def rest(trial_dur=10):
    creates target file for the rest task
        trial_dur (float) - duration of the trial in seconds(for rest it is set at 10 seconds as default)
    target file fields:
        There are no trials really. Just one start_time and end_time
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'rest'

    T = {}  # will be converted to a dataframe and saved as the target file

    T['hand'] = 'None'
    T['iti_dur'] = 0
    T['star_time'] = 0
    T['stim'] = 'fixation'
    T['trial_dur'] = trial_dur
    T['display_trial_feedback'] = False

    df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

    target_filename = path2task_target / f"rest_{trial_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"
def visual_search(nrun=5,
    creates target file for the visual_search task
    target file fields:
        trial_num (a column with no name - just the trial number starting from 0)
        stim ()
        condition_name (easy - medium - hard)
        trial_type (True/False)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False)
        hand (left/right)
        iti_dur (duration of iti)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
        trial_dur (trial duration)
    For this task, another file is needed to determine position of the display
    display_pos file:
        trial (trial number)
        stim (?)
        xpos (x coordinate)
        ypos (y_coordinate)
        orientation (orientation of the stimuli)
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'visual_search2'

    # loop over runs and create target files
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {}  # dictionary that will be converted to a dataframe later

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials
def visuospatial_order(nrun=5,
    creates target file for the visuospatial_order task
    target file fields:
        trial_num (a column with no name - just the trial number starting from 0)
        load (number of dots)
        dot_dur (time duration when the dot remains on the screen and then disapears)
        delay_dur (duration of the delay)
        trial_type (True/False)
        prob_dots (the dots that are chosen for the prob number or coordinates?)
        prob_dur (duration when prob stayes on the screen)
        trial_dur (duration of the trial)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False)
        hand (left/right)
        iti_dur (duration of iti)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'visuospatial_order'

    # Version 1. Simple: Considers a circle with a certain radius and draws random dots from the circle

    # loop over runs and create target
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {}  # dictionary that will be converted to a dataframe later

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials

        # assign trial_types
        n_trials_T = int(n_trials / 2)
        n_trials_F = n_trials - n_trials_T

        trials_True = np.tile(True, n_trials_T)
        trials_False = np.tile(False, n_trials_F)

        trials_types = np.concatenate((trials_True, trials_False), axis=0)

        # randomly shuffle trials

        # fill in fields
        T['trial_type'] = trials_types
        T['trial_dur'] = [trial_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['iti_dur'] = [iti_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['delay_dur'] = [delay_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['dot_dur'] = [dot_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['prob_dur'] = [prob_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['hand'] = [hand for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['display_trial_feedback'] = [
            display_trial_feedback for i in range(n_trials)
        T['start_time'] = [(trial_dur + iti_dur) * i for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['end_time'] = [(i + 1) * trial_dur + i * iti_dur
                         for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['circle_radius'] = [circle_radius for i in range(n_trials)]

        T['xys_stim'] = []
        T['xys_prob'] = []
        # T['angle_prob'] = []
        for t in range(n_trials):

            # ?????????????????????? Points on a circle ????????????????????????????
            ## Create the circle with a certain radius
            # tt = np.linspace(0, 10000, num = 6, endpoint=True)
            ## Using the equations for the circle to create x and y
            # x = circle_radius*np.cos(tt)
            # y = circle_radius*np.sin(tt)
            # x = np.linspace(0, circle_radius+1, num = 1000, endpoint = True)
            # y = np.linspace(0, circle_radius+1, num = 1000, endpoint = True)
            # ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

            # ?????????????????????? Points within a square (OLD) ????????????????????????????
            # x = np.random.randint(-circle_radius/2, circle_radius/2, size=1000)
            # y = np.random.randint(-circle_radius/2, circle_radius/2, size=1000)

            # circle_xys = [[x[i], y[i]] for i in range(len(x))]

            # randomly select from circle_xys
            # dot_idx = np.random.choice(len(circle_xys), size = load, replace=False)

            # dot_xys      = [circle_xys[i] for i in dot_idx]
            # ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

            # ------------------ Generate random numbers iteratively ------------------------
            # generate random points iteratively,
            x = np.random.uniform(-circle_radius / 2, circle_radius / 2)
            y = np.random.uniform(-circle_radius / 2, circle_radius / 2)

            # checks the distance between all the points to make sure they are at a minimum distance
            counter = 2  # counter for the point
            dot_xys = []
            dot_xys.append([x, y])
            while counter < load + 1:
                # start generating the other points
                ## generate another random point
                next_point = False
                xi = np.random.uniform(-circle_radius / 2, circle_radius / 2)
                yi = np.random.uniform(-circle_radius / 2, circle_radius / 2)

                # check the distance between this point and all the other points already in the list dot_xys
                for point in dot_xys:
                    # calculate the distance
                    distance = np.sqrt(((point[0] - xi)**2) +
                                       ((point[1] - yi)**2))
                    # print(distance)

                    # if the distance is lower than a threshold, break the loop and generate another point
                    if distance < min_distance:
                        next_point = True
                # append the point to the list of dots only if its distance from
                # all the other points is larger than min_distance
                if not next_point:
                    counter += 1
                    dot_xys.append([xi, yi])
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # randomly pick two of the dots for probe based on the trial type
            # get the trial_type for the current trial
            current_tt = T['trial_type'][t]

            # pick two dots
            rand_probs = np.random.choice(len(dot_xys), size=2, replace=False)

            if ~current_tt:  # False trial
                # the trial is false so two wrong digits with wrong order can be generated
                # sort the indices in descending order to make sure that their order is flipped
                probs_idx = np.sort(rand_probs)[::-1]
            else:  # True trial
                # sort the indices in ascending order to make sure that their order is conserved
                probs_idx = np.sort(rand_probs)

            probs_xys = [dot_xys[i] for i in probs_idx]
            ## get the angle between the prob_dots
            abs_y = np.abs(probs_xys[0][1] - probs_xys[1][1])
            abs_x = np.abs(probs_xys[0][0] - probs_xys[1][0])
            # prob_angle = math.degrees(math.atan(abs_y/abs_x))
            # T['angle_prob'].append(prob_angle)

        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

        target_filename = path2task_target / f"visuospatial_order_{task_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"
def flexion_extension(nrun=5,
    creates target file for the toe flexion extension task
        nrun (int)                    - number of runs
        study_name (str)              - behavioral or fmri
        iti_dur (float)               - iti duration in seconds
        stim_dur (float)              - duration when the action (either flexion or extension) stays on the screen
        TR (float)                    - TR in seconds
        task_dur (float)              - task duration in seconds
        display_trial_feedback (bool) - True: display feedback after trial, False: don't display feedback after trial
    target file fields:
        trial_num (a column with no name - just the trial number starting from 0)
        stim (either flex or extend toes)
        trial_type (None - no true of false response)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False - always false because there are no real responses )
        foot (left/right)
        iti_dur (duration of iti)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
        trial_dur (trial duration)
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'flexion_extension'

    # loop over runs and create target files
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {
        }  # this will be converted to a dataframe and saved as target file

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials
        n_trials_left = int(n_trials / 2)  # trials for left foot
        n_trials_right = n_trials - n_trials_left  # trials for right foot

        # fill in fields
        T['stim'] = ["flexion extension" for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['stim_dur'] = [stim_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['trial_dur'] = [trial_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['iti_dur'] = [iti_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['start_time'] = [(trial_dur + iti_dur) * i for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['end_time'] = [(i + 1) * trial_dur + i * iti_dur
                         for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['trial_type'] = ['None' for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['hand'] = ['None' for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['display_trial_feedback'] = [
            display_trial_feedback for i in range(n_trials)

        ## determine the foot
        # trials_left  = list(np.tile("left", n_trials_left).T.flatten())
        # trials_right = list(np.tile("right", n_trials_right).T.flatten())

        ### foot assignment
        #### random makes it difficult!
        # np.random.shuffle(trials_foot)
        #### maybe make it so that every other trial is right foot?
        # trials_foot = trials_left + trials_right
        # trials_foot[::2] = trials_left
        # trials_foot[1::2] = trials_right
        #### do nothing fancy and just concatenate them?
        # trials_foot = np.concatenate((trials_left, trials_right), axis = 0)

        # T['foot'] = trials_foot

        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

        target_filename = path2task_target / f"flexion_extension_{task_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"

def finger_sequence(nrun=5,
    creates target file for the finger sequence task
        nrun (int)                    - number of runs
        study_name (str)              - behavioral or fmri
        seq_length (int)              - length of sequence or number of digits
        num_trials (int)              - number of repetitions per trial type
        announce_time(float)          - time for announcing the trial
        iti_dur (float)               - iti duration in seconds
        trial_dur_list (list)         - trial duration in seconds (first element: slow , second element: fast)
        TR (float)                    - TR in seconds
        task_dur (float)              - task duration in seconds
        display_trial_feedback (bool) - True: display feedback after trial, False: don't display feedback after trial

    target file fields:
        trial_num (a column with no name - just the trial number starting from 0)
        sequence (a sequence of digits)
        condition_type (simple - complex)
        trial_type (None - no true of false response)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False)
        hand (left/right)
        iti_dur (duration of iti)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
        trial_dur (trial duration)

    # the sequences
    seq = {}
    ## EXperimental:
    seq['complex'] = [
        '1 3 2 4 3 2', '2 1 3 4 3 1', '3 2 4 1 4 2', '4 1 2 3 4 1'
    ## Control
    seq['simple'] = [
        '1 1 1 1 1 1', '2 2 2 2 2 2', '3 3 3 3 3 3', '4 4 4 4 4 4'

    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'finger_sequence'

    # loop over runs and create target files
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {}  # dictionary that will be converted to dataframe

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials
        n_trials_comp = int(n_trials / 2)
        n_trials_simp = n_trials - n_trials_comp

        # hand assignment for complex trials
        ## left: 0, right: 1
        ## hands are assigned equally (half of trials are with left and half are with right hand)
        # n_trials_left_comp  = int(n_trials_comp/2)
        # n_trials_right_comp = n_trials_comp - n_trials_left_comp
        # left_trials_comp    = np.tile('left', (n_trials_left_comp, 1))
        # right_trials_comp   = np.tile('right', (n_trials_right_comp, 1))
        # trials_hands_comp   = np.vstack((left_trials_comp, right_trials_comp))

        # hand assignment for simple trials
        ## left: 0, right: 1
        ## hands are assigned equally (half of trials are with left and half are with right hand)
        # n_trials_left_simp  = int(n_trials_simp/2)
        # n_trials_right_simp = n_trials_simp - n_trials_left_simp
        # left_trials_simp    = np.tile('left', (n_trials_left_simp, 1))
        # right_trials_simp   = np.tile('right', (n_trials_right_simp, 1))
        # trials_hands_simp   = np.vstack((left_trials_simp, right_trials_simp))

        # shuffle hand assignments for complex and simple trials
        # np.random.shuffle(trials_hands_comp)
        # np.random.shuffle(trials_hands_simp)

        # shuffle sequences for complex and simple

        # fill in fields
        ## randomize order of complex and simple conditions across runs
        if run % 2 == 0:  # in even runs complex sequences come first
            T['condition_type'] = np.concatenate((np.tile(
                'complex', n_trials_comp), np.tile('simple', n_trials_simp)),
            T['sequence'] = np.concatenate((seq['complex'], seq['simple']),
            # T['hand']           = np.concatenate((trials_hands_comp, trials_hands_simp), axis=0).T.flatten()
            T['hand'] = np.tile('right', n_trials).T.flatten()
        else:  # in odd runs simple sequences come first
            T['condition_type'] = np.concatenate((np.tile(
                'simple', n_trials_simp), np.tile('complex', n_trials_comp)),
            T['sequence'] = np.concatenate((seq['simple'], seq['complex']),
            # T['hand']           = np.concatenate((trials_hands_simp, trials_hands_comp), axis=0).T.flatten()
            T['hand'] = np.tile('left', n_trials).T.flatten()

        T['trial_dur'] = [trial_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['iti_dur'] = [iti_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['start_time'] = [(trial_dur + iti_dur) * i for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['end_time'] = [(i + 1) * trial_dur + i * iti_dur
                         for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['trial_type'] = ['None' for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['announce_time'] = [announce_time for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['display_trial_feedback'] = [
            display_trial_feedback for i in range(n_trials)

        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

        target_filename = path2task_target / f"finger_sequence_{task_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"
def sternberg_order(nrun=5,
                    load_list=[4, 6],
    creates target file for the sternberg_order task
        nrun (int)                    - number of runs
        study_name (str)              - behavioral or fmri
        load? (int)                   - number of digits to show during encoding
        num_trials (int)              - number of repetitions per trial type
        iti_dur (float)               - iti duration in seconds
        delay_dur (float)             - duration of delay between encoding and prob in seconds
        digit_dur (float)             - duration when a digit stays on the screen in seconds
        prob_dur (float)              - duration when prob stays on the screen in seconds
        hand (str)                    - hand with which response needs to be made
        trial_dur_list (list)         - trial duration in seconds (first element: slow , second element: fast)
        TR (float)                    - TR in seconds
        task_dur (float)              - task duration in seconds
        display_trial_feedback (bool) - True: display feedback after trial, False: don't display feedback after trial
    target file fields:
        load (number of digits)
        stim (a string with digits including space between them)
        prob_stim (digits that will be shown during prob)
        condition_name (easy - medium - difficult)
        digit_dur (how long each digit stays on the screen)
        delay_dur (duration of the delay period)
        prob_dur (duration of the prob)
        trial_dur (trial duration)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False)
        trial_type (True/False)
        hand (left/right)
        iti_dur (iti duration)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'sternberg_order'

    # loop over runs and create target files
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {}  # dictionary that will be converted to a dataframe later

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials

        # assign trial_types
        n_trials_T = int(n_trials / 2)
        n_trials_F = n_trials - n_trials_T

        trials_True = np.tile(True, n_trials_T)
        trials_False = np.tile(False, n_trials_F)

        trials_types = np.concatenate((trials_True, trials_False), axis=0)

        # randomly shuffle trials

        # generate random numbers betweem 1 and 9
        rand_nums = [
            np.random.choice(range(1, 10), size=6, replace=False)
            for i in range(n_trials)
        ## convert the random numbers to str and concatenate them
        stim_str = []
        for nums in rand_nums:
            rand_str = ""
            for x in nums:
                rand_str += str(x) + " "

        # fill in fields
        T['stim'] = stim_str
        T['trial_type'] = trials_types
        T['trial_dur'] = [trial_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['iti_dur'] = [iti_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['delay_dur'] = [delay_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['digit_dur'] = [digit_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['prob_dur'] = [prob_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['hand'] = [hand for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['display_trial_feedback'] = [
            display_trial_feedback for i in range(n_trials)
        T['start_time'] = [(trial_dur + iti_dur) * i for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['end_time'] = [(i + 1) * trial_dur + i * iti_dur
                         for i in range(n_trials)]

        # determine the prob stim for each trial based on trial type
        prob_stim = []
        for t in range(n_trials):
            # get the trial_type for the current trial
            current_tt = T['trial_type'][t]

            # get the current stims
            current_stim = T['stim'][t]
            current_stim_digits = current_stim.split()

            if ~current_tt:  # if it's False:
                # the trial is false so two wrong digits with wrong order can be generated
                ## generate two random numbers in the same range
                rand_probs = np.random.choice(range(1, 10),
                probs_str = [str(x) for x in rand_probs]  # convert them to str
                ## are the numbers in the sequence? if they are get the indices
                prob_order = [
                    current_stim_digits.index(x) for x in probs_str
                    if x in current_stim_digits

                ## if prob order is not empty, then the order has to be changed
                if len(
                ) <= 1:  # at least one number is in the generated prob numbers
                    rand_str = ""
                    for dig in probs_str:
                        rand_str += str(dig) + " "
                else:  # then the digit is not in the stim sequence
                    ## find the one that comes last and put it as the first digit in the prob
                    first_prob_digit = current_stim_digits[max(prob_order)]
                    last_prob_digit = current_stim_digits[min(prob_order)]

                    # generate the prob stim and append it
                    prob_stim.append(first_prob_digit + " " + last_prob_digit)

            else:  # if it's True
                # pick two random digits from current stimulus
                probs_str = np.random.choice(current_stim_digits,
                # determine the order
                prob_order = [current_stim_digits.index(x) for x in probs_str]

                ## find the one that comes last and put it as the first digit in the prob
                first_prob_digit = current_stim_digits[min(prob_order)]
                last_prob_digit = current_stim_digits[max(prob_order)]

                # generate the prob stim and append it
                prob_stim.append(first_prob_digit + " " + last_prob_digit)
        T['prob_stim'] = prob_stim

        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

        target_filename = path2task_target / f"sternberg_order_{task_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"

def visuospatial_order_v2(nrun=5,
    creates target file for the visuospatial_order task
    target file fields:
        trial_num (a column with no name - just the trial number starting from 0)
        load (number of dots)
        dot_dur (time duration when the dot remains on the screen and then disapears)
        delay_dur (duration of the delay)
        trial_type (True/False)
        prob_dots (the dots that are chosen for the prob number or coordinates?)
        prob_dur (duration when prob stayes on the screen)
        trial_dur (duration of the trial)
        display_trial_feedback (True/False)
        hand (left/right)
        iti_dur (duration of iti)
        start_time (time when the trial starts)
        end_time (time when the trial ends)
    # path to save the target files
    path2task_target = consts.target_dir / study_name / 'visuospatial_order'

    # Version 1. Simple: Considers a circle with a certain radius and draws random dots from the circle

    # loop over runs and create target
    for run in range(nrun):
        T = {}  # dictionary that will be converted to a dataframe later

        n_trials = int(task_dur /
                       (trial_dur + iti_dur))  # total number of trials

        # assign trial_types
        n_trials_T = int(n_trials / 2)
        n_trials_F = n_trials - n_trials_T

        trials_True = np.tile(True, n_trials_T)
        trials_False = np.tile(False, n_trials_F)

        trials_types = np.concatenate((trials_True, trials_False), axis=0)

        # randomly shuffle trials

        # fill in fields
        T['trial_type'] = trials_types
        T['trial_dur'] = [trial_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['iti_dur'] = [iti_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['delay_dur'] = [delay_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['dot_dur'] = [dot_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['prob_dur'] = [prob_dur for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['hand'] = [hand for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['display_trial_feedback'] = [
            display_trial_feedback for i in range(n_trials)
        T['start_time'] = [(trial_dur + iti_dur) * i for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['end_time'] = [(i + 1) * trial_dur + i * iti_dur
                         for i in range(n_trials)]
        T['circle_radius'] = [max_range for i in range(n_trials)]

        T['xys_stim'] = []
        T['xys_prob'] = []
        for t in range(n_trials):

            # randomly generate #load x and y coordinates
            ## the coordinates will be drawn from a uniform distribution
            x = np.random.uniform(-max_range, max_range, load)
            y = np.random.uniform(-max_range, max_range, load)
            x = np.sort(x)
            y = np.sort(y)

            dot_xys = [[x[i], y[i]] for i in range(len(x))]

            # randomly pick two of the dots for probe based on the trial type
            # get the trial_type for the current trial
            current_tt = T['trial_type'][t]

            # pick two dots
            rand_probs = np.random.choice(len(dot_xys), size=2, replace=False)

            if ~current_tt:  # False trial
                # the trial is false so two wrong digits with wrong order can be generated
                # sort the indices in descending order to make sure that their order is flipped
                probs_idx = np.sort(rand_probs)[::-1]
            else:  # True trial
                # sort the indices in ascending order to make sure that their order is conserved
                probs_idx = np.sort(rand_probs)

            probs_xys = [dot_xys[i] for i in probs_idx]

        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(T)

        target_filename = path2task_target / f"visuospatial_order_{task_dur}sec_{run+1:02d}.csv"