Example #1
def get_modified_items(config: ns.Namespace, itemtype: str):
    """ Retrieves all items of specified type from the server """

    logging.info(f"Retrieving available items of type {itemtype}")

    # Assemble URL and create request
    svr = config.Server
    scheme = 'https' if svr.https else 'http'
    generated = '1' if config.Project.generated else '0'
    url = f"{scheme}://{svr.host}:{svr.port}/api/atelier/v1/{svr.namespace}/modified/{itemtype}?generated={generated}"

    # Get JSON response
        rsp = tls.session.post(url, json=[])  # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        logging.error(f"Accessing {url}:")
    data = rsp.json()

    # Check for configuration issue:
    if data['status']['errors']:
        e = data['status']['errors'][0]
        if e['code'] == 16004:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"Error from server: unknown item type '{itemtype}'.")

    return data
Example #2
def setup_session(config):
    global session
    svr = config.Server
    session = requests.Session()
    session.auth = (svr.user, svr.password)
    url = f"http://{svr.host}:{svr.port}/api/atelier/"
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        msg = f"Error connecting to server for converting UDL to XML:\n{e}."
        raise ConfigurationError(msg) from None
Example #3
def get_repo(config):
    """Returns the configured repository."""

    if config.Source.type == 'github':
        from github import get_data
    elif config.Source.type == 'directory':
        from fsrepo import get_data
        raise ConfigurationError(
            f"Invalid repository type '{config.Source.type}' in configuration."
    return get_data(config)
Example #4
def main():

    CM = ConfigurationManager()
    configs = CM.build_configs()

    mode = configs["mode"]
    agent_name = configs["agent"]

    agent = getattr(agents, agent_name)(configs)
        if mode == "play":
        elif mode == "learn":
            raise AttributeError
        raise ConfigurationError("Error trying the mode '{}' on the agent '{}': possibly not implemented.".format(mode, agent_name))
Example #5
def split_csp(config, name: str):
    """ Split CSP item in app and page. """

    for i, parser in enumerate(config.CSP.parsers):
        match = re.fullmatch(parser.regex, name)
        if not match:
            if parser.nomatch != 'error':
                    f"Item {name} does not match regex in parser {i+1} ('{parser.regex}')."
            raise ConfigurationError(
                f"Error: item {name} does not match regex in parser {i+1} ('{parser.regex}')."
        app = parser.app
        for i, v in enumerate(match.groups()):
            if v is not None:
                app = app.replace(f'\\{i+1}', v)
        page = parser.item
        for i, v in enumerate(match.groups()):
            if v is not None:
                page = page.replace(f'\\{i+1}', v)

        # Some basic validity checks:
        if app[0] != '/':
            raise ValueError('Invalid application: must start with a slash')
        if app[-1] == '/':
            raise ValueError('Invalid application: must not end with a slash')

        if page[0] == '/':
            raise ValueError('Invalid page: must not start with a slash')
        if page[-1] == '/':
            raise ValueError('Invalid page: must not end with a slash')

        return app, page

    return None
def save_item(config: ns.Namespace, item: Dict[str, Any]):
    """ Retrieves an item and saves it to disk """

    logging.info(f"Retrieving and saving {item['name']}")

    data = ret.retrieve_item(config, item)
    fname = determine_filename(config, item)

    dir = dirname(fname)
    os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Write the data to the output file. If this fails, catch the exception
    # to log the name of the file we tried to write to, and reraise; function
    # unhandled_exception will log the stack trace.
        if not isinstance(data, bytes):
            # Text document; store in specified encoding (default UTF-8)
            with open(fname, 'wt', encoding=config['encoding']) as ft:
            # Binary document (e.g. image from CSP application)
            with open(fname, 'wb') as fb:
    except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
        faulty = data[e.start - 1:e.end]
        msg = f"Error saving {item['name']}: some characters can't be saved" \
            f" in the configured encoding ({config['encoding']}). Problem" \
            f" starts around character {e.start}; data: {faulty}."
        raise ConfigurationError(msg) from None

    except Exception:
        logging.error(f"\nException detected writing to file {fname}")

    # Set modified date/time to that of item in IRIS
    set_file_datetime(fname, item['ts'])