def examStudentInsert(id,name,class_,finger,face,is_ic): with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: print('server.examStudentInsert') cur.execute("insert into student(id,name,class,finger,face,is_ic) \ values({0},'{1}',{2},{3},{4},{5})\ on conflict(id) do update set\ name =, class = excluded.class, finger = excluded.finger,\ face = excluded.face, is_ic = excluded.is_ic".format(id,name,class_,finger,face,is_ic))
def loginUserDownload(): #OK with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("loginUserDownload") curServer.execute('''select * from "user" ''') rows = curServer.fetchall() curLocal.execute('''delete from "user"''') for row in rows: curLocal.execute('''insert into "user" values %s ''', (row, ))
def examStudentDownloadFiles(*exam_ids): with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: with configFTP() as ftp: print("examStudentDownloadFiles") for exam_id in exam_ids: cur.execute("select stu_id from exam_member where exam_id=%s"%(exam_id,)) stu_ids = cur.fetchall() for stu_id in stu_ids: stu_id = stu_id[0] cur.execute("select finger, face from student where id=%s"%(stu_id,)) fingerCnt, faceCnt = cur.fetchone() downloadGroupFiles(ftp, stu_id,".txt",fingerCnt,config.localExamStudentDir, config.serverStudentDir) downloadGroupFiles(ftp, stu_id,".jpg",faceCnt,config.localExamStudentDir, config.serverStudentDir)
def examExamDownload(*exam_ids): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("examExamDownload") for exam_id in exam_ids: dir = config.localExamRecordDir + '/{0}'.format(exam_id) print(dir) if os.path.exists(dir) == False: os.mkdir(dir) curServer.execute("select * from exam where id=%s" % (exam_id, )) row = curServer.fetchone() curLocal.execute( "insert into exam values %s on conflict(id) do update set \, location=excluded.location, teacher=excluded.teacher" % (row, ))
def examMemberDownload(*exam_ids): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("examMemberDownload") for exam_id in exam_ids: curServer.execute( "select * from exam_member where exam_id=%s" % (exam_id, )) rows = curServer.fetchall() for row in rows: curLocal.execute( "insert into exam_member values %s on conflict(exam_id, stu_id)\ do update set exam_id=excluded.exam_id, stu_id=excluded.stu_id", (row, )) curLocal.execute( "insert into exam_record(exam_id,stu_id) values %s\ on conflict(exam_id,stu_id) do nothing", (row, ))
def examStudentDownload(*exam_ids): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("examStudentDownload") for exam_id in exam_ids: configFTP.examStudentDownloadFiles(exam_id) curServer.execute("select id, name, class, finger, face \ from student, exam_member \ where id=stu_id \ and exam_id =%s" % (exam_id, )) rows = curServer.fetchall() for row in rows: curLocal.execute( "insert into exam_student values %s \ on conflict(id) do update set\, class=excluded.class,\ finger=excluded.finger, face=excluded.face", (row, ))
def loginUserUpload(*user_ids): #OK with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("loginUserUpload") if (user_ids == None): print("empty input") for user_id in user_ids: curLocal.execute( "select id, passwd, rights from user_add where id = %s", (user_id, )) row = curLocal.fetchone() print(row) curServer.execute( '''insert into "user" values %s on conflict(id)\ do update set passwd=excluded.passwd ,rights=excluded.rights ''', (row, )) curLocal.execute( "update user_add set is_uploaded=true where id=%s" % (user_id, ))
def registerStudentUpload(*ids): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("registerStudentUpload") if (ids == None): print("empty input") for id in ids: configFTP.registerStudentUploadFiles(id) curLocal.execute( "select id, name, class, face, finger, is_ic \ from register_student where id=%s " % (id, )) row = curLocal.fetchone() curServer.execute( "insert into student values %s on conflict(id) do update set\, class=excluded.class, face=excluded.face, \ finger=excluded.finger, is_ic=excluded.is_ic,time=excluded.time", (row, )) curLocal.execute( "update register_student set is_uploaded=true where id=%s" % (id, ))
def speechSpeechUpload(*spe_id_locals): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("speechSpeechUpload") for spe_id_local in spe_id_locals: curLocal.execute( "select name, location from speech where id=%s", (spe_id_local, )) row = curLocal.fetchone() curServer.execute( "insert into speech values \ (nextval('seq_spe'),%s,%s,to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI'))", row) curServer.execute("select lastval() from speech") spe_id_server = curServer.fetchone()[0] curLocal.execute("insert into speech_id_relation values(%s,%s)\ on conflict(id_local, id_server) do nothing" % (spe_id_local, spe_id_server)) curLocal.execute( "update speech set is_uploaded=true where id={0}".format( spe_id_local))
def examRecordUpload(*ids): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("examRecordUpload") for exam_id, stu_id in ids: configFTP.examRecordUploadFiles((exam_id, stu_id), ) curLocal.execute( "select exam_id, stu_id, finger, sim_finger, face, sim_face,\ is_ic, is_appended, is_matched \ from exam_record\ where exam_id=%s and stu_id=%s" % (exam_id, stu_id)) rows = curLocal.fetchall() for row in rows: curServer.execute( "insert into exam_record(exam_id, stu_id,\ finger, sim_finger, face, sim_face, \ is_ic, is_appended, is_matched)\ values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)\ on conflict(exam_id, stu_id) do update set\ finger=excluded.finger, sim_finger=excluded.sim_finger,\ face=excluded.face, sim_face=excluded.sim_face,\ is_ic=excluded.is_ic, is_appended=excluded.is_appended,\ is_matched=excluded.is_matched,\ time=excluded.time" % row) curLocal.execute("update exam_record set is_uploaded=true\ where exam_id=%s and stu_id=%s" % (exam_id, stu_id)) curLocal.execute( "select stu_id from exam_record where is_appended = true") ids = curLocal.fetchall() for id in ids: print(id) curLocal.execute( "select name,class from exam_student where id = %s" % (id[0], )) stu_name, stu_class = curLocal.fetchone() curServer.execute( "insert into student (id,name,class) values(%s,'%s',%s)\ on conflict(id) do update set,class=excluded.class" % (id[0], stu_name, stu_class))
def speechRecordUpload(*spe_id_locals): with configDB.configLocalDB() as curLocal: with configDB.configServerDB() as curServer: print("speechRecordUpload") print(spe_id_locals) for spe_id_local in spe_id_locals: curLocal.execute( "select id_server from speech_id_relation where id_local=%s" % (spe_id_local, )) spe_id_server = curLocal.fetchone()[0] curLocal.execute( "select stu_id from speech_record where signin_first=true and signin_second=true\ and spe_id=%s" % (spe_id_local, )) stu_ids = curLocal.fetchall() for stu_id in stu_ids: curServer.execute( "insert into speech_record values(%s,%s) \ on conflict(spe_id,stu_id) do nothing", (spe_id_server, stu_id[0])) curLocal.execute( "update speech_record set is_uploaded=true where spe_id=%s and stu_id=%s" % (spe_id_local, stu_id[0])) curLocal.execute( "update speech set is_uploaded=true where id = %s" % (spe_id_local, ))
def loginUserInsert(id,passwd,rights): with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: print('server.loginUserInsert') cur.execute('''insert into "user"(id,passwd,rights) values({0},'{1}',{2}) \ on conflict(id) do update set\ passwd = excluded.passwd, rights = excluded.rights'''.format(id,passwd,rights))
def resetServerDB(): print('resetServerDB') with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: cur.execute('''truncate "user",student,exam,exam_member,exam_record,speech,speech_record''') cur.execute('''insert into "user" values(1111111111,'111111',127)''')
def examMemberInsert(exam_id,stu_id): with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: print('server.examMemberInsert') cur.execute("insert into exam_member(exam_id,stu_id) values({0},{1})\ on conflict(exam_id,stu_id) do nothing".format(exam_id,stu_id))
def examExamInsert(id,name,location,teacher): with configDB.configServerDB() as cur: print('server.examExamInsert') cur.execute("insert into exam(id,name,location,teacher) values({0},'{1}','{2}','{3}')\ on conflict(id) do update set\ name =, location = excluded.location, teacher = excluded.teacher".format(id,name,location,teacher))