class UpdateH5iManager:

	def __init__(self, connectionStr):
		self.connMgr = ConnectionManager()
		self.conn = self.connMgr.connectToDatabase(connectionStr)
		self.cur = self.conn.cursor()

	def updateDatasetMarkerH5Index(self, datasetId, markerId, idx):
		print ("Updating %s:%s:%s ..." % (datasetId, markerId, idx))
		updateStmt = "update dataset_marker set marker_idx=%s where dataset_id=%s and marker_id=%s;"
		self.cur.execute(updateStmt, (idx, datasetId, markerId))

	def updateDatasetDnarunH5Index(self, datasetId, sampleId, idx):
		print ("Updating %s:%s:%s ..." % (datasetId, sampleId, idx))
		updateStmt = "update dataset_dnarun set dnarun_idx=%s where dataset_id=%s and dnarun_id=%s;"
		self.cur.execute(updateStmt, (idx, datasetId, sampleId))

	def updateSerialSequence(self, tableName, primaryKeyColumnName):
		updateSeqSql = "SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"+tableName+"', '"+primaryKeyColumnName+"'), MAX("+primaryKeyColumnName+")) FROM "+tableName+";"
		#print("updateSeqSql = "+updateSeqSql)

	def commitTransaction(self):

	def rollbackTransaction(self):

	def closeConnection(self):
Example #2
class LoadIfileManager:

	def __init__(self, connectionStr):
		self.connMgr = ConnectionManager()
		self.conn = self.connMgr.connectToDatabase(connectionStr)
		self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
		self.fdm = ForeignDataManager()
		#print("Load IFile Manager Initialized.")

	def dropForeignTable(self, fdwTableName):
		self.cur.execute("drop foreign table if exists "+fdwTableName+";")
		#print("drop foreign table if exists "+fdwTableName+";")

	def createForeignTable(self, iFile, fTableName):
		header, fdwScript = self.fdm.generateFDWScript(iFile, fTableName)
		return header

	def createFileWithDerivedIds(self, outputFilePath, derivedIdSql):
		copyStmt = "copy ("+derivedIdSql+") to '"+outputFilePath+"' with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		#print("copyStmt = "+copyStmt)

	def createFileWithoutDuplicates(self, outputFilePath, noDupsSql):
		copyStmt = "copy ("+noDupsSql+") to '"+outputFilePath+"' with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		#print("copyStmt = "+copyStmt)

	def loadData(self, tableName, header, fileToLoad, primaryKeyColumnName):
		loadSql = "copy "+tableName+" ("+(",".join(header))+")"+" from '"+fileToLoad+"' with delimiter E'\\t' csv header;"
		#print("loadSql = "+loadSql)
		self.updateSerialSequence(tableName, primaryKeyColumnName)

	def updateSerialSequence(self, tableName, primaryKeyColumnName):
		updateSeqSql = "SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('"+tableName+"', '"+primaryKeyColumnName+"'), MAX("+primaryKeyColumnName+")) FROM "+tableName+";"
		#print("updateSeqSql = "+updateSeqSql)

	def commitTransaction(self):

	def rollbackTransaction(self):

	def closeConnection(self):
Example #3
class PreprocessIfileManager:
    WORK_MEM = 10240

    def __init__(self, connectionStr):
        self.connMgr = ConnectionManager()
        self.conn = self.connMgr.connectToDatabase(connectionStr)
        self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
        self.fdm = ForeignDataManager()
        self.cur.execute("set work_mem to %s", (self.WORK_MEM, ))
        #print("Preprocess IFile Manager Initialized.")

    def getCvIdOfTerm(self, term):
        self.cur.execute("select cv_id from cv where lower(term)=%s",
                         (term.lower(), ))
        cv_id = self.cur.fetchone()
        if cv_id is not None:
            return cv_id[0]
            return cv_id

    def getCvIdOfGroupAndTerm(self, group, term):
            "select cv_id from cv where lower(\"group\")=%s and lower(term)=%s",
            (group.lower(), term.lower()))
        cv_id = self.cur.fetchone()
        if cv_id is not None:
            return cv_id[0]
            return cv_id

    #select data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='marker' and column_name='platform_id';
    def getTypeOfColumn(self, table, column):
            "select data_type from information_schema.columns where table_name=%s and column_name=%s",
            (table, column))
        res = self.cur.fetchone()
        if res is not None:
            return res[0]
            return res

    def getColumnListOfTable(self, table):
            "select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = %s",
            (table, ))
        res = self.cur.fetchall()
        return res

    def dropForeignTable(self, fdwTableName):
        self.cur.execute("drop foreign table if exists " + fdwTableName)

    def createForeignTable(self, iFile, fTableName):
        header, fdwScript = self.fdm.generateFDWScript(iFile, fTableName)
        #print("fdwScript: %s" % fdwScript)
        return header

    def createFileWithDerivedIdsV1(self, outputFilePath, derivedIdSql):
        copyStmt = "copy (" + derivedIdSql + ") to '" + outputFilePath + "' with delimiter E'\\t'" + " csv header;"
        #print("copyStmt = "+copyStmt)

    def createFileWithDerivedIds(self, outputFilePath, derivedIdSql):
        copyStmt = "copy (" + derivedIdSql + ") to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'" + " csv header;"
        with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
            #let's try 20MB buffer size for a start, default was 8MB
            self.cur.copy_expert(copyStmt, outputFile, 20480)

    def commitTransaction(self):

    def rollbackTransaction(self):

    def closeConnection(self):
Example #4
class LoadIfileManager:
    WORK_MEM = 10240

    def __init__(self, connectionStr):
        self.connMgr = ConnectionManager()
        self.conn = self.connMgr.connectToDatabase(connectionStr)
        self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
        self.fdm = ForeignDataManager()
        self.cur.execute("set work_mem to %s", (self.WORK_MEM, ))
        #print("Load IFile Manager Initialized.")

    def dropForeignTable(self, fdwTableName):
        self.cur.execute("drop foreign table if exists " + fdwTableName + ";")
        #print("drop foreign table if exists "+fdwTableName+";")

    def createForeignTable(self, iFile, fTableName):
        header, fdwScript = self.fdm.generateFDWScript(iFile, fTableName)
        return header

    def createFileWithoutDuplicatesV1(self, outputFilePath, noDupsSql):
        copyStmt = "copy (" + noDupsSql + ") to '" + outputFilePath + "' with delimiter E'\\t'" + " csv header;"
        #print("copyStmt = "+copyStmt)

    def createFileWithoutDuplicates(self, outputFilePath, noDupsSql):
        copyStmt = "copy (" + noDupsSql + ") to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'" + " csv header;"
        with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
            #let's try 20MB buffer size for a start, default was 8MB
            self.cur.copy_expert(copyStmt, outputFile, 20480)

    def loadDataV1(self, tableName, header, fileToLoad, primaryKeyColumnName):
        loadSql = "copy " + tableName + " (" + (
        ) + ")" + " from '" + fileToLoad + "' with delimiter E'\\t' csv header;"
        #print("loadSql = "+loadSql)
        self.updateSerialSequence(tableName, primaryKeyColumnName)

    def loadData(self, tableName, header, fileToLoad, primaryKeyColumnName):
        loadSql = "copy " + tableName + " (" + (",".join(
            header)) + ")" + " from STDIN with delimiter E'\\t' csv header;"
        rowsLoaded = 0
        with open(fileToLoad, 'r') as f:
            self.cur.copy_expert(loadSql, f, 20480)
            rowsLoaded = self.cur.rowcount
            #print("Rows loaded = %s" % self.cur.rowcount)
        self.updateSerialSequence(tableName, primaryKeyColumnName)
        return rowsLoaded

    def upsertKVPFromForeignTable(self, fTableName, sourceKey, sourceValue,
                                  targetTable, targetId, targetJsonb):
        kvpSql = "select * from upsertKVPFromForeignTable('" + fTableName.lower(
        ) + "', '" + sourceKey + "', '" + sourceValue + "', '" + targetTable + "', '" + targetId + "', '" + targetJsonb + "');"
        #print ("kvpSQL: %s" % kvpSql)
        rowsLoaded = self.cur.fetchone()
        if rowsLoaded is not None:
            return rowsLoaded[0]
            return rowsLoaded

    def updateSerialSequence(self, tableName, primaryKeyColumnName):
        updateSeqSql = "SELECT pg_catalog.setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('" + tableName + "', '" + primaryKeyColumnName + "'), MAX(" + primaryKeyColumnName + ")) FROM " + tableName + ";"
        #print("updateSeqSql = "+updateSeqSql)

    def commitTransaction(self):

    def rollbackTransaction(self):

    def closeConnection(self):
class ExtractMetadataManager:

	def __init__(self, connectionStr):
		self.connMgr = ConnectionManager()
		self.conn = self.connMgr.connectToDatabase(connectionStr)
		self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
		self.fdm = ForeignDataManager()

	def dropForeignTable(self, fdwTableName):
		self.cur.execute("drop foreign table if exists "+fdwTableName)

	def createForeignTable(self, iFile, fTableName):
		header, fdwScript = self.fdm.generateFDWScript(iFile, fTableName)
		return header

	def createFileWithoutDuplicates(self, outputFilePath, noDupsSql):
		copyStmt = "copy ("+noDupsSql+") to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(copyStmt, outputFile, 20480)

	def createAllMarkerMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
		sql = ""
		if mapId == -1:
			sql = "copy (select * from getAllMarkerMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
			sql = "copy (select * from getAllMarkerMetadataByDatasetAndMap("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		#print (sql)
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createMarkerNamesFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
		sql = ""
		if mapId == -1:
			sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerNamesByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
			sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerNamesByDatasetAndMap("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createMinimalMarkerMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
		sql = ""
		if mapId == -1:
			sql = "copy (select * from getMinimalMarkerMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
			sql = "copy (select * from getMinimalMarkerMetadataByDatasetAndMap("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createQCMarkerMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerQCMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		#TODO: in case we offer the feature to filter by mapId, we'll need to create a version of getMarkerQCMetadataByDataset that filters by mapId as well. And add the conditional expressions as in createAllMarkerMetadataFile
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createQCMarkerMetadataByMarkerList(self, outputFilePath, markerList):
		sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerQCMetadataByMarkerList('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}')) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createChrLenFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId, markerList, sampleList):
		sql = ""
		outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".chr"
		if markerList:
			sql = "copy (select * from getAllChrLenByMarkerList('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}')) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		elif sampleList:
			print("Not yet implemented")
			#with the decision on doing an extraction by marker list in the background of an extraction by samples request, this is now an unreachable condition. Code cleanup pending.
			if mapId == -1:
				sql = "copy (select * from getAllChrLenByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
				sql = "copy (select * from getAllChrLenByDatasetAndMap("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createAllSampleMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getAllSampleMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createDnarunNamesFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getDnarunNamesByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createMinimalSampleMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getMinimalSampleMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createAllProjectMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getAllProjectMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def getMarkerMapsetInfoByDataset(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
		#rename this function
			For the given datasetId & mapId this funtion would output all markers in dataset and  only the given mapset info.
		outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".mapset"
		sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerMapsetInfoByDataset("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createSampleQCMetadataFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId):
		sql = "copy (select * from getSampleQCMetadataByDataset("+datasetId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createSampleQCMetadataByMarkerList(self, outputFilePath, markerList, datasetType):
		#print(self.cur.mogrify("copy (select * from getSampleQCMetadataByMarkerList('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}',"+datasetType+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"))
		sql = "copy (select * from getSampleQCMetadataByMarkerList('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}',"+datasetType+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createSampleQCMetadataBySampleList(self, outputFilePath, sampleList, datasetType):
		sql = "copy (select * from getSampleQCMetadataBySampleList('{"+(','.join(sampleList))+"}',"+datasetType+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def getMarkerAllMapsetInfoByDataset(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId):
			For the given datasetId & mapId this funtion would output all markers in dataset and mapsets associated with them.Markers with multiple mapsets will be repeated.
		outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".mapset"
		sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerAllMapsetInfoByDataset("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createMapsetFile(self, outputFilePath, datasetId, mapId, markerList, sampleList, extractionType):
		#outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".mapset"
		sql = ""
		if extractionType == 2 or extractionType == 3:
			sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerMapsetInfoByMarkerList('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}')) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		elif extractionType == 1:
			sql = "copy (select * from getMarkerAllMapsetInfoByDataset("+datasetId+","+mapId+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createMarkerPositionsFile(self, outputFilePath, markerList, datasetType):
		outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".pos"
		sql = "copy (select * from getMatrixPosOfMarkers('{"+(','.join(markerList))+"}',"+datasetType+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def createSamplePositionsFile(self, outputFilePath, sampleList, datasetType):
		outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".pos"
		sql = "copy (select * from getMatrixPosOfSamples('{"+(','.join(sampleList))+"}',"+datasetType+")) to STDOUT with delimiter E'\\t'"+" csv header;"
		with open(outputFilePath, 'w') as outputFile:
			self.cur.copy_expert(sql, outputFile, 20480)

	def getMarkerIds(self, markerNames, platformList):
		#print("Generating marker ids...")
		if markerNames and platformList:
			#print(self.cur.mogrify("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByMarkerNamesAndPlatformList(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(markerNames))+"}", "{"+(','.join(platformList))+"}")))
			self.cur.execute("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByMarkerNamesAndPlatformList(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(markerNames))+"}", "{"+(','.join(platformList))+"}"))
		elif markerNames and not platformList:
			#print(self.cur.mogrify("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByMarkerNames(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(markerNames))+"}",)))
			self.cur.execute("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByMarkerNames(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(markerNames))+"}",))
		elif platformList and not markerNames:
			#print(self.cur.mogrify("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByPlatformList(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(platformList))+"}",)))
			self.cur.execute("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsByPlatformList(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(platformList))+"}",))
		else:  # both params are null
			return None
		res = self.cur.fetchall()
		return res

	def getDnarunIds(self, piId, projectId, sampleType, sampleNames):
		print("Deriving Dnarun IDs...")
		if sampleNames and sampleType > 0:
			#1 = Germplasm Names, 2 = External Codes, 3 = DnaSample Names
			if sampleType == 1:
				if projectId > 0:
					print("...based on Germplasm Names AND projectID")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByGermplasmNamesAndProject(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", projectId))
				elif piId > 0:
					print("...based on Germplasm Names AND piId")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByGermplasmNamesAndPI(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", piId))
					print("...based on Germplasm Names")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByGermplasmNames(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}",))
			elif sampleType == 2:
				if projectId > 0:
					print("...based on External Codes AND projectID")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByExternalCodesAndProject(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", projectId))
				elif piId > 0:
					print("...based on External Codes AND piId")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByExternalCodesAndPI(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", piId))
					print("...based on External Codes")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByExternalCodes(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}",))
			elif sampleType == 3:
				if projectId > 0:
					print("...based on Dnasample Names AND projectID")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByDnasampleNamesAndProject(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", projectId))
				elif piId > 0:
					print("...based on Dnasample Names AND piId")
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByDnasampleNamesAndPI(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}", piId))
					print("...based on Dnasample Names")
					#print(self.cur.mogrify("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByDnasampleNames(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}",)))
					self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByDnasampleNames(%s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleNames))+"}",))
				print("Invalid usage.")
				return None
		elif projectId > 0:
			print("...based on projectID")
			self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByProject(%s)", (projectId,))
		elif piId > 0:
			print("...based on PI")
			self.cur.execute("select dnarun_id from getDnarunIdsByPI(%s)", (piId,))
			print("Invalid usage.")
			return None
		res = self.cur.fetchall()
		return res

	#datasetType = required, sampleList = required, platformList = optional
	def getMarkerIdsFromSamples(self, sampleList, datasetType, platformList):
		if sampleList and platformList:
			self.cur.execute("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsBySamplesPlatformsAndDatasetType(%s, %s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleList))+"}", "{"+(','.join(platformList))+"}", datasetType))
		elif sampleList and not platformList:
			self.cur.execute("select marker_id from getMarkerIdsBySamplesAndDatasetType(%s, %s)", ("{"+(','.join(sampleList))+"}", datasetType))
		else:  # invalid usage
			return None
		res = self.cur.fetchall()
		return res

	def commitTransaction(self):

	def rollbackTransaction(self):

	def closeConnection(self):