def test_pass_a(self): """Local AS only.""" config = {"local_asn": 666} actual = render("eos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """router bgp 666 """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_a(self): """Name only.""" config = {"name": "Ethernet1"} actual = render("eos", "interface", config) expected = """interface Ethernet1 no lldp transmit no lldp receive """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_b(self): """Good ipv4 only.""" config = {"name": "Ethernet1", "ipv4": {"address": "", "mask": 31}} actual = render("eos", "interface", config) expected = """interface Ethernet1 ip address no lldp transmit no lldp receive """ assert actual == expected
def get(self, config_id): """Render a given config.""" args = render_parser.parse_args() config = get_config(config_id) if config is None: api.abort(404) ret = { "hostname": config.hostname, "config": render(args["family"], config.schema, config.config), } return ret
def test_pass_a(self): """Name only.""" config = {"name": "et-0/0/0"} actual = render("junos", "interface", config) expected = """interfaces { et-0/0/0 { unit 0 { } } } """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_b(self): """Good ipv4 only.""" config = { "local_asn": "666", "peer_asn": "666", "peer_v4": "" } actual = render("eos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """router bgp 666 neighbor remote-as 666 """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_a_internal(self): """Internal AS only.""" config = {"local_asn": 666, "peer_asn": 666} actual = render("junos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """autonomous-system 666; bgp { group internal-peers { type internal; } } """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_b_internal_v4(self): """Internal and ipv4.""" config = {"local_asn": 666, "peer_asn": 666, "peer_v4": ""} actual = render("junos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """autonomous-system 666; bgp { group internal-peers { type internal; neighbor; } } """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_c(self): """Good ipv4 and ipv6.""" config = { "local_asn": "666", "peer_asn": "666", "peer_v4": "", "peer_v6": "2001:db8:c057:e110::1", } actual = render("eos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """router bgp 666 neighbor remote-as 666 neighbor 2001:db8:c057:e110::1 remote-as 666 """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_b(self): """Good ipv4 only.""" config = {"name": "et-0/0/0", "ipv4": {"address": "", "mask": 31}} actual = render("junos", "interface", config) expected = """interfaces { et-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } } } """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_c(self): """Good ipv4 and ipv6.""" config = { "name": "Ethernet1", "ipv4": {"address": "", "mask": 31}, "ipv6": {"address": "2001:db8:c057:e110::0", "mask": 127}, } actual = render("eos", "interface", config) expected = """interface Ethernet1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:db8:c057:e110::0/127 no lldp transmit no lldp receive """ assert actual == expected
def get(self, service_id): """Render a given service.""" args = render_parser.parse_args() service = get_service(service_id) if service is None: api.abort(404) return_list = [] for hostname, configs in service["config"].items(): return_config = [] for schema, config in configs.items(): return_config.append(render(args["family"], schema, config)) return_list.append({ "hostname": hostname, "config": "!\n".join(return_config) }) return return_list
def test_pass_c_internal_v4_v6(self): """Internal and ipv4 and ipv6.""" config = { "local_asn": 666, "peer_asn": 666, "peer_v4": "", "peer_v6": "2001:db8:c057:e110::1", } actual = render("junos", "bgppeer", config) expected = """autonomous-system 666; bgp { group internal-peers { type internal; neighbor; neighbor 2001:db8:c057:e110::1; } } """ assert actual == expected
def test_pass_c(self): """Good ipv4 and ipv6.""" config = { "name": "et-0/0/0", "ipv4": {"address": "", "mask": 31}, "ipv6": {"address": "2001:db8:c057:e110::0", "mask": 127}, } actual = render("junos", "interface", config) expected = """interfaces { et-0/0/0 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family inet6 { address 2001:db8:c057:e110::0/127; } } } } """ assert actual == expected