Example #1
def get_key_config(key_name):
    key_config = ConfigSection('apikey:%s' % key_name)
    key_id = int(key_config.get_option('key_id'))
    v_code = key_config.get_option('v_code')
    entity_id = key_config.get_option('id')
    if entity_id is not None:
        entity_id = int(entity_id)
    return key_id, v_code, entity_id
Example #2
def get_key_config(key_name):
    key_config = ConfigSection('apikey:%s' % key_name)
    key_id = int(key_config.get_option('key_id'))
    v_code = key_config.get_option('v_code')
    entity_id = key_config.get_option('id')
    if entity_id is not None:
        entity_id = int(entity_id)
    return key_id, v_code, entity_id
    def __init__(self, platform, conn):
        self.platform = platform
        self.conn = conn
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        self.sql = ConfigSection('../conf', '../local')
        # self.sql.dump()

        # TODO: This should come in another way
        if platform == 'postgresql':
            self.queryparm = '%s'
            self.queryparm = '?'
Example #4
import logging
from config import ConfigSection
from evelink.account import Account
from evelink.api import API
from evelink.cache.sqlite import SqliteCache
from evelink.char import Char
from evelink.eve import EVE

_config = ConfigSection('eveapi')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.eveapi')

def get_key_config(key_name):
    key_config = ConfigSection('apikey:%s' % key_name)
    key_id = int(key_config.get_option('key_id'))
    v_code = key_config.get_option('v_code')
    entity_id = key_config.get_option('id')
    if entity_id is not None:
        entity_id = int(entity_id)
    return key_id, v_code, entity_id

def get_api_key(key):
    if isinstance(key, API):
        return key
    key_id, v_code, entity_id = get_key_config(key)
    return API(api_key=(key_id, v_code),

def get_characters(key):
Example #5
 def __setitem__(self, option, value):
     ConfigSection.__setitem__(self, option, value)
     if option == 'secret':
Example #6
import logging
import sys
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import Character, Corporation, KillMail, Payment, PaymentDetail, Control
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import eveapi

_config = ConfigSection('paymentconsolidator')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.paymentconsolidator')

def process(kill, payment):
    if kill.srp_amount is None:
        return False
    if kill.payments is None:
        kill.payments = []
    check = sum([p.amount for p in kill.payments])
    if check == kill.srp_amount:
        return False
    _log.info('Processing kill %d, payment %d, srp_amount %d, paid_amount %d' %
              (kill.kill_id, payment.payment_id, kill.srp_amount,
               kill.paid_amount or 0))
    current = kill.srp_amount - check
    detail = None
    for det in kill.payments:
        if det.payment_id == payment.payment_id:
            detail = det
    if current != 0:
        payment.payment_amount += current
        if detail is None:
            detail = PaymentDetail(payment.payment_id, kill.kill_id, current)
Example #7
def main():
	from config import ConfigSectionKey, ConfigSection

	# load cloud specific values
	config = ConfigSectionKey('conf', 'local')
	# config.load('connect.ini')
	cloud = config('cloud')

	# Load cloud test specific values
	cloud_config = ConfigSection('conf', 'local')
	# test_queue_message = cloud_config('test_queue_message_1')

	"""objectstore logic"""
	#objectstore = Objectstore(cloud.account_id, cloud)
	#objectstore.put('C:/test/test.txt', 'test.txt')
	# objectstore.get('../tmp/readwrite_downloaded.txt', 'readwrite.txt')
	# objectstore.get('C:/udp-app-master/dev/tests/working', 'test.txt')
	# objectstore.delete('test.txt')
	# file_check = filecmp.cmp(f1='C:/test/test.txt', f2='C:/test/get/test.txt', shallow=False)
	# print(file_check)

	"""Queue logic"""
	queue = Queue(cloud.account_id, cloud)
	# queue_names = queue._list_queue_names()
	# print(queue_names)

	# IMPORTANT: The Queue delete method parameter should now be an
	# ObjectstoreNotification object instead of just the message_id of the object.
	# queue.encode_function = QueueMessageFormat.text_base64encode
	queue_message = '{"Message":"Hello World"}'
	# encoded_message = str(base64.b64encode(queue_message.encode('utf-8')))

	queue_message = {
	"topic": "test_queue_message",
	"subject": "/This/Is/A/Test/Message/TestMessage",
	"eventType": "test_queue_message",
	"eventTime": "",
	"id": "",
		"api": "",
		"clientRequestId": "",
		"requestId": "",
		"eTag": "",
		"contentType": "",
		"contentLength": 0,
		"blobType": "",
		"url": "",
		"sequencer": "",
		"storageDiagnostics": {
			"batchId": ""
		"dataVersion": "",
		"metadataVersion": "1"

	json_queue_message = json.dumps(queue_message)

	# response = queue.get()
	# notification = ObjectstoreNotification(response)
	response = queue.get()
	notification = ObjectstoreNotification(response)
Example #8
import googledatastore
import logging
import calendar
import sha
from googledatastore.helper import *
from datetime import datetime
from config import ConfigSection

_config = ConfigSection('datastore')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.be.datastore')
googledatastore.set_options(dataset = _config.get_option('dataset'))

def _date_to_timestamp(date):
    return long(calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) * 1000000L) + date.microsecond

class _BaseEntity(object):
    """ Base class for all entities.

    Handles the conversion between the simple model objects defined in this module and google
    cloud datastore entity objects.

    def _sub_entities(self):
        """ Get a dictionary of sub entities of the current entity.

        The keys of the dictionary are the field names in the current entity.
        The values are the model class used by that field.
        By default this is an empty dictionary unless overridden in a subclass.

        return dict()
Example #9
import logging
from beaker.cache import CacheManager
from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options
from config import ConfigSection
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

_config = ConfigSection('staticdata')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.staticdata')

Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine(_config.get_option('connection_string'))
metadata = MetaData(bind = engine)
session = create_session(bind = engine)
cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(
    { 'cache.type': _config.get_option('cache_type') }))

class InvType(Base):
    __table__ = Table('invTypes', metadata, autoload=True)

    def by_id(type_id):
        _log.debug('Get InvType by id: %d' % type_id)
        return session.query(InvType).filter_by(typeID = type_id).first()

    def by_name(type_name):
        _log.debug('Get InvType by name: %s' % type_name)
Example #10
class Database:
    def __init__(self, platform, conn):
        self.platform = platform
        self.conn = conn
        self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        self.sql = ConfigSection('../conf', '../local')
        # self.sql.dump()

        # TODO: This should come in another way
        if platform == 'postgresql':
            self.queryparm = '%s'
            self.queryparm = '?'

    def log(command_name, sql):
        single_line_sql = sql.replace('\n', r'\n')
        logger.debug(f'sql({command_name}): {single_line_sql}')

    # def sql(self, command):
    # 	return self.sql_config.sections[command]

    def is_null(self, sql_command):
        # Note: referenced in embedded f-string

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        # Note: command_name used in embedded f-string.
        command_name = 'is_null'
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)

        row = self.cursor.fetchone()
        if row:
            # print(f'not_null(row[0]) = {row[0]}')
            return row[0] is None
            # print(f'not_null() - no row')
            return True

    def execute(self, command_name, value=None):
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        queryparm = self.queryparm
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        if value is None:
            cursor = self.cursor.execute(sql_command)
            cursor = self.cursor.execute(sql_command, value)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        return cursor

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def timestamp_literal(self, timestamp_value):
        timestamp_str = f'{current_timestamp:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'
        command_name = 'timestamp_literal'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)

        # we evaluation expression in Python vs via database engine
        return expand(sql_template)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def current_timestamp(self, timezone=None):
        command_name = 'current_timestamp'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        return self.cursor.fetchone()[0]

    def current_rowversion(self, table_name):
        # Based on MS RowVersion CDC.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'MS RowVersion CDC not supported yet ({table_name})')

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def current_sequence(self, table_name):
        # Note: Based on Siriusware proprietary CDC vs MS RowVersion CDC.
        command_name = 'current_sequence'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        return self.cursor.fetchone()[0]

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def does_database_exist(self, database_name):
        command_name = 'does_database_exist'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        return not self.is_null(sql_command)

    def create_database(self, database_name):
        command_name = 'create_database'
        if not self.does_database_exist(database_name):
            autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
            self.conn.autocommit = True
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: database_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def use_database(self, database_name):
        command_name = 'use_database'
        sql_template = self.sql('use_database')
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name used in embedded f-string
    def does_schema_exist(self, schema_name):
        command_name = 'does_schema_exist'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        return not self.is_null(sql_command)

    def create_schema(self, schema_name):
        command_name = 'create_schema'
        if not self.does_schema_exist(schema_name):
            autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
            self.conn.autocommit = True
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    # Note: Treats views as tables.
    def does_table_exist(self, schema_name, table_name):
        command_name = 'does_table_exist'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        return not self.is_null(sql_command)

    def select_table_schema(self, schema_name, table_name):
        command_name = 'select_table_schema'
        if not self.does_table_exist(schema_name, table_name):
            # print(f'Table does not exist: {schema_name}.{table_name}')
            return None
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)

            # 2018-05-29 - make sure pickled table schema is not tied to database client
            rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
            column_names = [column[0] for column in self.cursor.description]
            columns = []
            for row in rows:
                column = Object()
                for column_name in column_names:
                    value = getattr(row, column_name)
                    setattr(column, column_name, value)

            # return Table(table_name, self.cursor.fetchall())
            return tableschema.TableSchema(table_name, columns)

    def select_table_pk(self, schema_name, table_name):
        """Returns a comma delimited string of sorted pk column names or '' if no pk is defined."""
        command_name = 'select_table_pk'
        if not self.does_table_exist(schema_name, table_name):
            # print(f'Table does not exist: {schema_name}.{table_name}')
            return None
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
            if not rows:
                pk_columns = ''
                pk_columns = sorted([row[0] for row in rows])
                pk_columns = ', '.join(pk_columns)
            return pk_columns

    def create_table_from_table_schema(self,
        command_name = 'create_table_from_table_schema'
        if not self.does_table_exist(schema_name, table_name):
            autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
            self.conn.autocommit = True

            # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
            # Note: column_definitions used in embedded f-strings.
            column_definitions = table.column_definitions(extended_definitions)
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)

            # print(f'create_table_from_table_schema:\n{sql_command}\n')

            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # TODO: Replace schema_name, table_name with [command_name].
    def create_named_table(self, schema_name, table_name):
        command_name = f'create_named_table_{schema_name}_{table_name}'
        if not self.does_table_exist(schema_name, table_name):
            autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
            self.conn.autocommit = True
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    def drop_table(self, schema_name, table_name):
        command_name = 'drop_table'
        if self.does_table_exist(schema_name, table_name):
            autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
            self.conn.autocommit = True
            sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
            sql_command = expand(sql_template)
            self.log(command_name, sql_command)
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # applies to session vs global temp tables
    def drop_temp_table(self, table_name):
        command_name = 'drop_temp_table'

        # strip optional leading #'s from table name since our SQL template includes
        # FIX: This means we strip ##global_temp as well as #local_temp

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        table_name = table_name.strip('#')

        autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
        self.conn.autocommit = True
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def insert_into_table(self, schema_name, table_name,
        command_name = f'insert_into_table'
        column_names = ', '.join(quote(column_names_values.keys()))
        column_placeholders = ', '.join([self.queryparm] *
        column_values = column_names_values.values()
        autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
        self.conn.autocommit = True
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        self.cursor.execute(sql_command, *column_values)
        self.conn.autocommit = autocommit

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def bulk_insert_into_table(self,
        command_name = f'insert_into_table'

        # insert extended column definitions into schema
        if extended_definitions:

        column_names = ', '.join(quote(table_schema.columns.keys()))
        # print(f'column_names: {column_names}')

        column_placeholders = ', '.join([self.queryparm] *
        autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
        self.conn.autocommit = False
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        self.cursor.fast_executemany = True
        row_count = self.cursor.executemany(sql_command, rows)
        self.conn.autocommit = autocommit
        return row_count

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def capture_select(self,
        command_name = f'capture_select'
        column_names = ', '.join(quote(column_names))

        autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
        if self.platform == 'mssql':
            self.conn.autocommit = True

        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        # print(f'\ncapture_select.sql_template:\n{sql_template}\n')
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        if self.platform == 'mssql':
            self.conn.autocommit = autocommit
        return self.cursor

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def delete_where(self, schema_name, table_name, value):
        command_name = f'delete_where'
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)

    # FUTURE:
    # insert into
    # update
    # merge
    select {pk_column_name} as pk
    __from {schema_name}.{table_name}
    __where {nk_column_name} = {nk_column_value};

    insert into {schema_name}.{table_name}

    # Future: cache pk requests in a local session dict; pk's will never change once issued
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    # Note: schema_name, table_name used in embedded f-strings.
    def get_pk(self, schema_name, table_name, pk_column_name, nk_column_name,
        command_name = f'get_pk'

        pk_conditions = list()
        for key, value in key_values.items():
        pk_conditions = ' and '.join(pk_conditions)

        autocommit = self.conn.autocommit
        self.conn.autocommit = True
        sql_template = self.sql(command_name)
        sql_command = expand(sql_template)
        self.log(command_name, sql_command)
        self.conn.autocommit = autocommit
Example #11
import json
import logging
import market
import valuer
import web
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import KillMail, Victim, Attacker, Item, GroupedItems, ShipClass
from datetime import datetime
from staticdata import InvType, InvFlag, MapSolarSystem

_config = ConfigSection('crest')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.crest')
alliance_id = int(_config.get_option('alliance_id'))

def get_killmail(kill):
    url = None
    if type(kill) is str:
        url = kill
    elif type(kill) is KillMail:
        url = kill.crest_url
    elif type(kill) is int:
        kill = KillMail(kill)
        url = kill.crest_url
    if url is None:
        return None
    data = web.fetch_url(url)
    return json.loads(data)

def get_ship_class(ship):
Example #12
from evelink.cache.sqlite import SqliteCache
from evelink.corp import Corp
from evelink.map import Map

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
import sys

from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import Corporation, Tower, Reactor, Reactant, Silo
from eveapi import get_api_key, get_key_config
from staticdata import InvType, InvGroup, InvTypeReaction, InvControlTowerResource, DgmAttributeTypes, DgmTypeAttributes, MapDenormalize

one_hour = timedelta(hours = 1)
_config = ConfigSection('posimporter')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.posmon.be.main')

multiplierAttribute = DgmAttributeTypes.by_name('moonMiningAmount')

def find(predicate, collection):
    if not collection: return None, None
    for idx, elem in enumerate(collection):
        if predicate(elem): return idx, elem
    return None, None

def get_api_keys():
    api_keys = dict()
    for key in _config.get_option('keys').split(','):
        api_keys[key] = get_api_key(key)
    return api_keys
Example #13
import logging
import urllib2
import zlib
from config import ConfigSection

_config = ConfigSection('web')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.web')

def fetch_url(path):
    _log.debug('Fetching url: ' + path)
    resp = None
        req = urllib2.Request(path)
        req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')
        req.add_header('User-agent', _config.get_option('user_agent'))
        resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
        _log.error('HTTPError(%d): %s' % (e.code, e.reason))
        raise e
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
        _log.error('URLError: %s' % e.reason)
        raise e

        content = resp.read()
        if resp.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
            _log.debug('Decompressing response.')
            content = zlib.decompress(content, 32 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
        return content
Example #14
import itertools
import json
import logging
import market
import sha
import valuer
import web
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import KillMail, Victim, Attacker, Item, GroupedItems, ShipClass, Character
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from staticdata import MapSolarSystem, InvType, InvFlag

_config = ConfigSection('zkillboard')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.zkillboard')
alliance_id = int(_config.get_option('alliance_id'))

def get_kill(kill_id):
    _log.info('Getting killmail by id: %d.' % kill_id)
    url = 'https://zkillboard.com/api/killID/%d/' % kill_id
    content = web.fetch_url(url)
    kills = json.loads(content)
    return kills[0] if kills and len(kills) > 0 else None

def get_crest_hash(kill_id):
    _log.info('Getting killmail by id: %d.' % kill_id)
    url = 'https://zkillboard.com/api/killID/%d/no-items/' % kill_id
    content = web.fetch_url(url)
    kills = json.loads(content)
    km = kills[0] if kills and len(kills) > 0 else None
Example #15
import googledatastore
import logging
import calendar
import sha
from googledatastore.helper import *
from datetime import datetime
from config import ConfigSection

_config = ConfigSection('datastore')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.be.datastore')

def _date_to_timestamp(date):
    return long(
        calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) * 1000000L) + date.microsecond

class _BaseEntity(object):
    """ Base class for all entities.

    Handles the conversion between the simple model objects defined in this module and google
    cloud datastore entity objects.
    def _sub_entities(self):
        """ Get a dictionary of sub entities of the current entity.

        The keys of the dictionary are the field names in the current entity.
        The values are the model class used by that field.
        By default this is an empty dictionary unless overridden in a subclass.
Example #16
import sys
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import KillMail, LossMailAttributes
from staticdata import InvType, InvGroup

_config = ConfigSection('classifier')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.classifier')

exploration_ships = [
] + [t.typeID for t in InvGroup.by_name('Covert Ops').types]

bait_ships = [

industry_ship_groups = [
    InvGroup.by_name('Mining Frigate'),
    InvGroup.by_name('Mining Barge'),
    InvGroup.by_name('Expedition Frigate'),
Example #17
 def __setitem__(self, option, value):
     ConfigSection.__setitem__(self, option, value)
     if option == 'secret':
Example #18
import logging
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import Payment
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from evelink.api import API, APIError
from evelink.cache.shelf import ShelveCache
from evelink.corp import Corp
from eveapi import get_api_key

_config = ConfigSection('paymentverifier')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.paymentverifier')

def get_wallets():
    for wallet in _config.get_option('wallets').split(','):
        parts = wallet.split('-')
        ticker = parts[0]
        division = int(parts[1])
        yield (ticker, division)

def get_journal_entries():
    lookBackDays = int(_config.get_option('look_back_days'))
    startTime = datetime.now() - timedelta(lookBackDays)
    for ticker, division in get_wallets():
        key = get_api_key(ticker)
        corpApi = Corp(key)
        finished = False
        journal = corpApi.wallet_journal(account=division).result
        while not finished:
            for entry in journal:
Example #19
import crest
import itertools
import logging
import market
import valuer
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import KillMail, Victim, Attacker, Item, GroupedItems, ShipClass, Character
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from eveapi import get_api_key
from evelink.corp import Corp
from staticdata import MapSolarSystem, InvType, InvFlag

_config = ConfigSection('xmlkillimporter')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.xmlkillimporter')
alliance_id = int(_config.get_option('alliance_id'))

def get_api_keys():
    return _config.get_option('keys').split(',')

def get_new_kills(all_kills):
    _log.info('Filtering out kills that are already in the datastore.')
    ids = set(all_kills.keys())
    old_ids = set(map((lambda k: k.kill_id), KillMail.load_multi(ids)))
    new_ids = ids.difference(old_ids)
    return [all_kills[id] for id in new_ids]

def get_ship_class(ship):
    _log.debug('Getting ship class for %s.' % ship.typeName)
Example #20
import crest
import itertools
import logging
import market
import valuer
from config import ConfigSection
from datastore import KillMail, Victim, Attacker, Item, GroupedItems, ShipClass, Character
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from eveapi import get_api_key
from evelink.corp import Corp
from staticdata import MapSolarSystem, InvType, InvFlag

_config = ConfigSection('xmlkillimporter')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.xmlkillimporter')
alliance_id = int(_config.get_option('alliance_id'))

def get_api_keys():
    return _config.get_option('keys').split(',')

def get_new_kills(all_kills):
    _log.info('Filtering out kills that are already in the datastore.')
    ids = set(all_kills.keys())
    old_ids = set(map((lambda k: k.kill_id), KillMail.load_multi(ids)))
    new_ids = ids.difference(old_ids)
    return [ all_kills[id] for id in new_ids ]

def get_ship_class(ship):
    _log.debug('Getting ship class for %s.' % ship.typeName)
    if ship.category.categoryName != 'Ship':
        return 'Other'
    groupName = ship.group.groupName
Example #21
import logging
import web
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from beaker.cache import CacheManager
from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options
from config import ConfigSection
from staticdata import MapSolarSystem, MapRegion, InvType

_config = ConfigSection('market')
_log = logging.getLogger('sound.srp.be.market')

jita_id = MapSolarSystem.by_name('Jita').solarSystemID
forge_id = MapRegion.by_name('The Forge').regionID
cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(
    {'cache.type': _config.get_option('cache_type')}))

def get_jita_price(type_id):
    _log.debug('Getting Jita sell price for type %d.' % type_id)
    url = 'http://api.eve-central.com/api/quicklook?typeid=%d&usesystem=%d' % (
        type_id, jita_id)
    response = web.fetch_url(url)
    root = ET.fromstring(response)
    sell_orders = root.find('quicklook').find('sell_orders')
    price = None
    for order in sell_orders.findall('order'):
        p = float(order.find('price').text)
        if price is None or p < price:
            price = p
    if price is None: