delta = delta / temperature
                    if metropolis(delta):  # Accept Metropolis test
                        total = total + partial_new - partial_old  # Update total values
                        total_spr = total_spr + partial_new_spr - partial_old_spr  # Update quantum system potential
                        r[k, i, :] = rki  # Update position
                        r_moves = r_moves + 1  # Increment move counter

        r_ratio = r_moves / (n * p)
        c_ratio = c_moves / n


    blk_end(blk)  # Output block averages
    sav_tag = str(blk).zfill(
        3) if blk < 1000 else 'sav'  # Number configuration by block
    for k in range(p):
        write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + str(k).zfill(2) + '.' + sav_tag, n, box,
                        r[k, :, :] * box)  # Save configuration


total = potential(box, r_cut, r)  # Double check book-keeping
assert not total.ovr, 'Overlap in final configuration'
total_spr = spring(box, k_spring, r)

for k in range(p):
    write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + str(k).zfill(2) + '.' + out_tag, n, box,
                    r[k, :, :] * box)  # Save configuration

    kin = 0.5*np.sum(v**2) / n
    print("{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Kinetic energy',kin) )

if np.fabs(delta_rho) < tol and np.fabs(delta_kin) < tol:
    print('No changes requested')
    if np.fabs(delta_rho) > tol:
        assert rho+delta_rho > 0.0, 'New requested density would be negative'
        scale = ( rho / (rho+delta_rho) )**(1.0/3.0)
        box   = box * scale
        r     = r * scale
        rho   = n / box**3
        print("{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Density',rho) )
    if np.fabs(delta_kin) > tol:
        assert kin+delta_kin > 0.0, 'New requested kinetic energy would be negative'
        scale  = np.sqrt ( (kin+delta_kin) / kin )
        v      = v * scale
        kin    = 0.5*np.sum(v**2) / n
        print("{:40}{:15.6f}".format('New kinetic energy',kin) )

    if atomic:
        if velocities:
            write_cnf_atoms ( filename, n, box, r, v )
            write_cnf_atoms ( filename, n, box, r )
        if velocities:
            write_cnf_mols ( filename, n, box, r, e, v, w )
            write_cnf_mols ( filename, n, box, r, e )
Example #3
                if accepted:
                    n_acc = n_acc + 1
                q_min, q_max = update_histogram(q, q_min, q_max)
            c_ratio = n_acc / n_crank


    blk_end(blk)  # Output block averages

    flat = histogram_flat(flatness, q_min, q_max, h)  # Check for flatness

    if flat:  # End of this stage
        print("{:63}".format('-' * 63))
            'stage', stage, ' q_min q_max q_count =', q_min, q_max,
            np.count_nonzero(h[q_min:q_max + 1] > 0.5)))
        print("{:63}".format('-' * 63))
        sav_tag = str(stage).zfill(
            3) if stage < 1000 else 'sav'  # Number configuration by stage
        write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + sav_tag, n, bond, r)  # Save configuration
        write_histogram(his_prefix + sav_tag)  # Save histogram
        stage = stage + 1  # Ready for next stage
        ds = ds / 2.0  # Entropy change reduction

        )  # Output run averages, although these are really not relevant
write_results()  # Specimen results at selected temperatures

write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + out_tag, n, bond, r)  # Save configuration
Example #4
                if k == i or k == j or partner[k] == i or partner[k] == j:
                    coltime[k], partner[k] = update(k, box, r[k:, :], v[k:, :])
            # Search for partners <i
            if i > 0:
                coltime[:i], partner[:i] = dndate(i, box, r[:i + 1, :],
                                                  v[:i + 1, :], coltime[:i],
            if j > 0:
                coltime[:j], partner[:j] = dndate(j, box, r[:j + 1, :],
                                                  v[:j + 1, :], coltime[:j],

        ncoll = ncoll + col_sum

        # Calculate and accumulate variables for this step

    blk_end(blk)  # Output block averages
    sav_tag = str(blk).zfill(
        3) if blk < 1000 else 'sav'  # Number configuration by block
    write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + sav_tag, n, box, r * box,
                    v)  # Save configuration


print("{:40}{:15d}  ".format('Total collisions', ncoll))
assert not overlap(box, r), 'Particle overlap in final configuration'

write_cnf_atoms(cnf_prefix + out_tag, n, box, r * box, v)  # Save configuration
Example #5
                total2 = total2_new  # Update total values
                box1 = box1_new  # Update box lengths
                box2 = box2_new  # Update box lengths
                v_ratio = 1.0  # Set move counter

        rho_vals[stp, :] = [n1 / box1**3, n2 / box2**3]
        eng_vals[stp, :] = [
            1.5 * temperature + total1.pot / n1,
            1.5 * temperature + total2.pot / n2

    blk_end(blk)  # Output block averages
    sav_tag = str(blk).zfill(
        3) if blk < 1000 else 'sav'  # Number configuration by block
    write_cnf_atoms(cnf1_prefix + sav_tag, n1, box1,
                    r1 * box1)  # Save configuration
    write_cnf_atoms(cnf2_prefix + sav_tag, n2, box2,
                    r2 * box2)  # Save configuration

    # Increment histograms
    rho_h, rho_bins = np.histogram(rho_vals, bins=nh, range=(rho_min, rho_max))
    eng_h, eng_bins = np.histogram(eng_vals, bins=nh, range=(eng_min, eng_max))
    rho_hist = rho_hist + rho_h
    eng_hist = eng_hist + eng_h


# Write out histograms
norm = 2 * nstep * nblock * (rho_bins[1] - rho_bins[0])
rho_hist = rho_hist / norm
norm = 2 * nstep * nblock * (eng_bins[1] - eng_bins[0])