def add_stop(bot, update):"%s adds stop" % update.message.from_user.username) data['chat_id'] = update.message.chat_id conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = """ WITH j_id AS ( SELECT journey_id FROM travelers WHERE user_id = %s ) SELECT journey_name FROM journey NATURAL JOIN j_id;""" query_data = (, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) journey_names = cur.fetchall() cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) if len(journey_names) == 0: update.message.reply_text( 'You have no journies to add stop to, first use /create_journey command' ) return -1 reply_keyboard = [[]] for journey in journey_names: reply_keyboard[0].append(journey[0]) update.message.reply_text('What journey do you want to add stop to?', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) return ADD_STOP['JOURNEY_NAME']
def show_journies(update): if data['offset'] == 0: wholeSQL = data['wholeSQl'] + 'LIMIT 11;' else: wholeSQL = data['wholeSQl'] + 'OFFSET ' + data['offset'] + 'LIMIT 11;' conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() if len(data['query_data']) != 0: cur.execute(wholeSQL, tuple(data['query_data'])) else: cur.execute(wholeSQL) journey_ids = cur.fetchall() data['rows_amount'] = len(journey_ids) if data['rows_amount'] == 0: update.message.reply_text('There are no journies that would suit you') return -1 journey_ids_list = [] for i in range(min(data['rows_amount'], 10)): journey_ids_list.append(journey_ids[i][0]) SQL = """ SELECT journey_id, departure_point, destination, budget, journey_name, departure_date, arrival_date FROM journey WHERE journey_id in """ + str( tuple(journey_ids_list))[:-2] + ')' + ';' cur.execute(SQL) journies = cur.fetchall() cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) for row in journies: keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Show", callback_data='s' + str(row[0])), InlineKeyboardButton("Join", callback_data='j' + str(row[0])) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) message_text = row[4].upper() + '\ndeparture:\n place: ' + row[1] if row[5] is not None: message_text += ' date: ' + str(row[5])[:10] message_text += '\narrival:\n place: ' + row[2] if row[6] is not None: message_text += ' date: ' + str(row[6])[:10] if row[3] is not None: message_text += '\nbudget: ' + row[3] update.message.reply_text(text=message_text, reply_markup=reply_markup) if data['rows_amount'] > 10: keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("others", callback_data='see')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(text='to see other journies press', reply_markup=reply_markup) keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data='cancel')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(text='to cancel press', reply_markup=reply_markup) data['cancel_been_pushed'] = False
def my_journies(bot, update): data['no_stops_left'] = False"Journies %s participates in" % update.message.from_user.username) data['chat_id'] = update.message.chat_id user_id = data['user_id'] = user_id conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = """ WITH j_id AS ( SELECT journey_id, is_host FROM travelers WHERE user_id = %s ) SELECT journey_id, departure_point, destination, budget, journey_name, departure_date, arrival_date, is_host FROM journey NATURAL JOIN j_id;""" query_data = (user_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) journies = cur.fetchall() cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) if len(journies) == 0: update.message.reply_text( 'You have no journies, first use /create_journey command') return -1 for row in journies: if row[7]: keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Show", callback_data='s' + str(row[0])), InlineKeyboardButton("Delete", callback_data='d' + str(row[0])) ]] else: keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Show", callback_data='s' + str(row[0])) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) message_text = row[4].upper() + '\ndeparture:\n place: ' + row[1] if row[5] is not None: message_text += ' date: ' + str(row[5])[:10] message_text += '\narrival:\n place: ' + row[2] if row[6] is not None: message_text += ' date: ' + str(row[6])[:10] if row[3] is not None: message_text += '\nbudget: ' + row[3] update.message.reply_text(text=message_text, reply_markup=reply_markup) keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data='cancel')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(text='to cancel press', reply_markup=reply_markup) data['journey_been_pushed'] = False return MY_JOURNEY['SHOW_OR_DELETE_JOURNEY']
def show(cur, conn, bot, update): SQL = "SELECT first_stop, journey_name FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s" query_data = (data['journey_id'], ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) result = cur.fetchone() if result[0] is None: data['no_stops_left'] = True bot.sendMessage( chat_id=data['chat_id'], text= 'Journey has no stops yet\nUse /add_stop to add stops to the journey' ) return -1 journey_name = result[1] bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text=journey_name.upper()) first_stop_id = result[0] print first_stop_id SQL = """ SELECT stop_id, transport_id_for_arrival, transport_id_for_department FROM stops WHERE journey_id = %s""" query_data = (data['journey_id'], ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) stops = cur.fetchall() print stops data['last_stop_id'] = first_stop_id next_transport_id_for_arrival = -1 last = False for row in stops: if row[0] == first_stop_id: next_transport_id_for_arrival = row[2] if len(stops) == 1: last = True print_transport(cur, bot, row, last) stops.remove(row) break for i in range(len(stops)): for row in stops: if row[1] == next_transport_id_for_arrival: next_transport_id_for_arrival = row[2] if len(stops) == 1: last = True print_transport(cur, bot, row, last) data['last_stop_id'] = row[0] stops.remove(row) break cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn)
def show(bot, journey_id): conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT first_stop, journey_name FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s" query_data = (journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) row = cur.fetchone() journey_name = row[1] first_stop_id = row[0] if first_stop_id is None: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='Journey %s has no stops' % (journey_name, )) return bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text=journey_name.upper()) SQL = """ SELECT stop_id, transport_id_for_arrival, transport_id_for_department FROM stops WHERE journey_id = %s""" query_data = (journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) stops = cur.fetchall() next_transport_id_for_arrival = -1 last = False for row in stops: if row[0] == first_stop_id: next_transport_id_for_arrival = row[2] if len(stops) == 1: last = True print_transport(cur, bot, row, last, journey_id) stops.remove(row) break for i in range(len(stops)): for row in stops: if row[1] == next_transport_id_for_arrival: next_transport_id_for_arrival = row[2] if len(stops) == 1: last = True print_transport(cur, bot, row, last, journey_id) stops.remove(row) break cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn)
def choosen(bot, update): if data['been_pushed']: return data['been_pushed'] = True choice = update.callback_query conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() if == 'cancel': not_scheduled(cur) else: data['price'] = float(['$') + 1:]) upload_new_stop_and_update_last( cur, int(['$')])) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn)"stop with scheduled transport has been added") bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text="Stop has been added") return -1
def join(journey_id, update, bot): user_id = data['user_id'] conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = 'SELECT journey_name FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s' query_data = (journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) journey_name = cur.fetchone()[0] SQL = 'SELECT is_host FROM travelers WHERE user_id = %s AND journey_id = %s;' query_data = ( user_id, journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) result = cur.fetchone() if result is None: SQL = 'INSERT INTO travelers (user_id, journey_id, is_host) VALUES (%s, %s, False);' query_data = ( user_id, journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='You have joined journey %s' % (journey_name, )) else: is_host = result[0] if is_host: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='Silly, journey %s is yours)' % (journey_name, )) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='You already participate in journey %s' % (journey_name, )) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn)
def show_or_delete_journey(bot, update): if data['journey_been_pushed']: return data['journey_been_pushed'] = True choice = update.callback_query if == 'cancel': bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='continue interaction using commands')"my_journies command canceled") return -1 conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() journey_id = int([1:]) data['journey_id'] = journey_id if[0] == 'd': #delete SQL = "SELECT journey_name FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s;" query_data = (journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) journey_name = cur.fetchone()[0]"deleting of journey %s", journey_name) SQL = "DELETE FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s" query_data = (journey_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='Journey %s has been deleted' % (journey_name, )) return else: SQL = "SELECT is_host FROM travelers WHERE user_id = %s AND journey_id = %s" query_data = (data['user_id'], data['journey_id']) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) data['is_host'] = cur.fetchone()[0] data['button_number'] = 0 show(cur, conn, bot, update) return MY_JOURNEY['EDITING']
def add_journey_name(bot, update): journey_name = update.message.text conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = """ SELECT journey_id, first_stop FROM journey NATURAL JOIN travelers WHERE user_id = %s AND journey_name = %s;""" query_data = (, journey_name) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) result = cur.fetchone() cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) data['journey_id'] = result[0] data['is_first'] = (result[1] is None) update.message.reply_text('input place of departure')"%s chooses the journey to add stop to" % update.message.from_user.username) return ADD_STOP['DEPARTURE_PLACE']
def start(bot, update): conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT count(1) FROM users WHERE login = %s;" query_data = (update.message.from_user.username, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) result = cur.fetchone()[0] if result == 0: SQL = "INSERT INTO users (user_id, login) VALUES (%s, %s);" query_data = (, update.message.from_user.username, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) 'user with user_id=%s, username=%s has been added to the database' % (, update.message.from_user.username)) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) update.message.reply_text( 'Hello!\nUse this bot to plan your journeys and participate in journeys of others' )
def put_in_database( bot, update): try: conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() #new journey SQL = "INSERT INTO journey (journey_name, departure_point, destination, departure_date, arrival_date, is_public) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" query_data = (data['name'], data['departure_point'], data['destination'], data['departure_date'], data['arrival_date'], data['publicity'],) cur.execute(SQL, query_data)"%s's journey %s has been putted in database" % (update.message.from_user.username, data['name'])) #what journey_id does new journey have SQL = "SELECT currval('journey_journey_id_seq');" cur.execute(SQL) journey_id = cur.fetchone()[0] #accordance of user and journey SQL = "INSERT INTO travelers (journey_id, user_id, is_host) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);" query_data = (journey_id,, True) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn)"%s participates in journey %s" % (update.message.from_user.username, data['name'])) update.message.reply_text('Congratulations, journey ' + data['name'] + ' has been created') except Exception as e: update.message.reply_text('wrong input, journey ' + data['name'] + ' has not been created')"Exception %s has happened" % e)
def add_name(bot, update): journey_name = update.message.text conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() SQL = """ SELECT count(1) FROM journey NATURAL JOIN travelers WHERE user_id = %s AND journey_name = %s; """ query_data = (, journey_name,) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) result = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) if result != 0: update.message.reply_text('You already have journey named %s, choose another name' % journey_name) return CREATE_JOURNEY['NAME'] data['name'] = journey_name"%s named his journey %s" % (update.message.from_user.username, update.message.text)) update.message.reply_text('Input place of departure') return CREATE_JOURNEY['DEPARTURE_PLACE']
def add_is_scheduled(bot, update):"%s input yes or no" % update.message.from_user.username) show_suitable_transport = (update.message.text.lower() == 'yes') conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() if show_suitable_transport: transport = [] if data['price'] is None: if data['type'] is None: SQL = """ SELECT transport_id, departure_point, destination, departure_time, arrival_time, price, type FROM transport WHERE departure_point = %s AND destination = %s AND departure_time >= %s AND arrival_time <= %s AND is_scheduled = %s;""" query_data = ( data['departure_place'], data['destination'], data['departure_time'], data['arrival_time'], True, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) transport = cur.fetchall() else: SQL = """ SELECT transport_id, departure_point, destination, departure_time, arrival_time, price, type FROM transport WHERE departure_point = %s AND destination = %s AND departure_time >= %s AND arrival_time <= %s AND type = %s AND is_scheduled = %s;""" query_data = ( data['departure_place'], data['destination'], data['departure_time'], data['arrival_time'], data['type'], True, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) transport = cur.fetchall() else: if data['type'] is None: SQL = """ SELECT transport_id, departure_point, destination, departure_time, arrival_time, price, type FROM transport WHERE departure_point = %s AND destination = %s AND departure_time >= %s AND arrival_time <= %s AND price <= %s AND is_scheduled = %s;""" query_data = ( data['departure_place'], data['destination'], data['departure_time'], data['arrival_time'], data['price'], True, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) transport = cur.fetchall() else: SQL = """ SELECT transport_id, departure_point, destination, departure_time, arrival_time, price, type FROM transport WHERE departure_point = %s AND destination = %s AND departure_time >= %s AND arrival_time <= %s AND price <= %s AND type = %s AND is_scheduled = %s;""" query_data = ( data['departure_place'], data['destination'], data['departure_time'], data['arrival_time'], data['price'], data['type'], True, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) transport = cur.fetchall()"transport suitable for %s recieved" % update.message.from_user.username) if len(transport) == 0: not_scheduled(cur) update.message.reply_text( 'There is no suitable for you transport.\nStop has been added') cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) return -1 cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) for row in transport: keyboard = [[ InlineKeyboardButton("Select", callback_data=str(row[0]) + str(row[5])) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text( 'departure:\n place: ' + row[1] + ' time: ' + str(row[3])[:16] + '\narrival:\n place: ' + row[2] + ' time: ' + str(row[4])[:16] + '\nprice: ' + row[5] + '\ntype: ' + row[6], reply_markup=reply_markup) keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Cancel", callback_data='cancel')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(text='to add not scheduled transport press', reply_markup=reply_markup) data['been_pushed'] = False return ADD_STOP['CHOOSEN'] else: not_scheduled(cur) cur.close() disconnect_from_database(conn) update.message.reply_text('Stop has been added') return -1
def edit_journey(bot, update): choice = update.callback_query delete_start ='delete') leave_start ='leave') if leave_start != -1: number_of_button = int([:leave_start]) if number_of_button != data['button_number']:"leave already pushed") return MY_JOURNEY['EDITING'] else:"journey has been left as it was") SQL = "SELECT journey_name FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s;" query_data = (data['journey_id'], ) conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(SQL, query_data) journey_name = cur.fetchone()[0] disconnect_from_database(conn) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text="Journey %s has been saved" % (journey_name, )) return -1 elif delete_start != -1: number_of_button = int([:delete_start]) if number_of_button != data['button_number']:"delete already pushed") return MY_JOURNEY['EDITING'] else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='continue interaction using commands')"my_journies command canceled") return -1"journey's last stop will be deleted") conn = connect_to_database() cur = conn.cursor() last_stop_id = int([delete_start + 6:]) SQL = 'SELECT transport_id_for_arrival FROM stops WHERE stop_id = %s;' query_data = (last_stop_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) deleted_transport_id_for_arrival = cur.fetchone()[0] SQL = 'UPDATE stops SET transport_id_for_department = %s WHERE journey_id = %s AND transport_id_for_department = %s;' query_data = ( None, data['journey_id'], deleted_transport_id_for_arrival, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) SQL = "SELECT first_stop FROM journey WHERE journey_id = %s" query_data = (data['journey_id'], ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) first_stop_id = cur.fetchone()[0] if first_stop_id == last_stop_id: SQL = "UPDATE journey SET first_stop = %s WHERE journey_id = %s" query_data = (None, data['journey_id']) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) data['no_stops_left'] = True SQL = "DELETE FROM stops WHERE stop_id = %s;" query_data = (last_stop_id, ) cur.execute(SQL, query_data) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=data['chat_id'], text='Last stop has been deleted') show(cur, conn, bot, update) return MY_JOURNEY['EDITING']