def get(self, mode=""): google_user = users.get_current_user() if google_user is None: self.redirect(users.create_login_url("/login")) # last_access_timeを記録 user = User.gql("WHERE user_id=:1 and service=:2", google_user.user_id(), "google").get() if user is None: user = User( user_id=google_user.user_id(), name=google_user.nickname(),, service="google", access_token=None, google_user=google_user, post_key="control",, ) user.put() session = Session(self.request, self.response) if mode == "mlogin": self.redirect("/mhome?xoauth_requestor_id=" + user.user_id) return self.redirect("/")
def get(self, mode=""): google_user = users.get_current_user() if google_user is None: self.redirect(users.create_login_url('/login')) # last_access_timeを記録 user = User.gql("WHERE user_id=:1 and service=:2", google_user.user_id(), "google").get() if user is None: user = User(user_id=google_user.user_id(), name=google_user.nickname(),, service='google', access_token=None, google_user=google_user, post_key='control', user.put() session = Session(self.request, self.response) if mode == 'mlogin': self.redirect('/mhome?xoauth_requestor_id=' + user.user_id) return self.redirect('/')
def get_bad_products(category: str, session: Session) -> List[Product]: """ Get bad products from given category in user database. :param category: Category to filter on :param session: Session :return: List[Product] """ stmt = """ SELECT p.brands, '',, p.nutriscore_grade, p.packaging_tags, p.product_name_fr, '', p.url FROM Product_Category_Association as pca INNER JOIN Products as p ON pca.product_id = INNER JOIN Categories as c ON pca.category_id = WHERE pca.category_id = (SELECT id FROM Categories WHERE name = %s) AND 'D' <= p.nutriscore_grade """ products =, (category, )) bad_products: List[Product] = choices( [Product(*args) for args in products], k=ITEM_DISPLAYED) return bad_products
def insert_in_database(self, session: Session, stores: List[Store]) -> None: """ Method to put all stores in database. :param session: Session :param stores: list containing all stores on OpenFoodFacts :return: None """ columns = sorted(stores[0].__dict__.keys()) values = [] for store in stores: values.append((str(uuid1()),, store.url)) stmt = session.prepare_insert_statement(self.table, columns) session.insert(stmt, values)
def insert_in_database(self, categories: List[Category], session: Session) -> None: """ Put categories in user's database. :param categories: List containing all categories on OpenFoodFacts :param session: Session :return: None """ columns = sorted(categories[0].__dict__.keys()) values = [] for category in categories: values.append( (str(uuid1()),, category.off_id, category.url)) stmt = session.prepare_insert_statement(self.table, columns) session.insert(stmt, values)
def insert_products_in_database(self, products: List[Product], session: Session) -> None: """ Insert products in user's database. :param products: List of products to insert in database :param session: Session :return: None """ columns = sorted(products[0].__dict__.keys()) category_association = [] store_association = [] values = [] for product in products: product_id = str(uuid1()) values.append( (product.brands, ', '.join(product.categories_tags), product_id, product.nutriscore_grade, ', '.join(product.packaging_tags) if product.packaging_tags else None, product.product_name_fr, ', '.join(product.stores_tags), product.url)) for category in product.categories_tags: category_association.append((product_id, category)) for store in product.stores_tags: store_association.append((product_id, store)) stmt_category_association = """ INSERT IGNORE INTO Product_Category_Association (product_id, category_id) VALUES (%s, (SELECT id FROM Categories WHERE off_id = %s)) """ stmt_store_association = """ INSERT IGNORE INTO Product_Store_Association (product_id, store_id) VALUES (%s, (SELECT id FROM Stores WHERE name = %s)) """ stmt = session.prepare_insert_statement(self.table, columns) # Insert product values in Products session.insert(stmt, values) # Insert Product_Category_Association session.insert(stmt_category_association, category_association) # Insert Product_Store_Association session.insert(stmt_store_association, store_association)
def main(): """ Main method of the program """ category_manager: CategoryManager = CategoryManager() product_manager: ProductManager = ProductManager() store_manager: StoreManager = StoreManager() session: Session = Session() try: session.connect() session = welcome(category_manager, product_manager, session, store_manager) except Exception: session.close() raise session.close()
def get_saved_products(session: Session) -> List: """ Get all previously saved products. :param session: Session :return: List[Product] """ stmt = """ SELECT p.product_name_fr, p2.product_name_fr, FROM Registered_Products as rp INNER JOIN Products as p ON rp.product_tested = INNER JOIN Products as p2 ON rp.product_substitued = """ return
def define_database(category_manager: CategoryManager, product_manager: ProductManager, session: Session, store_manager: StoreManager) -> Session: """ Format user's database to host application's data. :param category_manager: CategoryManager :param product_manager: ProductManager :param session: Session :param store_manager: StoreManager :return: Session """ global DATABASE # pylint: disable=W0603 while 1: database_name: str = input("Entrez le nom de la base de " "données: \n") if session.database_exists(database_name): database = Database(session, database_name) session.close() session = Session() database.session = session try: session.connect() database.populate(category_manager, product_manager, store_manager) DATABASE = database_name return session except Exception: session.close() raise else: print(f"\n" f"Vous avez tapé {database_name} mais celle-ci " f"n'est pas présente dans mysql. Merci de " f"vérifier " f"\n")
def get_better_product(product: Product, session: Session) -> Product: """ Get a better product in replacement. :param product: Product to replace :param session: Session :return: None """ stmt = """ SELECT p.brands, '',, p.nutriscore_grade, p.packaging_tags, p.product_name_fr,, p.url FROM Products as p INNER JOIN Product_Category_Association as pca ON pca.product_id = INNER JOIN Categories as c ON pca.category_id = INNER JOIN Product_Store_Association as psa ON psa.product_id = INNER JOIN Stores as s ON psa.store_id = WHERE pca.category_id = (SELECT Category_id FROM Product_Category_Association WHERE Product_id = %s LIMIT 1) AND 'B' >= p.nutriscore_grade """ products =, (, )) better_product = choice([Product(*args) for args in products]) return better_product
def get(self, action="", account="", param=""): verification_code = self.request.get("code") args = dict(client_id=settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, redirect_uri=self.request.path_url) if verification_code: args["client_secret"] = settings.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET args["code"] = verification_code response = cgi.parse_qs( urllib.urlopen( "" + urllib.urlencode(args)).read()) access_token = response["access_token"][-1] profile_res = unicode( urllib.urlopen("" + urllib.urlencode(dict( access_token=access_token))).read(), 'utf-8') profile = simplejson.loads(profile_res) user = None is_not_login = False try: self.check_login() user = self.session.get_user() except utils.NotLoginError: is_not_login = True user = User.gql("WHERE user_id=:1 and service=:2", str(profile["id"]), "facebook").get() if user is None: user = User(user_id=str(profile["id"]), name=str(profile["name"]), mail=str(profile["email"]), service='facebook', access_token=access_token, post_key='control', user.put() session = Session(self.request, self.response) account = Account(user_ref=user, service="facebook", account_name=str(profile["id"]), display_name=str(profile["name"]), account_info=profile_res, scope=FACEBOOK_SCOPE, access_token=access_token) account.put() #既に同じアカウントが登録されていたら削除します saved_accounts = Account.gql( "WHERE service = :1 and user_ref = :2 and account_name = :3", "facebook", user.key(), account.account_name) for saved_account in saved_accounts: if saved_account.key() != account.key(): saved_account.delete() if is_not_login: if action == 'mlogin': self.redirect('/mhome?xoauth_requestor_id=' + user.user_id) return self.redirect('/') return #ウィンドウを閉じます tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../view/oauth_callback.html") return self.response.out.write( template.render(tmpl, {'account': account})) else: args["scope"] = FACEBOOK_SCOPE if action == 'oauth': args["display"] = 'popup' self.redirect("" + #"" + urllib.urlencode(args)) return
def check_login(self): # if self.check_2lo_oauth(): # return self.session = Session(self.request, self.response) if not self.session.is_login(): raise NotLoginError()
class BaseHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def initialize(self, request, response): webapp.RequestHandler.initialize(self, request, response) lang = request.get('lang') if lang: translation.activate(lang) return #main.pyでDBに保存された言語設定をクッキーに入れている。それを取得。Ajaxリクエスト時に使用 lang = Cookies(self).get('lang') if not lang: #なければリクエストヘッダーから取得する self.request.COOKIES = Cookies(self) self.request.META = os.environ lang = translation.get_language_from_request(self.request) translation.activate(lang) self.is_ajax = self.request.headers.get("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest" self.is_mobile = False # if not self.is_ajax: # mobile_useragents = r'iPhone|iPod|Android|dream|CUPCAKE|BlackBerry|webOS|incognito|webmate' # user_agent = self.request.headers["user-agent"] # self.is_mobile =, user_agent) is not None def handle_exception(self, exception, debug_mode): if isinstance(exception, NotLoginError): if self.is_ajax: self.error(403) return self.response.out.write("notlogin") # self.request.COOKIES = Cookies(self) self.request.META = os.environ lang = translation.get_language_from_request(self.request) if self.is_mobile: view = '../view/m_index.html' elif lang == "ja": view = '../view/index.html' else: view = '../view/index-en.html' template_values = { 'version' : controller.version, 'production' : not controller.is_dev } tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), view) return self.response.out.write(template.render(tmpl, template_values)) logging.exception(exception) self.error(500) if self.is_ajax: return self.response.out.write("error") tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../view/500.html') return self.response.out.write(template.render(tmpl, {})) def check_login(self): # if self.check_2lo_oauth(): # return self.session = Session(self.request, self.response) if not self.session.is_login(): raise NotLoginError() def check_2lo_oauth(self): auth_header = self.request.headers.get("Authorization") if not auth_header: return False self.is_ajax = True user_id = self.request.get('xoauth_requestor_id') if not user_id: raise NotLoginError() try: # Builder our request object. request = oauth2.Request.from_request( self.request.method, self.request.path_url, self.request.headers, None, self.request.query) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Could not parse request from method = %s," "uri = %s, headers = %s, query = %s, exception = %s" % ( self.request.method, self.request.path_url, self.request.headers, self.request.query, e)) raise NotLoginError() # Fetch the token from Cassandra and build our Consumer object. if request is None or 'oauth_consumer_key' not in request: logging.warn("Request is missing oauth_consumer_key.") raise NotLoginError() try: # Verify the two-legged request. server = oauth2.Server() server.add_signature_method(oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()) server.verify_request(request, _get_consumer(request["oauth_consumer_key"]), None) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Could not verify signature (%s)." % e) raise NotLoginError()
class BaseHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): def initialize(self, request, response): webapp.RequestHandler.initialize(self, request, response) lang = request.get('lang') if lang: translation.activate(lang) return #main.pyでDBに保存された言語設定をクッキーに入れている。それを取得。Ajaxリクエスト時に使用 lang = Cookies(self).get('lang') if not lang: #なければリクエストヘッダーから取得する self.request.COOKIES = Cookies(self) self.request.META = os.environ lang = translation.get_language_from_request(self.request) translation.activate(lang) self.is_ajax = self.request.headers.get( "X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest" self.is_mobile = False # if not self.is_ajax: # mobile_useragents = r'iPhone|iPod|Android|dream|CUPCAKE|BlackBerry|webOS|incognito|webmate' # user_agent = self.request.headers["user-agent"] # self.is_mobile =, user_agent) is not None def handle_exception(self, exception, debug_mode): if isinstance(exception, NotLoginError): if self.is_ajax: self.error(403) return self.response.out.write("notlogin") # self.request.COOKIES = Cookies(self) self.request.META = os.environ lang = translation.get_language_from_request(self.request) if self.is_mobile: view = '../view/m_index.html' elif lang == "ja": view = '../view/index.html' else: view = '../view/index-en.html' template_values = { 'version': controller.version, 'production': not controller.is_dev } tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), view) return self.response.out.write( template.render(tmpl, template_values)) logging.exception(exception) self.error(500) if self.is_ajax: return self.response.out.write("error") tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../view/500.html') return self.response.out.write(template.render(tmpl, {})) def check_login(self): # if self.check_2lo_oauth(): # return self.session = Session(self.request, self.response) if not self.session.is_login(): raise NotLoginError() def check_2lo_oauth(self): auth_header = self.request.headers.get("Authorization") if not auth_header: return False self.is_ajax = True user_id = self.request.get('xoauth_requestor_id') if not user_id: raise NotLoginError() try: # Builder our request object. request = oauth2.Request.from_request(self.request.method, self.request.path_url, self.request.headers, None, self.request.query) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Could not parse request from method = %s," "uri = %s, headers = %s, query = %s, exception = %s" % (self.request.method, self.request.path_url, self.request.headers, self.request.query, e)) raise NotLoginError() # Fetch the token from Cassandra and build our Consumer object. if request is None or 'oauth_consumer_key' not in request: logging.warn("Request is missing oauth_consumer_key.") raise NotLoginError() try: # Verify the two-legged request. server = oauth2.Server() server.add_signature_method(oauth2.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()) server.verify_request(request, _get_consumer(request["oauth_consumer_key"]), None) except Exception, e: logging.warn("Could not verify signature (%s)." % e) raise NotLoginError()
def get(self, action="", account="", param=""): verification_code = self.request.get("code") args = dict(client_id=settings.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, redirect_uri=self.request.path_url) if verification_code: args["client_secret"] = settings.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET args["code"] = verification_code response = cgi.parse_qs(urllib.urlopen( "" + urllib.urlencode(args)).read()) access_token = response["access_token"][-1] profile_res = unicode(urllib.urlopen( "" + urllib.urlencode(dict(access_token=access_token))).read(),'utf-8') profile = simplejson.loads(profile_res) user = None is_not_login = False try: self.check_login() user = self.session.get_user() except utils.NotLoginError: is_not_login = True user = User.gql("WHERE user_id=:1 and service=:2", str(profile["id"]), "facebook").get() if user is None: user = User( user_id=str(profile["id"]), name=str(profile["name"]), mail=str(profile["email"]), service='facebook', access_token=access_token, post_key='control', ) user.put() session = Session(self.request, self.response) account = Account( user_ref=user, service="facebook", account_name=str(profile["id"]), display_name=str(profile["name"]), account_info=profile_res, scope=FACEBOOK_SCOPE, access_token=access_token ) account.put() #既に同じアカウントが登録されていたら削除します saved_accounts = Account.gql( "WHERE service = :1 and user_ref = :2 and account_name = :3", "facebook", user.key(), account.account_name) for saved_account in saved_accounts: if saved_account.key() != account.key(): saved_account.delete() if is_not_login: if action == 'mlogin': self.redirect('/mhome?xoauth_requestor_id='+user.user_id) return self.redirect('/') return #ウィンドウを閉じます tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../view/oauth_callback.html") return self.response.out.write(template.render(tmpl, {'account':account})) else: args["scope"] = FACEBOOK_SCOPE if action == 'oauth': args["display"] = 'popup' self.redirect( "" + #"" + urllib.urlencode(args)) return
# Single place for global scoped objects # Provides a single DatabaseManager, and Creator. # Also, the order of the imports is important, so don't try to # neaten them up. import os _PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) from controller.database_manager import DatabaseManager database_manager = DatabaseManager() from controller.database_creator import DatabaseCreator database_creator = DatabaseCreator() from controller.test_db_creator import TestDatabaseCreator test_database_creator = TestDatabaseCreator() from controller.session import Session session = Session()