def update_blood_donation_event(self, blood_donation_event): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() if check_active(blood_donation_event["Drive_id"], blood_donation_event["Operator_id"], cursor): update_query = "UPDATE BLOOD_DONATION_EVENT set" args = [] for key in blood_donation_event: if blood_donation_event[key]: update_query = update_query + "set " + key + "=%s" args.append(blood_donation_event[key]) try: db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() argument = tuple(args) cursor.execute(update_query, argument) db.commit() return {"status": 201, "message": "Event updated succesfully"} except mysql.Error as err: print("Failed to update entry: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return { "status": 404, "message": "Event already expired, can't be updated" }
def update_blood_donation_event(self, blood_donation_event): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() if check_active(blood_donation_event["Drive_id"], blood_donation_event["Operator_id"], cursor): update_query = "UPDATE BLOOD_DONATION_EVENT set Name = %s, \ Date_of_event=%s, Venue=%s where Drive_id=%s and Operator_id=%s" try: db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(update_query, (blood_donation_event["Name"], blood_donation_event["Date_of_event"], blood_donation_event["Venue"], blood_donation_event["Drive_id"], blood_donation_event["Operator_id"])) db.commit() return {"status": 201, "message": "Event updated succesfully"} except mysql.Error as err: print("Failed to update entry: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return { "status": 404, "message": "Event already expired, can't be updated" }
def get_connection(self): ''' gets a connection to the mongodb server. ''' host = unicode(self.lineEditHost.text()) port = unicode(self.lineEditPort.text()) self.plainTextEditQueries.clear() if len and host: try: self.con = connection.get_connection(unicode(host), int(port)) self.plainTextEditQueries.insertPlainText("Connected Successfully to MongoDB at " + '<' + + '>') self.plainTextEditQueries.appendPlainText('Write your Pythonic query here...\n') except: font = QFont() font.setUnderline(True) self.plainTextEditQueries.setFont(font) self.plainTextEditQueries.insertPlainText("A problem has ocurred, no connection to MongoDB!") else: try: self.con = connection.get_connection() self.plainTextEditQueries.insertPlainText("Connected Successfully to MongoDB at " + '<' + + '>') self.plainTextEditQueries.appendPlainText('Write your Pythonic query here...\n') except: self.plainTextEditQueries.insertPlainText("A problem has ocurred, no connection to MongoDB!") self.populate_main_tree()
def upadate_blood_bank(self, parameters, Operator_id): #update the special attributes of a particular blood unit if parameters["case"] == 1: if Operator.check_branch_id(Operator_id, parameters["Br_id"]): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() update_query = "UPDATE BLOOD set Special_Attributes=%s where Blood_id=%s" try: cursor.execute(update_query, (parameters["Special_Attributes"], parameters["Blood_id"])) db.commit() return { "status": 201, "message": "Bloodunit updated Successfully" } except mysql.Error as err: print("Failed to update entry: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"} #Move asked quantity of particular blood group blood from 1 branch to other branch elif parameters["case"] == 2: source = Operator.check_branch_id(Operator_id, parameters["from_branch"]) target = Operator.check_branch_id(Operator_id, parameters["to_branch"]) if source and target: #if True and True : db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() update_query = "UPDATE BLOOD SET Br_id=%s WHERE Br_id=%s AND Blood_Group=%s AND Date_of_Expiry > CURDATE() LIMIT %s" try: cursor.execute( update_query, (parameters["from_branch"], parameters["to_branch"], parameters["Blood_Group"], parameters["Count"])) db.commit() return { "status": 201, "message": "Bloodunit updated Successfully" } except mysql.Error as err: return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"} else: return {"status": 404, "message": "Case not found"}
def get_mysql_users(): try: conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "select * from tbl_users" cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() #do something result = { "result": "ok", "message": "successful", "data": data } except Exception as e: result = { "result": "fail", "message": str(e), "data": None } finally: conn.commit() cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
def update_mysql_user(): try: conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() received_data = received_data = received_data.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(received_data) userId = data['id'] userName = data['username'] sql = "update tbl_users set username = %s where id = %s" cursor.execute(sql,(userName,userId)) result = { "result": "ok", "message": "successful" } except Exception as e: result = { "result": "fail", "message": str(e) } finally: conn.commit() cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
def register_mysql_user(): try: conn = get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() received_data = received_data = received_data.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(received_data) userName = data['username'] sql = "insert into tbl_users(username) values(%s)" cursor.execute(sql,(userName,)) result = { "result": "ok", "message": "successful" } except Exception as e: result = { "result": "fail", "message": str(e) } finally: conn.commit() cursor.close() return jsonify(result)
def execute_query(id): query = (q.query_list['get_query'], (id, )) result = db.get_data('sqlite', CONN, query) if result['status']: #query,num_of_rows,date_submitted,status,date_executed,application query = (result['data'][0][0], ) num_of_rows = result['data'][0][1] status = result['data'][0][3] application = result['data'][0][5] database = result['data'][0][6] if status == 'SUBMITTED': conn_str = cn.get_connection(application, database) update_result = db.update_data(config.get_sql_type('database'), conn_str, query, num_of_rows) if update_result['status']: query = ( q.query_list['update_query'], ('%Y-%m-%d'), update_result['data'], id), ) querytable_update = db.update_data('sqlite', CONN, query, 1) return update_result else: { 'data': None, 'status': False, 'message': "Query is not in SUBMITTED " }
def main(): f = open('log.txt', 'w') #Opening the log txt file s = connection.get_connection() connection.announce(s) # Loop while 1: text = s.recv(2040) print text # This is the consoles output user = text.split('!')[0][1:] # User is the name of the person who sent the last message f.write(text) # Write the text to file if text.find('PING') !=-1: # This is to respond to the server when pinged, otherwise the bot will get kicked. s.send("PONG %s\r\n") if text.find('!help') !=-1: functions.list(s) if text.find('!credits') !=-1: functions.credits(s) if text.find('!tip') !=-1: if text.find('!hello') !=-1: functions.greet(s, user) if text.find('!leetmeter') !=-1: functions.leet(s) if text.find('!MystPhysX') !=-1: functions.myst(s)
def googlesignin(): try: db_connection = get_connection() id_token = request.headers['Authorization'] user_request = requests.get( f'{id_token}') user_info = user_request.json() google_email = user_info.get('email') google_name = user_info.get('name') google_id = user_info.get('sub') sign_in_user = user_service.google_social_login( { "email": google_email, "name": google_name, "user_social_id": google_id }, db_connection) if sign_in_user: access_token = user_service.generate_access_token(sign_in_user) return jsonify({"access_token": access_token}), 200 finally: if db_connection: db_connection.close()
def get(self): try: db = connection.get_connection() arguments = { 'event_name' : '%' + request.args.get('event_name', '') + '%', 'event_number' : request.args.get('event_number', None), 'event_status' : request.args.get('event_status', None), 'start_date' : request.args.get('start_date', None), 'end_date' : request.args.get('end_date', None), 'is_exposed' : request.args.get('is_exposed', None), 'event_type' : ast.literal_eval(request.args.get('event_type', None)) } event_list = self.service.get_event_list(db, arguments) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({'message':e.message}), 400 else: return jsonify(event_list), 200 finally: db.close()
def __init__(self): self._id = os.getpid() self._connection = get_connection() self._name = f'{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}:{self._id}' self._action_key = f'action:{self._id}' self._connection.set(self._name, self._id)
def main(): f = open('log.txt', 'w') #Opening the log txt file s = connection.get_connection() connection.announce(s) # Loop while 1: text = s.recv(2040) print text # This is the consoles output user = text.split('!')[0][ 1:] # User is the name of the person who sent the last message f.write(text) # Write the text to file if text.find( 'PING' ) != -1: # This is to respond to the server when pinged, otherwise the bot will get kicked. s.send("PONG %s\r\n") if text.find('!help') != -1: functions.list(s) if text.find('!credits') != -1: functions.credits(s) if text.find('!tip') != -1: if text.find('!hello') != -1: functions.greet(s, user) if text.find('!leetmeter') != -1: functions.leet(s) if text.find('!MystPhysX') != -1: functions.myst(s)
def put(self, coupon_id, seller_id): """ 쿠폰 수정 Args: coupon_id: 수정할 쿠폰 아이디 Returns: 200: 시리얼 넘버를 담은 CSV 파일 리턴 400: 존재하지 않는 쿠폰 아이디로 쿠폰 조회, 딕셔너리 키에러 500: 데이터베이스 조작 에러, 내부 에러, 무결성 에러 Author: 이충희([email protected]) History: 2020-10-11(이충희): 초기 생성 """ try: conn = get_connection() data = request.get_json() coupon_name = data['coupon_name'] description = data['description'] coupon_id = validate_coupon_int_required(coupon_id, 'coupon_id') coupon_name = validate_coupon_str_required(coupon_name, 'coupon_name') description = validate_coupon_str_required(description, 'description') params = {} params['coupon_id'] = coupon_id params['coupon_name'] = coupon_name params['description'] = description self.service.update_coupon_info(conn, params) except (err.OperationalError, err.InternalError, err.IntegrityError) as e: conn.rollback() return jsonify({"errno": e.args[0], "errval": e.args[1]}), 500 except TypeError as e: conn.rollback() return jsonify({"message": e.args[0]}), 400 except KeyError as e: return jsonify({ "message": "KEY_ERROR", "key_name": e.args[0] }), 400 else: conn.commit() return jsonify({"message": "SUCCESS"}), 200 finally: conn.close()
def get(self, coupon_id, seller_id): """ 쿠폰 조회 Args: Returns: 200: 상품 JSON 리턴 400: 쿼리 스트링 유효성 검사 에러 500: 데이터베이스 조작 에러, 내부 에러 Author: 이충희([email protected]) History: 2020-10-10(이충희): 초기 생성 """ try: conn = get_connection() coupon_id = validate_coupon_int_required(coupon_id, 'coupon_id') result = self.service.get_coupon_info(conn, coupon_id) except (err.OperationalError, err.InternalError) as e: return jsonify({"errno": e.args[0], "errval": e.args[1]}), 500 except TypeError as e: return jsonify({"message": e.args[0]}), 400 else: return jsonify(result), 200 finally: conn.close()
class AbstractDao(ABC): """Classe abstraite dont les DAO doivent hériter. Permet de gérer simplement la connection, et d'avoir des noms méthodes de base des DAO identique. Permet une meilleure lisibilité du code !!! chaque classe qui hérite d'une classe abstraite doit implémenter toutes les méthodes décorées pas @abstracmethod même si le corps de la méthode est un simple pass (PyCharm peut automatiquement faire cela pour vous) """ connection = get_connection() @abstractmethod def find_by_id(self, id): """Va chercher une élément de la base grâce à son id et retourne l'objet python associé""" @abstractmethod def find_all(self): """Retourne tous les éléments d'une table sous forme de liste d'objets python""" @abstractmethod def update(self, business_object): """Met à jour la ligne en base de donnée associé à l'objet métier en paramètre""" @abstractmethod def create(self, business_object): """Insère une ligne en base avec l'objet en paramètre. Retourne l'objet mise à jour avec son id de la base""" @abstractmethod def delete(self, business_object): """Supprime la ligne en base représentant l'objet en paramètre"""
def get_product(product_key_id): """ 상품 상세 정보 조회 API [GET] 작성자: 이예은 Args: [Header] Authorization : 로그인 토큰 [URL Parameter] product_key_id : 상품의 고유 ID를 통해 상세 페이지 접근 Returns: success : code : 200 """ db_connection = None try: db_connection = get_connection() if db_connection: # 마스터일 경우 모든 셀러 조회가 가능하고, 셀러일 경우 토큰 값으로 고유 ID에 해당하는 상품만 볼 수 있도록 seller 고유 id 설정 seller_key_id = None if g.auth is not AUTH['MASTER']: seller_key_id = g.user get_product = product_service.get_product( product_key_id, seller_key_id, db_connection) return get_product finally: db_connection.close()
def list_limits(self, Operator_id, parameter): Bbank_id = int(parameter["Bbank_id"]) if Operator.check_bankid(Operator_id, Bbank_id): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() select_query = "select br.Br_id,br.Br_Type,br.Street,br.City,br.Zip,bstk.Blood_Group,bstk.Btype_Limits from \ BLOOD_STOCK as bstk join BRANCH as br on (bstk.Br_id=br.Br_id) \ where Bbank_id=%s" try: cursor.execute(select_query, (Bbank_id, )) result = cursor.fetchall() stocks = [] db.commit() for row in result: stocks.append({ 'Br_id': row[0], 'Br_Type': row[1], "Street": row[2], "City": row[3], "Zip": row[4], 'Blood_Group': row[5], 'Btype_Limits': row[6] }) db.commit() return {"status": 201, "list": stocks} except mysql.Error as err: print("Internal Server error: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"}
def get_blood_donation_event(self, blood_donation_event): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() get_query = f"SELECT Drive_id,Name,Date_of_event,\ Venue,Operator_id FROM BLOOD_DONATION_EVENT WHERE Drive_id = {blood_donation_event['Drive_id']} \ AND Operator_id = {blood_donation_event['Operator_id']}" try: cursor.execute(get_query) result = cursor.fetchone() date = result[2].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') event = { "Drive_id": result[0], "Name": result[1], "Date_of_event": date, "Venue": result[3], "Operator_id": result[4] } db.commit() return {"status": 200, "entry": event} except mysql.Error as err: print( "Failed to fetch the blood donation event details : {}".format( err)) return {"status": 400, "entry": str(err)} finally: db.close()
def get_color_filter(): """ 상품 등록 - 컬러 필터 API [GET] 작성자: 이예은 Args: [Header] Authorization : 로그인 토큰 Returns: response : 컬러 필터 ID, 이름(영/한), 이미지 url code : 200 """ db_connection = None try: db_connection = get_connection() if db_connection: color_filter = product_service.registration_page_color_filter( db_connection) return {'color_filters': color_filter}, 200 finally: if db_connection: db_connection.close()
def get(self, q): """ NAV/SIDE_BAR 카테고리리스트 - Presentation Layer(View) function Args: service: 서비스 레이어 객체 q : 쿼리파라미터(셀러속성아이디) Returns: 200: 쿼리파라미터에 해당되는 카테고리 JSONDATA 400: {message : 모든 레이어에서 레이즈된 에러메시지} Author: 김기욱([email protected]) History: 2020-09-25(김기욱) : 초기 생성 """ try: db = get_connection() category_set = self.service.get_category_set(q, db) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'message': f'{e}'}), 400 else: return jsonify(category_set), 200 finally: db.close()
def get_product_options(*args): """ 주문 리스트 Args: product_id : 상품 아이디 Returns: Authors: [email protected](최지선) History: 2020.11.08(최지선) : 초기 생성 """ try: db_connection = get_connection() product = {'product_id': args[0]} product_options = order_service.get_product_option_lists( db_connection, product) return jsonify(product_options), 200 except OutofStockError as e: db_connection.rollback() message = internal_code_sheet[e.code] return jsonify(message), (message['code']) except Exception as e: db_connection.rollback() return jsonify({'error': f'{e}'}), 500 finally: db_connection.close()
def get(self, product_id): """ 상품 상세페이지 - Presentation Layer(View) function Args: service : 서비스 레이어 객체 product_id : 상품아이디 Returns: 200: 상품상세 JSONDATA 400: {message : 모든 레이어에서 레이즈된 에러메시지} Author: 김기욱([email protected]) History: 2020-09-29(김기욱) : 초기 생성 """ try: db = get_connection() product = self.service.get_product(product_id, db) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'message': f'{e}'}), 400 else: return jsonify(product), 200 finally: db.close()
def get(self): """ 메인페이지 상품리스트 - Presentation Layer(View) function Args: service: 서비스 레이어 객체 Returns: 200: 할인률이 존재하는 상품 & 판매량 상위 상품들로 묶은 리스트 JSONDATA 400: {message : 모든 레이어에서 레이즈된 에러메시지} Author: 김기욱([email protected]) History: 2020-09-22(김기욱) : 초기 생성 """ try: db = get_connection() products = self.service.get_main_products(db) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'message': f'{e}'}), 400 else: return jsonify({'data': products}), 200 finally: db.close()
def get_operator(self): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() get_query = "SELECT opr.Operator_id,opr.Name, opr.Email,opr.Bbank_id,bb.Name \ FROM OPERATOR as opr join BLOOD_BANK as bb on (bb.Bbank_id=opr.Bbank_id)" try: cursor.execute(get_query) result = cursor.fetchall() operator_list = [] for row in result: operator_list.append({ "Operator_id": row[0], "Name": row[1], "Email": row[2], "Bbank_id": row[3], "Bbank_Name": row[4] }) db.commit() return {"status": 200, "operator_list": operator_list} except mysql.Error as err: print("Failed to fetch the operator details : {}".format(err)) return {"status": 400, "entry": str(err)} finally: db.close()
def update_operator_email(self, operator_entry, Operator_id): if int(Operator_id) == operator_entry["Operator_id"]: if authenticate(operator_entry["old_Email"], operator_entry["Password"]): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() update_query = "update OPERATOR set Email=%s where Operator_id=%s" try: cursor.execute(update_query, (operator_entry["new_Email"], operator_entry["Operator_id"])) db.commit() return { "status": 201, "message": "Operator's email-id updated successfully" } except mysql.Error as err: print("Failed to update entry: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"} else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"}
def get_expired_units(self, parameters, Operator_id): parameters["Bbank_id"] = int(parameters["Bbank_id"]) if Operator.check_bankid(Operator_id, parameters["Bbank_id"]): db = get_connection() cursor = db.cursor() select_query = "SELECT * FROM BLOOD WHERE Date_of_Expiry < CURDATE() AND Br_id IN \ (SELECT Br_id FROM BRANCH WHERE Bbank_id=%s)" try: cursor.execute(select_query, (parameters["Bbank_id"], )) result = cursor.fetchall() blood_units = [] db.commit() for row in result: blood_units.append({ 'Blood_id': row[0], 'Blood_Group': row[1], 'Br_id': row[2], 'Special_Attributes': row[6], 'Donor_id': row[3], 'Donation_Date': row[4], 'Date_of_Expiry': row[5] }) return {"status": 200, "result": blood_units} except mysql.Error as err: print("Internal Server error: {}".format(err)) return {"status": 500, "message": str(err)} finally: db.close() else: return {"status": 401, "message": "Unauthorised Access"}
def get(self, product_id, seller_id): """ 상품 이력 조회 뷰 Args: Returns: 200: SUCCESS: 상품 이력 리스트 리턴 500: OperationalError: 데이터베이스 조작 에러 InternalError : 데이터베이스 내부 에러 Author: 이충희([email protected]) History: 2020-10-03(이충희): 초기 생성 """ try: conn = get_connection() # product_id = int(product_id) results = self.service.get_product_history(conn, product_id) except (err.OperationalError, err.InternalError) as e: message = {"errno": e.args[0], "errval": e.args[1]} return jsonify(message), 500 else: return jsonify(results), 200 finally: conn.close()
def post(self, *args): """ 기본 로그인 API Args: seller_info{ seller_account : 셀러 아이디 password : 패스워드 } Retruns: 200, {'access_token':access_token} 400, {'message': 'UNSUCCESS'} 400, {"errno": e.args[0], "errval": e.args[1]} : DB와 관련된 오류 ( #IntegrityError : 데이터베이스의 관계형 무결성에서 발생하는 예외 (외래키 검사 실패, 중복키, 기타) #DataError : 0으로 나누기, 범위를 벗어난 숫자 값,기타 #NotSupportedError : 메서드 또는 데이터베이스 API를 사용한 경우 예외 발생 데이터베이스에서 지원하지 않는 경우( 트랜잭션을 지원하지 않는 연결의 .rollback () 또는 거래가 해제) #OperationalError : 데이터베이스와 관련된 오류에 대해 예외, 예기치 않은 연결 해제가 발생하면 데이터 소스 이름이 발견, 트랜잭션을 처리 할 수 없음, 메모리 할당 처리 중 오류 #InternalError : 데이터베이스가 내부 오류, 예를 들어 커서가 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다. 트랜잭션이 동기화되지 않음 등 ) Authors: [email protected](이지연) History:( 2020.09.23(이지연) : 초기 생성 2020.09.24(이지연) : 수정 -> view에서 db commit하도록 변경, 에러 처리 추가 2020.09.25(이지연) : 유효성 검사 추가 2020.09.28(이지연) : 유효성 검사 customexception -> validationexception 변경 2020.10.02(이지연) : 모델링 변경 -> 하나의 셀러 테이블을 sellers와 seller_informations으로 나누고 로직 변경 2020.10.08(이지연) : 피드백 반영 팀원들과 형식 맞춰 수정 """ try: conn = connection.get_connection() seller_info = {'seller_account': args[0], 'password': args[1]} # 로그인 성공 시 access_token 생성 메소드 실행 -> 성공 x : INVALID_USER, INVALID_TOKEN access_token = self.service.sign_in(seller_info, conn) #DB 오류 except (err.IntegrityError, err.DataError, err.NotSupportedError, err.OperationalError, err.InternalError) as e: traceback.print_exc() message = {"errno": e.args[0], "errval": e.args[1]} # (1054, "Unknown column 'seller_accounts' in 'field list'") return jsonify(message), 400 #그 외 오류(컬럼명 오타 등) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({'message': 'UNSUCCESS'}), 400 else: return jsonify({'access_token': access_token}), 200 finally: conn.close()
def get_option(): """ 상품 등록 - 옵션 선택 API [GET] 작성자: 이예은 Args: [Header] Authorization : 로그인 토큰 Returns: response : 옵션 색상 & 사이즈 id, 이름 ex) White, XL code : 200 """ db_connection = None try: db_connection = get_connection() if db_connection: option_response = product_service.registration_page_options( db_connection) return option_response finally: if db_connection: db_connection.close()
def put(self, token_paylod): """ 상품 구매 취소하기 - Presentation Layer(view)) function Args : token_paylod : 유저 엑세스 토큰 Returns : Author : [email protected] (김태하) History: 2020-10-12 ([email protected] (김태하)) : 초기 생성 """ try: db = get_connection() requestion = request.json order_cancellation = self.service.order_cancellation( token_paylod, requestion, db) if order_cancellation is False: db.rollback() return jsonify({'message': 'UNSUCCESS'}), 400 except Exception as e: db.rollback() traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({'message': f'{e}'}), 400 else: db.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'SUCCESS'}), 200 finally: db.close()
def post(self, token_paylod): """ 상품구매 - Presentation Layer(view)) function Args : token_paylod : 유저 엑세스 토큰 Returns : Author : [email protected] (김태하) History: 2020-10-10 ([email protected] (김태하)) : 로직변경 2020-10-05 ([email protected] (김태하)) : 초기생성 """ try: db = get_connection() requestion = request.json product_order = self.service.purchase(token_paylod, requestion, db) if product_order is True: db.commit() return jsonify({'message': 'SUCCESS'}), 200 elif product_order is False: db.rollback() return jsonify({'message': 'UNSUCCESS'}), 400 except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() db.rollback() return jsonify({'message': f'{e}'}), 400 finally: db.rollback() db.close()
def connect(self): '''Connects to Monkey Farm''' config = get_connection(con_name='default') if config: rh = MFAPIKeyRequestHandler(config['url']) rh.auth(config['user'], config['api_key']) hub = MFInterface(request_handler=rh) return hub else: print 'It does not appear you have a ~/.mf.conf' sys.exit()
def getURL(filename): solr = connection.get_connection() queryURL = r'filename:(.)*' + filename output = query.get(solr, constant.SOLR_CORE, queryURL,1 ) return output.result.dict['response']['docs'][0]['id']
import connection from util import constant def index(connection, collection, document): """ Add the documents to the collection using the Solr connection. :param connection: the solr connection :param collection: the solr collection :param document: the documents to be index :return: Nothing """ connection[collection].add(document) connection[collection].commit() if __name__ == '__main__': connection = connection.get_connection() docs = [{"id":"1", "name":"a"},{"id":"2","name":"b"}] index(connection, constant.SOLR_CORE,docs)
def get(connection, collection, query, rows = -1): """ Getting the data from collection matching the query :param connection: the Solr Connection :param collection: the Solr Collection :param query: Solr Query :param rows: number of rows to return :return: the list of documents returned by Solr """ if rows == -1: return connection[collection].search({'q':query}) else: return connection[collection].search({'q':query,'rows': rows}) def getCount(connection, collection, query): """ Get only the number of documents from the collection matching the query :param connection: the Solr Connection :param collection: the Solr Collection :param query: Solr Query :return: the number of documents matched """ docs = connection[collection].search({'q':query, 'rows': 0}) return docs.result.response.numFound if __name__ == '__main__': solr = connection.get_connection() print getCount(solr, 'zomato_reviews','*:*')
def testConnection(self): new_con = connection.get_connection() self.assert_(type(new_con)==connection.Connection, 'this is not as pymongo object')
create_tables(cursor, table_dir) ingest_file = version_dir + os.sep + "ingest" + os.sep + "" if os.path.exists(ingest_file): execute = imp.load_source('execute', ingest_file) execute.update(cursor, os.path.dirname(ingest_file)) scripts_file = version_dir + os.sep + "scripts" + os.sep + "" if os.path.exists(scripts_file): execute = imp.load_source('execute', scripts_file) execute.update(cursor, os.path.diranem(scripts_file)) insert_row(cursor, "version", os.path.basename(version_dir), columns=["version"]) except Exception as e: logging.critical(e) logging.warn("Rolling back") connection.rollback() raise else: if cursor is not None:"Committing. Updated to version %s" % version_dir) connection.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "test": connection = None else: connection = get_connection() update_database(connection)
parser.add_option("-f", "--find", dest="find", action='store_true', default=False, help='Finds the tag associates with give lat lon.') parser.add_option("-q", "--query", dest="query", action='store_true', default=False, help='Finds all the locations within the radius') parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", dest="profile", default="default", type="string", help="redis conf profile to use", metavar="PROFILE") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() profile = options.profile redis_conn = get_connection(profile) _assert_length(args, 2, "Need 2 parameters at the minimum: lat lon") lat = float(args[0]) lon = float(args[1]) if options.update: _assert_length(args, 3, "Need 3 parameters for update: lat lon tag") tag = args[2] update(redis_conn, lat, lon, tag) elif options.find: find(redis_conn, lat, lon) elif options.query:
def __get_s3_bucket(self): return Bucket( connection=get_connection(self.context), name=self._get_config('BUCKET') )
def rbon_check(cls, user): con = get_connection() print 'con' , con cur = con.cursor() print 'cur' , cur yesterday = last_week = [ (yesterday - timedelta(days =d)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') for d in range(7)] last_month = [ (yesterday - timedelta(days=d)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') for d in range(30)] yesterday = [ yesterday.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') ] print 'yesterday' , yesterday print 'last_month' , last_month print 'last_week' , last_week query =""" select sum(cast(VCPLUS as integer)), sum(cast(VCMOIN as integer)), sum(cast(UPPLUS as integer)), sum(cast(UPMOIN as integer)), sum(cast(TOTAL as integer)), sum(cast(CA_Emission as integer)), sum(cast(RA_Appels_traites as integer)) FROM Main_Rebons where JOURNEE in (?) And upper(usercre) in ('#') group by usercre """ out = {'user_yesterday':[], 'user_week':[],'user_month':[]} for list , flag in [(last_week , 'user_week'), (last_month , 'user_month'), (yesterday, 'user_yesterday')]: query2 = query.replace('?', ",".join( map( lambda e: "'%s'"%e , list))) #query2 = query2.replace('#' , user.username) query2 = query2.replace('#' , 'PCCI87') print query2 cur.execute(query2) out[flag] = cur.fetchall() # The best query =""" select sum(cast(VCPLUS as integer)), sum(cast(VCMOIN as integer)), sum(cast(UPPLUS as integer)), sum(cast(UPMOIN as integer)), sum(cast(TOTAL as integer)), sum(cast(CA_Emission as integer)), sum(cast(RA_Appels_traites as integer)) FROM Main_Rebons where JOURNEE in (?) group by usercre order by sum(cast(TOTAL as integer)) desc """ out2 = {'max_yesterday':[], 'max_week':[],'max_month':[]} for list , flag in [(last_week , 'max_week'), (last_month , 'max_month'), (yesterday, 'max_yesterday')]: query2 = query.replace('?', ",".join( map( lambda e: "'%s'"%e,list ))) query2 = query2.replace('#' , user.username) print query2 cur.execute(query2) out2[flag] = [cur.fetchall()[0]] return out, out2