Example #1
import time
import urandom
from console import Display, Button

oled = Display()
buttonSelect = Button(0)

questions = [
    "Which person around you could help you?",
    "Maybe you should consider refactoring?",
    "Have you tried step by step execution?",
    "Maybe some threads are unnecessary?",
    "Maybe you turn it off and on again?",
    "Could there be some race condition?", "Where is the lacking print()?",
    "Have you talked to your colleague?", "Why not call for a group meeting?",
    "Why not walk around your office?", "Should you really be doing this?",
    "Can the problem be broken down?", "Have you tried to unit test it?",
    "Maybe it is time for a coffee?", "Have you tried a clean build?",
    "Can you give me more details?", "Can this be hardware related?",
    "Could this not be your fault?", "Is this actually a problem?",
    "Can the code be simplified?", "Have you tried googling it?",
    "Maybe you can turn it on and off?", "I am not sure try again!",
    "Try again after having a coffee!",
    "Walk around the office and try again!",
    "Have you tried pair programming this?",
    "Maybe some of the threads are unnecessary?",
    "Can the problem be broken down more?",
    "Call for a group meeting to discuss this!",
    "Maybe you should consider some refactoring!",
    "Have you tried googling it?", "Why not try it again?"
Example #2
class ConwaysGameOfLife:
    def __init__(self):
        self.best = 0
        self.oled = Display()
        self.width = self.oled.width
        self.height = self.oled.height
        self.select_button = Button(0)

    def center_text(self, txt):
        This function will center all incomming strings to a fix size of the display
        max_char property.

            txt: String to be centered.

            type: String with the text centered
        return '{: ^{}}'.format(txt, self.oled.max_char)

    def intro(self):
        It will print the intro on the oled display with a sleep of 1 second so
        the message will be visible.

        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Conway's"), 2)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Game"), 3)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("of"), 4)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Life"), 5)

    def end(self, generations, best, size):
        It will ouput on the oled display the Generations, best score and the
        size of the pixels.

            generations: Integer with the generations created.
            best: Integer the best score.
            size: Integer with the size of the pixels.

        self.oled.clear(0, 1)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Generations"), 0)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(generations)), 1)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Best Score"), 3)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(best)), 4)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Pixel Size"), 5)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(size)), 6)
        self.oled.clear(0, 1)

    def begin(self, size=4, delay=20):
        Main function to check the button to stop the game or if game has ended.
        If so, then call the `end` function to show the results.

            size: Integer with the size of the pixels.
            delay: Integer of the delay between generations (In milliseconds).

        self.size = size  # Size of lifeforms in pixels
        self.delay = delay  # Delay in ms between generations

        # Localised to avoid self lookups
        # Possible performance optimisation, TBC
        delay = self.delay
        tick = self.tick
        self.randomise()  # Randomise initial pixels

        generations = 0  # Begin
            while (tick() and self.select_button.isReleased()):
                generations = generations + 1
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

        if generations > self.best:  # New high score?
            self.best = generations

        self.end(generations, self.best, self.size)  # End

    def randomise(self):
        Generate a seudo-random cells on the screen.

        size = self.size
        width = self.width
        height = self.height

        for x in range(0, width, size):
            for y in range(0, height, size):
                # random bit: 0 = pixel off, 1 = pixel on
                self.cell(x, y, getrandbits(1))

    def cell(self, x, y, colour):
        This will assign a value to a given pixel.

            x: Integer with the `x` axis position.
            y: Integer with the `y` axis position.
            colour: Boolean with the value to be assigned.

        size = self.size
        for i in range(size):
            for j in range(size):
                self.oled.display.pixel(x + i, y + j, colour)

    def get(self, x, y):
        Function to return the value of the given pixel x, y.

            x: Integer with the `x` axis position.
            y: Integer with the `y` axis position.

            type: Boolean with the value of the pixel.
        if not 0 <= x < self.width or not 0 <= y < self.height:
            return 0
        if self.oled.display.pixel(x, y) is None:
            bln_return = getrandbits(1)
            bln_return = self.oled.display.pixel(x, y)
        return bln_return & 1

    def tick(self):
        This function will apply the game rules getting the live cells and the ones
        that have to die.

            Boolean to keep the game going or not.
        size = self.size
        width = self.width
        height = self.height
        get = self.get
        cell = self.cell

        # If no pixels are born or die, the game ends
        something_happened = False

        for x in range(0, width, size):
            for y in range(0, height, size):

                alive = get(x, y)  # Is the current cell alive

                # Count number of neighbours
                neighbours = (get(x - size, y - size) + get(x, y - size) +
                              get(x + size, y - size) + get(x - size, y) +
                              get(x + size, y) + get(x + size, y + size) +
                              get(x, y + size) + get(x - size, y + size))

                # Apply the game rules
                if alive and not 2 <= neighbours <= 3:
                    cell(x, y, 0)  # This pixel dies
                    if not something_happened:
                        something_happened = True
                elif not alive and neighbours == 3:
                    cell(x, y, 1)  # A new pixel is born
                    if not something_happened:
                        something_happened = True
        return something_happened
Example #3
 def __init__(self):
     self.best = 0
     self.oled = Display()
     self.width = self.oled.width
     self.height = self.oled.height
     self.select_button = Button(0)
Example #4
class ConwaysGameOfLife:
    def __init__(self):
        self.best = 0
        self.oled = Display()
        self.width = self.oled.width
        self.height = self.oled.height
        self.select_button = Button(0)

    def center_text(self, txt):
        return '{: ^{}}'.format(txt, self.oled.max_char)

    def intro(self):
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Conway's"), 2)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Game"), 3)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("of"), 4)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Life"), 5)

    def end(self, generations, best, size):
        self.oled.clear(0, 1)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Generations"), 0)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(generations)), 1)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Best Score"), 3)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(best)), 4)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text("Pixel Size"), 5)
        self.oled.print_on_line(self.center_text(str(size)), 6)
        self.oled.clear(0, 1)

    def begin(self, size=4, delay=20):
        self.size = size
        self.delay = delay
        delay = self.delay
        tick = self.tick
        generations = 0
            while (tick() and self.select_button.isReleased()):
                generations = generations + 1
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

        if generations > self.best:
            self.best = generations

        self.end(generations, self.best, self.size)

    def randomise(self):
        size = self.size
        width = self.width
        height = self.height

        for x in range(0, width, size):
            for y in range(0, height, size):
                self.cell(x, y, getrandbits(1))

    def cell(self, x, y, colour):
        size = self.size
        for i in range(size):
            for j in range(size):
                self.oled.display.pixel(x + i, y + j, colour)

    def get(self, x, y):
        if not 0 <= x < self.width or not 0 <= y < self.height:
            return 0
        if self.oled.display.pixel(x, y) is None:
            bln_return = getrandbits(1)
            bln_return = self.oled.display.pixel(x, y)
        return bln_return & 1

    def tick(self):
        size = self.size
        width = self.width
        height = self.height
        get = self.get
        cell = self.cell
        something_happened = False

        for x in range(0, width, size):
            for y in range(0, height, size):
                alive = get(x, y)
                neighbours = (get(x - size, y - size) + get(x, y - size) +
                              get(x + size, y - size) + get(x - size, y) +
                              get(x + size, y) + get(x + size, y + size) +
                              get(x, y + size) + get(x - size, y + size))

                if alive and not 2 <= neighbours <= 3:
                    cell(x, y, 0)
                    if not something_happened:
                        something_happened = True
                elif not alive and neighbours == 3:
                    cell(x, y, 1)
                    if not something_happened:
                        something_happened = True
        return something_happened