Example #1
def make_nsi(info, dir_path):
    "Creates the tmp/main.nsi from the template file"
    name = info['name']
    download_dir = info['_download_dir']
    dists = info['_dists']
    py_name, py_version, unused_build = dists[0].rsplit('-', 2)
    assert py_name == 'python'
    arch = int(info['_platform'].split('-')[1])

    # these appear as __<key>__ in the template, and get escaped
    replace = {
        'NAME': name,
        'VERSION': info['version'],
        'COMPANY': info.get('company', 'Unknown, Inc.'),
        'ARCH': '%d-bit' % arch,
        'PY_VER': py_version[:3],
        'PYVERSION': py_version,
        'PYVERSION_JUSTDIGITS': ''.join(py_version.split('.')),
        'OUTFILE': info['_outpath'],
        'LICENSEFILE': abspath(info.get('license_file',
                               join(NSIS_DIR, 'placeholder_license.txt'))),
        'DEFAULT_PREFIX': info.get(
            join('%LOCALAPPDATA%', 'Continuum', name.lower())
    for key, fn in [('HEADERIMAGE', 'header.bmp'),
                    ('WELCOMEIMAGE', 'welcome.bmp'),
                    ('ICONFILE', 'icon.ico')]:
        replace[key] = join(dir_path, fn)
    for key in replace:
        replace[key] = str_esc(replace[key])

    data = read_nsi_tmpl()
    data = preprocess(data, ns_platform(info['_platform']))
    data = fill_template(data, replace)

    # these are unescaped (and unquoted)
    cmds = '\n    '.join(pkg_commands(download_dir, dists, py_version))
    for key, value in [('@NAME@', name),
                       ('@NSIS_DIR@', NSIS_DIR),
                       ('@BITS@', str(arch)),
                       ('@PKG_COMMANDS@', cmds)]:
        data = data.replace(key, value)

    nsi_path = join(dir_path, 'main.nsi')
    with open(nsi_path, 'w') as fo:
    # Copy all the NSIS header files (*.nsh)
    for fn in os.listdir(NSIS_DIR):
        if fn.endswith('.nsh'):
            shutil.copy(join(NSIS_DIR, fn),
                        join(dir_path, fn))

    print('Created %s file' % nsi_path)
    return nsi_path
Example #2
def make_nsi(info, dir_path):
    "Creates the tmp/main.nsi from the template file"
    name = info['name']
    download_dir = info['_download_dir']
    dists = info['_dists']
    py_name, py_version, unused_build = dists[0].rsplit('-', 2)
    assert py_name == 'python'
    arch = int(info['_platform'].split('-')[1])

    # these appear as __<key>__ in the template, and get escaped
    replace = {
        'NAME': name,
        'VERSION': info['version'],
        'COMPANY': info.get('company', 'Unknown, Inc.'),
        'ARCH': '%d-bit' % arch,
        'PY_VER': py_version[:3],
        'PYVERSION': py_version,
        'PYVERSION_JUSTDIGITS': ''.join(py_version.split('.')),
        'OUTFILE': info['_outpath'],
        'LICENSEFILE': abspath(info.get('license_file',
                               join(NSIS_DIR, 'placeholder_license.txt'))),
        'DEFAULT_PREFIX': expandvars(info.get(
            join('%LOCALAPPDATA%', 'Continuum', name.lower())
    for key, fn in [('HEADERIMAGE', 'header.bmp'),
                    ('WELCOMEIMAGE', 'welcome.bmp'),
                    ('ICONFILE', 'icon.ico')]:
        replace[key] = join(dir_path, fn)
    for key in replace:
        replace[key] = str_esc(replace[key])

    data = read_nsi_tmpl()
    data = preprocess(data, ns_platform(info['_platform']))
    data = fill_template(data, replace)

    # these are unescaped (and unquoted)
    cmds = '\n    '.join(pkg_commands(download_dir, dists, py_version))
    for key, value in [('@NAME@', name),
                       ('@NSIS_DIR@', NSIS_DIR),
                       ('@BITS@', str(arch)),
                       ('@PKG_COMMANDS@', cmds)]:
        data = data.replace(key, value)

    nsi_path = join(dir_path, 'main.nsi')
    with open(nsi_path, 'w') as fo:
    # Copy all the NSIS header files (*.nsh)
    for fn in os.listdir(NSIS_DIR):
        if fn.endswith('.nsh'):
            shutil.copy(join(NSIS_DIR, fn),
                        join(dir_path, fn))

    print('Created %s file' % nsi_path)
    return nsi_path
Example #3
def test_fill_template():
    template = """\
My name is __NAME__!
I am __AGE__ years old.
Sincerely __NAME__
    res = """\
My name is Hugo!
I am 44 years old.
Sincerely Hugo
    info = {'NAME': 'Hugo', 'AGE': '44', 'SEX': 'male'}
    assert fill_template(template, info) == res
Example #4
def test_fill_template():
    template = """\
My name is __NAME__!
I am __AGE__ years old.
Sincerely __NAME__
    res = """\
My name is Hugo!
I am 44 years old.
Sincerely Hugo
    info = {'NAME': 'Hugo', 'AGE': '44', 'SEX': 'male'}
    assert fill_template(template, info) == res
Example #5
def get_header(tarball, info):
    name = info['name']
    dists = [fn[:-8] for fn in info['_dists']]
    dist0 = dists[0]
    assert name_dist(dist0) == 'python'

    has_license = bool('license_file' in info)
    ppd = ns_platform(info['_platform'])
    ppd['keep_pkgs'] = bool(info.get('keep_pkgs'))
    ppd['has_license'] = has_license
    for key in 'pre_install', 'post_install':
        ppd['has_%s' % key] = bool(key in info)
    ppd['add_to_path_default'] = info.get('add_to_path_default', None)

    install_lines = ['install_dist %s' % d for d in dists]
    # Needs to happen first -- can be templated
    replace = {
        'NAME': name,
        'name': name.lower(),
        'VERSION': info['version'],
        'PLAT': info['_platform'],
        'DIST0': dist0,
        'DEFAULT_PREFIX': info.get('default_prefix',
                                   '$HOME/%s' % name.lower()),
        'MD5': md5_file(tarball),
        'INSTALL_COMMANDS': '\n'.join(install_lines),
        'pycache': '__pycache__',
    if has_license:
        replace['LICENSE'] = read_ascii_only(info['license_file'])

    data = read_header_template()
    data = preprocess(data, ppd)
    data = fill_template(data, replace)
    n = data.count('\n')
    data = data.replace('@LINES@', str(n + 1))

    # note that this replacement does not change the size of the header,
    # which would result into an inconsistency
    n = len(data) + getsize(tarball)
    data = data.replace('@SIZE_BYTES@', '%12d' % n)
    assert len(data) + getsize(tarball) == n

    return data
Example #6
def get_header(tarball, info):
    name = info['name']
    dists = [fn[:-8] for fn in info['_dists']]
    dist0 = dists[0]
    assert name_dist(dist0) == 'python'

    has_license = bool('license_file' in info)
    ppd = ns_platform(info['_platform'])
    ppd['keep_pkgs'] = bool(info.get('keep_pkgs'))
    ppd['has_license'] = has_license
    for key in 'pre_install', 'post_install':
        ppd['has_%s' % key] = bool(key in info)

    install_lines = ['install_dist %s' % d for d in dists]
    # Needs to happen first -- can be templated
    replace = {
        'NAME': name,
        'name': name.lower(),
        'VERSION': info['version'],
        'PLAT': info['_platform'],
        'DIST0': dist0,
        'DEFAULT_PREFIX': info.get('default_prefix',
                                   '$HOME/%s' % name.lower()),
        'MD5': md5_file(tarball),
        'INSTALL_COMMANDS': '\n'.join(install_lines),
        'pycache': '__pycache__',
    if has_license:
        replace['LICENSE'] = read_ascii_only(info['license_file'])

    data = read_header_template()
    data = preprocess(data, ppd)
    data = fill_template(data, replace)
    n = data.count('\n')
    data = data.replace('@LINES@', str(n + 1))

    # note that this replacement does not change the size of the header,
    # which would result into an inconsistency
    n = len(data) + getsize(tarball)
    data = data.replace('@SIZE_BYTES@', '%12d' % n)
    assert len(data) + getsize(tarball) == n

    return data