Example #1
class ZiplineTestCase(with_metaclass(FinalMeta, TestCase)):
    Shared extensions to core unittest.TestCase.

    Overrides the default unittest setUp/tearDown functions with versions that
    use ExitStack to correctly clean up resources, even in the face of
    exceptions that occur during setUp/setUpClass.

    Subclasses **should not override setUp or setUpClass**!

    Instead, they should implement `init_instance_fixtures` for per-test-method
    resources, and `init_class_fixtures` for per-class resources.

    Resources that need to be cleaned up should be registered using
    either `enter_{class,instance}_context` or `add_{class,instance}_callback}.
    _in_setup = False

    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Hold a set of all the "static" attributes on the class. These are
        # things that are not populated after the class was created like
        # methods or other class level attributes.
        cls._static_class_attributes = set(vars(cls))
        cls._class_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_class_fixtures() was not called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode init_class_fixtures"
                " without calling super().")

    def init_class_fixtures(cls):
        Override and implement this classmethod to register resources that
        should be created and/or torn down on a per-class basis.

        Subclass implementations of this should always invoke this with super()
        to ensure that fixture mixins work properly.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Called init_class_fixtures from init_instance_fixtures.'
                'Did you write super(..., self).init_class_fixtures() instead'
                ' of super(..., self).init_instance_fixtures()?', )
        cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        # We need to get this before it's deleted by the loop.
        stack = cls._class_teardown_stack
        for name in set(vars(cls)) - cls._static_class_attributes:
            # Remove all of the attributes that were added after the class was
            # constructed. This cleans up any large test data that is class
            # scoped while still allowing subclasses to access class level
            # attributes.
            delattr(cls, name)

    def enter_class_context(cls, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager to be exited during the tearDownClass
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to enter a class context in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call enter_instance_context?', )
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_class_callback(cls, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDownClass.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of the test suite.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to add a class callback in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call add_instance_callback?', )
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.callback(callback)

    def setUp(self):
        type(self)._in_setup = True
        self._pre_setup_attrs = set(vars(self))
        self._instance_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_instance_fixtures() was not"
                " called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode"
                " init_instance_fixtures without calling super().")
            type(self)._in_setup = False

    def init_instance_fixtures(self):
        self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDown(self):
        # We need to get this before it's deleted by the loop.
        stack = self._instance_teardown_stack
        for attr in set(vars(self)) - self._pre_setup_attrs:
            delattr(self, attr)

    def enter_instance_context(self, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager that should be exited during tearDown.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_instance_callback(self, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDown.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of each test.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.callback(callback)
Example #2
class ZiplineTestCase(with_metaclass(FinalMeta, TestCase)):
    Shared extensions to core unittest.TestCase.

    Overrides the default unittest setUp/tearDown functions with versions that
    use ExitStack to correctly clean up resources, even in the face of
    exceptions that occur during setUp/setUpClass.

    Subclasses **should not override setUp or setUpClass**!

    Instead, they should implement `init_instance_fixtures` for per-test-method
    resources, and `init_class_fixtures` for per-class resources.

    Resources that need to be cleaned up should be registered using
    either `enter_{class,instance}_context` or `add_{class,instance}_callback}.
    _in_setup = False

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls._class_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_class_fixtures() was not called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode init_class_fixtures"
                " without calling super().")

    def init_class_fixtures(cls):
        Override and implement this classmethod to register resources that
        should be created and/or torn down on a per-class basis.

        Subclass implementations of this should always invoke this with super()
        to ensure that fixture mixins work properly.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Called init_class_fixtures from init_instance_fixtures.'
                'Did you write super(..., self).init_class_fixtures() instead'
                ' of super(..., self).init_instance_fixtures()?', )
        cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def enter_class_context(cls, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager to be exited during the tearDownClass
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to enter a class context in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call enter_instance_context?', )
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_class_callback(cls, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDownClass.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of the test suite.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to add a class callback in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call add_instance_callback?', )
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.callback(callback)

    def setUp(self):
        type(self)._in_setup = True
        self._instance_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_instance_fixtures() was not"
                " called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode"
                " init_instance_fixtures without calling super().")
            type(self)._in_setup = False

    def init_instance_fixtures(self):
        self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDown(self):

    def enter_instance_context(self, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager that should be exited during tearDown.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_instance_callback(self, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDown.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of each test.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.callback(callback)
Example #3
class ZiplineTestCase(with_metaclass(FinalMeta, TestCase)):
    Shared extensions to core unittest.TestCase.

    Overrides the default unittest setUp/tearDown functions with versions that
    use ExitStack to correctly clean up resources, even in the face of
    exceptions that occur during setUp/setUpClass.

    Subclasses **should not override setUp or setUpClass**!

    Instead, they should implement `init_instance_fixtures` for per-test-method
    resources, and `init_class_fixtures` for per-class resources.

    Resources that need to be cleaned up should be registered using
    either `enter_{class,instance}_context` or `add_{class,instance}_callback}.
    _in_setup = False

    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Hold a set of all the "static" attributes on the class. These are
        # things that are not populated after the class was created like
        # methods or other class level attributes.
        cls._static_class_attributes = set(vars(cls))
        cls._class_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_class_fixtures() was not called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode init_class_fixtures"
                " without calling super()."

    def init_class_fixtures(cls):
        Override and implement this classmethod to register resources that
        should be created and/or torn down on a per-class basis.

        Subclass implementations of this should always invoke this with super()
        to ensure that fixture mixins work properly.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Called init_class_fixtures from init_instance_fixtures.'
                'Did you write super(..., self).init_class_fixtures() instead'
                ' of super(..., self).init_instance_fixtures()?',
        cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        # We need to get this before it's deleted by the loop.
        stack = cls._class_teardown_stack
        for name in set(vars(cls)) - cls._static_class_attributes:
            # Remove all of the attributes that were added after the class was
            # constructed. This cleans up any large test data that is class
            # scoped while still allowing subclasses to access class level
            # attributes.
            delattr(cls, name)

    def enter_class_context(cls, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager to be exited during the tearDownClass
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to enter a class context in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call enter_instance_context?',
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_class_callback(cls, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDownClass.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of the test suite.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to add a class callback in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call add_instance_callback?',
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.callback(callback)

    def setUp(self):
        type(self)._in_setup = True
        self._pre_setup_attrs = set(vars(self))
        self._instance_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_instance_fixtures() was not"
                " called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode"
                " init_instance_fixtures without calling super()."
            type(self)._in_setup = False

    def init_instance_fixtures(self):
        self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDown(self):
        # We need to get this before it's deleted by the loop.
        stack = self._instance_teardown_stack
        for attr in set(vars(self)) - self._pre_setup_attrs:
            delattr(self, attr)

    def enter_instance_context(self, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager that should be exited during tearDown.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_instance_callback(self, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDown.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of each test.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.callback(callback)
Example #4
class ZiplineTestCase(with_metaclass(FinalMeta, TestCase)):
    Shared extensions to core unittest.TestCase.

    Overrides the default unittest setUp/tearDown functions with versions that
    use ExitStack to correctly clean up resources, even in the face of
    exceptions that occur during setUp/setUpClass.

    Subclasses **should not override setUp or setUpClass**!

    Instead, they should implement `init_instance_fixtures` for per-test-method
    resources, and `init_class_fixtures` for per-class resources.

    Resources that need to be cleaned up should be registered using
    either `enter_{class,instance}_context` or `add_{class,instance}_callback}.
    _in_setup = False

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls._class_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_class_fixtures() was not called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode init_class_fixtures"
                " without calling super()."

    def init_class_fixtures(cls):
        Override and implement this classmethod to register resources that
        should be created and/or torn down on a per-class basis.

        Subclass implementations of this should always invoke this with super()
        to ensure that fixture mixins work properly.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Called init_class_fixtures from init_instance_fixtures.'
                'Did you write super(..., self).init_class_fixtures() instead'
                ' of super(..., self).init_instance_fixtures()?',
        cls._base_init_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def enter_class_context(cls, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager to be exited during the tearDownClass
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to enter a class context in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call enter_instance_context?',
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_class_callback(cls, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDownClass.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of the test suite.
        if cls._in_setup:
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to add a class callback in init_instance_fixtures.'
                '\nDid you mean to call add_instance_callback?',
        return cls._class_teardown_stack.callback(callback)

    def setUp(self):
        type(self)._in_setup = True
        self._instance_teardown_stack = ExitStack()
            self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = False
            assert self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called, (
                "ZiplineTestCase.init_instance_fixtures() was not"
                " called.\n"
                "This probably means that you overrode"
                " init_instance_fixtures without calling super()."
            type(self)._in_setup = False

    def init_instance_fixtures(self):
        self._init_instance_fixtures_was_called = True

    def tearDown(self):

    def enter_instance_context(self, context_manager):
        Enter a context manager that should be exited during tearDown.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.enter_context(context_manager)

    def add_instance_callback(self, callback):
        Register a callback to be executed during tearDown.

        callback : callable
            The callback to invoke at the end of each test.
        return self._instance_teardown_stack.callback(callback)