Example #1
def editcontact(request, id):
    contact = Contact.objects.get(id=id)  # re-get the contact from the db to make sure it's the current data.
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = AddContact(request.POST, instance=contact)
        if form.is_valid():
            # TODO: If state is set and nothing else in the address is set, set the state blank.
            # Update the contact
            contact = form.save()
            # log it in the history
            contacteditlog(request, contact, "Contact updated.")
            # return to this form, or to the search results.
            if request.POST['submit'] == "Save and close":
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/contacts/search/results")
            # else, return to this form (meaning, render it as if it hadn't been a post, but with error messages)
    else:  # request.method == GET
        form = AddContact(instance=contact)
    cform = form
    return render_to_response('contacts/edit.html', locals())
Example #2
def add(request):
    # initialize session data
    request.session['newcontacts'] = []
    request.session['newcontactscsv'] = []
    request.session['existingcontacts'] = []
    request.session['existingcontactscsv'] = []
    request.session['badcontacts'] = []
    request.session['badcontactscsv'] = []

    if (request.method == "POST"):
        form = AddContact(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # add the contact and redirect to /contacts/new
            line = copy.deepcopy(form.cleaned_data)
            savecontact(request, form, line)
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/contacts/new/')
        form = AddContact()
    return render_to_response('contacts/add.html', locals())