Example #1
   def relative_location(self) :
      gps = get("gps") 
      compass = get("compass")

      polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong) 
      waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing,0))
      relative_bearing = int(round((waypoint_bearing - compass.bearing + 360 ) % 360, 0))
      distance = round(convert.value(polar_to_waypoint.distance,"Nm","km"),1)
      if distance > 1 :
          string =str(distance) + " km"
      else :
          string = str(int(round(convert.value(distance,"km","m"),0))) + " m"
      string = self.name + " is " + string + " away " +  geo.degrees_to_compass_point(waypoint_bearing) + " . "
      string += " The Relative bearing is " + str(geo.degrees_to_hours(relative_bearing)) + " oclock "     
      return string
Example #2
    def eta(self):
        gps = get("gps")
        polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong)
        waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing, 0))
        relative_bearing = (waypoint_bearing - gps.courseOverGround +
                            360) % 360
        distance = round(polar_to_waypoint.distance, 2)
        speed = round(convert.value(gps.speedOverGround, "kt", "kph"), 1)
        string = ""
        if relative_bearing > 270 or relative_bearing < 90:
            dir = "toward"
            dir = "away from"
        vmg = round(speed * math.cos(math.radians(relative_bearing)), 1)
        course = int(gps.courseOverGround)

        if vmg != 0.0:

            if dir == "toward":
                hours = round(distance / vmg, 2)
                if hours < 1.0:
                    minutes = int(round(hours * 60, 0))
                    string += " Arrival in " + str(minutes) + " minutes time."
                    string += " Arrival in " + str(hours) + " hours time."
            string += "you are stationary."

        if self.datetime is not None:
            string += " Due in " + date_time.time_to_go(
                self.datetime) + " time."

        return string
Example #3
   def eta(self) :
      gps = get("gps") 
      polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong) 
      waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing,0))
      relative_bearing = (waypoint_bearing - gps.courseOverGround + 360 ) % 360
      distance = round(polar_to_waypoint.distance,2)  
      speed = round(convert.value(gps.speedOverGround,"kt","kph"),1)
      string = ""
      if relative_bearing > 270 or relative_bearing < 90 :
          dir = "toward"
      else :
          dir = "away from"
      vmg = round(speed * math.cos(math.radians(relative_bearing)),1)
      course = int(gps.courseOverGround)
      if vmg != 0.0 :
          if dir == "toward" :
              hours = round(distance / vmg,2)
              if hours < 1.0 :
                  minutes = int(round(hours * 60 ,0))
                  string += " Arrival in " + str(minutes) + " minutes time."
              else :
                 string += " Arrival in " + str(hours) + " hours time."
      else :
          string += "you are stationary."
      if self.datetime is not None :
          string += " Due in " + date_time.time_to_go(self.datetime) + " time."

      return string         
Example #4
    def relative_location(self):
        gps = get("gps")
        compass = get("compass")

        polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong)
        waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing, 0))
        relative_bearing = int(
            round((waypoint_bearing - compass.bearing + 360) % 360, 0))
        distance = round(convert.value(polar_to_waypoint.distance, "Nm", "km"),
        if distance > 1:
            string = str(distance) + " km"
            string = str(int(round(convert.value(distance, "km", "m"),
                                   0))) + " m"
        string = self.name + " is " + string + " away " + geo.degrees_to_compass_point(
            waypoint_bearing) + " . "
        string += " The Relative bearing is " + str(
            geo.degrees_to_hours(relative_bearing)) + " oclock "
        return string
Example #5
 def as_kml(self) :
     distance = convert.value(self.length()[0],"Nm","km")
     kml = "<Placemark><name>" + self.name + "</name>"
     kml += "<description>" + "Length along path " +  str(round(distance,2)) + " km" + "</description>"
     kml += "<LineString><altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode><coordinates>"
     file = open("log/"+self.name+".txt","r")
     for line in file.readlines():
        if line == "":
        data = line.strip().split(",")
        if data[0] == "gps" :
            latitude = data[2]
            longitude = data[3]
            altitude = data[4]
            coords =  ",".join((str(round(float(longitude),4)), str(round(float(latitude),4)) , str(round(float(altitude),4)) ))
            kml+=  coords + "\n"
     kml += "</coordinates></LineString>"
     kml += "</Placemark>"
     return kml
Example #6
   def relative_velocity(self) :
      gps = get("gps") 
      polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong) 
      waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing,0))
      relative_bearing = (waypoint_bearing - gps.courseOverGround + 360 ) % 360
      distance = round(polar_to_waypoint.distance,2)  
      speed = round(convert.value(gps.speedOverGround,"kt","kph"),1)

      if relative_bearing > 270 or relative_bearing < 90 :
          dir = "toward"
      else :
          dir = "away from"
      vmg = round(speed * math.cos(math.radians(relative_bearing)),1)
      course = int(gps.courseOverGround)
      if vmg != 0.0 :
          vmg_text= "you are moving "+ dir + " " + self.name + " at " + str(abs(vmg)) + " kph " + " relative bearing " + str(int(round(relative_bearing,0)))
      else :
          vmg_text = "you are stationary."
      return vmg_text          
Example #7
    def relative_velocity(self):
        gps = get("gps")
        polar_to_waypoint = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong)
        waypoint_bearing = int(round(polar_to_waypoint.bearing, 0))
        relative_bearing = (waypoint_bearing - gps.courseOverGround +
                            360) % 360
        distance = round(polar_to_waypoint.distance, 2)
        speed = round(convert.value(gps.speedOverGround, "kt", "kph"), 1)

        if relative_bearing > 270 or relative_bearing < 90:
            dir = "toward"
            dir = "away from"
        vmg = round(speed * math.cos(math.radians(relative_bearing)), 1)
        course = int(gps.courseOverGround)
        if vmg != 0.0:
            vmg_text = "you are moving " + dir + " " + self.name + " at " + str(
                abs(vmg)) + " kph " + " relative bearing " + str(
                    int(round(relative_bearing, 0)))
            vmg_text = "you are stationary."
        return vmg_text
Example #8
 def velocity (self) :
     speed = round(convert.value(self.speedOverGround,"kt","kph"),1)
     course = int(self.courseOverGround)
     points = geo.degrees_to_compass_point(course)
     string = "Speed is "+ str(speed) + " kph " + " at " +  str(course) + " degrees " + " towards " + points
     return string
Example #9
 def distance(self, units="Nm"):
     gps = get("gps")
     distance = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong).distance
     return convert.value(distance, "Nm", units)
Example #10
 def distance(self,units="Nm") :
    gps = get("gps") 
    distance = gps.latlong.gc_polar_to(self.latlong).distance 
    return convert.value(distance,"Nm",units)