Example #1
def _qrs3_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    """Temporal constraints of the third QRS complex"""
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, pattern.hypothesis.end)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    #If there is a previous QRS
    if beats.index(qrs) == 1:
        tnet.add_constraint(beats[0].time, qrs.time,
                          Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start + C.RR_MAX_DIFF, C.BRADY_RR.end))
    #If we have reached an initial state.
    if pattern.istate == 0:
        idx = beats.index(qrs)
        meanrr, stdrr = pattern.hypothesis.meas.rr
        minrr = (beats[1].time.start - beats[0].time.end if idx == 2
                                                             else meanrr-stdrr)
        tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx-1].time, qrs.time,
                              Iv(min(C.ASYSTOLE_RR.start, minrr+C.RR_MAX_DIFF),
        #The block time has to be higher than the mean RR plus the standard
        if meanrr > 0:
            tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx-1].time, qrs.time,
                      Iv(meanrr+stdrr, max(meanrr+stdrr, C.ASYSTOLE_RR.start)))
Example #2
 def tconst(pattern, qrs):
     Defines the temporal constraints function for the ectopic beat in an
     extrasystole, depending on its ventricular nature or not.
     BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
     tnet = pattern.last_tnet
     tnet.set_before(qrs.end, pattern.hypothesis.end)
     if ventricular:
         tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.VQRS_DUR)
     #It must be the third beat.
     beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
     idx = beats.index(qrs)
     #If there is a previous beat
     if idx > 0:
         tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx-1].time, qrs.time,
                                   Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, 0.9*C.BRADY_RR.end))
     #If all the previous evidence has been observed
     if pattern.istate == 0:
         #Anticipation of at least the 10% of the reference RR, or 1mm.
         if idx == 2:
             refrr = beats[1].time.end - beats[0].time.start
         elif pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0] is not pattern.finding:
             refrr = pattern.hypothesis.meas.rr[0]
             refrr = None
         if refrr is not None:
             short = min(0.1*refrr, C.TMARGIN)
             tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx-1].time, qrs.time,
                   Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, max(C.TACHY_RR.start, refrr-short)))
def eval_vflut(anns, _):
    """Evaluates the ventricular flutter presence"""
    lth, uth, dth = ms2sp(
        (4 * 60 + 45) * 1000), ms2sp(5 * 60 * 1000), ms2sp(3500)
    #We remove separations between consecutive flutter fragments
    i = 0
    while i < len(anns):
        if anns[i].code is ECGCodes.VFOFF:
            onset = next((j for j in range(i, len(anns))
                          if anns[j].code is ECGCodes.VFON), None)
            if onset is not None and anns[i].time == anns[onset].time:
                i -= 1
        i += 1
    vflim = (a for a in anns if a.code in (ECGCodes.VFON, ECGCodes.VFOFF))
    vfluts = []
    while True:
            beg = next(vflim)
            end = next(vflim)
            vfluts.append(Iv(beg.time, end.time))
        except StopIteration:
    #If the record shows many flutter fragments, we simply check some flutter
    #waves in the last 15 seconds.
    if sum(fl.length for fl in vfluts) > ms2sp(20000):
        vfw = [
            a.time for a in anns
            if a.code is ECGCodes.FLWAV and lth <= a.time <= uth
        return len(vfw) > 5
    interv = Iv(lth, uth)
    return any([interv.intersection(vflut).length > dth for vflut in vfluts])
Example #4
def _reg_ae_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for regular beats coming after ectopic beats.
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    assert _is_ectopic(idx - 1)
    tnet = pattern.tnet
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.NQRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #Constraints with the precedent T Wave
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
    #The first regular beat takes the reference RR from the previous rhythm
    #and the subsequent take the reference from the proper trigeminy.
    if idx == 2:
        refrr = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0].meas[0][0]
        refrr = beats[idx - 2].time.end - beats[idx - 3].time.start
    const = Iv(min(2 * refrr - C.RR_MAX_DIFF, refrr * C.COMPAUSE_MIN_F),
               max(2 * refrr + C.RR_MAX_DIFF, refrr * C.COMPAUSE_MAX_F))
    tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].time, qrs.time, const)
    tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].start, qrs.start, const)
    tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].end, qrs.end, const)
    #Compensatory pause RR constraints
    minrr = beats[idx - 1].time.start - beats[idx - 2].time.start
    maxrr = beats[idx - 1].time.end - beats[idx - 2].time.start
    mincompause = max(
        min(minrr * C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MIN_F, minrr + C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MIN))
    tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 1].time, qrs.time,
                        Iv(mincompause, maxrr * C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MAX_F))
    #The morphology should be similar to the previous non-ectopic QRS
    qrs.shape = beats[idx - 2].shape
    qrs.paced = beats[idx - 2].paced
Example #5
def _rdef_gconst(pattern, _):
    General constraints of the R-Deflection pattern, that simply looks in
    the global list for an appropriate annotation.
    if ANNOTS is None:
    leads = IN.SIG.get_available_leads()
    #We find all the annotations in the given interval.
    rdef = pattern.hypothesis
    beg = min(int(rdef.earlystart), IN.get_acquisition_point()) + IN._OFFSET
    end = min(int(rdef.lateend), IN.get_acquisition_point()) + IN._OFFSET
    dummy = MITAnnotation()
    dummy.time = beg
    bidx = ANNOTS.bisect_left(dummy)
    dummy.time = end
    eidx = ANNOTS.bisect_right(dummy)
    verify(eidx > bidx)
    selected = max(ANNOTS[bidx:eidx], key= operator.attrgetter('num'))
    time = selected.time - IN._OFFSET
    rdef.time.value = Iv(time, time)
    rdef.start.value = Iv(time, time)
    rdef.end.value = Iv(time, time)
    rdef.level = {lead : 127 for lead in leads}
    rdef.level[leads[selected.chan]] = 127 - selected.num
Example #6
 def _t_tconst(pattern, twave):
     Temporal constraints of the T wave.
     beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
     tnet = pattern.tnet
     qidx = qrsidx+len(beats) if qrsidx < 0 else qrsidx
     qrs = beats[qidx]
     if qidx < len(beats) - 1:
         tnet.set_before(twave.end, beats[qidx+1].start)
     if qidx > 0:
         refrr = qrs.time.end - pattern.evidence[o.QRS][qidx-1].time.start
         refrr = max(min(refrr, C.QTC_RR_LIMITS.end), C.QTC_RR_LIMITS.start)
         rtc, rtstd = pattern.hypothesis.meas.rt
         if rtc > 0:
             #Expected QT value from the QT corrected value
             rtmean = ms2sp(1000.0*sp2sc(rtc)*np.cbrt(sp2sc(refrr)))
             tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end, Iv(rtmean-2.5*rtstd,
             tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end,
                                           Iv(0, refrr - C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN))
         except ValueError:
     tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, twave.end, C.N_QT_INTERVAL)
     #ST interval
     tnet.add_constraint(qrs.end, twave.start, C.ST_INTERVAL)
Example #7
def _t_tconst(pattern, twave):
    Temporal constraints of the T Waves wrt the corresponding QRS complex.
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, twave)
    obseq = pattern.obs_seq
    idx = pattern.get_step(twave)
        tnet = pattern.last_tnet
        #We find the qrs observation precedent to this T wave.
        qrs = next(obseq[i] for i in xrange(idx - 1, -1, -1)
                   if isinstance(obseq[i], o.QRS))
        #If we have more than one QRS, it is possible to constrain even more
        #the location of the T-Wave, based on rhythm information.
        qidx = pattern.evidence[o.QRS].index(qrs)
        if qidx > 1:
            refrr = (
                (qrs.time.end - pattern.evidence[o.QRS][qidx - 2].time.start) /
            tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end,
                                Iv(0, refrr - C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN))
        if idx > 0 and isinstance(obseq[idx - 1], o.PWave):
            pwave = obseq[idx - 1]
                pwave.end, twave.start,
                Iv(C.ST_INTERVAL.start, C.PQ_INTERVAL.end + C.QRS_DUR.end))
        #ST interval
        tnet.add_constraint(qrs.end, twave.start, C.ST_INTERVAL)
        #QT duration
        tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, twave.end, C.N_QT_INTERVAL)
    except StopIteration:
Example #8
 def _qrs_tconst(pattern, qrs):
     Temporal constraints to observe a new QRS complex.
     beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
     idx = beats.index(qrs)
     hyp = pattern.hypothesis
     tnet = pattern.tnet
     obseq = pattern.obs_seq
     oidx = pattern.get_step(qrs)
     #The environment complex sets the start of the rhythm observation.
     if pattern.get_evidence_type(qrs)[1] is ENVIRONMENT:
         tnet.set_equal(hyp.start, qrs.time)
         if idx > 0:
             prev = beats[idx - 1]
             tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time, rr_bounds)
             if rr_bounds is not C.TACHY_RR:
                 #Also bounding on begin and end, but with relaxed variation
                 rlx_rrb = Iv(rr_bounds.start - C.TMARGIN,
                              rr_bounds.end + C.TMARGIN)
                 tnet.add_constraint(prev.start, qrs.start, rlx_rrb)
                 tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.end, rlx_rrb)
             tnet.set_before(prev.end, qrs.start)
             #If there is a prior T Wave, it must finish before the start
             #of the QRS complex.
             if isinstance(obseq[oidx - 1], o.TWave):
                 prevt = obseq[oidx - 1]
                 tnet.set_before(prevt.end, qrs.start)
             ##RR evolution constraint. We combine the statistical limits
             #with a dynamic evolution.
             if idx > 1:
                 prev2 = beats[idx - 2]
                 rrev = prev.time.start - prev2.time.start
                 if hyp.meas.rr[0] > 0:
                     meanrr, stdrr = hyp.meas.rr
                     const = Iv(
                         min(0.8 * rrev, rrev - C.RR_MAX_DIFF,
                             meanrr - 2 * stdrr),
                         max(1.2 * rrev, rrev + C.RR_MAX_DIFF,
                             meanrr + 2 * stdrr))
                     const = Iv(min(0.8 * rrev, rrev - C.RR_MAX_DIFF),
                                max(1.2 * rrev, rrev + C.RR_MAX_DIFF))
                 tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time, const)
             #TODO improve
             if not qrs.frozen and hyp.morph:
                 nullsh = o.QRSShape()
                 refbeat = next((b for b in reversed(beats[:idx])
                                 if not b.clustered and all(
                                     b.shape.get(lead, nullsh).tag ==
                                     for lead in hyp.morph)), None)
                 if refbeat is not None:
                     qrs.shape = refbeat.shape
                     qrs.paced = refbeat.paced
     tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
     tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
Example #9
def _t_gconst(pattern, defl):
    T Wave abstraction pattern general constraints, checked when all the
    evidence has been observed.
    twave = pattern.hypothesis
    if defl.earlystart != defl.latestart or not pattern.evidence[o.QRS]:
    qrs = pattern.evidence[o.QRS][0]
    #Wave limits
    beg = int(twave.earlystart)
    end = int(twave.lateend)
    ls_lim = int(twave.latestart - beg)
    ee_lim = int(twave.earlyend - beg)
    #Start and end estimation.
    endpoints = {}
    for lead in sorted(qrs.shape,
                       key=lambda l: qrs.shape[l].amplitude,
        baseline, _ = characterize_baseline(lead, beg, end)
        sig = sig_buf.get_signal_fragment(beg, end, lead=lead)[0]
        verify(len(sig) == end - beg + 1)
        ep = _delimit_t(sig, baseline, ls_lim, ee_lim, qrs.shape[lead])
        if ep is not None:
            endpoints[lead] = ep
    limits = max(endpoints.iteritems(), key=lambda ep: ep[1][1])[1][0]
    #We verify that in all leads the maximum slope of the T wave fragment does
    #not exceed the threshold.
    for lead in endpoints:
        sig = sig_buf.get_signal_fragment(beg + limits.start,
                                          beg + limits.end,
            np.max(np.abs(np.diff(sig))) <= qrs.shape[lead].maxslope *
        #Amplitude measure
        if lead in endpoints:
            mx, mn = np.amax(sig), np.amin(sig)
            pol = (1.0 if max(mx - sig[0], mx - sig[-1]) >=
                   -min(mn - sig[0], mn - sig[1]) else -1.0)
            twave.amplitude[lead] = pol * np.ptp(sig)
    twave.start.value = Iv(beg + limits.start, beg + limits.start)
    twave.end.value = Iv(beg + limits.end, beg + limits.end)
    #The duration of the T Wave must be greater than the QRS
    #(with a security margin)
    verify(twave.earlyend - twave.latestart > qrs.earlyend - qrs.latestart -
    #The overlapping between the energy interval and the T Wave must be at
    #least the half of the duration of the energy interval.
        Iv(twave.earlystart, twave.lateend).intersection(
            Iv(defl.earlystart, defl.lateend)).length >=
        (defl.lateend - defl.earlystart) / 2.0)
    #If the Deflection is a R-Deflection, we require a margin before
    #the end of the twave.
    if isinstance(defl, o.RDeflection):
        verify(twave.lateend - defl.time.end > C.TW_RDEF_MIN_DIST)
Example #10
 def _t_tconst(pattern, twave):
     Temporal constraints of the T Waves wrt the corresponding QRS complex.
     BASIC_TCONST(pattern, twave)
     tnet = pattern.last_tnet
     obseq = pattern.obs_seq
     idx = pattern.get_step(twave)
     beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
     qidx = qrsidx + len(beats) if qrsidx < 0 else qrsidx
     qrs = beats[qidx]
     if qidx > 1:
         refsq = beats[qidx - 1].earlystart - beats[qidx - 2].lateend
         tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end,
                             Iv(0, max(0, refsq - C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN)))
     if idx > 0 and isinstance(obseq[idx - 1], o.PWave):
         pwave = obseq[idx - 1]
             pwave.end, twave.start,
             Iv(C.ST_INTERVAL.start, C.PQ_INTERVAL.end + C.QRS_DUR.end))
     if qidx < len(beats) - 1:
         tnet.set_before(twave.end, beats[qidx + 1].start)
     #ST interval
     tnet.add_constraint(qrs.end, twave.start, C.ST_INTERVAL)
     #QT duration
     tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, twave.end, C.N_QT_INTERVAL)
     #RT variation
     if qidx % 2 == 0:
         rtmean, rtstd = pattern.hypothesis.meas.rt
         #We also define a constraint on T wave end based on the last
         #distance between normal and ectopic QRS.
         if qidx > 0:
                 qrs.end, twave.end,
                    beats[qidx - 1].earlystart - beats[qidx - 2].lateend))
         rts = _get_measures(pattern, 1)[2]
         rtmean, rtstd = np.mean(rts), np.std(rts)
     if rtmean > 0:
         #The mean and standard deviation of the PQ measurements will
         #influence the following observations.
         maxdiff = (C.QT_ERR_STD
                    if len(pattern.evidence[o.TWave]) < 10 else rtstd)
         maxdiff = max(maxdiff, C.MIN_QT_STD)
         interv = Iv(int(rtmean - 2.5 * maxdiff),
                     int(rtmean + 2.5 * maxdiff))
         #We avoid possible inconsistencies with constraint introduced by
         #the rhythm information.
             existing = tnet.get_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end).constraint
         except KeyError:
             existing = Iv(-np.inf, np.inf)
         if interv.overlap(existing):
             tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, twave.end, interv)
Example #11
 def _def_gconst(pattern, _):
     """General constraints for the energy interval abstraction pattern"""
     verify(pattern.hypothesis.lateend < np.inf)
     #The margin to group consecutive fragments is 1 mm
     #Limits for the detection.
     beg = int(pattern.hypothesis.earlystart)
     end = int(pattern.hypothesis.lateend)
     #Now we get the energy accumulated in all leads.
     energy = None
     for lead in sig_buf.get_available_leads():
         lenerg, fbeg, fend = sig_buf.get_energy_fragment(
             beg, end, TWINDOW, lead)
         energy = lenerg if energy is None else energy + lenerg
     if energy is None:
         return 0.0
     #We get the already published fragments affecting our temporal support.
     conflictive = []
     published = SortedList(obs_buf.get_observations(o.Deflection))
     idx = published.bisect_left(pattern.hypothesis)
     if idx > 0 and published[idx - 1].lateend > beg:
         idx -= 1
     while (idx < len(published) and Iv(beg, end).overlap(
             Iv(published[idx].earlystart, published[idx].lateend))):
             Iv(published[idx].earlystart - beg + fbeg,
                published[idx].lateend - beg + fbeg))
         idx += 1
     #We obtain the relative limits of the energy interval wrt the fragment
     iv_start = Iv(fbeg, fbeg + int(pattern.hypothesis.latestart - beg))
     iv_end = Iv(fend - int(end - pattern.hypothesis.earlyend), fend)
     #We look for the highest-level interval satisfying the limits.
     interval = None
     lev = 0
     while interval is None and lev <= 20:
         areas = [
             iv for iv in get_energy_intervals(energy, lev, group=TMARGIN)
             if iv.start in iv_start and iv.end in iv_end and all(
                 not iv.overlapm(ein) for ein in conflictive)
         #We sort the areas by energy, with the highest energy first.
             key=lambda interv: np.sum(energy[interv.start:interv.end + 1]),
         #Now we take the element indicated by the index.
         if len(areas) > int_idx:
             interval = areas[int_idx]
             lev += 1
     verify(interval is not None)
     pattern.hypothesis.start.set(interval.start + beg - fbeg,
                                  interval.start + beg - fbeg)
     pattern.hypothesis.end.set(interval.end + beg - fbeg,
                                interval.end + beg - fbeg)
     for lead in sig_buf.get_available_leads():
         pattern.hypothesis.level[lead] = lev
Example #12
def _reg_qrs_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for regular beats, which appear after every ectopic
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.NQRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #Constraints with the precedent T Wave
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
    #The environment QRS complex determines the beginning of the bigeminy.
    if pattern.get_evidence_type(qrs)[1] is ENV:
        tnet.set_equal(hyp.start, qrs.time)
        #The first regular beat takes the reference RR from the previous rhythm
        #and the subsequent take the reference from the proper bigeminy.
        if idx == 2:
            refrr, stdrr = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0].meas[0]
            max_var = max(2 * C.RR_MAX_DIFF, 4 * stdrr)
                beats[0].time, qrs.time,
                Iv(min(2 * refrr - max_var, refrr * C.COMPAUSE_MIN_F),
                   max(2 * refrr + max_var, refrr * C.COMPAUSE_MAX_F)))
            ref2rr = beats[idx - 2].time.end - beats[idx - 4].time.start
            mrr, srr = hyp.meas.rr
            const = Iv(min(ref2rr - 2 * C.RR_MAX_DIFF, 2 * mrr - 4 * srr),
                       max(ref2rr + 2 * C.RR_MAX_DIFF, 2 * mrr + 4 * srr))
            tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].time, qrs.time, const)
            tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].start, qrs.start, const)
            tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 2].end, qrs.end, const)
        #We guide the morphology search to be similar to the previous regular
        #QRS complex.
        qrs.shape = beats[idx - 2].shape
        qrs.paced = beats[idx - 2].paced
        #Compensatory pause RR
        minrr = beats[idx - 1].time.start - beats[idx - 2].time.end
        maxrr = beats[idx - 1].time.end - beats[idx - 2].time.start
        refcompause = (beats[idx - 2].time.start -
                       beats[idx - 3].time.start if idx > 2 else maxrr *
        mincompause = max(
            C.COMPAUSE_MIN_DUR, maxrr,
            min(minrr * C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MIN_F, refcompause - C.TMARGIN,
                minrr + C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MIN))
        tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 1].time, qrs.time,
                            Iv(mincompause, maxrr * C.COMPAUSE_RREXT_MAX_F))
        #Beats cannot overlap
        tnet.add_constraint(beats[idx - 1].end, qrs.start,
                            Iv(C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN, np.Inf))
Example #13
def combine_energy_intervals(dicts, margin=ms2sp(20)):
    Combines the overlapping observations in several dicts in the result format
    of the get_deflection_observations() function.

        List of dictionaries. The combination is always performed to the
        first dictionary.
        Dictionary that stores the score for each observation. For overlapping
        observations, the result score is the sum of the overlapped
        Group margin. Intervals separated by less than this margin are removed.
    chain = it.chain.from_iterable
    dict1 = dicts[0]
    for wint in chain(dict1.values()):
        for i in range(1, len(dicts)):
            conflictive = []
            for lst in dicts[i].values():
                if not lst:
                idx = bisect.bisect_left(lst, wint)
                #We go to the first real index
                while (idx > 0 and lst[idx - 1].lateend + margin >=
                       wint.earlystart - margin):
                    idx -= 1
                #Now we search for overlapping intervals
                while (idx < len(lst) and
                       lst[idx].earlystart - margin <= wint.lateend + margin):
                    w = lst[idx]
                    if Iv(w.earlystart - margin, w.lateend + margin).overlap(
                            Iv(wint.earlystart - margin,
                               wint.lateend + margin)):
                    idx += 1
            if conflictive:
                alleads = set.union(*(set(w.level.keys())
                                      for w in conflictive)) - set(
                for lead in alleads:
                    wint.level[lead] = min(
                        w.level.get(lead, np.Inf) for w in conflictive)
                for wconf in conflictive:
Example #14
def _ect_qrs_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for ectopic beats, which appear after every regular
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    if idx > 0:
        prev = beats[idx - 1]
        #After the second couplet, every ectopic beat introduces a new temporal
        #network in the pattern to make it easier the minimization.
        if idx > 3:
            tnet.remove_constraint(hyp.end, prev.time)
            #We create a new temporal network for the cyclic observations
            tnet = ConstraintNetwork()
            #The duration of each couplet should not have high instantaneous
            refrr = beats[idx - 2].time.end - beats[idx - 3].time.start
                prev.time, qrs.time,
                Iv(refrr - C.RR_MAX_DIFF, refrr + C.RR_MAX_DIFF))
            #We guide the morphology search to be similar to the previous
            #ectopic QRS complex.
            qrs.shape = beats[idx - 2].shape
        #The reference RR varies from an upper limit to the last measurement,
        #through the contextual previous rhythm.
        refrr = C.BRADY_RR.end
        stdrr = 0.1 * refrr
        if pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm] and idx == 1:
            mrr, srr = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0].meas.rr
            if mrr > 0:
                refrr, stdrr = mrr, srr
        elif idx > 1:
            refrr, stdrr = hyp.meas.rr
        #Ectopic beats must be advanced wrt the reference RR
            prev.time, qrs.time,
            Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, max(C.TACHY_RR.start, refrr - stdrr)))
        #Beats cannot overlap
        tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.start, Iv(C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN, np.Inf))
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #Constraints with the precedent T Wave
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
Example #15
def _prev_rhythm_tconst(pattern, rhythm):
    """Temporal constraints of the flutter with the precedent rhythm"""
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, rhythm)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    tnet.set_equal(pattern.hypothesis.start, rhythm.end)
    tnet.add_constraint(pattern.hypothesis.start, pattern.hypothesis.end,
                        Iv(C.VFLUT_MIN_DUR, np.inf))
Example #16
def _prev_rhythm_tconst(pattern, rhythm):
    """Temporal constraints of a cardiac rhythm with the precedent one."""
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, rhythm)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    tnet.set_equal(pattern.hypothesis.start, rhythm.end)
    tnet.add_constraint(pattern.hypothesis.start, pattern.hypothesis.end,
                                      Iv(2*C.TACHY_RR.start, 3*C.BRADY_RR.end))
Example #17
def _qrs_fin_npause_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints of the fourth beat in an extrasystole without
    compensatory pause.
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    tnet.set_equal(pattern.hypothesis.end, qrs.time)
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    #We need all previous evidence
    if pattern.istate == 0:
        step = pattern.get_step(qrs)
        twave = pattern.trseq[step-1][1]
        if isinstance(twave, o.TWave):
            tnet.set_before(twave.end, qrs.start)
        #Reference RR
        minrr = (beats[1].time.start - beats[0].time.end if len(beats) == 4
                                            else pattern.hypothesis.meas.rr[0])
        maxrr = (beats[1].time.end - beats[0].time.start if len(beats) == 4
                                            else pattern.hypothesis.meas.rr[0])
        tnet.add_constraint(beats[-3].time, qrs.time,
                              Iv(minrr - C.RR_MAX_DIFF, maxrr + C.RR_MAX_DIFF))
        #The last QRS should have the same morphology than the one before the
        qrs.shape = beats[-3].shape
Example #18
def _delimit_p(signal, lead, es_lim, ls_lim, ee_lim):
    Performs the delimitation of a P wave in a signal fragment. If a waveform
    compatible with a P wave cannot be found, returns None, else return an
    Interval within signal length.
    #shape simplification (ignoring the environment signal)
    delta = ph2dg(0.02)
    points = DP.arrayRDP(signal[int(es_lim):], delta, 6) + int(es_lim)
    #If no relevant disturbances are detected, there is no a P wave
    if len(points) == 2:
        return None
    #Now we look for the shorter limits that satisfy the P-Wave classifier.
    cand = None
    i = next(k for k in range(len(points)-1, -1, -1) if points[k] <= ls_lim)
    while i >= 0:
        j = next(k for k in range(i+1, len(points)) if points[k] >= ee_lim)
        while j < len(points):
            sigfr = signal[points[i]:points[j]+1]
            #We consider a good P wave environment if the signal has no
            #amplitude variations
            beg = int(max(0, points[i]-C.PWAVE_ENV))
            plainenv = not np.any(signal[beg:points[i]+1]-signal[beg])
            #The minimum threshold varies with the environment quality
            ampthres = C.PWAVE_MIN_AMP if not plainenv else delta
            if (seems_pwave(sigfr, lead) and np.ptp(sigfr) >= ampthres):
                cand = (points[i], points[j])
            j += 1
        if cand is not None:
        i -= 1
    return None if cand is None else Iv(int(cand[0]-es_lim),
Example #19
def _qrs_tconst(pattern, rdef):
    Adds the temporal constraints of the QRS abstraction pattern automata.
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    qrs = pattern.hypothesis
    #QRS complex duration constraint
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    #Constraints related to the peak of the complex.
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.time, Iv(C.QRS_START_PK,
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.time, qrs.end, Iv(C.QRS_PK_END, np.inf))
    #Constraints between QRS and R-Deflection
    tnet.add_constraint(rdef.time, qrs.start,
                        Iv(-C.QRS_RDEF_DMAX, C.QRS_RDEF_DMAX))
    tnet.add_constraint(rdef.time, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
Example #20
def _qrs_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for the QRS complexes.
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    tnet = pattern.tnet
    obseq = pattern.obs_seq
    oidx = pattern.get_step(qrs)
    if idx > 0:
        prev = beats[idx-1]
        rr_bounds = Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, C.BRADY_RR.end)
        tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time, rr_bounds)
        tnet.add_constraint(prev.start, qrs.start, rr_bounds)
        tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.end, rr_bounds)
        tnet.set_before(prev.end, qrs.start)
        #If there is a prior T Wave, it must finish before the start
        #of the QRS complex.
        if isinstance(obseq[oidx-1], o.TWave):
            prevt = obseq[oidx-1]
            tnet.set_before(prevt.end, qrs.start)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #We can introduce constraints on the morphology of the new QRS complex.
    if hyp.morph and not qrs.frozen:
        qrs.shape = hyp.morph
Example #21
def _reg_nae_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for regular beats not coming after ectopic beats.
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    assert not _is_ectopic(idx)
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    prev = beats[idx - 1]
    if idx > 3:
        #We create a new temporal network for the new trigeminy cycle.
        tnet.remove_constraint(hyp.end, prev.time)
        tnet = ConstraintNetwork()
        rrev = beats[idx - 3].time.start - beats[idx - 4].time.start
    ##RR evolution constraint.
        rrev = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0].meas.rr[0]
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time,
                        Iv(rrev - C.RR_MAX_DIFF, rrev + C.RR_MAX_DIFF))
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.NQRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #Constraints with the precedent T Wave
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
    #Morphology should be similar to the previous QRS, since both are normal
    qrs.shape = prev.shape
    qrs.paced = prev.paced
Example #22
def QT_FROM_RR(rr):
    Returns the interval of acceptable QT durations with the given RR
    intervals. It applies a linear regression model with the coefficients
    obtained from the referenced study.
    return Iv(m2s(220) + 0.1 * rr.start, m2s(240) + 0.25 * rr.end)
Example #23
def _prev_afib_tconst(pattern, afib):
    Temporal constraints of the fibrillation wrt a previous atrial
    fibrillation that will helps us to reduce the necessary evidence
    pattern.tnet.add_constraint(afib.end, pattern.hypothesis.start,
                                                       Iv(0, C.AFIB_MAX_DELAY))
Example #24
 def _p_tconst(pattern, pwave):
     """P waves temporal constraints"""
     BASIC_TCONST(pattern, pwave)
     tnet = pattern.last_tnet
     tnet.add_constraint(pwave.start, pwave.end, C.PW_DURATION)
     #We find the associated QRS.
     beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
     qidx = qrsidx + len(beats) if qrsidx < 0 else qrsidx
     qrs = beats[qidx]
     if qidx > 0:
         tnet.set_before(beats[qidx - 1].end, pwave.start)
     tnet.add_constraint(pwave.start, qrs.start, C.N_PR_INTERVAL)
     tnet.set_before(pwave.end, qrs.start)
     if len(pattern.evidence[o.PWave]) > 10:
         #The mean and standard deviation of the PQ measurements will
         #influence the following observations.
         if qidx % 2 == 0:
             pqmean, pqstd = pattern.hypothesis.meas.pq
             pqs = _get_measures(pattern, True)[2]
             pqmean, pqstd = np.mean(pqs), np.std(pqs)
         if not np.isnan(pqmean) and not np.isnan(pqstd):
             interv = Iv(int(pqmean - 2 * pqstd), int(pqmean + 2 * pqstd))
             if interv.overlap(C.N_PR_INTERVAL):
                 tnet.add_constraint(pwave.start, qrs.start, interv)
Example #25
 def _pair_gconst(pattern, _):
     General constraints to be satisfied when a regular rhythm consists
     of only two beats.
     if pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm]:
         prhythm = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0]
         rhythm = pattern.hypothesis
         #Previous rhythm cannot be a regular rhythm.
         verify(not isinstance(prhythm, o.RegularCardiacRhythm))
         mrr, stdrr = prhythm.meas.rr
         beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
         rr = beats[-1].time.start - beats[0].time.start
         verify(rr in rr_bounds)
         #Avoid duplicate hypotheses with overlapping rhythms.
         if pattern.automata is SINUS_PATTERN:
             verify(C.TACHY_RR.end < rr < C.BRADY_RR.start)
         maxvar = max(C.TMARGIN, min(C.RR_MAX_DIFF, 2.5 * stdrr))
         verify(rr in Iv(mrr - maxvar, mrr + maxvar))
         #Besides being in rhythm, the two beats must share the morphology.
         verify(signal_match(beats[0].shape, beats[1].shape))
         #The amplitude difference is also constrained
         for lead in beats[0].shape:
             if lead in beats[1].shape:
                 samp, qamp = (beats[0].shape[lead].amplitude,
                     min(samp, qamp) /
                     max(samp, qamp) >= C.MISSED_QRS_MAX_DIFF)
         rhythm.meas = o.CycleMeasurements(
             (rr, stdrr), (prhythm.meas.rt[0], C.QT_ERR_STD),
             (prhythm.meas.pq[0], C.QT_ERR_STD))
Example #26
def _qrsn_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for the QRS complexes.
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    obseq = pattern.obs_seq
    oidx = pattern.get_step(qrs)
    prev = beats[idx-1]
    #In cyclic observations, we have to introduce more networks to simplify
    #the minimization operation.
    tnet.remove_constraint(hyp.end, prev.time)
    tnet = ConstraintNetwork()
    meanrr, stdrr = pattern.hypothesis.meas.rr
    rr_bounds = Iv(min(C.ASYSTOLE_RR.start, meanrr-stdrr+C.RR_MAX_DIFF),
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time, rr_bounds)
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.start, qrs.start, rr_bounds)
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.end, rr_bounds)
    tnet.set_before(prev.end, qrs.start)
    #If there is a prior T Wave, it must finish before the start
    #of the QRS complex.
    if isinstance(obseq[oidx-1], o.TWave):
        prevt = obseq[oidx-1]
        tnet.set_before(prevt.end, qrs.start)
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #We can introduce constraints on the morphology of the new QRS complex.
    if hyp.morph and not qrs.frozen:
        qrs.shape = hyp.morph
Example #27
def _qrs_env_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    """Temporal constraints of the second environment QRS complex"""
    pattern.tnet.set_equal(pattern.hypothesis.start, qrs.time)
    if pattern.evidence[o.QRS].index(qrs) == 1:
        prev = pattern.evidence[o.QRS][0]
        pattern.tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time,
                                    Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, C.BRADY_RR.end))
Example #28
def _v1_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    """Temporal constraints of the second extrasystole in the couplet"""
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    prev = beats[idx - 1]
    #The second extrasystole must be shorter or approximately equal to the
    #first one, so we give the standard margin for the RR increasing.
    refrr = prev.time.end - beats[idx - 2].time.start
    const = Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, refrr + C.ICOUPLET_MAX_DIFF)
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.time, qrs.time, const)
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.end, const)
    tnet.add_constraint(prev.end, qrs.start, Iv(C.TQ_INTERVAL_MIN, np.Inf))
    #The second extrasystole should include also the same RR shortening
    #constraints of the first one.
    _v0_tconst(pattern, qrs)
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
Example #29
def _qrs0_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints of the QRS complex that must be at the beginning of
    the flutter.
    pattern.tnet.set_equal(pattern.hypothesis.start, qrs.time)
    pattern.tnet.add_constraint(pattern.hypothesis.start, pattern.hypothesis.end,
                                                   Iv(C.VFLUT_MIN_DUR, np.inf))
Example #30
def _ect_qrs_tconst(pattern, qrs):
    Temporal constraints for ectopic beats, which appear after every pair of
    regular beats.
    beats = pattern.evidence[o.QRS]
    idx = beats.index(qrs)
    tnet = pattern.last_tnet
    hyp = pattern.hypothesis
    BASIC_TCONST(pattern, qrs)
    tnet.add_constraint(qrs.start, qrs.end, C.QRS_DUR)
    tnet.set_before(qrs.time, hyp.end)
    #Constraints with the precedent T Wave
    _qrs_after_twave(pattern, qrs)
    #This check is needed because there is an abduction point invoking this
    if idx > 0:
        assert _is_ectopic(idx)
        prev = beats[idx - 1]
        #The interval between ectopic beats should also be stable.
        if idx > 6:
            refrr = beats[idx - 3].time.end - beats[idx - 4].time.start
                prev.time, qrs.time,
                Iv(refrr - C.RR_MAX_DIFF, refrr + C.RR_MAX_DIFF))
        #The reference RR varies from an upper limit to the last measurement,
        #through the contextual previous rhythm.
        refrr = C.BRADY_RR.end
        stdrr = 0.1 * refrr
        if pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm] and idx == 1:
            mrr, srr = pattern.evidence[o.Cardiac_Rhythm][0].meas.rr
            if mrr > 0:
                refrr, stdrr = mrr, srr
        elif idx > 1:
            refrr, stdrr = hyp.meas.rr
            #There must be an instantaneous shortening of the RR.
            prevrr = prev.time.end - beats[idx - 2].time.start
                prev.time, qrs.time,
                Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, max(C.TACHY_RR.start,
                                         prevrr - C.TMARGIN)))
        #Ectopic beats must be advanced wrt the reference RR.
            prev.time, qrs.time,
            Iv(C.TACHY_RR.start, max(C.TACHY_RR.start, refrr - stdrr)))
        tnet.set_before(prev.end, qrs.start)