Example #1
def cmd_help(*args):
    Returns a list of available commands for the requesting user.

    :param args: [specified user, arguments for command]
    :type args: list

    :return: list of available commands that the current user has permission to execute
    :rtype: str
    user = args[0]
    help_msg = "Commands:\n"

    for cmd in _CMD_NAMES:
        if cm.has_permission(user, cmd):
            cmd_description = cm.sms()[cmd + '_description']

            if cmd_description:
                help_msg += cmd_description + "\n"

    return help_msg
Example #2
def cmd_vote(*args):
    """Casts a vote for the next song to be played

    :param args: [specified user, arguments for command]
    :type args: list

    :return: unknown command response
    :rtype: str
    user = args[0]
    args = args[1]

    if args.isdigit():
        song_num = int(args)

        if user != 'Me' and 0 < song_num <= len(cm.songs()):
            song = cm.songs()[song_num - 1]
            logging.info('Song requested: ' + str(song))

            return 'Thank you for requesting "' + song[0] \
                   + '", we\'ll notify you when it starts!'
        return cm.sms()['unknown_command_response']
Example #3
def cmd_volume(*args):
    """Changes the system volume.

    :param args: [specified user, arguments for command]
    :type args: list

    :return: volume request result
    :rtype: str
    # Sanitize the input before passing to volume script
    args = args[1]

    if '-' in args:
        sanitized_cmd = '-'
    elif '+' in args:
        sanitized_cmd = '+'
    elif args.isdigit():
        vol = int(args)

        if vol < 0 or vol > 100:
            return 'volume must be between 0 and 100'
        sanitized_cmd = str(vol)
        return cm.sms()['volume_description']

    # Execute the sanitized command and handle result
    volscript = cm.HOME_DIR + '/bin/vol'
    output, error = subprocess.Popen(volscript + ' ' + sanitized_cmd,
                                     shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    if error:
        logging.warn('volume request failed: ' + str(error))

        return 'volume request failed'
        return 'volume = ' + str(output)
Example #4

import argparse
import commands
import csv
import fcntl
import logging
import sys
import time

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import configuration_manager as cm
from googlevoice import Voice

# SMS Configurations
_CONFIG = cm.sms()

# First check to make sure SMS is enabled
if _CONFIG['enable'].lower() != 'true':

VOICE = Voice()
"""Setup your username and password in ~/.gvoice (or /root/.gvoice when running as root)
file as follows to avoid being asked for your email and password each time:

email=<google voice email address>
password=<google voice password>

# make sure we are logged in
Example #5

import argparse
import commands
import csv
import fcntl
import logging
import sys
import time

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import configuration_manager as cm
from googlevoice import Voice

# SMS Configurations
_CONFIG = cm.sms()

# First check to make sure SMS is enabled
if _CONFIG['enable'].lower() != 'true':

VOICE = Voice()
"""Setup your username and password in ~/.gvoice (or /root/.gvoice when running as root)
file as follows to avoid being asked for your email and password each time:

email=<google voice email address>
password=<google voice password>

# make sure we are logged in