Example #1
def test_row_contextmanager_datasets_or_locations():
    g_orig = Geomatcher()
    with resolved_row(['NO', 'LT', 'EE'], g_orig) as g:
        assert 'RoW' in g.intersects(('ecoinvent', 'BALTSO'))
    given = [
        {'location': 'NO'},
        {'location': 'LT'},
        {'location': 'EE'},
    with resolved_row(given, g_orig) as g:
        assert 'RoW' in g.intersects(('ecoinvent', 'BALTSO'))
Example #2
def test_row_contextmanager_add_remove_row():
    g_orig = Geomatcher()
    assert 'RoW' not in g_orig
    with resolved_row(['NO', 'LT', 'EE'], g_orig) as g:
        assert 'RoW' in g
        assert 'RoW' in g_orig
        assert g is g_orig
    assert 'RoW' not in g_orig
Example #3
File: geo.py Project: polca/wurst
def relink_technosphere_exchanges(
    ds, data, exclusive=True, drop_invalid=False, biggest_first=False, contained=True
    """Find new technosphere providers based on the location of the dataset.

    Designed to be used when the dataset's location changes, or when new datasets are added.

    Uses the name, reference product, and unit of the exchange to filter possible inputs. These must match exactly. Searches in the list of datasets ``data``.

    Will only search for providers contained within the location of ``ds``, unless ``contained`` is set to ``False``, all providers whose location intersects the location of ``ds`` will be used.

    A ``RoW`` provider will be added if there is a single topological face in the location of ``ds`` which isn't covered by the location of any providing activity.

    If no providers can be found, `relink_technosphere_exchanes` will try to add a `RoW` or `GLO` providers, in that order, if available. If there are still no valid providers, a ``InvalidLink`` exception is raised, unless ``drop_invalid`` is ``True``, in which case the exchange will be deleted.

    Allocation between providers is done using ``allocate_inputs``; results seem strange if ``contained=False``, as production volumes for large regions would be used as allocation factors.

    Input arguments:

        * ``ds``: The dataset whose technosphere exchanges will be modified.
        * ``data``: The list of datasets to search for technosphere product providers.
        * ``exclusive``: Bool, default is ``True``. Don't allow overlapping locations in input providers.
        * ``drop_invalid``: Bool, default is ``False``. Delete exchanges for which no valid provider is available.
        * ``biggest_first``: Bool, default is ``False``. Determines search order when selecting provider locations. Only relevant is ``exclusive`` is ``True``.
        * ``contained``: Bool, default is ``True``. If ture, only use providers whose location is completely within the ``ds`` location; otherwise use all intersecting locations.

    Modifies the dataset in place; returns the modified dataset."""
    MESSAGE = "Relinked technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{} from {}/{} to {}/{}."
    DROPPED = "Dropped technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{}; no valid providers."
    new_exchanges = []
    technosphere = lambda x: x["type"] == "technosphere"

    for exc in filter(technosphere, ds["exchanges"]):
        possible_datasets = list(get_possibles(exc, data))
        possible_locations = [obj["location"] for obj in possible_datasets]
        with resolved_row(possible_locations, geomatcher) as g:
            func = g.contained if contained else g.intersects
            gis_match = func(

        kept = [
            ds for loc in gis_match for ds in possible_datasets if ds["location"] == loc

        if kept:
            missing_faces = geomatcher[ds["location"]].difference(
                set.union(*[geomatcher[obj["location"]] for obj in kept])
            if missing_faces and "RoW" in possible_locations:
                    [obj for obj in possible_datasets if obj["location"] == "RoW"]
        elif "RoW" in possible_locations:
            kept = [obj for obj in possible_datasets if obj["location"] == "RoW"]

        if not kept and "GLO" in possible_locations:
            kept = [obj for obj in possible_datasets if obj["location"] == "GLO"]

        if not kept:
            if drop_invalid:
                        "function": "relink_technosphere_exchanges",
                        "message": DROPPED.format(
                            exc["name"], exc["product"], exc["unit"]
                raise InvalidLink

        allocated = allocate_inputs(exc, kept)

        for obj in allocated:
                    "function": "relink_technosphere_exchanges",
                    "message": MESSAGE.format(


    ds["exchanges"] = [
        exc for exc in ds["exchanges"] if exc["type"] != "technosphere"
    ] + new_exchanges
    return ds
Example #4
def test_row_contextmanager_within():
    g_orig = Geomatcher()
    with resolved_row(['NO', 'LT', 'EE'], g_orig) as g:
        assert g.within('RoW') == ['GLO', 'RoW']
        assert g.within('RoW', biggest_first=False) == ['RoW', 'GLO']
Example #5
def test_row_contextmanager_contained():
    g_orig = Geomatcher()
    with resolved_row(['NO', 'LT', 'EE'], g_orig) as g:
        assert 'RoW' not in g.contained(('ecoinvent', 'BALTSO'))
        assert 'LT' in g.contained(('ecoinvent', 'BALTSO'))
        assert 'RoW' in g.contained('GLO')
Example #6
def test_row_contextmanager_intersects():
    g_orig = Geomatcher()
    with resolved_row(['NO', 'LT', 'EE'], g_orig) as g:
        assert 'RoW' in g.intersects(('ecoinvent', 'BALTSO'))
Example #7
def relink_technosphere_exchanges(ds,
    """Find new technosphere providers based on the location of the dataset.

    Designed to be used when the dataset's location changes, or when new datasets are added.

    Uses the name, reference product, and unit of the exchange to filter possible inputs. These must match exactly. Searches in the list of datasets ``data``.

    Will only search for providers contained within the location of ``ds``, unless ``contained`` is set to ``False``, all providers whose location intersects the location of ``ds`` will be used.

    A ``RoW`` provider will be added if there is a single topological face in the location of ``ds`` which isn't covered by the location of any providing activity.

    If no providers can be found, `relink_technosphere_exchanes` will try to add a `RoW` or `GLO` providers, in that order, if available. If there are still no valid providers, a ``InvalidLink`` exception is raised, unless ``drop_invalid`` is ``True``, in which case the exchange will be deleted.

    Allocation between providers is done using ``allocate_inputs``; results seem strange if ``contained=False``, as production volumes for large regions would be used as allocation factors.

    Input arguments:

        * ``ds``: The dataset whose technosphere exchanges will be modified.
        * ``data``: The list of datasets to search for technosphere product providers.
        * ``exclusive``: Bool, default is ``True``. Don't allow overlapping locations in input providers.
        * ``drop_invalid``: Bool, default is ``False``. Delete exchanges for which no valid provider is available.
        * ``keep_invalid``: Bool, default is ``False``. Keep potentially invalid exchanges from original datasets where not valid alternative provider available.
        * ``biggest_first``: Bool, default is ``False``. Determines search order when selecting provider locations. Only relevant is ``exclusive`` is ``True``.
        * ``contained``: Bool, default is ``True``. If ture, only use providers whose location is completely within the ``ds`` location; otherwise use all intersecting locations.
        * ``exclude``: List, optional list of locations to exclude possible exchanges from.

    Modifies the dataset in place; returns the modified dataset."""

    #print("MonkeyPatch!! relink_technosphere_exchanges")

    MESSAGE = "Relinked technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{} from {}/{} to {}/{}."
    DROPPED = "Dropped technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{}; no valid providers."
    RETAINED = "Retained potentially invalid technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{}; no valid providers."
    new_exchanges = []
    technosphere = lambda x: x['type'] == 'technosphere'

    for exc in filter(technosphere, ds['exchanges']):
        possible_datasets = list(get_possibles(exc, data))
        possible_locations = [obj['location'] for obj in possible_datasets]
        if exclude:
            possible_locations = [
                x for x in possible_locations if x not in exclude
        with resolved_row(possible_locations, geomatcher) as g:
            func = g.contained if contained else g.intersects
            gis_match = func(ds['location'],

        kept = [
            ds for loc in gis_match for ds in possible_datasets
            if ds['location'] == loc

        if kept:
            with resolved_row(possible_locations, geomatcher) as g:
                missing_faces = geomatcher[ds['location']].difference(
                    set.union(*[geomatcher[obj['location']] for obj in kept]))
            if missing_faces and "RoW" in possible_locations:
                    obj for obj in possible_datasets
                    if obj['location'] == 'RoW'
        elif 'RoW' in possible_locations:
            kept = [
                obj for obj in possible_datasets if obj['location'] == 'RoW'

        if not kept and "GLO" in possible_locations:
            kept = [
                obj for obj in possible_datasets if obj['location'] == 'GLO'

        if not kept:
            if drop_invalid:
                        DROPPED.format(exc['name'], exc['product'],
                    }, ds)

            elif keep_invalid:
                print('keeping invalid links')
                        RETAINED.format(exc['name'], exc['product'],
                    }, ds)
                kept = [exc]

                print("technosphere exchange of {}/{}/{}; no valid providers.".
                      format(exc['name'], exc['product'], exc['unit']))
                raise InvalidLink

        allocated = allocate_inputs(exc, kept)

        for obj in allocated:
                    MESSAGE.format(exc['name'], exc['product'], exc['unit'],
                                   exc['amount'], ds['location'],
                                   obj['amount'], obj['location'])
                }, ds)


    ds['exchanges'] = [
        exc for exc in ds['exchanges'] if exc['type'] != 'technosphere'
    ] + new_exchanges
    return ds