Example #1
def _igrf_tracefield_hemis(dn, lat, lon, alt, target_ht, step):
    import numpy as np
    import coord
    from numpy import array as arr
    lat = float(lat)
    lon = float(lon)
    alt = float(alt)
    target_ht = float(target_ht)
    step = float(step)

    target_ht = target_ht*1e3
    step = step*1e3

    lla = np.array([lat, lon, alt*1e3])

    lla_field = lla
    """ Step 1: trace the field along a given direction """
    TOLERANCE = 10 # [m]
    i = 0
    while (lla[2] > target_ht):
        # convert to ECEF:
        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        # Grab field line information:    
        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2]/1e3)

        # coordinates follow pyglow's convention:
        # (x -> east, y -> north, z -> up)

        N = p.By # North
        E = p.Bx # East
        D = -p.Bz # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # Step along the field line
        ecef_new =  ecef + coord.ven2ecef(lla,[(-D/A*step), (E/A*step), (N/A*step)] )  
        # Convert to lla coordinates:
        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

        # add the field line to our collection:
        lla_field = np.vstack( [lla_field, lla] )       
        i = i + 1

    """ Step 2: Make the last point close to target_ht """
    while (abs(lla[2]-target_ht) > TOLERANCE):
        my_error = lla[2]-target_ht
        old_step = step
        # find out how much we need to step by:
        step = -np.sign(step)*abs(lla[2]-target_ht)

        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2]/1e3)

        N = p.Bx # North
        E = p.By # East
        D = p.Bz # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # trace the field, but use the modified step:
        ecef_new = ecef + coord.ven2ecef(lla,np.array([(-D/A), (E/A), N/A])*step/(-D/A) )  
        # TODO : I changed this, is this correct?

        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

    # replace last entry with the point close to target_ht:
    lla_field[-1,:] = lla

    return lla_field
Example #2
def _igrf_tracefield_hemis(dn, lat, lon, alt, target_ht, step):
    Helper function to trace along a magnetic field line using IGRF
    for only one hemisphere

    :param dn: datetime.datetime object of requested trace
    :param lat: Latitude [degrees]
    :param lon: Longitude [degrees]
    :param alt: Altitude [km]
    :param target_ht: Altitude to stop trace [km]
    :param step: Step size of trace [km]

    :return lla: (latitude, longitude, altitude) data structure of trace
                 with dimentions [Nsteps x 3]


    lat = float(lat)
    lon = float(lon)
    alt = float(alt)
    target_ht = float(target_ht)
    step = float(step)

    target_ht = target_ht * 1e3
    step = step * 1e3

    lla = np.array([lat, lon, alt * 1e3])

    lla_field = lla
    """ Step 1: trace the field along a given direction """
    TOLERANCE = 10  # [m]
    i = 0
    while (lla[2] > target_ht):
        # convert to ECEF:
        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        # Grab field line information:
        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2] / 1e3)

        # coordinates follow pyglow's convention:
        # (x -> east, y -> north, z -> up)

        N = p.By  # North
        E = p.Bx  # East
        D = -p.Bz  # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # Step along the field line
        ecef_new = ecef + coord.ven2ecef(
            [-D / A * step, E / A * step, N / A * step],

        # Convert to lla coordinates:
        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

        # add the field line to our collection:
        lla_field = np.vstack([lla_field, lla])
        i = i + 1
    """ Step 2: Make the last point close to target_ht """
    while (abs(lla[2] - target_ht) > TOLERANCE):

        my_error = lla[2] - target_ht
        old_step = step
        # Find out how much we need to step by:
        step = -np.sign(step) * abs(lla[2] - target_ht)

        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2] / 1e3)

        N = p.Bx  # North
        E = p.By  # East
        D = p.Bz  # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # Trace the field, but use the modified step:
        ecef_new = ecef + coord.ven2ecef(
            np.array([-D / A, E / A, N / A]) * step / (-D / A),

        # TODO : I changed this, is this correct?
        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

    # replace last entry with the point close to target_ht:
    lla_field[-1, :] = lla

    return lla_field
Example #3
def _igrf_tracefield_hemis(dn, lat, lon, alt, target_ht, step):
    import numpy as np
    import coord
    from numpy import array as arr

    lat = float(lat)
    lon = float(lon)
    alt = float(alt)
    target_ht = float(target_ht)
    step = float(step)

    target_ht = target_ht * 1e3
    step = step * 1e3

    lla = np.array([lat, lon, alt * 1e3])

    lla_field = lla
    """ Step 1: trace the field along a given direction """
    TOLERANCE = 10  # [m]
    i = 0
    while (lla[2] > target_ht):
        # convert to ECEF:
        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        # Grab field line information:
        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2] / 1e3)

        # coordinates follow pyglow's convention:
        # (x -> east, y -> north, z -> up)

        N = p.By  # North
        E = p.Bx  # East
        D = -p.Bz  # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # Step along the field line
        ecef_new = ecef + coord.ven2ecef(lla, [(-D / A * step), (E / A * step),
                                               (N / A * step)])

        # Convert to lla coordinates:
        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

        # add the field line to our collection:
        lla_field = np.vstack([lla_field, lla])
        i = i + 1
    """ Step 2: Make the last point close to target_ht """
    while (abs(lla[2] - target_ht) > TOLERANCE):
        my_error = lla[2] - target_ht
        old_step = step
        # find out how much we need to step by:
        step = -np.sign(step) * abs(lla[2] - target_ht)

        ecef = coord.lla2ecef(lla)

        p = Point(dn, lla[0], lla[1], lla[2] / 1e3)

        N = p.Bx  # North
        E = p.By  # East
        D = p.Bz  # Down
        A = p.B  # Total

        # trace the field, but use the modified step:
        ecef_new = ecef + coord.ven2ecef(
            np.array([(-D / A), (E / A), N / A]) * step / (-D / A))
        # TODO : I changed this, is this correct?

        lla = coord.ecef2lla(ecef_new)

    # replace last entry with the point close to target_ht:
    lla_field[-1, :] = lla

    return lla_field