def main(): opt = BaseOptions().parse() torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) cudnn.benchmark = False cudnn.deterministic = True np.random.seed(opt.seed) dset = TVQADataset(opt) opt.vocab_size = len(dset.word2idx) model = TVQANet(opt) if opt.device.type == "cuda": print("CUDA enabled.") if len(opt.device_ids) > 1: print("Use multi GPU", opt.device_ids) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=opt.device_ids, output_device=0) # use multi GPU # model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./path/best_release_7420.pth")) criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum").to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),, weight_decay=opt.wd) best_acc = 0. start_epoch = 0 early_stopping_cnt = 0 early_stopping_flag = False for epoch in range(start_epoch, opt.n_epoch): if not early_stopping_flag: niter = epoch * np.ceil(len(dset) / float(opt.bsz)) cur_acc = train(opt, dset, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, best_acc) is_best = cur_acc > best_acc best_acc = max(cur_acc, best_acc) if not is_best: early_stopping_cnt += 1 if early_stopping_cnt >= opt.max_es_cnt: early_stopping_flag = True else: early_stopping_cnt = 0 else: print("=> early stop with valid acc %.4f" % best_acc) break if epoch == 10: for g in optimizer.param_groups: g['lr'] = 0.0002 return opt.results_dir.split("/")[1]
def main_inference(): print("Loading config...") opt = BaseOptions().parse() print("Loading dataset...") dset = TVQADataset(opt, paths) print("Loading model...") model = TVQANet(opt) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if opt.device != '-2' and torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # if specified, use opt.device else use the better of whats available (gpu > cpu) if opt.device != '-2' else device) cudnn.benchmark = True # load pre-trained model if it exists loadPreTrainedModel(model=model, modelPath=paths["pretrained_model"]) model.eval() model.inference_mode = True torch.set_grad_enabled(False) print("Evaluation Starts:\n") predictions = inference(opt, dset, model) print("predictions {}".format(predictions.keys())) pred_path = paths["pretrained_model"].replace( "best_valid.pth", "{}_inference_predictions.json".format(opt.mode)) save_json(predictions, pred_path)
@staticmethod def get_fake_inputs(device="cuda:0"): bsz = 16 q = torch.ones(bsz, 25).long().to(device) q_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(25).long().to(device) a = torch.ones(bsz, 5, 20).long().to(device) a_l = torch.ones(bsz, 5).fill_(20).long().to(device) a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 = [a[:, i, :] for i in range(5)] a0_l, a1_l, a2_l, a3_l, a4_l = [a_l[:, i] for i in range(5)] sub = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) sub_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vcpt = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) vcpt_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vid = torch.ones(bsz, 100, 2048).to(device) vid_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(100).long().to(device) return q, q_l, a0, a0_l, a1, a1_l, a2, a2_l, a3, a3_l, a4, a4_l, sub, sub_l, vcpt, vcpt_l, vid, vid_l if __name__ == '__main__': from config import BaseOptions import sys sys.argv[1:] = ["--input_streams" "sub"] opt = BaseOptions().parse() model = ABC(opt) test_in = model.get_fake_inputs(device=opt.device) test_out = model(*test_in) print((test_out.size()))
valid_qids += [int(x) for x in qids] valid_loss.append(loss.item()) pred_ids =[1] valid_corrects += pred_ids.eq( if opt.debug: break valid_acc = sum(valid_corrects) / float(len(valid_corrects)) valid_loss = sum(valid_loss) / float(len(valid_corrects)) return valid_acc, valid_loss if __name__ == "__main__": torch.manual_seed(2018) opt = BaseOptions().parse() writer = SummaryWriter(opt.results_dir) opt.writer = writer dset = TVQADataset(opt) opt.vocab_size = len(dset.word2idx) model = ABC(opt) if not opt.no_glove: model.load_embedding(dset.vocab_embedding) cudnn.benchmark = True criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(size_average=False).to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),,
def main(): opt = BaseOptions().parse() torch.manual_seed(opt.seed) cudnn.benchmark = False cudnn.deterministic = True np.random.seed(opt.seed) writer = SummaryWriter(opt.results_dir) opt.writer = writer dset = TVQADataset(opt) opt.vocab_size = len(dset.word2idx) model = STAGE(opt) count_parameters(model) if opt.device.type == "cuda": print("CUDA enabled.") if len(opt.device_ids) > 1: print("Use multi GPU", opt.device_ids) model = torch.nn.DataParallel( model, device_ids=opt.device_ids) # use multi GPU criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum").to(opt.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()),, weight_decay=opt.wd) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode="max", factor=0.5, patience=10, verbose=True) best_acc = 0. start_epoch = 0 early_stopping_cnt = 0 early_stopping_flag = False for epoch in range(start_epoch, opt.n_epoch): if not early_stopping_flag: use_hard_negatives = epoch + 1 > opt.hard_negative_start # whether to use hard negative sampling niter = epoch * np.ceil(len(dset) / float(opt.bsz)) opt.writer.add_scalar("learning_rate", float(optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]), niter) cur_acc = train(opt, dset, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, best_acc, use_hard_negatives=use_hard_negatives) scheduler.step(cur_acc) # decrease lr when acc is not improving # remember best acc is_best = cur_acc > best_acc best_acc = max(cur_acc, best_acc) if not is_best: early_stopping_cnt += 1 if early_stopping_cnt >= opt.max_es_cnt: early_stopping_flag = True else: early_stopping_cnt = 0 else: print("=> early stop with valid acc %.4f" % best_acc) opt.writer.export_scalars_to_json( os.path.join(opt.results_dir, "all_scalars.json")) opt.writer.close() break # early stop break if opt.debug: break return opt.results_dir.split("/")[1], opt.debug
@staticmethod def get_fake_inputs(device="cuda:0"): bsz = 16 q = torch.ones(bsz, 25).long().to(device) q_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(25).long().to(device) a = torch.ones(bsz, 5, 20).long().to(device) a_l = torch.ones(bsz, 5).fill_(20).long().to(device) a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 = [a[:, i, :] for i in range(5)] a0_l, a1_l, a2_l, a3_l, a4_l = [a_l[:, i] for i in range(5)] sub = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) sub_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vcpt = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) vcpt_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vid = torch.ones(bsz, 100, 2048).to(device) vid_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(100).long().to(device) return q, q_l, a0, a0_l, a1, a1_l, a2, a2_l, a3, a3_l, a4, a4_l, sub, sub_l, vcpt, vcpt_l, vid, vid_l if __name__ == '__main__': from config import BaseOptions import sys #sys.argv[1:] = ["--input_streams " "sub"] opt = BaseOptions().parse() opt.vocab_size = 5 model = ABC(opt) test_in = model.get_fake_inputs(device=opt.device) test_out = model(*test_in) print(test_out.size())
valid_loss.append(loss.item()) pred_ids =[1] valid_corrects += pred_ids.eq( if opt.debug: break valid_acc = sum(valid_corrects) / float(len(valid_corrects)) valid_loss = sum(valid_loss) / float(len(valid_loss)) return valid_acc, valid_loss if __name__ == "__main__": torch.manual_seed(2018) opt = BaseOptions().parse() writer = SummaryWriter(opt.results_dir) opt.writer = writer plotter = VisdomLinePlotter(env_name=opt.jobname) opt.plotter = plotter dset = TVQADataset(opt) if opt.bert is None: opt.vocab_size = len(dset.word2idx) if opt.disable_streams is None: opt.disable_streams = [] # My dynamic imports #### import importlib print((opt.jobname)) print((opt.modelname))
class ABC(nn.Module): def __init__(self, opt): super(ABC, self).__init__() self.vid_flag = "imagenet" in opt.input_streams self.sub_flag = "sub" in opt.input_streams self.vcpt_flag = "vcpt" in opt.input_streams self.reg_flag = "regional" in opt.input_streams self.topk = opt.topk self.opt = opt hidden_size_1 = opt.hsz1 hidden_size_2 = opt.hsz2 n_layers_cls = opt.n_layers_cls vid_feat_size = opt.vid_feat_size embedding_size = opt.embedding_size # For BERT if opt.bert is None: vocab_size = opt.vocab_size self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size) else: self.bert_fc = nn.Linear(768, 300) if opt.bert in ["default"]: self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') elif opt.bert == "multi_choice": self.bert = BertForMultipleChoice.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') elif opt.bert == "qa": self.bert = BertForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') self.bidaf = BidafAttn(hidden_size_1 * 3, method="dot") # no parameter for dot self.lstm_raw = RNNEncoder(300, hidden_size_1, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type="lstm") if self.vid_flag: print("activate video stream") self.video_fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(vid_feat_size, embedding_size), nn.Tanh(), ) self.lstm_mature_vid = RNNEncoder(hidden_size_1 * 2 * 5, hidden_size_2, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type="lstm") self.classifier_vid = MLP(hidden_size_2*2, 1, 500, n_layers_cls) if self.sub_flag: print("activate sub stream") self.lstm_mature_sub = RNNEncoder(hidden_size_1 * 2 * 5, hidden_size_2, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type="lstm") self.classifier_sub = MLP(hidden_size_2*2, 1, 500, n_layers_cls) if self.vcpt_flag: print("activate vcpt stream") self.lstm_mature_vcpt = RNNEncoder(hidden_size_1 * 2 * 5, hidden_size_2, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type="lstm") self.classifier_vcpt = MLP(hidden_size_2*2, 1, 500, n_layers_cls) if self.reg_flag: print("activate regional stream") self.regional_fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(0.5), nn.Linear(2048, embedding_size), nn.Tanh(), ) self.lstm_mature_reg= RNNEncoder(hidden_size_1 * 2 * 5, hidden_size_2, bidirectional=True, dropout_p=0, n_layers=1, rnn_type="lstm") self.classifier_reg = MLP(hidden_size_2*2, 1, 500, n_layers_cls) def load_embedding(self, pretrained_embedding): def forward(self, q, q_l, a0, a0_l, a1, a1_l, a2, a2_l, a3, a3_l, a4, a4_l, sub, sub_l, vcpt, vcpt_l, vid, vid_l, reg, reg_l, regtopk, regtopk_l): #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if self.opt.bert is None:# For BERT e_q = self.embedding(q) e_a0 = self.embedding(a0) e_a1 = self.embedding(a1) e_a2 = self.embedding(a2) e_a3 = self.embedding(a3) e_a4 = self.embedding(a4) raw_out_q, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_q, q_l) raw_out_a0, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a0, a0_l) raw_out_a1, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a1, a1_l) raw_out_a2, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a2, a2_l) raw_out_a3, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a3, a3_l) raw_out_a4, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a4, a4_l) else: with torch.no_grad(): e_q = self.bert(q)[0] e_a0 = self.bert(a0)[0] e_a1 = self.bert(a1)[0] e_a2 = self.bert(a2)[0] e_a3 = self.bert(a3)[0] e_a4 = self.bert(a4)[0] e_q = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_q)) e_a0 = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_a0)) e_a1 = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_a1)) e_a2 = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_a2)) e_a3 = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_a3)) e_a4 = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_a4)) raw_out_q, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_q, q_l) raw_out_a0, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a0, a0_l) raw_out_a1, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a1, a1_l) raw_out_a2, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a2, a2_l) raw_out_a3, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a3, a3_l) raw_out_a4, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_a4, a4_l) #### Subs #### if self.sub_flag: if(self.opt.bert is None):# For BERT e_sub = self.embedding(sub) #Subtitles embedded else: e_sub = self.bert(sub)[0] e_sub = F.relu(self.bert_fc(e_sub)) raw_out_sub, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_sub, sub_l) #through lstm sub_out = self.stream_processor(self.lstm_mature_sub, self.classifier_sub, raw_out_sub, sub_l, raw_out_q, q_l, raw_out_a0, a0_l, raw_out_a1, a1_l, raw_out_a2, a2_l, raw_out_a3, a3_l, raw_out_a4, a4_l) #Fusion happens in here for subtitles else: sub_out = 0 #### Vcpt #### if self.vcpt_flag: if(self.opt.bert is None):# For BERT e_vcpt = self.embedding(vcpt) else: e_vcpt = self.bert(vcpt)[0] e_vcpt = F.leaky_relu(self.bert_fc(e_vcpt)) raw_out_vcpt, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_vcpt, vcpt_l) vcpt_out = self.stream_processor(self.lstm_mature_vcpt, self.classifier_vcpt, raw_out_vcpt, vcpt_l, raw_out_q, q_l, raw_out_a0, a0_l, raw_out_a1, a1_l, raw_out_a2, a2_l, raw_out_a3, a3_l, raw_out_a4, a4_l) else: vcpt_out = 0 #### Imgnet #### if self.vid_flag: e_vid = self.video_fc(vid) raw_out_vid, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_vid, vid_l) vid_out = self.stream_processor(self.lstm_mature_vid, self.classifier_vid, raw_out_vid, vid_l, raw_out_q, q_l, raw_out_a0, a0_l, raw_out_a1, a1_l, raw_out_a2, a2_l, raw_out_a3, a3_l, raw_out_a4, a4_l) else: vid_out = 0 #### Reg #### if self.reg_flag: e_reg = self.regional_fc(reg) raw_out_reg, _ = self.lstm_raw(e_reg, reg_l) reg_out = self.stream_processor(self.lstm_mature_reg, self.classifier_reg, raw_out_reg, reg_l, raw_out_q, q_l, raw_out_a0, a0_l, raw_out_a1, a1_l, raw_out_a2, a2_l, raw_out_a3, a3_l, raw_out_a4, a4_l) else: reg_out = 0 # Total out = sub_out + vcpt_out + vid_out + reg_out # adding zeros has no effect on backward return out.squeeze() #Regular stream processor for imgnet, vcpt, subtitles def stream_processor(self, lstm_mature, classifier, ctx_embed, ctx_l, q_embed, q_l, a0_embed, a0_l, a1_embed, a1_l, a2_embed, a2_l, a3_embed, a3_l, a4_embed, a4_l): u_q, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, q_embed, q_l) u_a0, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a0_embed, a0_l) u_a1, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a1_embed, a1_l) u_a2, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a2_embed, a2_l) u_a3, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a3_embed, a3_l) u_a4, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a4_embed, a4_l) concat_a0 =[ctx_embed, u_a0, u_q, u_a0 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a1 =[ctx_embed, u_a1, u_q, u_a1 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a2 =[ctx_embed, u_a2, u_q, u_a2 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a3 =[ctx_embed, u_a3, u_q, u_a3 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a4 =[ctx_embed, u_a4, u_q, u_a4 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) mature_maxout_a0, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a0, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a1, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a1, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a2, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a2, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a3, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a3, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a4, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a4, ctx_l) if self.topk == 1: mature_maxout_a0 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a0, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a1 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a1, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a2 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a2, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a3 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a3, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a4 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a4, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) else: mature_maxout_a0 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a0, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a1 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a1, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a2 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a2, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a3 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a3, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a4 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a4, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_answers =[ mature_maxout_a0, mature_maxout_a1, mature_maxout_a2, mature_maxout_a3, mature_maxout_a4 ], dim=1) out = classifier(mature_answers) # (B, 5) return out #Regional feature stream processor to deal with attention across 20 objects def stream_processor(self, lstm_mature, classifier, ctx_embed, ctx_l, q_embed, q_l, a0_embed, a0_l, a1_embed, a1_l, a2_embed, a2_l, a3_embed, a3_l, a4_embed, a4_l): u_q, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, q_embed, q_l) u_a0, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a0_embed, a0_l) u_a1, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a1_embed, a1_l) u_a2, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a2_embed, a2_l) u_a3, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a3_embed, a3_l) u_a4, _ = self.bidaf(ctx_embed, ctx_l, a4_embed, a4_l) concat_a0 =[ctx_embed, u_a0, u_q, u_a0 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a1 =[ctx_embed, u_a1, u_q, u_a1 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a2 =[ctx_embed, u_a2, u_q, u_a2 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a3 =[ctx_embed, u_a3, u_q, u_a3 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) concat_a4 =[ctx_embed, u_a4, u_q, u_a4 * ctx_embed, u_q * ctx_embed], dim=-1) mature_maxout_a0, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a0, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a1, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a1, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a2, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a2, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a3, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a3, ctx_l) mature_maxout_a4, _ = lstm_mature(concat_a4, ctx_l) if self.topk == 1: mature_maxout_a0 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a0, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a1 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a1, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a2 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a2, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a3 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a3, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a4 = max_along_time(mature_maxout_a4, ctx_l).unsqueeze(1) else: mature_maxout_a0 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a0, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a1 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a1, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a2 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a2, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a3 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a3, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_maxout_a4 = max_avg_along_time(mature_maxout_a4, ctx_l, self.topk).unsqueeze(1) mature_answers =[ mature_maxout_a0, mature_maxout_a1, mature_maxout_a2, mature_maxout_a3, mature_maxout_a4 ], dim=1) out = classifier(mature_answers) # (B, 5) return out def pointer_network(): pass @staticmethod def get_fake_inputs(device="cuda:0"): bsz = 16 q = torch.ones(bsz, 25).long().to(device) q_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(25).long().to(device) a = torch.ones(bsz, 5, 20).long().to(device) a_l = torch.ones(bsz, 5).fill_(20).long().to(device) a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 = [a[:, i, :] for i in range(5)] a0_l, a1_l, a2_l, a3_l, a4_l = [a_l[:, i] for i in range(5)] sub = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) sub_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vcpt = torch.ones(bsz, 300).long().to(device) vcpt_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(300).long().to(device) vid = torch.ones(bsz, 100, 2048).to(device) vid_l = torch.ones(bsz).fill_(100).long().to(device) return q, q_l, a0, a0_l, a1, a1_l, a2, a2_l, a3, a3_l, a4, a4_l, sub, sub_l, vcpt, vcpt_l, vid, vid_l if __name__ == '__main__': from config import BaseOptions import sys sys.argv[1:] = ["--input_streams" "sub"] opt = BaseOptions().parse() model = ABC(opt) test_in = model.get_fake_inputs(device=opt.device) test_out = model(*test_in) print((test_out.size()))
import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from PIL import Image from reconstruction import * from relighting import * from direct_intrinsics_sn import DirectIntrinsicsSN from infer import main, set_experiment from utils import Cuda, create_image from normal_weights.models import net as normal_net from config import BaseOptions from smoothing import average_frames, average_frames_warp from scipy import ndimage print("PyTorch can see",torch.cuda.device_count(),"GPU(s). Current device:",torch.cuda.current_device()) inst = BaseOptions() parser = inst.parser opt = parser.parse_args() IMG_SCALE = 1./255 IMG_MEAN = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape((1, 1, 3)) IMG_STD = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((1, 1, 3)) def initNetworks(): #Decomposition network net = DirectIntrinsicsSN(3,['color','color','class']) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.intrinseg_weights_loc)) cuda = Cuda(0) net = net.cuda(device=cuda.device) net.eval()