def plot_region(regname,ptype='nh',axis=None,latlim=None,limsdict=None): """ plot_region(regname,ptype='nh',axis=None,latlim=None,limsdict=None): Given a region name, plot it for reference. latlims is unused right now if passing limsdict (to override regname), set regname='other' """ if regname=='other': reglims=limsdict else: reglims = con.get_regionlims(regname) latlims = reglims['latlims'] lonlims = reglims['lonlims'] dummy = con.get_t63landmask() lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) reglatsbool = np.logical_and(lat>latlims[0],lat<latlims[1]) reglonsbool = np.logical_and(lon>lonlims[0],lon<lonlims[1]) # mask everything but the region of interest regmask = np.logical_or( np.logical_or(lats<latlims[0],lats>latlims[1]), np.logical_or(lons<lonlims[0],lons>lonlims[1])) dummym = ma.masked_where(regmask,dummy) plt.figure() kemmap(dummym,lat,lon,ptype=ptype,axis=axis,latlim=latlim,suppcb=1, cmin=-11,cmax=2,cmap='blue2blue_w10',drawgrid=True)
def plot_regions(regions, ptype='nh', colors='k', latlim=None, drawgrid=False): """ plot multiple region boundaries on one map regions: tuple of region names default color = black colors can be a tuple of color specifications. index will wrap if not enough """ dummy = con.get_t63landmask() lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) dummy = dummy*np.nan plt.figure() bm,pc = kemmap(dummy,lat,lon,ptype=ptype,latlim=latlim,suppcb=1, drawgrid=drawgrid, lmask=True) for ii,reg in enumerate(regions): if len(colors)==1: clr=colors else: if ii==len(colors): ii=0 # wrap index clr=colors[ii] add_regionpolym(reg,bm, ec=clr)
def plot_allregions(ptype='nh'): """ plot_allregions(ptype='nh'): plot all defined regions """ regdict = con.get_regiondict() nreg = len(regdict) rem = np.mod(nreg,2) rows = 2 if rem==0: cols = nreg/rows else: cols = nreg/rows + rem # rem will always be 1 if dividing by 2 if cols>8: rows = 3 cols = nreg/rows + np.mod(nreg,rows)/2 print 'nrows: ' + str(rows) + ' ncols: ' + str(cols) # @@@ lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() fig,spax = plt.subplots(rows,cols) fig.set_size_inches(cols*2,rows*3) for aii,ax in enumerate(spax.flat): dummy = con.get_t63landmask() # dummy data regkey = regdict.keys()[aii] limsdict = regdict[regkey] # mask the dummy data dummym,dmask = cutl.mask_region(dummy,lat,lon,regkey,limsdict=limsdict) kemmap(dummym,lat,lon,ptype=ptype,axis=ax,suppcb=1,cmin=-11,cmax=2,cmap='blue2blue_w10') ax.set_title(regkey) ax.set_xlabel(str(limsdict['latlims']) + ',' +str(limsdict['lonlims']) ) if aii==nreg-1: break # get out of loop if done with regions
seacycylim=None infodict ={'cmapclimo': 'Spectral_r','leglocs': None, 'seacycylim': None, 'savestr': savestr, 'model': model, 'sigtype': sigtype, 'sigoff': sigoff, 'pct': pct, 'seacyclatlim': seacyclatlim, 'region': region, 'shadeens': shadeens, 'corrlim': corrlim, 'figtrans':figtrans, 'ptype': projtype,'contclr': '0.3', 'contthk': 1, 'contstl': None} # random other info. projtype for maps only fdict,pparams=ld.loadfldmeta(field,infodict,plottype,ptparams,level=level) if addcont: # overlay map with another field in contours # start with just anomaly contours. @@later add option for climo fdict2,pparams2=ld.loadfldmeta(field2,infodict,plottype,ptparams,level=level2) coords = {'lev': con.get_t63lev(), 'lat': con.get_t63lat(), 'lon': con.get_t63lon()} ## infodict['savestr'] = savestr ## infodict['leglocs'] = leglocs ## infodict['seacycylim'] = seacycylim ## fdict['isflux'] = isflux ## fdict['threed'] = threed ## ###################### end copy to # do an if elif elif .... if plottype=='seasonalvert': infodict['screen']=screen else: infodict['screen'] = None if plottype in ('seasonalmap','seasonalvert'):
def pattcorr_ensemble(ename, field, latlim=60): # @@@@@@@@@@@@ is this fully implemented? Don't think so. 12/2/14 if ename=='ANT': ename='HistIC' elif ename=='TOT': ename='HistBC' enssims = con.build_ensemblesims(ename) ensnum=len(enssims) # ======= copied from =========== #ensnum=5 diffdict = {} pcmeandict = {} # fldp-fldc pattern corr compared to mean BC pchaddict = {} # fldp-fldc pattern corr compared to hadisst seadiffdict = {} # seasonal mean pcseameandict = {} pcsea2meandict = {} # to test the other pattern corr calc pcsea2pvalmeandict = {} # to test the other pattern corr calc # generate weights for the pattern corr lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() areas = cutl.calc_cellareas(lat,lon) areas = areas[lat>latlim,:] weights = areas / np.sum(np.sum(areas,axis=1),axis=0) #for eii in range(1,ensnum+1): for skey in enssims: #skey = etype + str(eii) #casenamec = bcasenamec + skey #casenamep = bcasenamep + skey #fnamec = basepath + casenamec+ subdir + casenamec + '_' + field + '' #fnamep = basepath + casenamep+ subdir + casenamep + '_' + field + '' fnamec,fnamep = con.build_filepathpair(skey,field) # monthly calc fldc = cnc.getNCvar(fnamec,ncfield,timesel=timesel)*conv fldp = cnc.getNCvar(fnamep,ncfield,timesel=timesel)*conv fldd = fldp-fldc # take the pattern correlation flddclimo,flddstd = cutl.climatologize(fldd) # climo first (don't need to do for BCs technically) flddcclimo,flddcstd = cutl.climatologize(flddc) # climo first. baseline diff data diffdict[skey] = flddclimo # for each month, compute pattern corr pc = np.zeros((12)) for mii,mon in enumerate(con.get_mon()): tmp = np.squeeze(flddclimo[mii,lat>latlim,...]) tmpcmp = np.squeeze(flddcclimo[mii,lat>latlim,...]) pc[mii] = cutl.pattcorr(tmp.flatten()*weights.flatten(),tmpcmp.flatten()*weights.flatten()) pcmeandict[skey] = pc # monthly # seasonal calc fldcsea = np.zeros((4,len(lat),len(lon))) fldpsea = np.zeros((4,len(lat),len(lon))) flddsea = np.zeros((4,len(lat),len(lon))) pcsea = np.zeros((4)) pcsea2 = np.zeros((4)) # test pattcorr_pearson() @@ pcsea2pval = np.zeros((4)) # test pattcorr_pearson() for seaii,sea in enumerate(seasons): fldcsea[seaii,...] = np.mean(cnc.getNCvar(fnamec,ncfield,timesel=timesel,seas=sea)*conv,axis=0) fldpsea[seaii,...] = np.mean(cnc.getNCvar(fnamep,ncfield,timesel=timesel,seas=sea)*conv,axis=0) flddsea[seaii,...] = fldpsea[seaii,...]-fldcsea[seaii,...] tmp = np.squeeze(flddsea[seaii,lat>latlim,...]) tmpcmp = np.squeeze(flddcsea[seaii,lat>latlim,...]) pcsea[seaii] = cutl.pattcorr(tmp.flatten()*weights.flatten(), tmpcmp.flatten()*weights.flatten()) pcsea2[seaii],pcsea2pval[seaii] = cutl.pattcorr_pearson(tmp.flatten()*weights.flatten(), tmpcmp.flatten()*weights.flatten()) seadiffdict[skey] = flddsea pcseameandict[skey] = pcsea pcsea2meandict[skey] = pcsea2 pcsea2pvalmeandict[skey] = pcsea2pval
def pattcorr_withinensemble(ename,fdict,latlim=60,timesel='0002-01-01,0121-12-31'): """ pattcorr_withinensemble(ename,field,latlim=60) pattern corr each member of ensemble with each other one return pctable, pctablesea (DataFrames) """ # @@ need diffdict field=fdict['field'] ncfield=fdict['ncfield'] conv=fdict['conv'] seasons=('SON','DJF','MAM','JJA') if ename=='ANT': ename='histIC' elif ename=='TOT': ename='histBC' enssims = con.build_ensemblesims(ename) ensnum=len(enssims) print 'ENSSIMS: ' # @@@ print enssims # @@ # generate weights for the pattern corr lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() areas = cutl.calc_cellareas(lat,lon) areas = areas[lat>latlim,:] weights = areas / np.sum(np.sum(areas,axis=1),axis=0) # ========= create diffdict first ===== diffdict={} seadiffdict={} for skey in enssims: fnamec,fnamep = con.build_filepathpair(skey,field) # monthly calc fldc = cnc.getNCvar(fnamec,ncfield,timesel=timesel)*conv fldp = cnc.getNCvar(fnamep,ncfield,timesel=timesel)*conv fldd = fldp-fldc # Monthly flddclimo,flddstd = cutl.climatologize(fldd) # climo first (don't need to do for BCs technically) #flddcclimo,flddcstd = cutl.climatologize(flddc) # climo first. baseline diff data diffdict[skey] = flddclimo print skey + ' ' + str(flddclimo.shape) # @@@ # Seasonal flddsea = np.zeros((4,len(lat),len(lon))) for seaii,sea in enumerate(seasons): fldcsea = np.mean(cnc.getNCvar(fnamec,ncfield,timesel=timesel,seas=sea)*conv,axis=0) fldpsea = np.mean(cnc.getNCvar(fnamep,ncfield,timesel=timesel,seas=sea)*conv,axis=0) flddsea[seaii,...] = fldpsea-fldcsea seadiffdict[skey] = flddsea # ======= Now do pattern corrs within ensemble ==== # ======= copied from =========== outterdict= dict.fromkeys(enssims) for skey1 in enssims: outfld = diffdict[skey1] innerdict = dict.fromkeys(enssims) for skey2 in enssims: #print skey1 + ' compared to ' + skey2 infld = diffdict[skey2] # for each month, compute pattern corr pc = np.zeros((12)) for mii,mon in enumerate(con.get_mon()): tmp = np.squeeze(infld[mii,lat>latlim,...]) tmpcmp = np.squeeze(outfld[mii,lat>latlim,...]) pc[mii] = cutl.pattcorr(tmp.flatten()*weights.flatten(), tmpcmp.flatten()*weights.flatten()) innerdict[skey2] = pc outterdict[skey1] = innerdict pctable = pd.DataFrame(outterdict) # 5x5 # seasonal outterdictsea= dict.fromkeys(enssims) for skey1 in enssims: outfld = seadiffdict[skey1] innerdictsea = dict.fromkeys(enssims) for skey2 in enssims: #print skey1 + ' compared to ' + skey2 infld = seadiffdict[skey2] # for each season, compute pattern corr pcsea = np.zeros((4)) for seaii,sea in enumerate(seasons): tmp = np.squeeze(infld[seaii,lat>latlim,...]) tmpcmp = np.squeeze(outfld[seaii,lat>latlim,...]) pcsea[seaii] = cutl.pattcorr(tmp.flatten()*weights.flatten(), tmpcmp.flatten()*weights.flatten()) innerdictsea[skey2] = pcsea outterdictsea[skey1] = innerdictsea pctablesea = pd.DataFrame(outterdictsea) # 5x5 return pctable, pctablesea
timesel='2922-01-01,2931-12-31' Cp=1004 # specific heat at const pressure (J/K/kg) Lv=2.5e6 # specific heat of condensation (latent heat of vapo) at 0C(?@@) (J/kg) erad = con.get_earthrad() # m grav = con.get_g() # m/s2 # 1 cal = 4.186J # convert to cal / day # J/s -> cal/day W2calperday = (60*60*24)/4.186 lat = con.get_t63lat() lon = con.get_t63lon() #lev = con.get_t63lev() # 37 levs fname=basepath + casename + '_u_' + timeper + '' # 22 levs!! lev = cnc.getNCvar(fname,'plev') dp = np.diff(lev) nlon = len(lon)-1 # removing extra lon # get surface pressure to do vert avg and int here fname=basepath + casename + '_ps_' + timeper + '' sfcp = cnc.getNCvar(fname,'PS',timesel=timesel)*100 # into Pa def clear_belowsfc(fld, sfcp, lev): #levt=np.tile(lev,((sfcp.shape)+(1,))) #levt = np.transpose(levt,(3,0,1,2)) # lev x time x lat x lon (for now)
title=ttl2,suppcb=True, panellab='b',lcol='0.2') bm.contour(lons,lats,fldsp2onfldr2,levels=conts, colors='0.5',linewidths=1,latlon=True) cplt.add_colorbar(fig,pc,orientation='horizontal') if printtofile: fig.savefig(fieldsp + '_' + fieldsp2 + seasp + \ '_regresson_' + fieldr+regionr + '_' + fieldr2 + regionr2 + sear + '.pdf') # ========== AGCM alat=con.get_t63lat(); alon=con.get_t63lon() alons, alats = np.meshgrid(alon,alat) cmlen=15. incra = (cmaxsp2a-cminsp2a) / (cmlen) contsa = np.arange(cminsp2a,cmaxsp2a+incra,incra) fig,axs=plt.subplots(1,2) fig.set_size_inches(10,5) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) ax=axs[0] bm,pc=cplt.kemmap(asponfldr,alat,alon,ptype='nheur',axis=ax,cmin=cminspa,cmax=cmaxspa, title=ttl1,suppcb=True, panellab='a',lcol='0.2') bm.contour(alons,alats,asp2onfldr,levels=contsa,
meta = {'gt': gt, 'sicn': sicn, 'sic': sic} ylabs = {0: 'OBS', 1: 'E1', 2: 'E2', 3: 'E3', 4: 'E4', 5:'E5'} convdt = {'gt': 1, 'sicn': 100, 'sic': 1/np.float(deni)} # === load one year for seasonal cycle: #flddat,fldcdat,fldpdat,sicnpdat = load_BCs(fields, season=None, timesel=timesel) # ============== PLOT ============== printtofile=False lat = con.get_t63lat() #cnc.getNCvar(fnamec,'lat') lon = con.get_t63lon() #cnc.getNCvar(fnamep,'lon') fsz=16 fliptohoriz=True latlim=57 pparams = {'lcol':'0.9', 'coastres': 'c', 'coastwidth': 0.5, 'area_thresh':70000,'lmask':True} fields=('sicn','sic','gt') fields=('sicn',) tlabs = {'gt': '$\Delta$ SST ($^\circ$C)', 'sicn': '$\Delta$ SIC (%)', 'sic': '$\Delta$ SIT (m)'} if fliptohoriz: psuff='_horizor'+str(len(fields))+'b' # horizontal orientation # rows are fields and cols are sims if len(fields)==1: