def __init__(self, field, queue, score, holding, player_no): self.field = field self.queue = queue self.score = score self.holding = holding self.__drawable_line = C.FIELD_HEIGHT + 2 self.player_no = player_no self.offset = Point(15.5 * player_no, 0)
def draw(self, offset, drawable_line): for i, line in enumerate(self.__matrix): if drawable_line <= i: return for j, block in enumerate(line): point = Point(offset.x + j, offset.y + i) block.draw(point)
def __init__(self, mino_type, position=Point(4, INITIAL), rotation=Rotation.UP): self.rotation = rotation self.mino_type = mino_type self.position = position self.__update_ceched_blocks()
class Layout: def __init__(self, field, queue, score, holding, player_no): self.field = field self.queue = queue self.score = score self.holding = holding self.__drawable_line = C.FIELD_HEIGHT + 2 self.player_no = player_no self.offset = Point(15.5 * player_no, 0) def draw(self, current_mino): self.field.draw(self.offset.add(1, 1), self.__drawable_line) self.holding.draw(self.offset.add(11.5, 1)) self.queue.draw(self.offset.add(11.5, 6)) self.score.draw(self.offset.add(1, 22)) if self.__drawable_line > 2: current_mino.draw(self.offset.add(1, 1)) def reduce_drawable_line(self): if self.__drawable_line > 0: self.__drawable_line -= 1
def draw(self, offset): offset = Point(self.position.x + offset.x, self.position.y + offset.y) self.blocks.draw(offset)
return self.position.y == Mino.INITIAL def draw(self, offset): offset = Point(self.position.x + offset.x, self.position.y + offset.y) self.blocks.draw(offset) def __update_ceched_blocks(self): rotated = Rotator(self.mino_type.value, self.rotation).rotate() self.blocks = Blocks(rotated) def __is_collision(self, field, blocks, position): for pos, _ in blocks.flatten(position): if pos.x < 0: return True # left edge if C.FIELD_WIDTH <= pos.x: return True # right edge if C.FIELD_HEIGHT <= pos.y: return True # bottom edge if field.is_stored(pos.x, pos.y): return True # stored blocks return False if __name__ == "__main__": pos = Point(5, 5) down = pos.apply(MoveDirection.DOWN) assert down.x == 5 assert down.y == 6 left = pos.apply(MoveDirection.LEFT) assert left.x == 4 assert left.y == 5 right = pos.apply(MoveDirection.RIGHT) assert right.x == 6 assert right.y == 5
def mainfunc(): # option parser (see usage = "%prog [options] --lon LONGITUDE --lat LATITUDE --alt ALTITUDE [--fov FOV | --fovx FOVx --fovy FOVy]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog "+__VERSION__) parser.add_option("--lon", "--longitude", dest="lon", help="REQUIRED. Geographic coordinate for the Longitude.") parser.add_option("--lat", "--latitude", dest="lat", help="REQUIRED. Geographic coordinate for the Latitude.") parser.add_option("--alt", "--altitude", dest="alt", help="REQUIRED. Altitude from the earth.") parser.add_option("--fov", dest="fov", help="REQUIRED. Field of view. 0 < fov < 180 degrees; 0 < fov < %s radians." % math.pi) parser.add_option("--fovx", dest="fovx", help="If FOV is not passed in, this is REQUIRED. Field of view in X. 0 < fov < 180 degrees; 0 < fov < %s radians." % math.pi) parser.add_option("--fovy", dest="fovy", help="If FOV is not passed in, this is REQUIRED. Field of view in Y. 0 < fov < 180 degrees; 0 < fov < %s radians." % math.pi) parser.add_option("--azi", "--azimuth", dest="azimuth", help="The angle of the azimuth off North, in degrees or radians (per the -a flag) Default is 0. 0 <= azimuth <= 360.0 degrees; 0 <= azimuth <= %s radians." % (2*math.pi)) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="[dd (default) | dms] -- dd is decimal degrees ([-]123.1234); dms is degrees-minutes-seconds (11d 22m 33.333s [NSEW]).") parser.add_option("-u", "--units", dest="units", help="[m (default) | km | ft | mi] -- Units of altitude. m is meters; km is kilometers; ft is feet; mi is miles.") parser.add_option("-a", "--angle", dest="angle", help="[d (default) | r] -- Units of the field of view angle. d is degrees; r is radians.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Parse arguments if options.lon == None: parser.error("Must pass in the --lon option.") if == None: parser.error("Must pass in the --lat option.") if options.alt == None: parser.error("Must pass in the --alt option.") if options.fovx != None and options.fovy == None: parser.error("Must pass in the --fovy option.") if options.fovy != None and options.fovx == None: parser.error("Must pass in the --fovx option.") if options.fov == None and not (options.fovx != None and options.fovy != None): parser.error("Must pass in the --fov option.") lon = Coordinate(options.lon, "Lon") lat = Coordinate(, "Lat") if not lon.isValid(): parser.error("Invalid longitudinal coordinate: %s" % lon.getCoord()) if not lat.isValid(): parser.error("Invalid latitudinal coordinate: %s" % lat.getCoord()) # Center point cp = Point(options.lon, try: alt = float(options.alt) except: parser.error("Invalid altitude: %s. Altitude must be a number." % options.alt) if options.fov == None: try: fov_x = float(options.fovx) except: parser.error("Invalid field of view in X: %s. Field of view must be a number." % options.fovx) try: fov_y = float(options.fovy) except: parser.error("Invalid field of view in Y: %s. Field of view must be a number." % options.fovy) else: try: fov_x = float(options.fov) fov_y = float(options.fov) options.fovx = options.fov options.fovy = options.fov except: parser.error("Invalid field of view: %s. Field of view must be a number." % options.fov) if not options.output: options.output = 'dd' if options.output.lower() not in ['dd', 'dms']: parser.error("Invalid option for input: %s" % options.input) if not options.units: options.units = 'm' if options.units.lower() not in ['m', 'km', 'ft', 'mi']: parser.error("Invalid option for units: %s" % options.units) if not options.angle: options.angle = 'd' if options.angle.lower() not in ['d', 'r']: parser.error("Invalid option for angle: %s" % options.angle) if not options.azimuth: options.azimuth = "0" try: options.azimuth = float(options.azimuth) except: parser.error("Invalid option for azimuth: %s" % options.azimuth) if options.angle == 'd': if options.azimuth < 0 or options.azimuth > 360.0: parser.error("Invalid option for azimuth: %s. Azimuth must be between 0 and 360.0 degrees." % options.azimuth) elif options.angle == 'r': if options.azimuth < 0 or options.azimuth > 2*math.pi: parser.error("Invalid option for azimuth: %s. Azimuth must be betweeen 0 and %s radians." % (options.azimuth, 2*math.pi)) options.output = options.output.lower() options.units = options.units.lower() options.angle = options.angle.lower() if alt < 0: parser.error("Invalid altitude: %s. Altitude cannot be negative." % alt) if fov_x <= 0: parser.error("Invalid field of view in X: %s. Field of view cannot be negative or zero." % fov_x) if options.angle == 'd' and fov_x >= 180.0: parser.error("Invalid field of view in X: %s. Field of view must be less than 180.0" % fov_x) if options.angle == 'r' and fov_x >= math.pi: parser.error("Invalid field of view in X: %s. Field of view must be lass than %s" % (fov_x, math.pi)) if fov_y <= 0: parser.error("Invalid field of view in Y: %s. Field of view cannot be negative or zero." % fov_y) if options.angle == 'd' and fov_y >= 180.0: parser.error("Invalid field of view in Y: %s. Field of view must be less than 180.0" % fov_y) if options.angle == 'r' and fov_y >= math.pi: parser.error("Invalid field of view in Y: %s. Field of view must be lass than %s" % (fov_y, math.pi)) if cp.x < -180.0 or cp.x > 180.0: parser.error("Invalid longitudinal coordinate: %s. Longitude must be between -180.0 and 180.0 degrees." % cp.x) if cp.y < -90.0 or cp.y > 90.0: parser.error("Invalid latitudinal coordinate: %s. Latitude must be between -90.0 and 90.0 degrees." % cp.y) if options.angle == 'r': options.azimuth = options.azimuth * RAD2DEG debug(options) if options.angle == 'd': fov_x = fov_x * DEG2RAD fov_y = fov_y * DEG2RAD debug("fov_x in radians is %s, fov_y in radians is %s" % (fov_x, fov_y)) xhalf = fov_x/2.0 yhalf = fov_y/2.0 debug("fov_x half is %s radians, fov_y half is %s radians" % (xhalf, yhalf)) # Calculate the top and bottom edge of the viewing angle, d_vert is in the # `alt' units. d_vert = alt * math.tan( yhalf ) # Calculate the left and right edge of the viewing angle d_horiz = alt * math.tan( xhalf ) debug("d vert: %s" % d_vert) debug("d horiz: %s" % d_horiz) # Calculate corner distance dist = math.sqrt( d_vert * d_vert + d_horiz * d_horiz ) # upper plane (only use the y value) upper = cp.geoWaypoint(d_vert, 0.0, options.units) debug("Upper is: %s" % (upper)) # lower plane (only use the y value) lower = cp.geoWaypoint(d_vert, 180.0, options.units) debug("Lower is: %s" % (lower)) # left plane (only use the x value) left = cp.geoWaypoint(d_horiz, 270.0, options.units) debug("Left is: %s" % (left)) # right plane (only use the x value) right = cp.geoWaypoint(d_horiz, 90.0, options.units) debug("Right is: %s" % (right)) # upper left point ul = Point(left.x, upper.y) # upper right point ur = Point(right.x, upper.y) # lower right point lr = Point(right.x, lower.y) # lower left point ll = Point(left.x, lower.y) debug("UL\t%s\t%s" % (ul.x, ul.y)) debug("LL\t%s\t%s" % (ll.x, ll.y)) debug("UR\t%s\t%s" % (ur.x, ur.y)) debug("LR\t%s\t%s" % (lr.x, lr.y)) debug("CP\t%s\t%s" % (cp.x, cp.y)) ul = ul.rotate(cp, options.azimuth) ur = ur.rotate(cp, options.azimuth) lr = lr.rotate(cp, options.azimuth) ll = ll.rotate(cp, options.azimuth) debug("Rotated:") print "CP\t%13.8f\t%13.8f" % (cp.x, cp.y) print "UL\t%13.8f\t%13.8f" % (ul.x, ul.y) print "LL\t%13.8f\t%13.8f" % (ll.x, ll.y) print "UR\t%13.8f\t%13.8f" % (ur.x, ur.y) print "LR\t%13.8f\t%13.8f" % (lr.x, lr.y) print "DW\t%13.8f %s" % (d_horiz*2, 'm') print "DH\t%13.8f %s" % (d_vert*2, 'm') debug("Azimuth: %s" % options.azimuth) debug("Distance: %s %s" % (dist, options.units)) debug("Upper left distance from center point: %s %s" % (cp.geoDistanceTo(ul, options.units), options.units)) debug("Vertical viewing distance: %s %s" % (cp.geoDistanceTo(upper, options.units) * 2, options.units)) debug("Horizontal viewing distance: %s %s" % (cp.geoDistanceTo(left, options.units) * 2, options.units)) return 0
def __draw_background(self): for y in range(C.FIELD_HEIGHT + 2): for x in range(C.SCREEN_WIDTH): Block.BRICK.draw(Point(x, y))