class LVCskymap(object): """A set of methods for working with LVC healpix (3d) skymaps.""" def __init__(self): self.user = UserValues() #comp. self.skymap = self.user.get_skymap() print(self.skymap) # TEST self.nside = self.user.get_nside() self.is_3d = Is3d(self.skymap) #comp --> eredita self.tfield, self.header = self.is_3d.get_header() self.prob, self.distmu, self.distsigma, self.distnorm = self.is_3d.get_values( self.tfield) ## def vertices(self, ra_center, dec_center, fov_base, fov_height): ## """Finding the vertices of a FoV given the central location (ra[deg], dec[deg]) ## and the FoV size (FoV_base [deg], FoV_height [deg]).""" ## ## vert_ra, vert_dec = [], [] # ra list, dec list ## ## ra_center_rad, dec_center_rad = radians(ra_center), radians(dec_center) ## ## fov_base_rad, fov_height_rad = radians(fov_base), radians(fov_height) ## ## x = [-fov_base_rad/2, fov_base_rad/2, ## fov_base_rad/2, -fov_base_rad/2] ## ## y = [fov_height_rad/2, fov_height_rad/2, ## -fov_height_rad/2, -fov_height_rad/2] ## ## for i, j in zip(x, y): ## arg = -i/(cos(dec_center_rad)-j*sin(dec_center_rad)) ## v_ra = degrees( (ra_center_rad+atan(arg)) ) ## ## vert_ra.append(v_ra) ## ## v_dec = degrees( (asin((sin(dec_center_rad)+j*cos(dec_center_rad))/(1+i**2+j**2)**0.5)) ) ## ## vert_dec.append(v_dec) ## ## # test: field-of-view footprint vs vertices function ## aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[0], vert_dec[0], size = '15arsec') ## aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[1], vert_dec[1], size = '15arsec') ## aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[2], vert_dec[2], size = '15arsec') ## aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[3], vert_dec[3], size = '15arsec') ## ## #print round(vert_ra[0],6), round(vert_dec[0],6), round(vert_ra[1],6), round(vert_dec[1],6),round(vert_ra[2],6), round(vert_dec[2],6), round(vert_ra[3],6), round(vert_dec[3],6) ## print vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] ## return vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] ## print vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] def vertices(self, ra_center, dec_center, fov_base, fov_height): """Finding the vertices of a FoV given the central location (ra[deg], dec[deg]) and the FoV size (FoV_base [deg], FoV_height [deg]).""" vert_ra, vert_dec = [], [] # ra list, dec list ra_center_rad, dec_center_rad = radians(ra_center), radians(dec_center) fov_base_rad, fov_height_rad = radians( (fov_base + 0.00069) / 2.0), radians( (fov_height + 0.00069) / 2.0) #0.0017119592190950605 x = [-fov_base_rad, fov_base_rad, fov_base_rad, -fov_base_rad] y = [fov_height_rad, fov_height_rad, -fov_height_rad, -fov_height_rad] ## Dato un FOV quadrato di lato L e orientato come dicevo nella mia mail precedente, es: ## deg2rad=pi/180; ## ## L=3*deg2rad; ## ## In coord. ortogonali i vertici del quadrato in senso orario partendo da quello in alto a sx, assumendo #che l'origine sia nel punto centrale del FOV, sono: ## ## ## X1=(-L/2,L/2,L/2,-L/2); ## ## Y1=(L/2,L/2,-L/2,-L/2); ## ## ##In coord. angolari diventano: ## ## ##arg1=-X1/(cos(d0)-Y1*sin(d0)); ## ##a1=(a0+atan(arg1))/deg2rad ## ##d1=(asin( (sin(d0)+Y1*cos(d0))/(1+X1.^2+Y1.^2).^0.5))/deg2rad ## ##dove (a0,d0) sono le coordinate del centro del FOV ## ##Ho fatto delle prove con Aladin e a me torna ma fai un check... for i, j in zip(x, y): arg = -i / (cos(dec_center_rad) - j * sin(dec_center_rad)) v_ra = degrees((ra_center_rad + atan(arg))) vert_ra.append(v_ra) v_dec = degrees( (asin((sin(dec_center_rad) + j * cos(dec_center_rad)) / (1 + i**2 + j**2)**0.5))) vert_dec.append(v_dec) # test: field-of-view footprint vs vertices function #aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[0], vert_dec[0], size = '5arcmin') #aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[1], vert_dec[1], size = '5arcmin') #aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[2], vert_dec[2], size = '5arcmin') #aladin.draw_circle(vert_ra[3], vert_dec[3], size = '5arcmin') #print round(vert_ra[0],6), round(vert_dec[0],6), round(vert_ra[1],6), round(vert_dec[1],6),round(vert_ra[2],6), round(vert_dec[2],6), round(vert_ra[3],6), round(vert_dec[3],6) #print vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] return vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[ 0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] #print vert_ra[0], vert_ra[1], vert_ra[3], vert_ra[2], vert_dec[0], vert_dec[1], vert_dec[3], vert_dec[2] def __ipix_sum(self, ra_vertices, dec_vertices): """Return the ipix sum inside a polygon.""" theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec_vertices) phi = np.deg2rad(ra_vertices) xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) ipix_poly = hp.query_polygon(self.nside, xyz) ipix_sum_polygon = self.prob[ipix_poly].sum() return ipix_sum_polygon def prob_in_box(self, ra, dec, width, height): """Return the probability inside a box.""" v1_ra, v2_ra, v3_ra, v4_ra, v1_dec, v2_dec, v3_dec, v4_dec = self.vertices( ra, dec, width, height) ra_vertices, dec_vertices = ([v1_ra, v2_ra, v4_ra, v3_ra], [v1_dec, v2_dec, v4_dec, v3_dec]) probability_fov_box = self.__ipix_sum(ra_vertices, dec_vertices) return '%.1e' % probability_fov_box def prob_in_circle(self, ra, dec, radius): """Return the probability inside a circle.""" theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec) phi = np.deg2rad(ra) radius = np.deg2rad(radius) xyz = hp.ang2vec(theta, phi) ipix_disc = hp.query_disc(self.nside, xyz, radius) probability_fov_disc = self.prob[ipix_disc].sum() return '%.1e' % probability_fov_disc def conditional_distance_linesight(self, ra, dec): """Conditional distance distribution along the line of sight of a FoV center: see - section 4.4 for more details.""" if self.tfield == 4: # 3d skymap theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.deg2rad(dec) phi = np.deg2rad(ra) ipix = hp.ang2pix(self.nside, theta, phi) line_end = self.header['DISTMEAN'] + (self.header['DISTSTD'] * 4) r = np.linspace(0, line_end) dp_dr = r**2 * self.distnorm[ipix] * norm( self.distmu[ipix], self.distsigma[ipix]).pdf(r) return r, dp_dr else: r = "nan" dp_dr = "nan" return r, dp_dr
class Observability(Toplevel): """Initializi""" def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self, border=8, bg="slate grey") self.user = UserValues() self.moc = MOC_confidence_region() self.observatory = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation( lat=self.user.get_latitude() * u.deg, lon=self.user.get_longitude() * u.deg, height=self.user.get_altitude() * u.m) self.wait_visibility() self.wm_attributes('-alpha', 0.8) # transparency self.title("Observability" + "starting from" + self.user.get_obs_time()) self.attributes("-topmost", True) self.bttn_clicks = 0 # counter ">>" Button # first label self.label_1 = Label(self, text="Show the region in the", bg="slate grey") self.label_1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E, padx=0) moc_value = 90 # default moc_default = StringVar(self, value=moc_value) self.entry_percentage = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=moc_default) self.entry_percentage.grid(row=0, padx=2, column=1) # second label self.label_2 = Label(self, text="% MOC in which the airmass is ≤", bg="slate grey") self.label_2.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E, pady=0) airmass_value = "2.5" # default airmass_default = StringVar(self, value=airmass_value) self.entry_airmass = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=airmass_default) self.entry_airmass.grid(row=0, padx=2, column=3) #Btn = Button(self, text='Show', command=self.moc_obs), row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) #self.moon = Button(self, text="Sun/Moon", # command=self.close_window) #self.moon.grid(column=5,row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) self.forward = Button(self, text=">>", command=self.moc_obs_update) self.forward.grid(column=6, row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) self.close = Button(self, text="Close", command=self.close_window) self.close.grid(column=7, row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) #Actions def update_count(self): """Return the time in step of 1h when the button ">>" is clicked.""" self.bttn_clicks += 1 dt = TimeDelta(3600.0, format='sec') update_time = int(self.bttn_clicks) * dt obs_time = Time(self.user.get_obs_time()) time_update = obs_time + update_time return time_update def from_ipixs_to_moc(self, time_input): """Return ipix table with the associated airmass""" prob = self.moc.read_prob(self.user.get_skymap()) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get()) / 100.0 ipixs = self.moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, percentage) nside = int(self.user.get_nside()) ra, dec = self.moc.sky_coords(ipixs, nside) sky_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame='icrs') altaz = sky_coord.transform_to( AltAz(obstime=time_input, location=self.observatory)) airmass_values = altaz.secz contour_ipix = Table([ra, dec, airmass_values, ipixs], names=('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', 'airmass', 'ipix'), meta={'ipix': 'ipix table'}) # astropy table mask = (contour_ipix['airmass']) >= 1 # clearing obs1 = contour_ipix[mask] mask2 = (obs1['airmass']) <= float( self.entry_airmass.get()) # airmass user values obs = obs1[mask2] # test print obs nside = self.user.get_nside() if len(obs) == 0: tkMessageBox.showinfo('MOC visibility', 'No region for the selected airmass') else: moc_order = self.moc.moc_order(nside) moc = MOC.from_table(obs, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order) # moc creation moc.write('obs_airmass_', format='fits') # fit file return aladin.send_file('obs_airmass_') def moc_obs(self): """Return the MOC region in which the airmass is <= the airmass value defined by the user.""" time_start = self.user.get_obs_time() contour_ipix = self.from_ipixs_to_moc(time_start) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get()) / 100.0 aladin.rename('obs_airmass_' + self.entry_airmass.get() + 'MOC_' + str(percentage)) # test print time_start def moc_obs_update(self): """Return the MOC region in which the airmass is <= the airmass value defined by the user.""" time_update = self.update_count() contour_ipix = self.from_ipixs_to_moc(time_update) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get()) / 100.0 aladin.rename('obs_airmass_' + self.entry_airmass.get() + 'MOC_' + str(percentage) + '@' + str(time_update.isot)) # test print time_update def close_window(self): self.destroy()
class Pinpoint(Toplevel): """The class is designed to determine in which level of probability a source is localized.""" def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self, border=8, bg="slate grey") # get trasparency windows from global variable self.wait_visibility() self.wm_attributes('-alpha', trasparency) self.title(" Pinpoint Localization") self.attributes("-topmost", True) # label 1 self.label_1 = Label(self, text=" In which level of probability the source(s) falls/fall", bg="slate grey") self.label_1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E, pady=0) # showing example entries help_string = ("source_3 085.91935 +33.34139; source_4 073.87703 +23.36612 ") help_string_default = StringVar(self, value=help_string) self.entry_pin = Entry(self, width=30, justify=CENTER, textvariable=help_string_default) self.entry_pin.grid(row=0, padx=15, column=1) # label 2 self.label_2 = Label(self, text=" from ", bg="slate grey") self.label_2.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=E, pady=0) from_default = StringVar(self, value="10") # default self.entry_from = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=from_default) self.entry_from.grid(row=0, column=4, columnspan=8, pady=2, sticky='WE') # label 3 self.label_3 = Label(self, text=" to ", bg="slate grey") self.label_3.grid(row=0, column=20, sticky=E, pady=0) to_default = StringVar(self, value="90") # default self.entry_to = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=to_default) self.entry_to.grid(row=0, column=25, columnspan=8, pady=2, sticky='WE') # label 4 self.label_4 = Label(self, text=" grid ", bg="slate grey") self.label_4.grid(row=0, column=40, sticky=E, pady=0) grid_default = StringVar(self, value="10") # default self.entry_grid = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=grid_default) self.entry_grid.grid(row=0, column=45, columnspan=8, pady=2, sticky='WE') # label 4 folder = "pinpoint" # default folder_default = StringVar(self, value=folder) self.entry_folder = Entry(self, width=20, justify=CENTER, textvariable=folder_default) self.entry_folder.grid(row=1, padx=2, column=0) # label 3.1 self.label_3 = Label(self, text=" Folder:",justify=LEFT, bg="slate grey") self.label_3.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W, pady=0) self.entryScroll = Scrollbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.__scrollHandler) self.entryScroll.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.entry_pin['xscrollcommand'] = self.entryScroll.set # -------------Btns--------------# # Do = Button(self, text='Do', command=self.pinpoint_for), row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) # Close self.close = Button(self, text="Close", command=self.close_window) self.close.grid(column=70,row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) #Actions def __scrollHandler(self, *L): """Scroll entry.""" op, howMany = L[0], L[1] if op == 'scroll': units = L[2] self.entry_pin.xview_scroll(howMany, units) elif op == 'moveto': self.entry_pin.xview_moveto(howMany) def __split_entries_3(self): """Splitting the entries in 'id source', 'ra' and 'dec'.""" entry_sources = self.entry_pin.get().replace(';',' ').replace(',',' ').split() # TRY TO DO BETTER: numpy!!! # defined lists label = entry_sources[::3] source_ra = entry_sources[1::3] source_dec = entry_sources[2::3] # Check if the lists are of the same length if len(label)==len(source_ra)==len(source_dec): return label[0::], source_ra[0::], source_dec[0::] else: msg_err = 'ENTER: id source ra[deg] dec[deg]' MSG.split_entries_3(msg_err) def pinpoint_for(self): """Finding in which confidence level the sources fall. List of sources are inserted in 'self.entry_pin'.""" # creating folder defined by user aladin.remove(self.entry_folder.get() + '~1') # removing multiple copy of the folder ## TRY TO DO BETTER!!!! # splitting the entries labels, ra_transients, dec_transients = self.__split_entries_3() for ra_transient, dec_transient, label in zip( ra_transients, dec_transients, labels): # aladin stack organization: draw source position/move in folder aladin.draw_newtool(label) aladin.draw_source(ra_transient, dec_transient, label), self.entry_folder.get()) try: self.pinpoint(ra_transient, dec_transient, label) except ValueError as value_error: MSG.value_error(value_error) def pinpoint(self, ra_transient, dec_transient, label): """Finding in which confidence level the source falls. Input parameters --------------- ra_transient, dec_transient : float sky coordinates in degrees label : string id source transient """ # (re)initialization: skymap/nside self.user = UserValues() skymap = self.user.get_skymap() nside = int(self.user.get_nside()) # getting probability array prob = moc.read_prob(skymap) # user input values: from/to/resolution from_percentage = float(self.entry_from.get())/100.0 to_percentage = float(self.entry_to.get())/100.0 resolution_percentage = float(self.entry_grid.get())/100.0 # from sky coords to ipix ipix = healpixIpix.find_ipix(ra_transient, dec_transient, nside) find = "n" while from_percentage <= to_percentage or find =="y": ipixs = moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, from_percentage) is_there = ipix in ipixs # is the ipix within the MOC contour plot defined by user? if is_there != True: # ipix not found from_percentage = from_percentage + resolution_percentage else: find = "y" # ipix found res_yes = ("The sky coord" + " " + "ra="+str(ra_transient)+"°," + ' ' + "dec="+str(dec_transient)+"°"+" " + "(label:" + label+")" \ "lies within the" + " " + str(from_percentage*100)+'%' + " " + "c.l.\n" +"["+skymap+"]") MSG.pinpoint_find(label, res_yes) return find # ipix not found [from_percentage -- to_percentage] from_percentage = to_percentage res_no = ("The sky coord" + " " + "ra="+str(ra_transient)+"°," + ' ' + "dec="+str(dec_transient)+"°"+" " + "(label:" + label+")" \ + " " + "is not localized within the" + " " + str(from_percentage*100)+'%' + " " + "c.l.\n" +"["+skymap+"]") MSG.pinpoint_nofind(label, res_no) def close_window(self): """Closing window""" return self.destroy()
class LocalizeSources(Toplevel): """The class is designed to answer if an astrophysical source falls within a specific level of probability (MOC contour plot).""" def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self, border=8, bg="slate grey") # get trasparency windows from global variable self.wait_visibility() self.wm_attributes('-alpha', trasparency) self.title(" Localize Sources in probability skymap") self.attributes("-topmost", True) # label 1 self.label_1 = Label(self, text="Is/Are the [ID Source(s) RA (°) DEC (°)]", bg="slate grey") self.label_1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E, pady=0) # showing example entries help_string = ("source_1 079.91935 +43.34139; source_2 063.87703 +33.36612 ") help_string_default = StringVar(self, value=help_string) self.entry_sources = Entry(self, width=30, justify=CENTER, textvariable=help_string_default) self.entry_sources.grid(row=0, padx=15, column=1) # label 2 self.label_2 = Label(self, text="whithin the", bg="slate grey") self.label_2.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=E, pady=0) moc_value = 90 # default moc_default = StringVar(self, value=moc_value) self.entry_percentage = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=moc_default) self.entry_percentage.grid(row=0, padx=2, column=5) # label 3 self.label_2 = Label(self, text="% MOC? ", bg="slate grey") self.label_2.grid(row=0, column=6, sticky=E, pady=0) # label 4 folder = "transients" # default folder_default = StringVar(self, value=folder) self.entry_folder = Entry(self, width=15, justify=CENTER, textvariable=folder_default) self.entry_folder.grid(row=1, padx=2, column=0) # label 3.1 self.label_3 = Label(self, text=" Folder: ",justify=LEFT, bg="slate grey") self.label_3.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W, pady=0) self.entryScroll = Scrollbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.__scrollHandler) self.entryScroll.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E+W) self.entry_sources['xscrollcommand'] = self.entryScroll.set # -------------Btns--------------# # Ask = Button(self, text='Ask', command=self.in_skymap), row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) # Pinpoint self.checkbox = Button(self, text="Pinpoint", fg='black', command=self.pinpoint) self.checkbox.grid(column=8,row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) # Dist self.checkbox = Button(self, text="Dist", fg='black', command=self.cond_distance_source_for) self.checkbox.grid(column=15,row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) # Close self.close = Button(self, text="Close", command=self.close_window) self.close.grid(column=25,row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) #Actions def __scrollHandler(self, *L): """Scroll entry.""" op, howMany = L[0], L[1] if op == 'scroll': units = L[2] self.entry_sources.xview_scroll(howMany, units) elif op == 'moveto': self.entry_sources.xview_moveto(howMany) def __split_entries_3(self): """Splitting the entries in 'id source', 'ra' and 'dec'.""" entry_sources = self.entry_sources.get().replace(';',' ').replace(',',' ').split() # defined lists label = entry_sources[::3] source_ra = entry_sources[1::3] source_dec = entry_sources[2::3] # Check if the lists are of the same length if len(label)==len(source_ra)==len(source_dec): return label[0::], source_ra[0::], source_dec[0::] else: msg_err = 'ENTER: id source ra[deg] dec[deg]' MSG.split_entries_3(msg_err) def in_skymap(self): """Checking if an object falls in a given probability level defined by an user. List of sources are inserted in 'self.entry_sources'.""" # creating folder defined by user aladin.remove(self.entry_folder.get() + '~1') # removing multiple copy of the folder # TO DO BETTER # (re)initialization: skymap/nside self.user = UserValues() skymap = self.user.get_skymap() nside = int(self.user.get_nside()) # getting probability array prob = moc.read_prob(skymap) # user input: MOC confidence level in percentage percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0 # splitting the entries labels, ra_transients, dec_transients = self.__split_entries_3() for ra_transient, dec_transient, label in zip( ra_transients, dec_transients, labels): # aladin stack organization: draw source position/move in folder aladin.draw_newtool(label) aladin.draw_source(ra_transient, dec_transient, label), self.entry_folder.get()) # from sky coords to ipix ipixs = moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, percentage) try: ipix = healpixIpix.find_ipix(ra_transient, dec_transient, nside) is_there = ipix in ipixs # is the ipix within the MOC contour plot defined by user? if is_there is True: # ipix found res_true = ("The sky coord" + " " + "ra="+str(ra_transient)+"°," + " " + "dec="+str(dec_transient)+"°" + " " + \ "(labels: " + label+")" + " " + "lies within the" + " " + str(percentage*100)+'%' + " " + "c.l.\n" +"["+skymap+"]") MSG.in_skymap_true(label, res_true) else: res_false = ("The sky coord" + " " + "ra="+str(ra_transient)+"°," + " " +"dec="+str(dec_transient)+"°" + " " + \ "(labels: " + label+")" + " " + "is outside the" + " " + str(percentage*100)+'%' + " " + "c.l.\n" + "["+skymap+"]") MSG.in_skymap_false(label, res_false) except ValueError as value_error: MSG.value_error(value_error) def pinpoint(self): """Initialize Pinpoint class.""" pinpoint_localize = Pinpoint() return pinpoint_localize def cond_distance_source_for(self): """Plot of the conditional distance distribution along the line of sight for a list of sources.""" self.lvc = LVCskymap() # basic module for handling LVC skymaps labels, ra_transients, dec_transients = self.__split_entries_3() plt.ion() for label, ra_transient, dec_transient in zip( labels, ra_transients, dec_transients): try: r, dp_dr = self.lvc.conditional_distance_linesight( float(ra_transient), float(dec_transient)) self.__cond_distance_source(label, r, dp_dr) except ValueError as value_error: MSG.value_error(value_error) def __cond_distance_source(self, label, r, dp_dr): """Plot of the conditional distance distribution along the line of sight.""" # (re)initialization: skymap self.user = UserValues() skymap=self.user.get_skymap() fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(r, dp_dr) title_string = label + ':' + ' '+ ' \n conditional distance distribution along the line of sight \n' + '['+skymap+']' ax.set_title(title_string,fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('distance (Mpc)') ax.set_ylabel('prob Mpc$^{-1}$') def close_window(self): """Closing window""" return self.destroy()
class Observability(Toplevel): """Initializi""" def __init__(self): Toplevel.__init__(self, border=8, bg="slate grey") self.user = UserValues() self.moc = MOC_confidence_region() self.observatory = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation( lat=self.user.get_latitude()*u.deg, lon=self.user.get_longitude()*u.deg, height=self.user.get_altitude()*u.m) self.wait_visibility() self.wm_attributes('-alpha',0.8) # transparency self.title("Observability" + "starting from" + self.user.get_obs_time()) self.attributes("-topmost", True) self.bttn_clicks = 0 # counter ">>" Button # first label self.label_1 = Label(self, text="Show the region in the", bg="slate grey") self.label_1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E, padx=0) moc_value = 90 # default moc_default = StringVar(self, value=moc_value) self.entry_percentage = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=moc_default) self.entry_percentage.grid(row=0, padx=2, column=1) # second label self.label_2 = Label(self, text="% MOC in which the airmass is ≤", bg="slate grey") self.label_2.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E, pady=0) airmass_value = "2.5" # default airmass_default = StringVar(self, value=airmass_value) self.entry_airmass = Entry(self, width=5, justify=CENTER, textvariable=airmass_default) self.entry_airmass.grid(row=0, padx=2, column=3) #Btn = Button(self, text='Show', command=self.moc_obs), row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) #self.moon = Button(self, text="Sun/Moon", # command=self.close_window) #self.moon.grid(column=5,row=0, sticky=W, padx=2, pady=5) self.forward = Button(self, text=">>", command=self.moc_obs_update) self.forward.grid(column=6,row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) self.close = Button(self, text="Close", command=self.close_window) self.close.grid(column=7,row=0, sticky=E, padx=2, pady=5) #Actions def update_count(self): """Return the time in step of 1h when the button ">>" is clicked.""" self.bttn_clicks += 1 dt = TimeDelta(3600.0, format='sec') update_time = int(self.bttn_clicks) * dt obs_time = Time(self.user.get_obs_time()) time_update = obs_time + update_time return time_update def from_ipixs_to_moc(self, time_input): """Return ipix table with the associated airmass""" prob = self.moc.read_prob(self.user.get_skymap()) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0 ipixs = self.moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, percentage ) nside = int(self.user.get_nside()) ra, dec = self.moc.sky_coords(ipixs, nside) sky_coord = SkyCoord(ra = ra*u.deg,dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs') altaz = sky_coord.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time_input, location=self.observatory)) airmass_values = altaz.secz contour_ipix = Table([ ra, dec, airmass_values, ipixs ], names = ('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', 'airmass', 'ipix'), meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'}) # astropy table mask = (contour_ipix['airmass']) >= 1 # clearing obs1 = contour_ipix[mask] mask2 = (obs1['airmass']) <= float(self.entry_airmass.get()) # airmass user values obs = obs1[mask2] # test print obs nside = self.user.get_nside() if len(obs)==0: tkMessageBox.showinfo('MOC visibility', 'No region for the selected airmass') else: moc_order = self.moc.moc_order(nside) moc = MOC.from_table( obs, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order ) # moc creation moc.write( 'obs_airmass_', format = 'fits' ) # fit file return aladin.send_file('obs_airmass_') def moc_obs(self): """Return the MOC region in which the airmass is <= the airmass value defined by the user.""" time_start = self.user.get_obs_time() contour_ipix = self.from_ipixs_to_moc(time_start) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0 aladin.rename('obs_airmass_'+self.entry_airmass.get()+'MOC_'+str(percentage)) # test print time_start def moc_obs_update(self): """Return the MOC region in which the airmass is <= the airmass value defined by the user.""" time_update = self.update_count() contour_ipix = self.from_ipixs_to_moc(time_update) percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0 aladin.rename('obs_airmass_'+self.entry_airmass.get()+'MOC_'+str(percentage)+ '@' + str(time_update.isot)) # test print time_update def close_window(self): self.destroy()