Example #1
    def __init__(self, username: str, trust_keybase: bool=False, autofetch: bool=True) -> None:
        Create a new instance of a Keybase user.

            - Username: The username to look up.
                This can be either a normal string username (`max`), or a username with a method (`github://maxtaco`).

            - trust_keybase: Should we pretend that keybase is correct, or do we locally verify the signatures?
                By default, we locally verify the signatures.

            - autofetch: Should we download the keybase data automagically, or should we not and just let the user replace the data?
                By default, the data is automatically fetched.
        self.username = username
        if "://" in username:
            self.method = username.split("://")[0]
            self.username = username.split("://")[-1]
            self.method = "usernames"

        self.fetched = False

        self.raw_keybase_data = None

        self.trust = trust_keybase
        if trust_keybase:
            warn("Trusting Keybase servers for this API request...")

        self.valid = False

        # Structure definitions.
        self.raw_public_key = None
        self.public_key = None

        self.fingerprint = ""
        self.keyalgo = 1
        self.keybits = 0

        self.proofs = ConfigKey()

        self.fullname = ""
        self.location = ""
        self.bio = ""

        # Fetch the data.
        if autofetch:
Example #2
 def _translate_into_configkey(self, data: requests.Response) -> ConfigKey:
     Transforms data into a ConfigKey object.
     if isinstance(data, requests.Response):
         if "application/json" in data.headers['Content-Type']:
             c = ConfigKey(); c.load_from_dict(data.json()); return c
             return None
     elif isinstance(data, dict):
         c = ConfigKey(); c.load_from_dict(data); return c
         return None
Example #3
class User(_Keybase):
    A class for getting information about keybase Users.

    This supports things such as twitter://user or github://user.

    Note that if the search returns multiple results, the first one will be picked.

    def encrypt_data(self, message: str) -> pgp.message.EncryptedMessageWrapper:
        raise NotImplementedError("python-pgp does not currently support encrypting.")

    def verify_data(self, pgp_message: str) -> bool:
        # Just pass a call to _verify_msg
        return self._verify_msg(pgp_message)

    def __init__(self, username: str, trust_keybase: bool=False, autofetch: bool=True) -> None:
        Create a new instance of a Keybase user.

            - Username: The username to look up.
                This can be either a normal string username (`max`), or a username with a method (`github://maxtaco`).

            - trust_keybase: Should we pretend that keybase is correct, or do we locally verify the signatures?
                By default, we locally verify the signatures.

            - autofetch: Should we download the keybase data automagically, or should we not and just let the user replace the data?
                By default, the data is automatically fetched.
        self.username = username
        if "://" in username:
            self.method = username.split("://")[0]
            self.username = username.split("://")[-1]
            self.method = "usernames"

        self.fetched = False

        self.raw_keybase_data = None

        self.trust = trust_keybase
        if trust_keybase:
            warn("Trusting Keybase servers for this API request...")

        self.valid = False

        # Structure definitions.
        self.raw_public_key = None
        self.public_key = None

        self.fingerprint = ""
        self.keyalgo = 1
        self.keybits = 0

        self.proofs = ConfigKey()

        self.fullname = ""
        self.location = ""
        self.bio = ""

        # Fetch the data.
        if autofetch:

    def _get_info(self):
        # Fetch the information from keybase.
        discovery = self._get("user/lookup.json", {self.method: self.username})
        self.raw_keybase_data = discovery

    def _map_data(self):
        # Begin mapping data to our structure.
        if self.raw_keybase_data.status.code != 0:
            self.fetched = False
            self.fetched = True
        # Load first person's profile data.
        if len(self.raw_keybase_data.them) <= 0:
            raise UserNotFoundError(self.method + "://" + self.username)
        person = self.raw_keybase_data.them[0]

        # Load basic data.

        self.real_name = person.profile.full_name
        self.location = person.profile.location
        self.bio = person.profile.bio
        self.username = person.basics.username

        # Map public key
        self.raw_public_key = person.public_keys.primary.bundle
        self.public_key = pgp.read_key(self.raw_public_key)

        self.fingerprint = person.public_keys.primary.key_fingerprint.upper()
        self.keyalgo = person.public_keys.primary.key_algo
        self.keybits = person.public_keys.primary.key_bits

        self.subkeys = set(key[-16:] for key in person.public_keys.sibkeys)

        # Loop over our proofs.
        for proof in person.proofs_summary.all:
            self.proofs[proof.proof_id] = ConfigKey()

        self.valid = True

    def _verify_msg(self, msg: str) -> bool:
        # Load in the message.
            loaded_msg = pgp.read_message(msg, armored=True)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise VerificationError("Message was invalid") from e

        # Verify the key.
        # First, find a signature that matches the Key ID.
        for sig in loaded_msg.get_message().signatures:
            if self.fingerprint[-16:] in sig.issuer_key_ids:
                # Verified!
                signature = sig
                key_to_use = self.public_key
                # Check for subkeys.
                for subkey in self.public_key.subkeys:
                    if subkey.fingerprint[-16:] in sig.issuer_key_ids:
                        # Verified as well.
                        key_to_use = subkey
                        signature = sig
                # This is a quick hack, to break out of both loops.
            raise VerificationError("Could not find a valid self signature in proof")
        # Then, verify using the public key on store.
        return key_to_use.verify(signature, loaded_msg.get_message().message)

    def _find_pgp_data(self, data: str) -> str:
        d = data[data.find("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"):data.find("-----END PGP MESSAGE-----")+26]
        # Strip HTML tags for dns sigs and the like.
        d = d.replace("<span class=\"hljs-horizontal_rule\">", "")
        d = d.replace("<span>", "")
        d = d.replace("</span>", "")
        d = d.replace("\"", "")
        d = d.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")
        return d

    def verify_proofs(self) -> bool:
        Verify the proofs of this user.

        This scans the available proof locations to find the PGP messages stored within, then verifies the signatures.

            True if verification succeeded.
            False if there was no proofs to verify.

            VerificationError if the proofs failed to verify/validate.
        if len(self.proofs.items()) == 0:
            return False
        if self.trust:
            warn("Blindly trusting Keybase servers that the proofs are valid...")
            for proof in self.proofs.values():
                if proof.state == 1:
                    raise VerificationError("Proof {} could not be verified!".format(proof.proof_type + "/" + proof.nametag))
            return True
        # Otherwise...
        for proof in self.proofs.values():
            # Get our URL.
            if proof.proof_type == "github":
                # Decode link.
                gist_id = proof.proof_url.split("/")[-1]
                request_url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/{}/{}/raw".format(proof.nametag, gist_id)
                r = requests.get(request_url, headers=headers)
                if r.status_code != 200:
                    raise VerificationError("Proof URL could not be validated")
                    # Search for the PGP key header...
                    data = r.text
                    key = self._find_pgp_data(data)
                    if not self._verify_msg(key):
                        raise VerificationError("Proof {} could not be verified!".format(proof.proof_type + "/" + proof.nametag))
            elif proof.proof_type == "reddit":
                # Sigh.
                # Reddit's API is shittastic, and I don't have enough justification to use praw for just fetching these.
                r = requests.get(proof.proof_url + "/.json", headers=headers)
                js = r.json()
                # Get the parent user's data.
                to_search_mtree = js[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"]
                # Verify the username.
                if to_search_mtree["author"].lower() != proof.nametag.lower():
                    raise VerificationError("Proof {} username does not match")
                data = self._find_pgp_data(to_search_mtree["selftext"])
                # Next, strip the spaces from the left.
                ndata = []
                for line in data.split('\n'):
                    ndata.append(line.lstrip(' '))
                ndata = '\n'.join(ndata)
                if not self._verify_msg(ndata):
                    raise VerificationError("Proof {} could not be verified!".format(proof.proof_type + "/" + proof.nametag))
            elif proof.proof_type in ["generic_web_site", "dns", "coinbase"]:
                # Nothing special here, just find the data in the URL, and verify it.
                data = requests.get(proof.proof_url, headers=headers)
                data = self._find_pgp_data(data.text)
                if not self._verify_msg(data):
                    raise VerificationError("Proof {} could not be verified!".format(proof.proof_type + "/" + proof.nametag))
                warn("Cannot verify proofs of type {} current due to lack of keybase API support, without HTML scraping.".format(proof.proof_type))
        return True