def parseNPC(title, attributes, c, spells, getURL): name = title if 'name' in attributes: name = attributes['name'] posx = None if 'posx' in attributes: try: posx = convert_x(attributes['posx']) except: pass posy = None if 'posy' in attributes: try: posy = convert_y(attributes['posy']) except: pass posz = None if 'posz' in attributes: try: posz = int(attributes['posz']) except: pass city = None if 'city' in attributes: city = attributes['city'].lower() if city == None: return False job = None if 'job2' in attributes: job = attributes['job2'] if 'job' in attributes and (job == None or 'guild leader' in attributes['job'].lower()): job = attributes['job'] url = "" % (title.replace(' ', '_')) image = getImage(url, getURL, imageRegex) if image == None or image == False: url = "" % (title.replace(' ', '_')) image = getImage(url, getURL, imageRegex2) if image == None or image == False: print('failed to get image for npc', title) return False c.execute('INSERT INTO NPCs (title,name, city, job, x, y, z, image) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (title,name, city, job, posx, posy, posz, image)) npcid = c.lastrowid if 'sells' in attributes and 'teaches' in attributes['sells'].lower(): spells[npcid] = parseSpells(attributes['sells']) if 'notes' in attributes: match ='{{Transport([^}]+)', attributes['notes']) if match != None: splits = match.groups()[0].split('|') for spl in splits: spl = spl.strip() if ',' in spl: splits2 = spl.split(',') dest = splits2[0].strip() notes = "" if ';' in splits2[1]: splits3 = splits2[1].split(';') splits2[1] = splits3[0] notes = splits3[1].replace('[', '').replace(']', '') try: cost = int(splits2[1].strip()) except: continue c.execute('INSERT INTO NPCDestinations(npcid, destination, cost, notes) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (npcid, dest, cost, notes)) return True
def addChildren(parentNode, missionName): ordering = 0 for instruction in parentNode.findall('Instruction'): if 'SamePage' in instruction.attrib and instruction.attrib[ 'SamePage'] == 'True': ordering -= 1 beginx = None beginy = None beginz = None settings = "" if instruction.find('Markings') != None: averagex, averagey, averagez = (0, 0, None) count = 0 for marking in instruction.find('Markings'): coordinate = marking.find('MarkLocation').text begin = coordinate.split(',') beginx = convert_x(begin[0]) beginy = convert_y(begin[1]) beginz = int(begin[2]) settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(beginx) + "," + str( beginy) + "," + str(beginz) averagex += beginx averagey += beginy if averagez == None: averagez = beginz elif averagez != beginz: raise Exception("Markings on different floors.") count += 1 if marking.find("MarkIcon") != None: settings = settings + "@MarkIcon=" + marking.find( 'MarkIcon').text if marking.find("MarkSize") != None: settings = settings + "@MarkSize=" + str( int(marking.find('MarkSize').text)) beginx = averagex / count beginy = averagey / count beginz = averagez if instruction.find("WalkableColor") != None: settings = settings + "@WalkableColor=" + instruction.find( "WalkableColor").text if instruction.find('BeginCoordinate') != None: begin = instruction.find('BeginCoordinate').text.split(',') beginx = convert_x(begin[0]) beginy = convert_y(begin[1]) beginz = int(begin[2]) if instruction.find("BeginImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(beginx) + "," + str( beginy) + "," + str( beginz) + "@MarkIcon=" + instruction.find( "BeginImage").text if instruction.find('EndCoordinate') == None: endx = None endy = None endz = 90 try: endz = int(instruction.find('RectangleSize').text) except: pass else: end = instruction.find('EndCoordinate').text.split(',') endx = convert_x(end[0]) endy = convert_y(end[1]) endz = int(end[2]) if instruction.find("EndImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(endx) + "," + str( endy) + "," + str(endz) + "@MarkIcon=" + instruction.find( "EndImage").text description = instruction.find('Text').text c.execute( 'INSERT INTO QuestInstructions(questid, beginx, beginy, beginz, endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, missionname,settings) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (questid, convert_x(begin[0]), convert_y(begin[1]), int( begin[2]), endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, missionName, settings[1:] + "@" if len(settings) > 0 else None)) ordering += 1
'CREATE TABLE HuntDirections(huntingplaceid INTEGER, beginx INTEGER, beginy INTEGER, beginz INTEGER, endx INTEGER, endy INTEGER, endz INTEGER, description STRING, ordering INTEGER, settings STRING)' ) root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(huntdirections_xmlfile).getroot() for child in root.getchildren(): huntingplaceid = getHuntID(child.find('Name').text) ordering = 0 for direction in child.find('Directions').getchildren(): settings = "" if 'SamePage' in direction.attrib and direction.attrib[ 'SamePage'] == 'True': ordering -= 1 begin = direction.find('BeginCoordinate').text.split(',') end = direction.find('EndCoordinate').text.split(',') if direction.find("BeginImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(convert_x( begin[0])) + "," + str(convert_y(begin[1])) + "," + str( int(begin[2])) + "@MarkIcon=" + direction.find( "BeginImage").text if direction.find("EndImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(convert_x( end[0])) + "," + str(convert_y(end[1])) + "," + str(int( end[2])) + "@MarkIcon=" + direction.find("EndImage").text description = direction.find('Text').text c.execute( 'INSERT INTO HuntDirections(huntingplaceid, beginx, beginy, beginz, endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, settings) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (huntingplaceid, convert_x(begin[0]), convert_y( begin[1]), int(begin[2]), convert_x(end[0]), convert_y( end[1]), int(end[2]), description, ordering, settings)) ordering += 1
def parseHunt(title, attributes, c, content, huntcreatures, getURL): name = title.replace('<br>', ' ').strip() if 'name' in attributes: name = attributes['name'].replace('<br>', ' ').strip() image = None if 'image' in attributes: image = attributes['image'] expstar = None if 'expstar' in attributes or 'exp' in attributes: try: expstar = int(attributes['expstar']) except: pass if expstar == None: try: expstar = ratingMap[attributes['exp'].lower().strip()] except: pass lootstar = None if 'lootstar' in attributes or 'loot' in attributes: try: lootstar = int(attributes['lootstar']) except:pass if lootstar == None: try: lootstar = ratingMap[attributes['loot'].lower().strip()] except: pass level = None if 'lvlknights' in attributes: try: level = int(attributes['lvlknights']) except: pass if 'lvlpaladins' in attributes and level==None: try: level = int(attributes['lvlpaladins']) except: pass if 'lvlmages' in attributes and level==None: try: level = int(attributes['lvlmages']) except: pass city = None if 'city' in attributes: city = attributes['city'] if city == None and level == None: return False c.execute('SELECT * FROM HuntingPlaces WHERE LOWER(name)=?', (name.lower(),)) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: huntattribs = [name, level, expstar, lootstar, image, city].count(None) otherAttributes = results[0].count(None) if otherAttributes > huntattribs: c.execute('DELETE FROM HuntingPlaces WHERE LOWER(name)=?', (name.lower(),)) else: print(name, 'more null values than other hunt of the same name', huntattribs, otherAttributes) return True c.execute('INSERT INTO HuntingPlaces (name, level, exprating, lootrating, image, city) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)', (name, level, expstar, lootstar, image, city)) huntingid = c.lastrowid if 'location' in attributes: locstr = attributes['location'] index = 0; while True: match =, locstr[index:]) if match == None: break x = convert_x(match.groups()[0]) y = convert_y(match.groups()[1]) z = int(match.groups()[2]) c.execute('INSERT INTO HuntingPlaceCoordinates (huntingplaceid, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (huntingid, x, y, z)) index += match.end() index = 0; huntcreatures[huntingid] = list() while True: match =, content[index:]) if match == None: break creature = match.groups()[0] if creature not in huntcreatures[huntingid]: huntcreatures[huntingid].append(creature) index += match.end() index = 0 while True: match =, content[index:]) if match == None: break creatureList = match.groups()[0].split('|')[1:] for creature in creatureList: huntcreatures[huntingid].append(creature) index += match.end() return True
def parseHunt(title, attributes, c, content, huntcreatures, getURL): name = title.replace('<br>', ' ').strip() if 'name' in attributes: name = attributes['name'].replace('<br>', ' ').strip() image = None if 'image' in attributes: image = attributes['image'] expstar = None if 'expstar' in attributes or 'exp' in attributes: try: expstar = int(attributes['expstar']) except: pass if expstar == None: try: expstar = ratingMap[attributes['exp'].lower().strip()] except: pass lootstar = None if 'lootstar' in attributes or 'loot' in attributes: try: lootstar = int(attributes['lootstar']) except: pass if lootstar == None: try: lootstar = ratingMap[attributes['loot'].lower().strip()] except: pass level = None if 'lvlknights' in attributes: try: level = int(attributes['lvlknights']) except: pass if 'lvlpaladins' in attributes and level == None: try: level = int(attributes['lvlpaladins']) except: pass if 'lvlmages' in attributes and level == None: try: level = int(attributes['lvlmages']) except: pass city = None if 'city' in attributes: city = attributes['city'] if city == None and level == None: return False c.execute('SELECT * FROM HuntingPlaces WHERE LOWER(name)=?', (name.lower(), )) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: huntattribs = [name, level, expstar, lootstar, image, city].count(None) otherAttributes = results[0].count(None) if otherAttributes > huntattribs: c.execute('DELETE FROM HuntingPlaces WHERE LOWER(name)=?', (name.lower(), )) else: print(name, 'more null values than other hunt of the same name', huntattribs, otherAttributes) return True c.execute( 'INSERT INTO HuntingPlaces (name, level, exprating, lootrating, image, city) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)', (name, level, expstar, lootstar, image, city)) huntingid = c.lastrowid if 'location' in attributes: locstr = attributes['location'] index = 0 while True: match =, locstr[index:]) if match == None: break x = convert_x(match.groups()[0]) y = convert_y(match.groups()[1]) z = int(match.groups()[2]) c.execute( 'INSERT INTO HuntingPlaceCoordinates (huntingplaceid, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (huntingid, x, y, z)) index += match.end() index = 0 huntcreatures[huntingid] = list() while True: match =, content[index:]) if match == None: break creature = match.groups()[0] if creature not in huntcreatures[huntingid]: huntcreatures[huntingid].append(creature) index += match.end() index = 0 while True: match =, content[index:]) if match == None: break creatureList = match.groups()[0].split('|')[1:] for creature in creatureList: huntcreatures[huntingid].append(creature) index += match.end() return True
from coordinates import convert_x, convert_y # hunt directions c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS HuntDirections') c.execute('CREATE TABLE HuntDirections(huntingplaceid INTEGER, beginx INTEGER, beginy INTEGER, beginz INTEGER, endx INTEGER, endy INTEGER, endz INTEGER, description STRING, ordering INTEGER, settings STRING)') root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(huntdirections_xmlfile).getroot() for child in root.getchildren(): huntingplaceid = getHuntID(child.find('Name').text) ordering = 0 for direction in child.find('Directions').getchildren(): settings = "" if 'SamePage' in direction.attrib and direction.attrib['SamePage'] == 'True': ordering -= 1 begin = direction.find('BeginCoordinate').text.split(',') end = direction.find('EndCoordinate').text.split(',') if direction.find("BeginImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(convert_x(begin[0])) + "," + str(convert_y(begin[1])) + "," + str(int(begin[2])) + "@MarkIcon=" + direction.find("BeginImage").text if direction.find("EndImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(convert_x(end[0])) + "," + str(convert_y(end[1])) + "," + str(int(end[2])) + "@MarkIcon=" + direction.find("EndImage").text description = direction.find('Text').text c.execute('INSERT INTO HuntDirections(huntingplaceid, beginx, beginy, beginz, endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, settings) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (huntingplaceid, convert_x(begin[0]), convert_y(begin[1]), int(begin[2]), convert_x(end[0]), convert_y(end[1]), int(end[2]), description, ordering, settings)) ordering += 1 def addChildren(parentNode, missionName): ordering = 0 for instruction in parentNode.findall('Instruction'): if 'SamePage' in instruction.attrib and instruction.attrib['SamePage'] == 'True': ordering -= 1 beginx = None beginy = None beginz = None
def addChildren(parentNode, missionName): ordering = 0 for instruction in parentNode.findall('Instruction'): if 'SamePage' in instruction.attrib and instruction.attrib['SamePage'] == 'True': ordering -= 1 beginx = None beginy = None beginz = None settings = "" if instruction.find('Markings') != None: averagex, averagey, averagez = (0, 0, None) count = 0 for marking in instruction.find('Markings'): coordinate = marking.find('MarkLocation').text begin = coordinate.split(',') beginx = convert_x(begin[0]) beginy = convert_y(begin[1]) beginz = int(begin[2]) settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(beginx) + "," + str(beginy) + "," + str(beginz) averagex += beginx averagey += beginy if averagez == None: averagez = beginz elif averagez != beginz: raise Exception("Markings on different floors.") count += 1 if marking.find("MarkIcon") != None: settings = settings + "@MarkIcon=" + marking.find('MarkIcon').text if marking.find("MarkSize") != None: settings = settings + "@MarkSize=" + str(int(marking.find('MarkSize').text)) beginx = averagex / count beginy = averagey / count beginz = averagez if instruction.find("WalkableColor") != None: settings = settings + "@WalkableColor=" + instruction.find("WalkableColor").text if instruction.find('BeginCoordinate') != None: begin = instruction.find('BeginCoordinate').text.split(',') beginx = convert_x(begin[0]) beginy = convert_y(begin[1]) beginz = int(begin[2]) if instruction.find("BeginImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(beginx) + "," + str(beginy) + "," + str(beginz) + "@MarkIcon=" + instruction.find("BeginImage").text if instruction.find('EndCoordinate') == None: endx = None endy = None endz = 90 try: endz = int(instruction.find('RectangleSize').text) except: pass else: end = instruction.find('EndCoordinate').text.split(',') endx = convert_x(end[0]) endy = convert_y(end[1]) endz = int(end[2]) if instruction.find("EndImage") != None: settings = settings + "@Marking=" + str(endx) + "," + str(endy) + "," + str(endz) + "@MarkIcon=" + instruction.find("EndImage").text description = instruction.find('Text').text c.execute('INSERT INTO QuestInstructions(questid, beginx, beginy, beginz, endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, missionname,settings) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (questid, convert_x(begin[0]), convert_y(begin[1]), int(begin[2]), endx, endy, endz, description, ordering, missionName,settings[1:] + "@" if len(settings) > 0 else None)) ordering += 1
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import urllib.request import sqlite3 from coordinates import convert_x, convert_y database_file = 'database.db' conn = sqlite3.connect(database_file) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS RashidPositions') c.execute('CREATE TABLE RashidPositions(day STRING, city STRING, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER)') x,y,z = convert_x('125.210'),convert_y('121.182'),7 c.execute('INSERT INTO RashidPositions(day, city, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', ['Monday', 'Svargrond', x, y, z]) x,y,z = convert_x('126.47'),convert_y('128.67'),7 c.execute('INSERT INTO RashidPositions(day, city, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', ['Tuesday', 'Liberty Bay', x, y, z]) x,y,z = convert_x('127.65'),convert_y('127.241'),7 c.execute('INSERT INTO RashidPositions(day, city, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', ['Wednesday', 'Port Hope', x, y, z]) x,y,z = convert_x('129.47'),convert_y('128.117'),6 c.execute('INSERT INTO RashidPositions(day, city, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', ['Thursday', 'Ankrahmun', x, y, z])
count = int(task.find('Count').text) taskpoints = int( task.find('Points').text) if task.find('Points') != None else None boss = task.find( 'Boss').text.strip().lower() if task.find('Boss') != None else None bossid = None if boss != None: c.execute( 'SELECT id FROM Creatures WHERE LOWER(name)=? OR LOWER(title)=?', (boss, boss)) bossid = c.fetchall()[0][0] uloc = task.find('BossLocation').text.split( ',') if task.find('BossLocation') != None else (None, None, None) if uloc[0] != None: uloc[0] = convert_x(uloc[0]) uloc[1] = convert_y(uloc[1]) uloc[2] = int(uloc[2]) c.execute( 'INSERT INTO Tasks(name,groupid, count, taskpoints, bossid, bossx, bossy, bossz) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (name, bracketid, count, taskpoints, bossid, uloc[0], uloc[1], uloc[2])) taskid = c.lastrowid for creature in creatures.split(';'): creature = creature.strip().lower() print(creature) c.execute( 'SELECT id FROM Creatures WHERE LOWER(name)=? OR LOWER(title)=?', (creature, creature)) creatureid = c.fetchall()[0][0] c.execute( 'INSERT INTO TaskCreatures(taskid, creatureid) VALUES (?,?)',
# cities c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Cities') c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CityUtilities') c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE Cities(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name STRING, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER)' ) c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE CityUtilities(cityid INTEGER, name STRING, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER)' ) root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(cities_xmlfile).getroot() for child in root.getchildren(): cityname = child.find('Name').text location = child.find('Location').text.split(',') c.execute('INSERT INTO Cities(name, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (cityname, convert_x(location[0]), convert_y( location[1]), int(location[2]))) cityid = c.lastrowid utilities = child.find('Utilities') for utility in utilities.getchildren(): utilityname = utility.find('Name').text uloc = utility.find('Location').text.split(',') c.execute( 'INSERT INTO CityUtilities(cityid, name, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (cityid, utilityname, convert_x(uloc[0]), convert_y( uloc[1]), int(uloc[2]))) c.execute( 'SELECT x, y, z FROM NPCs INNER JOIN BuyItems ON AND BuyItems.itemid=? AND LOWER(city)=?', (parcelid, cityname.lower())) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: c.execute(
conn = sqlite3.connect(database_file) c = conn.cursor() # parcel id c.execute('SELECT id FROM Items WHERE LOWER(name)="parcel"') parcelid = c.fetchall()[0][0] # cities c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Cities'); c.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CityUtilities'); c.execute('CREATE TABLE Cities(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name STRING, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER)') c.execute('CREATE TABLE CityUtilities(cityid INTEGER, name STRING, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, z INTEGER)') root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(cities_xmlfile).getroot() for child in root.getchildren(): cityname = child.find('Name').text location = child.find('Location').text.split(',') c.execute('INSERT INTO Cities(name, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', (cityname, convert_x(location[0]), convert_y(location[1]), int(location[2]))) cityid = c.lastrowid utilities = child.find('Utilities') for utility in utilities.getchildren(): utilityname = utility.find('Name').text uloc = utility.find('Location').text.split(',') c.execute('INSERT INTO CityUtilities(cityid, name, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (cityid, utilityname, convert_x(uloc[0]), convert_y(uloc[1]), int(uloc[2]))) c.execute('SELECT x, y, z FROM NPCs INNER JOIN BuyItems ON AND BuyItems.itemid=? AND LOWER(city)=?', (parcelid, cityname.lower())) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0: c.execute('INSERT INTO CityUtilities(cityid, name, x, y, z) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', (cityid, "Post Office", results[0][0] * 2048, results[0][1] * 2304, results[0][2])) conn.commit()
creatures = task.find('Creature').text if task.find('Name') != None: name = task.find('Name').text else: name = creatures.split(';')[0] + " Task" count = int(task.find('Count').text) taskpoints = int(task.find('Points').text) if task.find('Points') != None else None boss = task.find('Boss').text.strip().lower() if task.find('Boss') != None else None bossid = None if boss != None: c.execute('SELECT id FROM Creatures WHERE LOWER(name)=? OR LOWER(title)=?', (boss, boss)) bossid = c.fetchall()[0][0] uloc = task.find('BossLocation').text.split(',') if task.find('BossLocation') != None else (None, None, None) if uloc[0] != None: uloc[0] = convert_x(uloc[0]) uloc[1] = convert_y(uloc[1]) uloc[2] = int(uloc[2]) c.execute('INSERT INTO Tasks(name,groupid, count, taskpoints, bossid, bossx, bossy, bossz) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (name,bracketid, count, taskpoints, bossid, uloc[0], uloc[1], uloc[2])) taskid = c.lastrowid for creature in creatures.split(';'): creature = creature.strip().lower() print(creature) c.execute('SELECT id FROM Creatures WHERE LOWER(name)=? OR LOWER(title)=?', (creature, creature)) creatureid = c.fetchall()[0][0] c.execute('INSERT INTO TaskCreatures(taskid, creatureid) VALUES (?,?)', (taskid, creatureid)) hunts = task.find('Hunts') for huntchild in hunts.getchildren(): huntname = huntchild.text.replace("_", " ").lower().strip() c.execute('SELECT id FROM HuntingPlaces WHERE LOWER(name)=?', (huntname,)) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) <= 0: