Example #1
 def flameplayer():
     fronttiles = [coords.sum(self.position, coords.mul(self.direction, i)) for i in range(1,4)]
     for tile in fronttiles:
         if tile in [player.position for player in world.players]:
             self._suggestmessage("The dragon breaths a jet of fire towards you", 5)
             for tile in fronttiles:
                 self.cellmap.ignite(tile, forceignite=True)
Example #2
def get_classifications(image, width, height):
    global nn

    boxes, scores, classes, num_classes = nn.get_classification(image)

    classifications = []
    for index in range(int(num_classes[0])):
        if (scores[0][index] > 0.9):
            box = boxes[0][index]
            classID = int(classes[0][index])

            pt1, pt2 = split(box)
            pt1 = pt1[::-1]
            pt1 = mul(pt1, width,
                      height)  # cast normalized coords to image size
            pt1 = toInt(pt1)
            pt2 = pt2[::-1]
            pt2 = mul(pt2, width,
                      height)  # cast normalized coords to image size
            pt2 = toInt(pt2)
            classifications.append({'id': classID, 'points': [pt1, pt2]})
    return classifications
Example #3
 def __init__(self, player, world, position):
     """Initialise instance variables"""
     self.player = player
     self.score = player.score
     self.world = world
     position = position if position else world.cellmap.startpos
     super(GEPlayer, self).__init__(position, world.cellmap)
     self.color = MAGENTA
     self.visibility = 15
     self.direction = RIGHT
     self.surface = pygame.Surface(coords.mul(world.cellmap.size, images.TILESIZE))
Example #4
    def sprite(self, player):
        isvisible = False
        tileoffset = [-1 if axis == 1 else 0 for axis in self.direction]
        for tile in [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)]:
            tile = coords.modsum(tile, tileoffset, self.cellmap.size)
            if coords.sum(self.position, tile) in player.visibletiles:
                isvisible = True
        if isvisible:
            return self._pokedsprite(images.DragonRed[self.direction],
                                     offset=coords.mul(tileoffset, images.TILESIZE))

            return None
Example #5
    def rendervisible(self, geplayer, extrasprites=[]):
        sprites = []
        sprites += extrasprites

        for gemgo in self.gemgos:
            sprite = gemgo.sprite(geplayer)
            if sprite is not None:

        visibleranges = ([],[])
        for axis in [0, 1]:
            if 2*geplayer.visibility + 5 >= self.cellmap.size[axis]:
                visibleranges[axis].append((0, self.cellmap.size[axis]))
                rmin = (geplayer.position[axis] - geplayer.visibility - 2) % self.cellmap.size[axis]
                rmax = (geplayer.position[axis] + geplayer.visibility + 2) % self.cellmap.size[axis]
                if rmin < rmax:
                    visibleranges[axis].append((rmin, rmax))
                    visibleranges[axis].append((rmin, self.cellmap.size[axis]))
                    visibleranges[axis].append((0, rmax))

        surface = geplayer.surface
        for rx in visibleranges[0]:
            for ry in visibleranges[1]:
                    rx[0]*TILESIZE, ry[0]*TILESIZE,
                    (rx[1]-rx[0])*TILESIZE, (ry[1]-ry[0])*TILESIZE)
                regionsprites = sprites
                for ix in range(rx[0]-1, rx[1]+1):
                    for iy in range(ry[0]-1, ry[1]+1):
                        regionsprites += self.cellmap.sprites((ix, iy))
                        if coords.mod((ix, iy), self.cellmap.size) not in geplayer.visibletiles:
                            sprites.append((images.NonVisible, coords.sum(coords.mul((ix, iy), TILESIZE), (-4,-4)), 100))
                regionsprites.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
                for sprite in regionsprites:
def vizhbond(geom, scale):
    # find hydrogen bonds
    # tol=3.0 # in angstroms
    # .. we should find this automagically..

    lines = []
    app = False
    c = 0
    li = coords.pickspec(geom, "O")
    # print li
    # stop
    tol = coords.distance(li[0], li[1]) * 1.20

    for g in geom:
        if (g[0] == "O"):
            hn = 0

            nei = coords.find_neighbours(
                g, geom)  # 0=the O atom, 1=H, 2=H, 3,4=hbond H

            # first find out the direction of covalent H bonds...
            h1 = nei[1][1]
            h2 = nei[2][1]

            h1 = coords.geomdiff([g, geom[h1]])
            h2 = coords.geomdiff([g, geom[h2]])
            uv = coords.unitvec(
                    h1, coords.mul(coords.add(coords.mul(h1, -1.0), h2),
                                   0.5)))  # symmetry axis

            n1 = nei[3][1]
            n2 = nei[4][1]
            dv1 = coords.geomdiff([g, geom[n1]])
            dv2 = coords.geomdiff([g, geom[n2]])
            # .. those are supposedly O that donate hydrogen bonds to us

            n1v = coords.dot(dv1, uv)
            n2v = coords.dot(dv2, uv)
            # .. project (neighboring hb donor - to us) vector to our symmetry axis
            # .. should be positive (negative?) and above some treshold

            sw = 2  # use sw=2, it is more sophisticated

            if (sw == 1):
                if (geom[n1][0] == "H" and n1v < 0):
                    hn = hn + 1
                if (geom[n2][0] == "H" and n2v < 0):
                    hn = hn + 1

                if (hn == 2):
                    lines = lines + coords.tcl_plotlines(
                        geom, c, n1, color="black", scale=scale, append=app)
                    app = True
                    lines = lines + coords.tcl_plotlines(
                        geom, c, n2, color="black", scale=scale, append=app)

            elif (sw == 2):
                if ((geom[n1][0] == "H") and (n1v <= 0.01)
                        and (coords.norm(dv1) <= tol)):
                    lines = lines + coords.tcl_plotlines(
                        geom, c, n1, color="black", scale=scale, append=app)
                    app = True
                if ((geom[n2][0] == "H") and (n2v <= 0.01)
                        and (coords.norm(dv2) <= tol)):
                    lines = lines + coords.tcl_plotlines(
                        geom, c, n2, color="black", scale=scale, append=app)
                    app = True

        c = c + 1
    return lines
Example #7
 def subtuple(a, b):
     return coords.sum(a, coords.mul(b, -1))