def send(self, sock): """ :param sock: a working UDP socket """ if self.packed_data is None: if self.is_ready: try: broad_ip = None for iface in netifaces.interfaces(): try: broad_ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[ netifaces.AF_INET][0]["broadcast"] # cfg.log("Found a correct interface : " + str(iface)) break except: pass # cfg.log("Not a correct interface : " + str(iface)) if broad_ip is None: raise Exception("No interface available !") if self.to_cuid != cfg.CUID_SERVER or self.to_cuid == cfg.CUID_BROASCAST: sock.sendto(self.get_packed_data(), (broad_ip, cfg.COMMUNICATION_PORT_DEVICE)) if self.to_cuid == cfg.CUID_SERVER or self.to_cuid == cfg.CUID_BROASCAST: sock.sendto(self.get_packed_data(), (broad_ip, cfg.COMMUNICATION_PORT_SERVER)) return True except Exception as e: cfg.warn("Network error : " + "".join(e.args)) cfg.log("Sending : " + utls.bytes_to_hex_string(self.get_packed_data())) else: cfg.warn("Packet is not ready !") return False
def main(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hu:p:d:o:t:", ["help", "user="******"password="******"db=", "operation=", "table="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() user = config.user password = None op = 'list_db' db = config.db tbl = None for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-u', '--user'): user = val elif opt in ('-p', '--password'): password = val elif opt in ('-d', '--db'): db = val elif opt in ('-o', '--operation'): op = val elif opt in ('-t', '--table'): tbl = val if user is None or password is None: usage() config.warn("Hi " + user) try: my_db = MySQLdb.connect(user=user, passwd=password, unix_socket='/tmp/mysql.sock') except: print sys.exc_info()[1] sys.exit(1) global handle handle = my_db.cursor() if op == 'list_db': list_db() sys.exit(0) handle.execute('use ' + db) if op == 'list_tables': list_tables() elif op == 'dump_table': dump_table(tbl) else: usage()
def __init__(self, guid, is_server=cfg.IS_SERVER, data_callback=None): """ :param guid: the guid of the device """ super(Communicator, self).__init__() # setting up self.data_callback = data_callback self.is_server = is_server self.global_uid = guid # setting network try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) port = cfg.COMMUNICATION_PORT_DEVICE if self.is_server: port = cfg.COMMUNICATION_PORT_SERVER self.sock.bind(('', port)) self.address = self.sock.getsockname() cfg.log("Listening on" + str(self.address)) except: cfg.warn("Socket setup error !") self.sender = Sender(self.sock) self.receiver = Receiver(lambda p: self.on_receive(p), self.sock) if self.is_server: self.communication_uid = cfg.CUID_SERVER # databases setup try: self.database = pymysql.connect(host=cfg.DB_IP, user=cfg.DB_USER, password=cfg.DB_PASS, db=cfg.DB_NAME, charset=cfg.DB_CHARSET) except pymysql.err.Error: cfg.warn("Database setup error !") # clean tables self.db_query("DELETE FROM " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS) self.db_query("DELETE FROM " + cfg.TB_SPECIFICATIONS) self.ready = True else: # connection setup if self.init_connection() self.ready = False """ self.daemon = True # wait thread to stop before exiting program """ while not self.is_ready(): continue
def reconstruct(self, raw_packet): cfg.log("Reading : " + utls.bytes_to_hex_string(raw_packet)) try: self.set_to_cuid(int.from_bytes(raw_packet[:1], "big")) self.set_from_cuid(int.from_bytes(raw_packet[1:2], "big")) self.set_fonction_id(int.from_bytes(raw_packet[2:3], "big")) datlen = int.from_bytes(raw_packet[3:4], "big") self.set_data(raw_packet[4:4 + datlen]) found_crc = int.from_bytes(raw_packet[4 + datlen:], "big") correct_crc = self.calculate_crc(raw_packet[:4 + datlen]) if correct_crc != found_crc: cfg.warn("CRC Error : " + str(found_crc) + " != " + str(correct_crc) + " !") else: cfg.log("CRC correct : " + str(found_crc)) except: cfg.warn("Parse error...") return self
def on_receive(self, packet): cfg.log(packet) if packet.get_to_cuid() == self.get_cuid() or packet.get_to_cuid( ) == cfg.CUID_BROASCAST: if packet.get_fonction_id() == cfg.FCT_INFO: # self.exec_callback(4, [packet.get_from_cuid(), packet.get_data()]) print("Info : " + packet.get_data().decode("ascii")) elif packet.get_fonction_id() == cfg.FCT_IAMNEW and self.is_server: # I'M NEW other_guid = binascii.hexlify( packet.get_data()).decode("ascii") cfg.log("I'M NEW : " + str(other_guid)) # finding new CUID if self.database is not None: self.db_query( "DELETE FROM " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS + " WHERE GUID=%s", (other_guid)) dat = self.db_query("SELECT CUID FROM " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS) cfg.log("Already used CUIDs : " + str(dat)) is_ok = True possible_cuid = 0 for possible_cuid in cfg.CUID_LIST_USABLE: is_ok = True for p in dat: if possible_cuid in p: is_ok = False if is_ok: break if is_ok: cfg.log("Found : " + str(possible_cuid)) # if CUID found -> register and send it found_cuid = possible_cuid self.db_query( "INSERT INTO " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS + " (GUID, CUID) VALUES (%s, %s)", (other_guid, found_cuid)) # registered self.send( cfg.CUID_BROASCAST, cfg.FCT_YOURETHIS, binascii.unhexlify(other_guid) + found_cuid.to_bytes(1, "big")) # sent else: cfg.warn("No usable CUID found !") else: self.send( cfg.CUID_BROASCAST, cfg.FCT_YOURETHIS, binascii.unhexlify(other_guid) + (2).to_bytes(1, "big")) elif packet.get_fonction_id( ) == cfg.FCT_YOURETHIS and not self.is_server: # YOU'RE THIS cfg.log( "YOU'RE THIS " + utls.bytes_to_hex_string( binascii.hexlify(packet.get_data()[:cfg.SIZE_GUID])) + " - " + utls.bytes_to_hex_string( binascii.hexlify(packet.get_data()[cfg.SIZE_GUID:]))) cfg.log( utls.bytes_to_hex_string( binascii.hexlify(packet.get_data()[:cfg.SIZE_GUID])) + " == " + self.get_guid() + " -> " + str( utls.bytes_to_hex_string( binascii.hexlify(packet.get_data()[:cfg.SIZE_GUID]) ) == self.get_guid())) if utls.bytes_to_hex_string( binascii.hexlify(packet.get_data() [:cfg.SIZE_GUID])) == self.get_guid(): my_new_cuid = int.from_bytes( packet.get_data()[cfg.SIZE_GUID:], "big") cfg.log("YOU'RE THIS : " + str(my_new_cuid)) self.set_cuid(my_new_cuid) # got new cuid self.send(packet.get_from_cuid(), cfg.FCT_INFO, b'Hello !') self.ready = True elif packet.get_fonction_id( ) == cfg.FCT_GIVEDATA and self.is_server: # GIVE DATA cfg.log("Give DATA :" + str(packet)) if self.db_query("SELECT inited FROM " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS + " WHERE cuid=" + str(packet.get_from_cuid()))[0][0] == 0: cfg.log("Device not initialized !") return vals = [] for i in range( self.db_query("SELECT numchan FROM " + cfg.TB_SPECIFICATIONS + " WHERE cuid=" + str(packet.get_from_cuid()))[0][0]): vals.append( int.from_bytes( packet.get_data()[(i * cfg.DATA_VALUE_SIZE // 8):((i + 1) * cfg.DATA_VALUE_SIZE // 8)], "big")) print(str(packet.get_from_cuid()) + " -> " + str(vals)) if self.data_callback: self.data_callback(packet.get_from_cuid(), vals) elif packet.get_fonction_id() == cfg.FCT_MYSPEC and self.is_server: # MY SPEC cfg.log("Give MYSPEC :" + str(packet)) # | NCHAN | NLEN | DLEN | NAME | DESC | # | (8b) | (8b) | (8b) | (NLENb)| (DLENb)| nchan = packet.get_data()[0] nlen = packet.get_data()[1] dlen = packet.get_data()[2] name = "" desc = "" for i in range(nlen): name += chr(packet.get_data()[3 + i]) for i in range(dlen): desc += chr(packet.get_data()[3 + nlen + i]) cfg.log(name + " - " + desc) self.db_query( "UPDATE " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS + " SET inited=%s WHERE CUID=%s", (1, packet.get_from_cuid())) self.db_query( "INSERT INTO " + cfg.TB_SPECIFICATIONS + " (numchan,name,description,cuid) VALUE (%s,%s,%s,%s)", (nchan, name, desc, packet.get_from_cuid())) cfg.log("DB Query finished !") elif packet.get_fonction_id() == cfg.FCT_GOODBYE: # GOODBYE cfg.log("Give GOODBYE :" + str(packet)) if self.is_server: self.db_query( "DELETE FROM " + cfg.TB_CONNECTIONS + " WHERE CUID=%s", (packet.get_from_cuid())) self.db_query( "DELETE FROM " + cfg.TB_SPECIFICATIONS + " WHERE CUID=%s", (packet.get_from_cuid())) else: # self.callbacks['stop']() pass