Example #1
def test_group_adapter():
    s = Struct('groups' / commands.GroupListAdapter())

    for left, right in [([], b'\x00'), ([0, 1], b'\x03'),
                        ([i for i in range(8)], b'\xFF')]:
        assert s.build({'groups': left}) == right
        assert s.parse(right) == {'groups': left}

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.build({'groups': [8]})
Example #2
def test_nested():
    s = Struct(
        'a' / Byte, 'b' / DeferredValue(Byte), 'c' / Byte, 'struct' /
        Struct('new_value' / Tell,
               WriteDeferredValue(this.new_value + 7, this._.b), 'x' / Byte))

    # parsing
    assert s.parse(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04') == {
        'a': 1,
        'b': 2,
        'c': 3,
        'struct': {
            'new_value': 3,
            'x': 4

    # building
    assert s.build({
        'a': 0xff,
        'c': 0xfe,
        'struct': {
            'x': 0x42
    }) == b'\xff\x0a\xfe\x42'
Example #3
def test_unexpected_placeholder():
    def _change_placeholder(context):
        stream = context._io
        placeholder = context.a.placeholder_data[0]
        stream.seek(-1, os.SEEK_CUR)
        stream.write(bytes([(placeholder + 1) & 0xff]))

    s = Struct(
        'a' / DeferredValue(Byte),
        ),  # overwrites placeholder with different value, should fail sanity check later
        WriteDeferredValue(0x42, this.a))

    with pytest.raises(DeferredError):
Example #4
    def _send_login_request(self):
        fmt = Struct(
            'length' / Const(b'\x80\x01\x00\x00'),
            'type' / Const(b'\x1e\x00\x00\x00'),
            'pass_code' / Const(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
            'magic_number' / Const(b'\x01\x02\x00\x00'),
            'account_id' / Bytes(64),
            'app_label' / Bytes(256),
            'os_version' / Bytes(16),
            'model' / Bytes(16),
            'pin_code' / Bytes(16),

        config = {
            'app_label': b'PlayStation'.ljust(256, b'\x00'),
            'account_id': self._credential.encode().ljust(64, b'\x00'),
            'os_version': b'4.4'.ljust(16, b'\x00'),
            'model': b'PS4 Waker'.ljust(16, b'\x00'),
            'pin_code': b''.ljust(16, b'\x00'),

        _LOGGER.debug('config %s', config)

        msg = fmt.build(config)
        self._send_msg(msg, encrypted=True)
Example #5
def test_single():
    s = Struct('a' / Byte, 'b' / DeferredValue(Byte), 'c' / Byte,
               'new_value' / Tell, WriteDeferredValue(this.new_value, this.b))

    # parsing
    assert s.parse(b'\x01\x02\x03') == {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'new_value': 3}

    # building
    assert s.build({'a': 0xff, 'c': 0xfe}) == b'\xff\x03\xfe'
Example #6
    def _send_hello_request(self):
        fmt = Struct(
            'length' / Const(b'\x1c\x00\x00\x00'),
            'type' / Const(b'\x70\x63\x63\x6f'),
            'version' / Const(b'\x00\x00\x02\x00'),
            'dummy' / Padding(16),

        msg = fmt.build({})
Example #7
def test_enumconvert():
    class TestEnum(Enum):
        A = 0x42

        def prop(self):
            return 1337

    s = Struct('e' / EnumConvert(Byte, TestEnum),
               'v' / Computed(lambda this: this.e.prop))

    # valid
    assert s.parse(b'\x42') == {'e': TestEnum.A, 'v': 1337}
    assert s.build({'e': TestEnum.A}) == b'\x42'

    # invalid
    with pytest.raises(MappingError):
    with pytest.raises(MappingError):
        s.build({'e': 0})
    def _send_request(
        lba: int,
        request_format: construct.Struct,
        request_obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
        response_format: construct.Struct,
    ) -> construct.Container:
        """Send a request to the meter, and read its response.

          lba: the address of the block register to use, known
            valid addresses are 3, 4 and 5.
          request_format: a construct format identifier of the request to send
          request_obj: the object to format with the provided identifier
          response_format: a construct format identifier to parse the returned
            message with.

          The Container object parsed from the response received by the meter.

          lifescan.MalformedCommand if Construct fails to build the request or
            parse the response.

            request = request_format.build(request_obj)
            request_raw = _PACKET.build(
                {"data": {
                    "value": {
                        "message": request
            logging.debug("Request sent: %s", binascii.hexlify(request_raw))
            self.scsi_.write10(lba, 1, request_raw)

            response_raw = self.scsi_.read10(lba, 1)
            logging.debug("Response received: %s",
            response_pkt = _PACKET.parse(response_raw.datain).data
            logging.debug("Response packet: %r", response_pkt)

            response = response_format.parse(response_pkt.value.message)
            logging.debug("Response parsed: %r", response)

            return response
        except construct.ConstructError as e:
            raise lifescan.MalformedCommand(str(e))
Example #9
    def _send_handshake_request(self, seed):
        fmt = Struct(
            'length' / Const(b'\x18\x01\x00\x00'),
            'type' / Const(b'\x20\x00\x00\x00'),
            'key' / Bytes(256),
            'seed' / Bytes(16),

        recipient_key = _get_public_key_rsa()
        cipher_rsa = PKCS1_OAEP.new(recipient_key)
        key = cipher_rsa.encrypt(self._random_seed)

        _LOGGER.debug('key %s', binascii.hexlify(key))

        msg = fmt.build({'key': key, 'seed': seed})
Example #10
def test_complex_prefixed():
    s = Struct(
        'v' / Byte,
        'a1' / Prefixed(Byte, Array(2, Struct('value' / DeferredValue(Byte)))),
        'a2' / Array(
                '@offset' / Tell,
                                   lambda this: this._.a1[this._index].value),
                'value' / Byte)))

    # parsing
    assert s.parse(b'\xff\x02\x41\x42\xe0\xe1') == {
        'v': 0xff,
        'a1': [{
            'value': 0x41
        }, {
            'value': 0x42
        'a2': [{
            '@offset': 4,
            'value': 0xe0
        }, {
            '@offset': 5,
            'value': 0xe1

    # building
    assert s.build({
        'v': 0xff,
        'a1': [{}, {}],
        'a2': [{
            'value': 0xe0
        }, {
            'value': 0xe1
    }) == b'\xff\x02\x04\x05\xe0\xe1'
Example #11
    def _send_request(
        request_format: construct.Struct,
        request_obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]],
        response_format: construct.Struct,
    ) -> construct.Container:
            request = request_format.build(request_obj)
            self._send_packet(request, acknowledge=False, disconnect=False)

            self.sent_counter_ = not self.sent_counter_

            response_pkt = self._read_packet()
            assert not response_pkt.link_control.acknowledge

            self.expect_receive_ = not self.expect_receive_

            return response_format.parse(response_pkt.message)
        except construct.ConstructError as e:
            raise lifescan.MalformedCommand(str(e))
Example #12
def test_write_twice():
    s = Struct('a' / DeferredValue(Byte), WriteDeferredValue(0x41, this.a),
               WriteDeferredValue(0x42, this.a))

    with pytest.raises(DeferredError):
Example #13
def show_frame(*args):
	global Color_Min, Color_Max
	Color_Min = (Hue_Min, Saturation_Min, Value_Min)
	Color_Max = (Hue_Max, Saturation_Max, Value_Max)
	ret, frame1 = cap1.read()
	ret, frame2 = cap2.read()
	hsv1 = cv2.cvtColor(frame1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
	hsv2 = cv2.cvtColor(frame2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
	cxy, cyy, cntsy = colorDetector.object_pos(Color_Min, Color_Max, hsv1)
	cxy2, cyy2, cntsy2 = colorDetector.object_pos(Color_Min, Color_Max, hsv2)
	if cxy != None and cxy2 != None and X_SCREEN_DEPTH != None and Y_SCREEN_DEPTH != None:
		#Start Converting Pixel Coordinates To Angles
		CAMERA_ANGLE_AY = Coordinate_Calculations.pixels_to_camera_angle(X_SCREEN_DEPTH, cxy)
		CAMERA_ANGLE_YY1 = Coordinate_Calculations.pixels_to_camera_angle(Y_SCREEN_DEPTH, cyy)
		CAMERA_ANGLE_BY = Coordinate_Calculations.pixels_to_camera_angle(X_SCREEN_DEPTH, cxy2)
		CAMERA_ANGLE_YY2 = Coordinate_Calculations.pixels_to_camera_angle(Y_SCREEN_DEPTH, cyy2)
		#End Converting Pixel Coordinates To Angles
		#Start Calculating Variables Needed For Coordinate Calculations
		THETA_AY, THETA_BY = Coordinate_Calculations.topview_camera_angles_to_internal_angles(CAMERA_ANGLE_AY, CAMERA_ANGLE_BY)
		if THETA_AY or THETA_BY != 0:
			LAY, LBY = Coordinate_Calculations.topview_range_from_cams(Dis_Between_Cams, THETA_BY, THETA_AY)
			#End Calculating Variables Needed For Coordinate Calculations
			#Start Calculating Coordinates
			XY = Coordinate_Calculations.x_coord(THETA_AY, THETA_BY, LAY, LBY, Dis_Between_Cams)
			YY = Coordinate_Calculations.y_coord(THETA_AY, THETA_BY, LAY, LBY)
			ZY = Coordinate_Calculations.z_coord(CAMERA_ANGLE_YY1, YY, CAMERA_ANGLE_YY2, YY)
			#End Calculating Coordinates
			# Start sending information to Vridge
			print(XY, YY, ZY)
			# Specify the structure for the fancy position matrix
			structure = Struct(
				Const(Int32ul, 2),
				Const(Int32ul, 5),
				Const(Int32ul, 24),
				"data" / Padded(64, Array(3, Float32l)),
			offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # offset in case you want to define where the origin is (in centimeters)
			xyz = [(XY + offset[0]) / 100, (YY + offset[1]) / 100, (ZY + offset[2]) / 100] # Steam VR requires this information in meters
			byte_packet = structure.build(dict(data=xyz))
			print("Send: " + str(structure.parse(byte_packet)))
            # Stop sending information to vridge 
			#Start Drawing Contours
			for (i, c) in enumerate(cntsy):
				# draw the contour
				(x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c)
				cv2.drawContours(frame1, [c], -1, (0, 255, 255), 2)
				overlay1 = frame1.copy()
				cv2.rectangle(overlay1, (int(cxy+radius), cyy - 30), (int(cxy + radius + 200), cyy+60), (0, 0, 0), -1)
				cv2.addWeighted(overlay1, alpha, frame1, 1 - alpha, 0, frame1)
				if units:
					cv2.putText(frame1, "X Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(XY)) +"cm", (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (255, 150, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame1, "Y Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(YY)) +"cm", (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame1, "Z Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(ZY)) +"cm", (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame1, "X Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(XY)), (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (255, 150, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame1, "Y Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(YY)), (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame1, "Z Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(ZY)), (int(cxy + radius + 20), cyy + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), 1)

			for (i, c) in enumerate(cntsy2):
				# draw the contour
				(x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c)
				cv2.drawContours(frame2, [c], -1, (0, 255, 255), 2)
				overlay2 = frame2.copy()
				cv2.rectangle(overlay2, (int(cxy2+radius), cyy2 - 30), (int(cxy2 + radius + 200), cyy2 + 60), (0, 0, 0), -1)
				cv2.addWeighted(overlay2, alpha, frame2, 1 - alpha, 0, frame2)
				if units:
					cv2.putText(frame2, "X Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(XY)) +"cm", (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (255, 150, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame2, "Y Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(YY)) +"cm", (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2 + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame2, "Z Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(ZY)) +"cm", (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2 + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame2, "X Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(XY)), (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (255, 150, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame2, "Y Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(YY)), (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2 + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 1)
					cv2.putText(frame2, "Z Axis " + str(Coordinate_Calculations.ceiling(ZY)), (int(cxy2 + radius + 20), cyy2 + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.6, (0, 0, 255), 1)
Example #14
 def test_build_from_nested_dicts(self):
     s = Struct(None, Struct('substruct1', Byte('field1')))
     self.assertEqual(s.build(dict(substruct1=dict(field1=5))), b'\x05')
Example #15
            SERVER_INVITE_OPTION = 0x12
        Switch("OptionData", lambda ctx: ctx["OptionID"],
                "CLIENT_NICK_OPTION" : CString('Nickname'),
                "CLIENT_MEMBERSHIP_OPTION" : ClientMemberShipOption,
                "SERVER_OPTION" : Struct("ServerOption", ULInt16('Port')),
                "SERVER_CHANNELS_OPTION" : PrefixedArray(CString('Channels'), ULInt8("NumChannels")),
                "SERVER_INVITE_OPTION" : ServerInviteOption

peerPDU = Struct(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = peerPDU.build(Container(ClientID="Bob", Option=[
                                                    Container(OptionID="SERVER_INVITE_OPTION", OptionData=Container(ChannelID="TM2011", ClientID=["Alice", "Billy"])),
                                                    Container(OptionID="CLIENT_NICK_OPTION", OptionData="Susan")]

    print repr(data)
    packet = peerPDU.parse(data)
    print packet
Example #16
            byte |= to_write & mask
            to_write >>= length
            more_bit = (to_write > 0) and self._get_more_bit(length)
            byte |= more_bit
            byte &= 0xFF
            stream_write(stream, int2byte(byte), 1, path)
            if not more_bit:
        return obj

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = Struct("index" / Idx())
    test_data = [
        [0x0f, 0x40, 0xff],  # 0x0f
        [0x4f, 0x40, 0xff],  # (0x40 << 6) + 0x0f = 0x100f
        [0x8f, 0x40, 0xff],  # -0x0f
        [0xcf, 0x40, 0xff],  # -((0x40 << 6) + 0x0f) = 0x100f
        [0x4f, 0x80, 0x40, 0xff],  # (0x40 << 13) + 0x0f = 0x8000f
        [0x4f, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0xff],  # (0x40 << 20) + 0x0f = 0x400000f
        [0x4f, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x8f, 0xff]  # 0x8f << 27 + 0x0f = 0x47800000f
    expected_values = [
        0x0f, 0x100f, -0x0f, -0x100f, 0x8000f, 0x400000f, 0x47800000f
    for test, ev in zip(test_data, expected_values):
        assert c.parse(bytes(test)).index == ev
        new_bytes = c.build(dict(index=ev))
        assert new_bytes == bytes(test[:len(new_bytes)])
    print("All tests passed!")
Example #17
def test_check_deferred():
    s = Struct('a' / DeferredValue(Byte), CheckDeferredValues)

    with pytest.raises(DeferredError):
Example #18
def test_build_no_value():
    s = Struct('a' / DeferredValue(Byte), WriteDeferredValue(0x42, this.a))

    with pytest.raises(DeferredError):
        s.build({'a': 0xab})
Example #19
def test_build_invalid_target():
    s = Struct('a' / Byte, WriteDeferredValue(0x42, this.a))

    with pytest.raises(DeferredError):
        s.build({'a': 0xff})