Example #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Caffe prototxt to mxnet model parameter converter.\
                    Note that only basic functions are implemented. You are welcomed to contribute to this file.')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_prototxt', help='The prototxt file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_model', help='The binary model parameter file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('save_model_name', help='The name of the output model prefix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    prob = proto2symbol(args.caffe_prototxt)
    net_caffe = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(data=(1,3,224,224))
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    arg_params = {}

    first_conv = True
    layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
    for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(net_caffe.layers):
            layer_name = layer_names[layer_idx].replace('/', '_')
            if layer.type == 'Convolution' or layer.type == 'InnerProduct':
                assert(len(layer.blobs) == 2)
                wmat = layer.blobs[0].data
                bias = layer.blobs[1].data
                if first_conv:
                    print 'Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet'
                    wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

                assert(wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
                assert(bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
                print 'converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}, bias shape = {2}'.format(layer_name, wmat.shape, bias.shape)
                wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
                bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
                weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"
                bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"

                wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

                bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
                arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
                arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias

                if first_conv and layer.type == 'Convolution':
                    first_conv = False

    model = mx.model.FeedForward(ctx=mx.cpu(), symbol=prob,
            arg_params=arg_params, aux_params={}, num_round=1,
            learning_rate=0.05, momentum=0.9, wd=0.0001)

Example #2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Caffe prototxt to mxnet model parameter converter.\
                    Note that only basic functions are implemented. You are welcomed to contribute to this file.')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_prototxt', help='The prototxt file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_model', help='The binary model parameter file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('save_model_name', help='The name of the output model prefix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    prob, input_dim = proto2symbol(args.caffe_prototxt)

    layers = ''
    layer_names = ''

    if caffe_flag:
        net_caffe = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
        layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
        layers = net_caffe.layers
        layers = parse.parse_caffemodel(args.caffe_model)

    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(data=tuple(input_dim))
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    arg_params = {}

    iter = ''
    if caffe_flag:
        iter = get_caffe_iter(layer_names, layers)
        iter = get_iter(layers)
    first_conv = True

    for layer_name, layer_type, layer_blobs in iter:
        if layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 'InnerProduct' or layer_type == 4 or layer_type == 14 \
                or layer_type == 'PReLU' or layer_type == 'Normalize':
            if layer_type == 'PReLU':
                assert (len(layer_blobs) == 1)
                wmat = layer_blobs[0].data
                weight_name = layer_name + '_gamma'
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat
            if layer_type == 'Normalize':
                assert (len(layer_blobs) == 1)
                weight_name = layer_name + '_scale'
                wmat = layer_blobs[0].data
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros((1, len(wmat), 1, 1))
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = np.array(list(wmat)).reshape((1, len(wmat), 1, 1))
            assert (len(layer_blobs) == 2)
            wmat_dim = []
            if getattr(layer_blobs[0].shape, 'dim', None) is not None:
                if len(layer_blobs[0].shape.dim) > 0:
                    wmat_dim = layer_blobs[0].shape.dim
                    wmat_dim = [layer_blobs[0].num, layer_blobs[0].channels, layer_blobs[0].height,
                wmat_dim = list(layer_blobs[0].shape)
            wmat = np.array(layer_blobs[0].data).reshape(wmat_dim)
            bias = np.array(layer_blobs[1].data)
            channels = wmat_dim[1]
            if channels == 3 or channels == 4:  # RGB or RGBA
                if first_conv:
                    print('Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet')
                    wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

            assert (wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            assert (bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            print('converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}, bias shape = {2}'.format(layer_name, wmat.shape, bias.shape))
            wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
            bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
            weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"
            bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"

            if weight_name not in arg_shape_dic:
                print(weight_name + ' not found in arg_shape_dic.')
            wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
            arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
            arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

            bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
            arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
            arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias

            if first_conv and (layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 4):
                first_conv = False

    model = mx.mod.Module(symbol=prob, label_names=None)
    model.bind(data_shapes=[('data', tuple(input_dim))])
    model.init_params(arg_params=arg_params, aux_params={})

    model.save_checkpoint(args.save_model_name, 1)
Example #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Caffe prototxt to mxnet model parameter converter.\
                    Note that only basic functions are implemented. You are welcomed to contribute to this file.'
                        help='The prototxt file in Caffe format')
                        help='The binary model parameter file in Caffe format')
                        help='The name of the output model prefix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    prob, input_dim = proto2symbol(args.caffe_prototxt)

    layers = ''
    layer_names = ''

    if caffe_flag:
        net_caffe = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model,
        layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
        layers = net_caffe.layers
        layers = parse.parse_caffemodel(args.caffe_model)

    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    arg_params = {}

    iter = ''
    if caffe_flag:
        iter = get_caffe_iter(layer_names, layers)
        iter = get_iter(layers)
    first_conv = True

    for layer_name, layer_type, layer_blobs in iter:
        if layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 'InnerProduct' or layer_type == 4 or layer_type == 14:
            assert (len(layer_blobs) == 2)
            wmat_dim = []
            if getattr(layer_blobs[0].shape, 'dim', None) is not None:
                if len(layer_blobs[0].shape.dim) > 0:
                    wmat_dim = layer_blobs[0].shape.dim
                    wmat_dim = [
                        layer_blobs[0].num, layer_blobs[0].channels,
                        layer_blobs[0].height, layer_blobs[0].width
                wmat_dim = list(layer_blobs[0].shape)
            wmat = np.array(layer_blobs[0].data).reshape(wmat_dim)
            bias = np.array(layer_blobs[1].data)
            if first_conv:
                print 'Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet'
                wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

            assert (wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            assert (bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            print 'converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}, bias shape = {2}'.format(
                layer_name, wmat.shape, bias.shape)
            wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
            bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
            weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"
            bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"

            if weight_name not in arg_shape_dic:
                print weight_name + ' not found in arg_shape_dic.'
            wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
            arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
            arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

            bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
            arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
            arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias

            if first_conv and (layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 4):
                first_conv = False

    model = mx.model.FeedForward(ctx=mx.cpu(),

Example #4
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Caffe prototxt to mxnet model parameter converter.\
                    Note that only basic functions are implemented. You are welcomed to contribute to this file.')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_prototxt', help='The prototxt file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_model', help='The binary model parameter file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('save_model_name', help='The name of the output model prefix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    prob, input_dim = proto2symbol(args.caffe_prototxt)

    layers = ''
    layer_names = ''

    if caffe_flag:
        net_caffe = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
        layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
        layers = net_caffe.layers
        layers = parse.parse_caffemodel(args.caffe_model)

    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(data=tuple(input_dim))
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    arg_params = {}

    iter = ''
    if caffe_flag:
        iter = get_caffe_iter(layer_names, layers)
        iter = get_iter(layers)
    first_conv = True

    for layer_name, layer_type, layer_blobs in iter:
        if layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 'InnerProduct' or layer_type == 4 or layer_type == 14 \
                or layer_type == 'PReLU' or layer_type == 'Normalize':
            if layer_type == 'PReLU':
                assert (len(layer_blobs) == 1)
                wmat = layer_blobs[0].data
                weight_name = layer_name + '_gamma'
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat
            if layer_type == 'Normalize':
                assert (len(layer_blobs) == 1)
                weight_name = layer_name + '_scale'
                wmat = layer_blobs[0].data
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros((1, len(wmat), 1, 1))
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = np.array(list(wmat)).reshape((1, len(wmat), 1, 1))
            assert (len(layer_blobs) == 2)
            wmat_dim = []
            if getattr(layer_blobs[0].shape, 'dim', None) is not None:
                if len(layer_blobs[0].shape.dim) > 0:
                    wmat_dim = layer_blobs[0].shape.dim
                    wmat_dim = [layer_blobs[0].num, layer_blobs[0].channels, layer_blobs[0].height,
                wmat_dim = list(layer_blobs[0].shape)
            wmat = np.array(layer_blobs[0].data).reshape(wmat_dim)
            bias = np.array(layer_blobs[1].data)
            channels = wmat_dim[1]
            if channels == 3 or channels == 4:  # RGB or RGBA
                if first_conv:
                    print('Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet')
                    wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

            assert (wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            assert (bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            print('converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}, bias shape = {2}'.format(layer_name, wmat.shape, bias.shape))
            wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
            bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
            weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"
            bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"

            if weight_name not in arg_shape_dic:
                print(weight_name + ' not found in arg_shape_dic.')
            wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
            arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
            arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

            bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
            arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
            arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias

            if first_conv and (layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 4):
                first_conv = False

    model = mx.mod.Module(symbol=prob, label_names=None)
    model.bind(data_shapes=[('data', tuple(input_dim))])
    model.init_params(arg_params=arg_params, aux_params={})

    model.save_checkpoint(args.save_model_name, 1)
Example #5
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Caffe prototxt to mxnet model parameter converter.\
                    Note that only basic functions are implemented. You are welcomed to contribute to this file.')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_prototxt', help='The prototxt file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('caffe_model', help='The binary model parameter file in Caffe format')
    parser.add_argument('save_model_name', help='The name of the output model prefix')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    prob, input_dim = proto2symbol(args.caffe_prototxt)

    layers = ''
    layer_names = ''

    if caffe_flag:
        net_caffe = caffe.Net(args.caffe_prototxt, args.caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
        layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
        layers = net_caffe.layers
        layers = parse.parse_caffemodel(args.caffe_model)
    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(data=tuple(input_dim))
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    arg_params = {}
    iter = ''
    if caffe_flag:
        iter = get_caffe_iter(layer_names, layers)
        iter = get_iter(layers)
    first_conv = True
    for layer_name, layer_type, layer_blobs in iter:
        if layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 'InnerProduct' or layer_type == 4 or layer_type == 14:
            assert(len(layer_blobs) == 2)
            wmat_dim = []
            if len(layer_blobs[0].shape.dim) > 0:
                wmat_dim = layer_blobs[0].shape.dim
                wmat_dim = [layer_blobs[0].num, layer_blobs[0].channels, layer_blobs[0].height, layer_blobs[0].width]
            wmat = np.array(layer_blobs[0].data).reshape(wmat_dim)
            bias = np.array(layer_blobs[1].data)
            if first_conv:
                print 'Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet'
                wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

            assert(wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            assert(bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            print 'converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}, bias shape = {2}'.format(layer_name, wmat.shape, bias.shape)
            wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
            bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
            weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"
            bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"
            if weight_name not in arg_shape_dic:
                print weight_name + ' not found in arg_shape_dic.'
            wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
            arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
            arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

            bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
            arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
            arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias

            if first_conv and (layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 4):
                first_conv = False

    model = mx.model.FeedForward(ctx=mx.cpu(), symbol=prob,
            arg_params=arg_params, aux_params={}, num_epoch=1,
            learning_rate=0.05, momentum=0.9, wd=0.0001)

Example #6
def process_caffe_model(caffe_prototxt,
    prob, input_dim = proto2symbol(caffe_prototxt)

    layers = ''
    layer_names = ''

    if caffe_flag:
        net_caffe = caffe.Net(caffe_prototxt, caffe_model, caffe.TEST)
        layer_names = net_caffe._layer_names
        layers = net_caffe.layers
        layers = parse.parse_caffemodel(caffe_model)

    arg_shapes, output_shapes, aux_shapes = prob.infer_shape(
    arg_names = prob.list_arguments()
    aux_names = prob.list_auxiliary_states()
    arg_shape_dic = dict(zip(arg_names, arg_shapes))
    aux_shape_dic = dict(zip(aux_names, aux_shapes))
    arg_params = {}
    aux_params = {}
    iter = ''
    if caffe_flag:
        iter = get_caffe_iter(layer_names, layers)
        iter = get_iter(layers)
    first_conv = True

    for layer_name, layer_type, layer_blobs in iter:
        if layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 'InnerProduct' or layer_type == 4 or layer_type == 14 \
                or layer_type == 'PReLU':
            if layer_type == 'PReLU':
                assert (len(layer_blobs) == 1)
                wmat = layer_blobs[0].data
                weight_name = layer_name + '_gamma'
                arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
                arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat
            wmat_dim = []
            if getattr(layer_blobs[0].shape, 'dim', None) is not None:
                if len(layer_blobs[0].shape.dim) > 0:
                    wmat_dim = layer_blobs[0].shape.dim
                    wmat_dim = [
                        layer_blobs[0].num, layer_blobs[0].channels,
                        layer_blobs[0].height, layer_blobs[0].width
                wmat_dim = list(layer_blobs[0].shape)
            wmat = np.array(layer_blobs[0].data).reshape(wmat_dim)

            channels = wmat_dim[1]
            if channels == 3 or channels == 4:  # RGB or RGBA
                if first_conv:
                    print('Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet')
                    wmat[:, [0, 2], :, :] = wmat[:, [2, 0], :, :]

            assert (wmat.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
            sys.stdout.write('converting layer {0}, wmat shape = {1}'.format(
                layer_name, wmat.shape))
            if len(layer_blobs) == 2:
                bias = np.array(layer_blobs[1].data)
                bias = bias.reshape((bias.shape[0], 1))
                assert (bias.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True)
                bias_name = layer_name + "_bias"
                bias = bias.reshape(arg_shape_dic[bias_name])
                arg_params[bias_name] = mx.nd.zeros(bias.shape)
                arg_params[bias_name][:] = bias
                sys.stdout.write(', bias shape = {}'.format(bias.shape))

            wmat = wmat.reshape((wmat.shape[0], -1))
            weight_name = layer_name + "_weight"

            if weight_name not in arg_shape_dic:
                print(weight_name + ' not found in arg_shape_dic.')
            wmat = wmat.reshape(arg_shape_dic[weight_name])
            arg_params[weight_name] = mx.nd.zeros(wmat.shape)
            arg_params[weight_name][:] = wmat

            if first_conv and (layer_type == 'Convolution' or layer_type == 4):
                first_conv = False

        elif layer_type == 'Scale':
            bn_name = layer_name.replace('scale', 'bn')
            gamma = layer_blobs[0].data
            beta = layer_blobs[1].data
            # beta = np.expand_dims(beta, 1)
            beta_name = '{}_beta'.format(bn_name)
            gamma_name = '{}_gamma'.format(bn_name)

            beta = beta.reshape(arg_shape_dic[beta_name])
            gamma = gamma.reshape(arg_shape_dic[gamma_name])
            arg_params[beta_name] = mx.nd.zeros(beta.shape)
            arg_params[gamma_name] = mx.nd.zeros(gamma.shape)
            arg_params[beta_name][:] = beta
            arg_params[gamma_name][:] = gamma

            assert gamma.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True
            assert beta.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True
            print('converting scale layer, beta shape = {}, gamma shape = {}'.
                  format(beta.shape, gamma.shape))
        elif layer_type == 'BatchNorm':
            bn_name = layer_name
            mean = layer_blobs[0].data
            var = layer_blobs[1].data
            moving_average_factor = layer_blobs[2].data
            mean_name = '{}_moving_mean'.format(bn_name)
            var_name = '{}_moving_var'.format(bn_name)
            maf_name = '{}_momentum'.format(bn_name)
            mean = mean.reshape(aux_shape_dic[mean_name])
            var = var.reshape(aux_shape_dic[var_name])
            aux_params[mean_name] = mx.nd.zeros(mean.shape)
            aux_params[var_name] = mx.nd.zeros(var.shape)
            arg_params[maf_name] = mx.nd.zeros(moving_average_factor.shape)
            aux_params[mean_name][:] = mean
            aux_params[var_name][:] = var
            arg_params[maf_name][:] = moving_average_factor
            assert var.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True
            assert mean.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] is True
                'converting batchnorm layer, mean shape = {}, var shape = {}'.
                format(mean.shape, var.shape))
            assert len(layer_blobs) == 0
            print('\tskipping layer {} of type {}'.format(
                layer_name, layer_type))
    return prob, arg_params, aux_params, input_dim