Example #1
def cwrap(youser, tx, contact, en, hb, message):

    # This function is multipurpose, it either encrypts or decrypts based on the second value passed in
    # Retrieve the keys (names) of all the contacts and print them out for the user to select

    themessage = tx.get("1.0", 'end-1c')

    if contact == 'select':
        displ(message[0], 'No User Selected', 'Red')

    cipher = ''

    for c in youser.contactlist:
        if contact == c['name']:
            cipher = c['cipher']

    if contact == 'self':
        cipher = hb

    if en:

        # Converts the message to hexidecimal since the crypt function only works with
        # A nonce is packaged with the message to avoid reusing the same cipher each time which would make the
        # cipher vulnerable

        themedium = con.base(themessage)
        nonce = uu.uuid4().hex

        # Apologies for the McLuhan reference

        themedium = con.base(themessage, alfout=alf.hexsplit)

        if themedium.find('l') == -1:
            displ(message, "Not Decryptable", 'Red')
            nonce = themedium.split("l")[1]
            themedium = themedium.split("l")[0]

    # Finally the message is ready to be encrypted or decrypted using the crypt() function

    encrypted_message = con.crypt(themedium, cipher, nonce, en)

    if en:
        encrypted_message += "l" + nonce
        final_message = con.base(encrypted_message, alf.hexsplit, alf.full)
        final_message = con.base(encrypted_message, alf.hexd, alf.full)

    tx.delete("1.0", 'end-1c')
    tx.insert(tk.INSERT, final_message)
    tx['fg'] = 'Black'
Example #2
def populate_contact_list(user, hashbass):

    # Clears the initial contact list if it isn't already, then reads in each line from the user_contacts.txt
    # file and converts them to dictionaries and appends the contact list with each one
    # This way if any contacts have been added OR deleted it will be reflected in the user object

    user.contactlist = []

    # Reads in the lines and seperates the salt from the rest of the data, which is still encrypted

    filer = open("user_contacts/" + user.username + "_contacts.txt", "r")
    for ln in filer:
        linesp = ln.split("l")
        c_inf = linesp[0]
        c_salt = linesp[1]

        # Uses the passed in hashbass and the salt to decrypt the contact info and converts it from hexidecimal
        # to plaintext

        if len(c_inf) > 1:
            dehashed_contact = convert.base(
                convert.decrypt(c_inf, hashbass, c_salt), alf.hexd, alf.full)

            # Seperates the contact's name and cipher, and creates a dictionary for the name, cipher, and the salt

            splitcontact = dehashed_contact.split("%")
            contact = {
                'name': splitcontact[0],
                'cipher': splitcontact[1],
                'salt': c_salt
Example #3
def signup():
    # Gets the username and password from the login screen. If both check out it generates a random public/private key
    # pair then 2 random salts for encryption and encrypts the pkeys using the password and a salt it then finishes up
    # by writing this all to a new line in the users.txt file and generates an empty user_contacts file.

    username = namebox.get()
    password = passbox.get()
    error = False

    error_mess = ''
    error_label['text'] = ''

    if ret.verifyuser(username):
        error_mess = "Username already exists, please use another"
        error = True

    if len(password) < 12:
        if error:
            error_mess += "\n and \n"
        error_mess += "Password must be over 12 characters"
        error = True

    if error:
        error_label['text'] = error_mess
        salta = uu.uuid4().hex
        saltb = uu.uuid4().hex
        hashworda = con.salt_hash(password, salta)
        hashwordb = con.salt_hash(password, saltb)

        # Generate pkeys (public and private keys, plus the modulus), then convert them to a string
        # and encrypt using the password and saltb

        keys = pcr.gen_pkeys()
        pkeystring = str(keys[0]) + "l" + str(keys[1]) + "l" + str(keys[2])
        hexedpkeys = con.base(pkeystring, alf.hexsplit, alf.hexd)
        encrypted_pkeys = con.encrypt(hexedpkeys, hashwordb, hashwordb)

        # Write all the input and generated data into a new line in the users.txt file

        filey = open("users.txt", "a")
        filey.write(username + " " + hashworda + " " + encrypted_pkeys + " " +
                    salta + " " + saltb + "\n")

        # Create a username_contacts file for the user, but leave it blank for now

        newcontactsfile = "user_contacts/" + username + "_contacts.txt"
        filez = open(newcontactsfile, "a")

        # Create a user object with all the data and add it to the users list, since this new user didn't exist when we
        # called the populate_user_list() function earlier

        newuser = data.User(username, hashworda, encrypted_pkeys, salta, saltb)
Example #4
def savecontacts(youser, hashbass):

    # Writes the users current contact list to the user_contacts.txt file in order to save any recent changes
    # Such as a contact being added or deleted

    filez = open("user_contacts/" + youser.username + "_contacts.txt", "w")
    for cn in youser.contactlist:
        linez = cn['name'] + "%" + cn['cipher']
        hexline = convert.base(linez)
        cryptline = convert.encrypt(hexline, hashbass, cn['salt'])
        finline = cryptline + "l" + cn['salt'] + "l\n"
Example #5
def main_program(u, hb, mes='', mes2=''):


    # All contact data is retrieved, a lengthy process but it's included in the while loop so that if new contacts are
    # added, the user doesn't have to log out and back in to use them.

    ret.populate_contact_list(u, hb)

    w = "White"
    b = "Black"
    t = True
    f = False

    menubar = tk.Menu(fr)
                        command=lambda: logout(framez, fr1, messa))
                        command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, fr3, messa))

    contactmenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)

    contactmenu2 = tk.Menu(contactmenu, tearoff=0)
    contactmenu2.add_command(label="Send Cipher",
                             command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, fra, messa))
    contactmenu2.add_command(label="Import Cipher",
                             command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, frm, messa))

    contactmenu.add_cascade(label="Add Contact", menu=contactmenu2)
    contactmenu.add_command(label="Delete Contact",
                            command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, frd, messa))

    menubar.add_cascade(label="Contacts", menu=contactmenu)

    viewmenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)

    viewmenu.add_command(label='Public Key',
                         command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, fri, messa))
                         command=lambda: menu_swap(framez, frc, messa))

    menubar.add_cascade(label='Account', menu=viewmenu)

    fr3 = tk.Frame(fr, bg=b)

    mess = tk.Label(fr, text=mes, bg=b, fg=w)
    mess.grid(row=1, column=0)

    mess2 = tk.Entry(fr, bg=b, fg=w, relief=tk.FLAT)
    mess2.insert(tk.INSERT, mes2)
    mess2.grid(row=2, column=0)

    messa = [mess, mess2]

    # Home Menu
    # Contact dropdown list
    lstl = ["Self"]

    for c in u.contactlist:

    varp = tk.StringVar()
    drop = tk.OptionMenu(fr3, varp, *lstl)
    drop.grid(row=1, column=0)

    tx = tk.Text(fr3, relief=tk.FLAT, width=25, height=2)
    tx.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, pady=6)

    # encrypt button
    eb = tk.Button(fr3,
                   command=lambda: cwrap(u, tx, varp.get(), t, hb, messa))
    eb.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.N)
    # decrypt button
    db = tk.Button(fr3,
                   command=lambda: cwrap(u, tx, varp.get(), f, hb, messa))
    db.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=tk.N)

    # send Cipher Menu
    fra = tk.Frame(fr, bg="Black", bd=2)

    namelab = tk.Label(fra, text="Name: ", bg=b, fg=w)
    cname = tk.Entry(fra, relief=tk.FLAT)
    pblab = tk.Label(fra, text="Public Key: ", bg=b, fg=w)
    pbkey = tk.Entry(fra, relief=tk.FLAT)
    q = "Encrypt Cipher"
    sbt = tk.Button(
        command=lambda: mkc(u, pbkey.get(), cname.get(), hb, messa, fra))

    namelab.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    cname.grid(row=0, column=1)
    pblab.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    pbkey.grid(row=1, column=1)
    sbt.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=5)

    # Import Cipher Menu
    frm = tk.Frame(fr, bg=b)

    namelab2 = tk.Label(frm, text="Name: ", bg=b, fg=w)
    cname2 = tk.Entry(frm, relief=tk.FLAT)
    pblab2 = tk.Label(frm, text="Encrypted Cipher: ", bg=b, fg=w)
    pbkey2 = tk.Entry(frm, relief=tk.FLAT)
    x = "Import Cipher"
    ibut = tk.Button(
        command=lambda: imp(u, pkeys, cname2, hb, pbkey2, messa, frm))

    namelab2.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    cname2.grid(row=0, column=1)
    pblab2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
    pbkey2.grid(row=1, column=1)
    ibut.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, pady=5)

    # Delet Menu
    frd = tk.Frame(fr, bg=b)

    v2 = tk.StringVar()
    drop2 = tk.OptionMenu(frd, v2, *lstl)
    drop2.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5)

    dc = 'Delete Contact'
    delbut = tk.Button(frd,
                       command=lambda: del_con(u, v2.get(), hb, frd))
    delbut.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N)

    # View Info
    frc = tk.Frame(fr, bg=b)

    cotitle = tk.Label(frc, text='Feature Not Yet Available', bg=b, fg=w)
    cotitle.grid(row=0, column=0)

    fri = tk.Frame(fr, bg=b)

    pkeys = con.base(con.decrypt(u.pkeys, hb, hb), alf.hexd, alf.hexsplit)
    pkeys = pkeys.split("l")

    pkeylab = tk.Label(fri, text='Public Key: ', bg=b, fg=w)
    pkeylab.grid(row=0, column=0)

    urpkey = tk.Entry(fri, relief=tk.FLAT, bg=b, fg=w)
    urpkey.insert(tk.INSERT, pkeys[0] + "l" + pkeys[1])
    urpkey.grid(row=0, column=1)

    framez = [fr1, fr3, fra, frd, frc, fri, frm]

    #    menu_swap(framez, fr3, messa)

    for ffrr in framez:

    fr3.grid(row=0, column=0)
