def test_post_bring_back(self, mock_post): e = Event(node=self.node, a=[Properties(a='b')], b='c', bringBackProperties=Properties(type='EXTERNAL_ID', value='01'), d=Properties(f='g', h=Properties(i='j')), k=dict(l=Properties(m='n', o='p'))) mock_post.assert_called_with(self.base_url, headers=self.headers_expected, json={ 'bringBackProperties': { 'type': 'EXTERNAL_ID', 'value': '01', 'nodeId': self.node.node_id }, 'a': [{ 'a': 'b' }], 'b': 'c', 'd': { 'f': 'g', 'h': { 'i': 'j' } }, 'k': { 'l': { 'm': 'n', 'o': 'p' } } })
def test_post(self, mock_post): e = Event(node=self.node, a=[Properties(a='b')], b='c', d=Properties(f='g', h=Properties(i='j')), k=dict(l=Properties(m='n', o='p'))) mock_post.assert_called_with(self.base_url, headers=self.headers_expected, json={ 'a': [{ 'a': 'b' }], 'b': 'c', 'd': { 'f': 'g', 'h': { 'i': 'j' } }, 'k': { 'l': { 'm': 'n', 'o': 'p' } } })
def test_to_dict(self): e = Event( node=self.node, a=Properties(b=Properties(c=Properties(d=Properties(e='f'))))) assert e.to_dict() == { 'a': { 'b': { 'c': { 'd': { 'e': 'f' } } } } }, e.to_dict()
def get_event(self, id): """ Get a single event by its own id :param id: the id of the event to get :return: a new Event object representing the fetched event """ return Event(node=self, **self.event_api_manager.get(_id=id))
def test_get_event_from_customers(self, mock_get_customers, mock_get_events): events = self.node.get_customers()[0].get_events() assert isinstance(events, PaginatedList), type(events) assert isinstance(events[0], Event), type(events[0]) try: events.append(Event(node=self.node)) except ValueError as e: assert 'Read Only' in str(e)
def add_event(self, **attributes): """ Add an event in this node. For adding it and associate with a known customer, specify the customer id in the attributes of the Event. For associate it to an external Id or a session id of a customer, specify in the bringBackProperties object like: {'type':'EXTERNAL_ID', 'value':'value', 'nodeId':'nodeId' } :param attributes: the attributes of the event to add in the node :return: a new Event object representing the event added in this node """ convert_properties_obj_in_prop(properties=attributes, properties_class=Properties) return Event(node=self, **attributes)
def test_list_properies_constructor(self): e = Event(node=self.node, a=[Properties(a='b')]) assert e.attributes == {'a': [{'a': 'b'}]}, e.attributes
def test_list_properies(self): e = Event(node=self.node) e.a = [Properties(a='b')] assert e.attributes == {'a': [{'a': 'b'}]}, e.attributes
def test_event_from_dict(self): d = {} e = Event.from_dict(node=self.node, attributes=d) assert e.attributes is d, (e.attributes, d)
def test_event_from_dict_void(self): e = Event.from_dict(node=self.node) assert e.attributes == {}, e.attributes
def test_create_new_event_properties(self): e = Event(node=self.node) = Properties(attr='attr') assert isinstance(, Properties), type(