def __find_available_devices(self): """ Durchsuche das LAN nach BOSE Geräten :return: Anzahl gefundener Geräte """ try: if not self.discover_lock.acquire(timeout=5.0): return "start thread for search available soundtouch devices...") # # finde Geräte im Netzwerk # self.log.debug("thread discover soundtouch devices...") # # gibt es das config objekt (sollte es schon...) if self.config_read_obj is None: # neui anlegen self.config_read_obj = ConfigFileObj(self.log, self.config_file) # lese die Daten... _available_dev = self.config_read_obj.read_avail_devices() self.devices_lock.acquire() self.available_devices.clear() self.available_devices = _available_dev.copy() self.devices_lock.release() "start thread for search available soundtouch devices ends with {} found devices" .format(len(self.available_devices))) finally: self.discover_lock.release()
def main(): """Hauptprogramm""" from config_files_obj import ConfigFileObj from time import sleep log = logging.getLogger("config") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(module)s: %(message)s", '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S') c_handler = logging.StreamHandler() c_handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(c_handler) # # config # cf_ob = ConfigFileObj(log, '../config/test.ini') alerts = cf_ob.config_object log.debug("alert 00") al = RadioAlerts(log, alerts['alert-00'])"time to next alert: {}".format( al.sec_to_alert(max_sec_future=120))) for devname in al.alert_devices:"device: '{}'".format(devname)) log.debug("===============\n\n") sleep(2) del al
def __set_cmd_parse(self, _cmd: dict): """ Ein SET Kommando empfangen, hier bearbeiten :param _cmd: das Kommando als JSON Objekt :return: """ for sitem in _cmd: # # alle sets durch # {"set":[{"alert":"alert-04","enable":"true", ...}, {"alert":"alert-03","enable":"true", ...}]} # alert_name = sitem['alert'] if alert_name not in self.config: # da ist ein NEUNER Alarm angekommen == NEW self.log.debug( "found NEW alert {} with set commands".format(alert_name)) _alert = ConfigFileObj.get_empty_configitem() ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() self.config[alert_name] = _alert ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() else: # EDIT Alarm self.log.debug( "found alert {} with set commands".format(alert_name)) # # nun alle Eigenschaften durch # ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() for set_command in sitem: if set_command == 'alert': continue # eine Einstellung schreiben self.log.debug("set property {} to {} for alert {}".format( set_command, sitem[set_command], alert_name)) if sitem[set_command] == 'null': self.config[alert_name][set_command] = " " else: self.config[alert_name][set_command] = sitem[set_command] ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() # ende der kommandos per alarm # ende der alarme # es scheint alles geklappt zu haben # noch schnell den aktuellen hashwert berechnen (besser als version) self.config_hash['version'] = self.__get_hashstr(self.config) self.log.debug("set command for alert(s) successful!") # callback, wenn erforderlich if self.on_config_change is not None: self.log.debug("call on_config_change...") self.on_config_change(int(time())) return json.dumps({ 'ok': 'sucsessful commands done' }).encode(encoding='utf-8')
def main(): log = logging.getLogger("udpServer") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(module)s: %(message)s", '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S') handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) from config_files_obj import ConfigFileObj # # config # cf_ob = ConfigFileObj(log, '../config/alert.ini') alerts = cf_ob.config_object s_thread = RadioCommandServer(log, alerts) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda sig, frame: s_thread.quit()) s_thread.start()"wait for thread end...") s_thread.join()
def main(): """Hauptprogramm""" my_alert = 'alert-00' from libsoundtouch import discover_devices from config_files_obj import ConfigFileObj from time import sleep log = logging.getLogger("s") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(module)s: %(message)s", '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S') c_handler = logging.StreamHandler() c_handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(c_handler) # # config # cf_ob = ConfigFileObj(log, '../config/test.ini') alerts = cf_ob.config_object # log.debug("discover devices in network...") devices = discover_devices(timeout=3) log.debug(my_alert) al = RadioAlerts(log, alerts[my_alert]) spo = SoundtouchPlayObject(log, devices, al) log.debug("start device(s)...") spo.start() log.debug("join thread...") spo.join() sleep(.3) log.debug("delete SoundtouchPlayObject Object...") del spo log.debug("delete RadioAlerts Object...") del al log.debug("===============\n\n") exit(0)
def __get_cmd_parse(self, _cmd: dict): """ Ein GET Kommando empfangen, hier bearbeiten :param _cmd: ein dictonary mit Daten :return binary string (JSON) """ _answers = dict() match_pattern = re.compile('^alert-\d{2}$', re.IGNORECASE) for sitem in _cmd: # # welche Anforderung war es # if 'config-id' in sitem: # welche version der CONFIG liegt vor (Änderung???) response = json.dumps( self.config_hash).encode(encoding='utf-8') return response elif 'config' in sitem: # Alarm und der Rest Konfiguration # bei all geht es schnell response = None try: ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() response = json.dumps(self.config).encode(encoding='utf-8') finally: ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() return response elif 'all' in sitem: # bei all nur die alarme, nicht global ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() for section in self.config: if re.match(match_pattern, section): if self.config[section] is not None: _answers[section] = self.config[section] ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() # Alle verfügbaren eingefügt elif 'devices' in sitem: # alle verfügbaren Geräte finden und melden _devices = self.available_devices_callback() if _devices is not None: for devname, device in _devices.items(): # für jedes Gerät einen Datensatz machen dev_info = dict() dev_info['name'] = device['name'] dev_info['type'] = device['type'] dev_info['host'] = device['host'] _answers[devname] = dev_info del _devices elif 'new' in sitem: # neuen Eintrag vorbereiten"get a NEW alert config") new_item = ConfigFileObj.get_empty_configitem() alert_num = self.__get_free_alert_number() if alert_num is None: self.log.error( "get new config item failed, not free alert number found!" ) return json.dumps({ 'error': 'get new config item failed, not free alertnumber found!' }).encode(encoding='utf-8') # # erzeuge neuen Eintrag in der Config # alert_name = "alert-{num:02d}".format(num=alert_num) # keinen Namen vergeben del new_item['note'] # einen neuen, sonst nicht genutzten Eintrag new_item['new-alert'] = alert_name # NULL vermeiden (wg. JavaScripts in der GUI) new_item['date'] = " " new_item['devices'] = " " # der Name des Eintrages: _answers["new"] = new_item elif re.match(match_pattern, sitem): # passt in das Muster (alle "sonstigen" alarme) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() try: if self.config[sitem] is not None: self.log.debug("add: {} to config".format(sitem)) _answers[sitem] = self.config[sitem] except KeyError: self.log.error( "unknown (new?) alert to ask: {}".format(sitem)) self.config_hash['version'] = self.__get_hashstr( self.config) finally: ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() else: self.log.warning( "get command not implemented or none alerts match request. Data: <{}>" .format(sitem)) return json.dumps({ 'error': 'get command not implemented or none alerts match request' }).encode(encoding='utf-8') # ende alle Kommandoeinträge # jetz Ergebnis zurück schicken return json.dumps(_answers).encode(encoding='utf-8')
class SoundTouchAlertClock: DEFAULT_LOGFILE = "alert_clock.log" DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = logging.DEBUG DEFAULT_CONFIGCHECK = 20 DEFAULT_TIME_TO_FIND_DEVICES = 9000 REGEX_ALERT = re.compile(r'^alert-\d{2}$') def __init__(self, _config_file: str): """ Konstruktor für den Wecker daemon :param _config_file: Konfigurationsdatei """ # # voreinstellungen initialisieren # self.devices_lock = Lock() self.discover_lock = Lock() self.log = None self.config_file = _config_file self.config_read_obj = None self.config = None self.config_modify_time = 0 self.config_last_modify_time = 0 self.console_log = False self.loglevel = SoundTouchAlertClock.DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL self.timezone = 'UTC' self.available_devices = dict() self.alert_in_progress = None self.timestamp_to_scan_devices = 0 self.alerts = [] self.alerts_lock = Lock() self.udp_serverthread = None # # Konfiguration lesen # self.__configure_objects() "instantiate SoundTouchAlertClock in {}...".format(__file__)) self.is_running = True self.udp_serverthread = RadioCommandServer( self.log, self.config, self.__get_available_devices) self.udp_serverthread.set_new_config(self.config) self.udp_serverthread.start() self.udp_serverthread.set_on_config_change(self.__on_config_change) self.next_config_check = int( time()) # wann sol das nächste mal die Config getestet werden def __del__(self): if self.udp_serverthread is not None: self.udp_serverthread.clear_on_config_change()"stop udp_serverthread") self.udp_serverthread.quit() if self.log is not None:"delete SoundTouchAlertClock...") def quit_app(self):"app should quit...") self.is_running = False def run(self): """ Endlos, bis jemand das absagt... :return: nix """ self.is_running = True"daemon starting...") # wann sol das nächste mal die Config getestet werden # .... self.next_config_check = int( time()) + SoundTouchAlertClock.DEFAULT_CONFIGCHECK # die aktuelle zeit der letzten änderung merken self.config_last_modify_time = self.config_modify_time self.udp_serverthread.alert_working = 'none' self.alert_in_progress = None # while self.is_running: # # ist die letzte Änderug der Konfigurationsdatei neuer als die # hier gemerkte ÄÜnderungszeit? # if self.config_last_modify_time > self.config_modify_time: # Ok, da müsste was getan werden!"config changes detected...") self.__configure_objects() self.config_last_modify_time = self.config_modify_time sleep(1) continue # # geräte neu finden? Nur wenn kein Alarm ackert # if int( time() ) > self.timestamp_to_scan_devices and self.alert_in_progress is None: # Liste zu alt, erneuere sie, Discovering findet im System separat statt (externer Prozess) # setzte die zeit für das nächste mal... self.timestamp_to_scan_devices = int( time()) + SoundTouchAlertClock.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_FIND_DEVICES # der lock soll von der Threadfunktion selber gelöst werden d_thread = Thread(target=self.__find_available_devices) d_thread.start() continue # # ist irgend ein Alarm bereits am Ackern? # if self.alert_in_progress is not None: if not self.alert_in_progress.is_alive(): # ist er schon hinüber, entferne ihn self.log.debug("remove stopped play thread...") del self.alert_in_progress self.alert_in_progress = None self.udp_serverthread.alert_working = 'none' continue if int(time()) > (self.alert_in_progress.time_to_off + 30): # immer noch vorhanden, dann töte ind beseitige das Teil if self.alert_in_progress.is_alive(): "kill play thread and join him while ending...") self.alert_in_progress.device_is_playing = False self.udp_serverthread.alert_working = 'none' self.alert_in_progress.join() self.log.debug("kill play thread ... OK, killed") del self.alert_in_progress self.alert_in_progress = None # auf jeden Fall schleife an den Anfang... continue # # jetzt schauen ob da was zu tun ist # if self.alert_in_progress is None: # # es läuft kein Alarm, also prüfe # ist ein Alarm vorhanden und ist einer in der nahen Zukunft? # (wenn ja, Radios suchen und testen ob verfügbar) # self.alerts_lock.acquire() for c_alert in self.alerts: # alarm enable? if not c_alert.alert_enabled: # self.log.debug("alert {} is disabled. Continue...".format(c_alert.alert_note)) continue # wiel lange / kein Alarm time_to_alert = c_alert.sec_to_alert(8, 18) if time_to_alert is not None and not c_alert.alert_prepeairing: # der Alarm naht und ist noch nicht vorbereitet # gib bescheid: wird vorbereitet c_alert.alert_prepeairing = True self.log.debug( "alert in {} sec detected".format(time_to_alert)) # versuche eine Liste mit den Zielgeräten zu bekommen alert_devices = self.__are_devices_available( c_alert.alert_devices) if len(alert_devices) == 0: # keine Gerätre gefunden => Alarm abblasen self.log.fatal( "no devices for playing alert found! Alert abort" ) c_alert.alert_prepeairing = False c_alert.alert_done = True continue # ok, geräte sind bereit # if c_alert.alert_working_timestamp > 0: self.log.warning( "this alert is working... not make an new alert this time" ) continue # erzeuge einen Weckerthread self.alert_in_progress = SoundtouchPlayObject( self.log, self.__get_available_devices(), c_alert) # markiere JETZT als Startzeitpunkt c_alert.alert_working_timestamp = int(time()) c_alert.alert_thread = self.alert_in_progress self.udp_serverthread.alert_working = c_alert.alert_alert self.alert_in_progress.start() self.alerts_lock.release() else: # ein Alarm läuft, prüfe ob er beendet ist self.log.debug("alert is working...") pass # # und zuletzt: hat sich die Config Datei verändert? # if int(time( )) > self.next_config_check and self.alert_in_progress is None: # self.log.debug("interval for check for config changes reached, check modify time...") # wann ist der nächste Check? self.next_config_check = int( time()) + SoundTouchAlertClock.DEFAULT_CONFIGCHECK # erfrage die Zeit der letzten Änderung der Konfigurationsdatei self.config_last_modify_time = self.__read_configfile_mod_time( ) sleep(.8) # # beendet # if self.udp_serverthread is not None: self.udp_serverthread.clear_on_config_change()"stop udp_serverthread") self.udp_serverthread.quit()"wait for ending udp-thread...") self.udp_serverthread.join()"wait for ending udp-thread...OK") del self.udp_serverthread self.udp_serverthread = None"daemon ending...")"daemon ending...OK") # ENDE def __are_devices_available(self, _alert_devices_names: list): """ Prüfe ob Geräte aus der Liste im Netzwerk sind :param _alert_devices_names: Liste mit Namen gewünschten Geräten :return: Liste der davon verfügbaren Geräte als SoundTouchDevice """ avail_device_list = [] for device_name in _alert_devices_names: device = self.__exist_device_in_network(device_name) if device is not None: avail_device_list.append(device) return avail_device_list def __find_available_devices(self): """ Durchsuche das LAN nach BOSE Geräten :return: Anzahl gefundener Geräte """ try: if not self.discover_lock.acquire(timeout=5.0): return "start thread for search available soundtouch devices...") # # finde Geräte im Netzwerk # self.log.debug("thread discover soundtouch devices...") # # gibt es das config objekt (sollte es schon...) if self.config_read_obj is None: # neui anlegen self.config_read_obj = ConfigFileObj(self.log, self.config_file) # lese die Daten... _available_dev = self.config_read_obj.read_avail_devices() self.devices_lock.acquire() self.available_devices.clear() self.available_devices = _available_dev.copy() self.devices_lock.release() "start thread for search available soundtouch devices ends with {} found devices" .format(len(self.available_devices))) finally: self.discover_lock.release() def __get_available_devices(self): """ Gib kopie einer Liste mit verfügbaten Geräte zurück, sofern vorhanden :return: """ self.devices_lock.acquire() _cp_list = self.available_devices.copy() self.devices_lock.release() return _cp_list def __exist_device_in_network(self, _name_to_find: str): """ Gib das Gerät mit dem Namen XXX als Geräteobjekt zurück, falls vorhanden :param _name_to_find: Name des Gerätes :return: Geräteobjekt oder None """ # aktuelle Liste existiert # Pattern für Vergleich compilieren match_pattern = re.compile('^' + _name_to_find + '$', re.IGNORECASE) # finde raus ob es das gerät gibt self.devices_lock.acquire() for devname, device in self.available_devices.items(): self.log.debug( "exist device {} in discovered devices: {}, Type: {}, host: {}" .format(_name_to_find, device['name'], device['type'], device['host'])) if re.match(match_pattern, devname): self.log.debug("destination device found!") SoundTouchAlertClock.devices_lock.release() return device self.log.debug("destination device NOT found!") self.devices_lock.release() return None def __on_config_change(self, _timestamp: int): """ Callback, dass die Config geändert wurde :param _timestamp: """"callback: config was changed, comes from udp-server...") # nächster Check auf Änderugnen später... self.next_config_check = int( time()) + SoundTouchAlertClock.DEFAULT_CONFIGCHECK if self.config_read_obj is not None: self.log.debug("initiate write config to file...") self.config_read_obj.write_config_file() sleep(.3) # zeitstempel der geänderten Datei setzten, sonst liest er das nochmal ein # und die Zeit lokale merken self.config_last_modify_time = self.__read_configfile_mod_time() self.config_last_modify_time = self.config_modify_time ####################################################################### # Alarme neu aus der configuration im RAM einlesen # ####################################################################### self.alerts_lock.acquire() self.alerts.clear() self.alerts_lock.release() ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() for section in self.config: # lies nur die alert-xx Einträge if not SoundTouchAlertClock.REGEX_ALERT.match(section): continue # es ist ein alert... self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() alert = RadioAlerts(self.log, self.config[section], section) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() self.alerts_lock.acquire() self.alerts.append(alert) self.alerts_lock.release() self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...OK".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() def reload_conifg(self): """ Konfiguration via SIGNAL USR1 reload (wenn der Webserver was gemacht hat) :return: nix """ if self.is_running: self.__configure_objects() return None def __read_configfile_mod_time(self): """ speichere die letzte bearbeitungszeit der Konfiguration :return: die Zeit """ # merke mir die Bearbeitungszeit fileinfo = os.stat(self.config_file) modify_time = fileinfo.st_mtime return modify_time def __configure_objects(self): """ Konfiguriere das Programm und die Objekte :return: None """ # merke mir die Bearbeitungszeit self.config_modify_time = self.__read_configfile_mod_time() if self.config_read_obj is None: self.config_read_obj = ConfigFileObj(self.log, self.config_file) else: self.config_read_obj.read_configfile(self.config_file) self.config = self.config_read_obj.config_object # falls ein UDB-Thread existiert if self.udp_serverthread is not None: self.udp_serverthread.set_new_config(self.config) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() ####################################################################### # DEFAULT # ####################################################################### # Loglevel level = self.config['global']['loglevel'] if level == 'debug': self.loglevel = logging.DEBUG elif level == 'info': self.loglevel = logging.INFO elif level == 'warning': self.loglevel = logging.WARN elif level == 'error': self.loglevel = logging.ERROR elif level == 'critical': self.loglevel = logging.CRITICAL else: self.loglevel = logging.INFO print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('loglevel', level)) # Logfile logfile = self.config['global']['logfile'] print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('logfile', logfile)) # Log auch auf die Konsole? console_log = self.str2bool(self.config['global']['console_log']) print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('console log', console_log)) if self.log is None or self.logfile is None: # noch kein logger vorhanden self.logfile = logfile self.console_log = console_log self.log = self.__make_logger(self.logfile, self.loglevel, self.console_log) elif self.logfile is not None and (self.logfile != logfile or self.console_log != console_log): # da ist ein alter Logger, der neu gemacht werden muss del self.log # neu machen self.logfile = logfile self.console_log = console_log self.log = self.__make_logger(self.logfile, self.loglevel, self.console_log) else: self.log.setLevel(self.loglevel) # Zeitzohne self.timezone = self.config['global']['timezone'] print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('timezone', console_log)) ####################################################################### # Alarme einlesen # ####################################################################### self.alerts_lock.acquire() self.alerts.clear() for section in self.config: if not SoundTouchAlertClock.REGEX_ALERT.match(section): continue # es ist ein alert... self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() alert = RadioAlerts(self.log, self.config[section], section) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() self.alerts.append(alert) self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...OK".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() self.alerts_lock.release() # ENDE @staticmethod def str2bool(_val: str): return _val.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', '1') @staticmethod def __make_logger(_logfile: str, _my_loglevel, _console_log: bool): """ Erzeuge den Logger :param _logfile: Name des Logfiles :param _my_loglevel: Loglevel für das Programm :return: Loggerobjekt """ log = logging.getLogger("alert_clock_bose") log.setLevel(_my_loglevel) formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(module)s: %(message)s", '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S') f_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_logfile, maxBytes=5000000, backupCount=5) if _console_log: c_handler = logging.StreamHandler() c_handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(c_handler) f_handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(f_handler) return log
def __configure_objects(self): """ Konfiguriere das Programm und die Objekte :return: None """ # merke mir die Bearbeitungszeit self.config_modify_time = self.__read_configfile_mod_time() if self.config_read_obj is None: self.config_read_obj = ConfigFileObj(self.log, self.config_file) else: self.config_read_obj.read_configfile(self.config_file) self.config = self.config_read_obj.config_object # falls ein UDB-Thread existiert if self.udp_serverthread is not None: self.udp_serverthread.set_new_config(self.config) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() ####################################################################### # DEFAULT # ####################################################################### # Loglevel level = self.config['global']['loglevel'] if level == 'debug': self.loglevel = logging.DEBUG elif level == 'info': self.loglevel = logging.INFO elif level == 'warning': self.loglevel = logging.WARN elif level == 'error': self.loglevel = logging.ERROR elif level == 'critical': self.loglevel = logging.CRITICAL else: self.loglevel = logging.INFO print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('loglevel', level)) # Logfile logfile = self.config['global']['logfile'] print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('logfile', logfile)) # Log auch auf die Konsole? console_log = self.str2bool(self.config['global']['console_log']) print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('console log', console_log)) if self.log is None or self.logfile is None: # noch kein logger vorhanden self.logfile = logfile self.console_log = console_log self.log = self.__make_logger(self.logfile, self.loglevel, self.console_log) elif self.logfile is not None and (self.logfile != logfile or self.console_log != console_log): # da ist ein alter Logger, der neu gemacht werden muss del self.log # neu machen self.logfile = logfile self.console_log = console_log self.log = self.__make_logger(self.logfile, self.loglevel, self.console_log) else: self.log.setLevel(self.loglevel) # Zeitzohne self.timezone = self.config['global']['timezone'] print("CONFIG %20s: %s" % ('timezone', console_log)) ####################################################################### # Alarme einlesen # ####################################################################### self.alerts_lock.acquire() self.alerts.clear() for section in self.config: if not SoundTouchAlertClock.REGEX_ALERT.match(section): continue # es ist ein alert... self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() alert = RadioAlerts(self.log, self.config[section], section) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.acquire() self.alerts.append(alert) self.log.debug("create RadioAlerts {}...OK".format(section)) ConfigFileObj.config_lock.release() self.alerts_lock.release()