Example #1
def InstallViaExecutable(service):
    conf = config.GetConfig()

    Logger.Info('Installing executable, follow the instructions..', end=' ')
    if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2":
        if not sh.Call('sudo apt-get update'):
            raise Exception('Unexpected: Could not update apt')

        if not sh.Call('sudo apt-get install {0}'.format(service)):
            raise Exception('Unexpected: Could not install service: ' +

        return Logger.Info(service + " package added", 'green', attrs=['bold'])
    elif sys.platform == "darwin":
    elif sys.platform == "win32":
        installpath = conf["install-root"] + '' + service
        installer = 'msiexec.exe /i'
        if service in conf['windows-service']:
            if conf['windows-service'][service]['strategy'] == 'msi':
                return sh.Call('{0} "{1}" ^ INSTALLLOCATION="{2}" /qb'.format(
                    installer, conf['windows-service'][service], installpath))
            return DownloadAndInstallWindowsService(
                conf['windows-service'][service], service)
        Logger.Error("Unsupported operating system")
        return sys.exit()
Example #2
def InstallMongoDB():
    conf = config.GetConfig()

    installdir = conf["install-root"] + 'mongodb'

    if not ash.AssertMongoInstalled():
        if not sh.AddToPathPrompt(installdir + '/bin'):
            Logger.Alert("Make sure to add this path to env")

    return Logger.Success("Mongo is installed in {0}.".format(installdir))
Example #3
    def __init__(self, cml):
        self.rootFile = None
        self.commandLine = cml
        self.cmCursor = 0

        self.conf = config.GetConfig()
        self.rootFileName = self.conf['root-file']
        self.repoConfig = {}

        self.version = self.conf['version']
        self.OPTIONS = self.conf['cli-options']
        self.ADD_OPTIONS = self.conf['cli-add-options']
Example #4
def DownloadTo(url, folder="", outName="output.exe"):
    conf = config.GetConfig()

    baseDownloadFolder = conf['temp-download-folder'] + folder
    downloadCommand = 'curl -o {0} "{1}"'.format(
        baseDownloadFolder + '/' + outName, url)

    Logger.Info("\nDownloading {0} to {1}".format(outName, baseDownloadFolder),
                end=' ')

    sh.Call('mkdir "{0}"'.format(baseDownloadFolder))

    return sh.Call(downloadCommand) == 0
Example #5
def DownloadAndInstallWindowsService(service, serviceName):
    conf = config.GetConfig()

    exeName = serviceName + '.exe'
    exePath = conf['temp-download-folder'] + '/' + serviceName + '/' + exeName

    if DownloadTo(service['url'], serviceName, exeName):
        Logger.Success("Download finished")
        Logger.Info("Installing {}.. Follow the instructions.".format(exeName),
                    end=' ')

        if InstallExe(exePath):
            return Logger.Success("Install finished")

        return Logger.Failed("Unexpected error during installation..")

    return Logger.Failed("Unexpected error during download..")
Example #6
from extenders import extenderhelpers as helper
from shell import creatorshell as csh
from configuration import config
from logger import Logger

conf = config.GetConfig()

def Extend(args):
    switch = helper.GetSwitchFromArgs(args)

    conf['features']['app'] = 'express'
    conf['app-type'] = 'simple-express-app'

    config.WriteAppiConfig({"app-type": conf['app-type']})
    config.WriteAppiConfig({'features': conf['features']})
