process_output(old_steering, old_throttle, steering, throttle, port_out)
            old_steering = steering
            old_throttle = throttle

        # Attempt to go at 30 fps. In reality, we could go slower if something hiccups.
        seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
        while seconds < 1 / 30.:
            seconds = time.time() - loop_start_time
        frame_count += 1