def files_exist_linting(
    files_fail: list,
    files_fail_ifexists: list,
    files_warn: list,
    files_warn_ifexists: list,
    handle: str = "general",
) -> None:
    Verifies that passed lists of files exist or do not exist.
    Depending on the desired result passing, warning or failing results are appended to the linter object.

    :param self: Linter object
    :param files_fail: list of files which must exist or linting will fail
    :param files_fail_ifexists: list of files which are not allowed to exist or linting will fail
    :param files_warn: list of files which should exist or linting will warn
    :param files_warn_ifexists: list of files which should exist or linting will warn
    :param is_subclass_calling: indicates whether the subclass of TemplateLinter called the linting (specific) or itw as the general linting
    # Files that cause an error if they don't exist
    all_exists = True
    for files in files_fail:
        if not any([os.path.isfile(pf(self, f)) for f in files]):
            all_exists = False
            self.failed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File not found: {self._wrap_quotes(files)}"))
    # flag that indiactes whether all required files exist or not
    if all_exists:
        # called linting from a specific template linter
        if is_subclass_calling:
            self.passed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"All required {handle} specific files were found!"))
        # called as general linting
            self.passed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"All required {handle} files were found!"))

    # Files that cause a warning if they don't exist
    for files in files_warn:
        if any([os.path.isfile(pf(self, f)) for f in files]):
            # pass cause if a file was found it will be summarised in one "all required files found" statement
            self.warned.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File not found: {self._wrap_quotes(files)}"))

    # Files that cause an error if they exist
    for file in files_fail_ifexists:
        if os.path.isfile(pf(self, file)):
            self.failed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File must be removed: {self._wrap_quotes(file)}"))
            self.passed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File not found check: {self._wrap_quotes(file)}"))

    # Files that cause a warning if they exist
    for file in files_warn_ifexists:
        if os.path.isfile(pf(self, file)):
            self.warned.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File should be removed: {self._wrap_quotes(file)}"))
            self.passed.append((f"{handle}-1", f"File not found check: {self._wrap_quotes(file)}"))
    def check_files_exist(self, is_subclass_calling=True):
        """Checks a given project directory for required files.
        Iterates through the project's directory content and checkmarks files
        for presence.
        Files that **must** be present::
            '[LICENSE,, LICENCE,]'
        Files that *should* be present::
        Files that *must not* be present::
        Files that *should not* be present::
            An AssertionError if .cookietemple.yml is not found found.

        # NB: Should all be files, not directories
        # List of lists. Passes if any of the files in the sublist are found.
        files_fail = [
            ['LICENSE', '', 'LICENCE',
             ''],  # NB: British / American spelling
            [os.path.join('docs', 'index.rst')],
            [os.path.join('docs', 'readme.rst')],
            [os.path.join('docs', 'changelog.rst')],
            [os.path.join('docs', 'installation.rst')],
            [os.path.join('docs', 'usage.rst')],

        files_warn = [
            [os.path.join('.github', 'ISSUE_TEMPLATE', '')],
            [os.path.join('.github', 'ISSUE_TEMPLATE', '')],
            [os.path.join('.github', 'ISSUE_TEMPLATE', '')],
            [os.path.join('.github', '')]

        # List of strings. Fails / warns if any of the strings exist.
        files_fail_ifexists = []

        files_warn_ifexists = []

        # First - critical files. Check that this is actually a cookietemple based project
        if not os.path.isfile(pf(self, '.cookietemple.yml')):
                '[bold red] .cookietemple.yml not found! Is this a cookietemple project?'

        files_exist_linting(self, files_fail, files_fail_ifexists, files_warn,
                            files_warn_ifexists, is_subclass_calling)