Example #1
def extend_iqu_map(source_dict=None, target_dict=None, map_dict=None):
    if source_dict != None:
        imap = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['imap']))
        qmap = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['qmap']))
        umap = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['umap']))

        if source_dict.has_key('imap_weight'):
            imap_weight = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['imap_weight']))
            qmap_weight = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['qmap_weight']))
            umap_weight = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_dict['umap_weight']))
        elif source_dict.has_key('imap_inv'):
            imap_weight, info = find_weight_re_diagnal(source_dict['imap_inv'])
            qmap_weight, info = find_weight_re_diagnal(source_dict['qmap_inv'])
            umap_weight, info = find_weight_re_diagnal(source_dict['umap_inv'])
            print 'Warning: no weight'
            imap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
            qmap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
            umap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
    elif map_dict != None:
        imap = map_dict['imap']
        qmap = map_dict['qmap']
        umap = map_dict['umap']

        if 'imap_weight' in map_dict.keys():
            imap_weight = map_dict['imap_weight']
            qmap_weight = map_dict['qmap_weight']
            umap_weight = map_dict['umap_weight']
            print 'Warning: no weight'
            imap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
            qmap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
            umap_weight = algebra.ones_like(imap)
        print "Error: Can not find I Q U maps"

    iqu = algebra.info_array(imap.tolist() + qmap.tolist() + umap.tolist())
    iqu = algebra.make_vect(iqu)
    iqu.info = imap.info

    iqu_weight = algebra.info_array(imap_weight.tolist() + 
                                    qmap_weight.tolist() + 
    iqu_weight = algebra.make_vect(iqu_weight)
    iqu_weight.info = imap_weight.info

    if target_dict != None:
        algebra.save(target_dict['map'], iqu)
        algebra.save(target_dict['weight'], iqu_weight)
        map_dict = {}
        map_dict['map']    = iqu
        map_dict['weight'] = iqu_weight
        return map_dict
Example #2
def getmap(imap_fname, nmap_fname, mmap_fname=None, half=None):
    get the matrix of intensity map and noise map
    #in_root = params['input_root']

    imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
    imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)

    if half!=None:
        imap = getmap_halfz(imap, half)
    #print "--The neam value for imap is:",imap.flatten().mean(),"--"
    #imap = imap - imap.flatten().mean()
    if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
        raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

        nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
        nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

        if half!=None:
            nmap = getmap_halfz(nmap, half)

        bad = nmap<1.e-5*nmap.flatten().max()
        nmap[bad] = 0.
        non0 = nmap.nonzero()
        #imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
    except IOError:
        print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
        nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
        nmap.axes = imap.axes
        nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
    nmap.info = imap.info
    if nmap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
        raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

    if mmap_fname != None:
            mmap = algebra.load(mmap_fname)
            mmap = algebra.make_vect(mmap)
            if half!=None:
                mmap = getmap_halfz(mmap, half)
        except IOError:
            print 'NO Mock File :: Make it!'
            mmap = algebra.info_array(
                2.*np.random.rand(imap.shape[0],imap.shape[1], imap.shape[2])-0.5)
            mmap.axes = imap.axes
            mmap = algebra.make_vect(mmap)
        return imap, nmap, mmap
        return imap, nmap
Example #3
def mktmp(rgn_i,rgn_j,rgn_k,srgn_i1,srgn_i2,srgn_j1,srgn_j2,srgn_k1,srgn_k2,outfilename):
    """Write to disk a file representing an empty matrix of given dimensions. Also write an identically
    shaped array of booleans, which are true if the index points to the subregion.
    rgn_i/j/k  : the dimensions of the full region to be simulated
        srgn_i/j/k : the dimensions of the deep integration subregion
    outfilename: the name of the file to be created

    regiontype = np.zeros((rgn_i,rgn_j,rgn_k), bool)

    array = np.zeros((rgn_i,rgn_j,rgn_k))

    for i in range(0,rgn_i):
        for j in range(0,rgn_j):
            for k in range(0,rgn_k):
                if (i>=(srgn_i1-1) and i<=(srgn_i2-1)):
                    if (j>=(srgn_j1-1) and j<=(srgn_j2-1)):
                        if (k>=(srgn_k1-1) and k<=(srgn_k2-1)):

    regiontypename = 'bool' + outfilename
    np.save(regiontypename, regiontype)
    print "done"
    template_map = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(outfilename))
Example #4
	def process_map(self, imap_fname, nmap_fname, mock_fname=None):
		params = self.params
		out_root = params['output_root']
		in_root = params['input_root']
		imap = algebra.load(in_root + imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		print imap.flatten().mean()
		imap = imap - imap.flatten().mean()
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

			nmap = algebra.load(in_root + nmap_fname)
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

			bad = nmap<1.e-5*nmap.flatten().max()
			nmap[bad] = 0.
			non0 = nmap.nonzero()
			#imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
			nmap.axes = imap.axes
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
		nmap.info = imap.info
		if nmap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		if mock_fname != None:
			mmap = algebra.info_array(
				2.*np.random.rand(imap.shape[0],imap.shape[1], imap.shape[2])-0.5)
			mmap.axes = imap.axes
			mmap = algebra.make_vect(mmap)
			box, nbox, mbox = self.fill(imap, nmap, mmap)
			pkrm_nfname = out_root + 'fftbox_' +  mock_fname
			algebra.save(pkrm_nfname, mbox)
			box, nbox = self.fill(imap, nmap)

		pkrm_fname = out_root + 'fftbox_' + imap_fname
		algebra.save(pkrm_fname, box)

		pkrm_nfname = out_root + 'fftbox_' +  nmap_fname
		algebra.save(pkrm_nfname, nbox)
Example #5
	def process_map(self, imap_fname, nmap_fname, ii, mock_fname=None):
		params = self.params
		sigma = params['sigma']
		mu = params['mu']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		in_root = params['input_root']
		imap = algebra.load(in_root + imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		#print imap.flatten().mean()
		imap = imap - imap.flatten().mean()
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		print ' :: Set Noise to Gaussian'
		nmap = algebra.info_array(
			sigma*np.random.randn(imap.shape[0],imap.shape[1], imap.shape[2])+mu)
		nmap.axes = imap.axes
		nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
		nmap.info = imap.info
		if nmap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		## add noise to map ##
		imap = imap + nmap
		non0 = nmap.nonzero()
		nmap[non0] = (1./sigma)**2

		#if mock_fname != None:
		#	mmap = algebra.info_array(
		#		2.*np.random.randn(imap.shape[0],imap.shape[1], imap.shape[2])-0.5)
		#	mmap.axes = imap.axes
		#	mmap = algebra.make_vect(mmap)
		#	box, nbox, mbox = self.fill(imap, nmap, mmap)
		#	pkrm_nfname = out_root + 'fftbox_' +  mock_fname
		#	algebra.save(pkrm_nfname, mbox)
		#	box, nbox = self.fill(imap, nmap)

		hr = params['hr']
		mid = params['mid']
		last = params['last']
		pol_str = params['polarizations'][0]
		end = pol_str
		if len(last)!=0:
			end = end + last[ii]
		end = end + '_' + str(ii)
		imap_fname = hr[ii] + mid[0] + end + '.npy'
		nmap_fname = hr[ii] + mid[1] + end + '.npy'

		pkrm_fname = out_root + imap_fname
		algebra.save(pkrm_fname, imap)

		pkrm_nfname = out_root + nmap_fname
		algebra.save(pkrm_nfname, nmap)
Example #6
	def fgrm(self, imap, fname):
		freq = imap.get_axis('freq')/1.e6
		imap = imap.swapaxes(0,2)
		fg = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(imap.shape))
		fg.axes = ('ra','dec','freq')
		fg = algebra.make_vect(fg)

		if self.plot==True:
			#plot the map without foreground removeing
			#plt.title('Map without foreground remove')
			plt.xlabel('Frequece (MHz)')
			plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ T(Kelvin) With Foreground')
			for i in range(0,imap.shape[0]):
				#for j in range(1, 2):
				for j in range(0, imap.shape[1]):
					plt.plot(freq, imap[i][j])

		for i in range(0,imap.shape[0]):
			#for j in range(1, 2):
			for j in range(0, imap.shape[1]):
				y = imap[i][j]
				y = np.asmatrix(y).T
				X = np.ones(shape=(3,imap.shape[2]))
				X[1] = np.log10(freq)
				X[2] = np.square(np.log10(freq))
				XT = np.asmatrix(X)
				X = XT.T
				a = ((XT*X).I*XT)*y
				yy = np.asarray((X*a).T)
				y = np.asarray((y-X*a).T)
				imap[i][j] = y
				fg[i][j] = yy

		if self.plot==True:
			plt.xlabel('Frequece (MHz)')
			plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ T(Kelvin) Foreground')
			for i in range(0,imap.shape[0]):
				#for j in range(1, 2):
				for j in range(0, imap.shape[1]):
					plt.plot(freq, fg[i][j])
			#plt.title('Map with foreground remove')
			plt.xlabel('Frequece (MHz)')
			plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ T(Kelvin) Without Foreground')
			for i in range(0,imap.shape[0]):
				#for j in range(1, 2):
				for j in range(0, imap.shape[1]):
					plt.plot(freq, imap[i][j])
			plt.savefig(fname, format='png')
Example #7
	def execute(self, nprocesses=1):
		params = self.params

		# Make parent directory and write parameter file.
		parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root']+'params.ini',prefix='pk_')
		in_root = params['input_root']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		mid = params['mid']
		all_out_fname_list = []
		all_in_fname_list = []
		#### Process ####
		pol_str = params['polarizations'][0]
		hr_str = params['hr'][0]
		imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid + pol_str + '.npy'
		imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + 'noise_inv_diag_' + pol_str + '.npy'
		nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
		nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

		#noise normal
		normal = (nmap**2).sum()

		#Using map in different day 
		hr_str = params['hr'][1]
		imap_fname2 = in_root + hr_str + mid + pol_str + '.npy'
		imap2 = algebra.load(imap_fname2)
		imap2 = algebra.make_vect(imap2)
		if imap2.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + 'noise_inv_diag_' + pol_str + '.npy'
		nmap2 = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
		nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)

		#noise normal
		normal2 = (nmap2**2).sum()

		normal = sqrt(normal)*sqrt(normal2)

		mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)
		#print imap.shape

		r  = self.discrete(self.fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq')))
		ra = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('ra'))*deg2rad
		de = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('dec'))*deg2rad
		ra0= ra[int(ra.shape[0]/2)]
		ra = ra - ra0
		dr = r.ptp()/r.shape[0]
		dra= ra.ptp()/ra.shape[0]
		dde= de.ptp()/de.shape[0]
		disc_n = params['discrete']
		#imap = imap.swapaxes(1,2)  # change the ra and dec
		#print imap.shape

		mapinf = [dr, dra, dde, disc_n]
		mapinf = np.array(mapinf)
		#print mapinf

		#print r	
		#print ra
		#print de

		box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box = algebra.make_vect(box)
		boxshape = np.array(box.shape)

		box2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box2 = algebra.make_vect(box2)
		xrange0 = params['Xrange'][0]
		yrange0 = params['Yrange'][0]
		zrange0 = params['Zrange'][0]
		boxunit = params['boxunit']
		shapex = params['boxshape'][2]
		shapera = ra.shape[0]
		V = params['boxunit']**3

		boxinf = [xrange0, yrange0, zrange0, boxunit]
		boxinf = np.array(boxinf)

		print "Filling the BOX"
		MakePower.Filling(imap, imap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)

		print "FFTing "
		fftbox = fftn(box)
		fftbox = fftbox.real**2 + fftbox.imag**2
		fftbox2= fftn(box2)
		fftbox2 = fftbox2.real**2 + fftbox2.imag**2
		fftbox = fftbox2
		#fftbox = fftbox.__pow__(0.5)*fftbox2.__pow__(0.5)

		PK = np.zeros(40)
		k = np.zeros(40)
		PK2 = np.zeros(shape=(10, 10))
		k2 = np.zeros(shape=(2, 10))
		MakePower.Make(fftbox, PK, k, PK2, k2)
		kunit = 2.*pi/(boxshape[0]*boxunit)
		k = k*kunit
		k2 = k2*kunit
		PK = PK*V*params['boxshape'][0]**3/normal
		PK2 = PK2*V*params['boxshape'][0]**3/normal

		sp.save(out_root+'PK', PK)
		sp.save(out_root+'PK2', PK2)

		non0 = PK.nonzero()

		if self.plot==True:
			#print k
			#print PK
			plt.scatter(k.take(non0), PK.take(non0))
			plt.title('Power Spectrum')
			plt.ylabel('$P(k) (Kelvin^{2}(h^{-1}Mpc)^3)$')

			PK = PK*V*params['boxshape'][0]**3/1.2e12*k*k*k/2./pi/pi
			#print PK
			plt.scatter(k.take(non0), PK.take(non0))
			plt.xlabel('$k (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			plt.ylabel('$\Delta^2 (Kelvin^{2})$')
			plt.savefig(out_root+'power.eps', format='eps')

			PK2 = np.log10(PK2)
			extent = (k2[0][0], k2[0][-1], k2[1][0], k2[1][-1])
			plt.imshow(PK2, origin='lower', extent = extent, interpolation='nearest')
			plt.xlabel('$k vertical (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			plt.ylabel('$k parallel (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			cb = plt.colorbar()
			cb.set_label('$lg(P^{2D}_{k_pk_v}) (Kelvin^2(h^{-1}Mpc)^3)$')
			plt.savefig(out_root+'power2.eps', format='eps')

			print 'Finished @_@ '
		return PK
Example #8
def fill(params, imap, nmap, mmap=None):
    Function that used to fill the fftbox with the intensity map
    params : the params dict for each module
    imap : the direction to the intensity maps
    nmap : the direction to the noise maps
    mmap : the direction to the mock maps

    It will return the fft box and nbox.
    box is for the intensity maps, while
    nbox is for the noise intensity maps.
    If the mmap!=None, it also return mbox
    which for the mock maps
    #params = self.params
    mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)

    r  = fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq'))
    ra = imap.get_axis('ra')*deg2rad
    de = imap.get_axis('dec')*deg2rad
    ra0= ra[int(ra.shape[0]/2)]
    ra = ra - ra0
    dra= ra.ptp()/ra.shape[0]
    dde= de.ptp()/de.shape[0]

    #ra_far = 0
    #de_far = 0
    #if ra.min()*ra.max()>0:
    #   if fabs(ra.min())<fabs(ra.max()):
    #       ra_far = ra.min()
    #   else:
    #       ra_far = ra.max()
    #if de.min()*de.max()>0:
    #   if fabs(de.min())<fabs(de.max()):
    #       de_far = de.min()
    #   else:
    #       de_far = de.max()
    #point = []
    #for i in range(3):
    #   point.append([xyzv(ra.min(), de.min(), r.min())[i], 
   #                 xyzv(ra.max(), de.min(), r.min())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.min(), de.max(), r.min())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.max(), de.max(), r.min())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.min(), de.min(), r.max())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.max(), de.min(), r.max())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.min(), de.max(), r.max())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra.max(), de.max(), r.max())[i],
   #                 xyzv(ra_far,   de_far,   r.max())[i],
    #                     ])
    #   point[i].sort()
    #print point
    #print params['boxshape']
    #print (point[0][-1]-point[0][0])/params['boxshape'][0]
    #print (point[1][-1]-point[1][0])/params['boxshape'][1]
    #print (point[2][-1]-point[2][0])/params['boxshape'][2]
    #return 0

    #print r.min(), r.max()
    #print xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.min())
    #print xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.min())
    #print xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.min())
    #print xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.min())
    #print xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.max())
    #print xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.max())
    #print xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.max())
    #print xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.max())

    ###return 0

    mapinf = [ra.min(), dra, de.min(), dde]
    mapinf = np.array(mapinf)

    box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
    box.axes = ('x','y','z')
    box = algebra.make_vect(box)
    box_xrange = params['Xrange']
    box_yrange = params['Yrange']
    box_zrange = params['Zrange']
    box_unit = params['boxunit']
    box_disc = params['discrete']

    print box_xrange, box_yrange, box_zrange, box_unit, 

    box_x = np.arange(box_xrange[0], box_xrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)
    box_y = np.arange(box_yrange[0], box_yrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)
    box_z = np.arange(box_zrange[0], box_zrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)

    #print box_x.shape
    #print box_y.shape
    #print box_z.shape

    boxshape = np.array(box.shape)*int(box_disc)

    boxinf0 = [0, 0, 0]
    boxinf0 = np.array(boxinf0)
    boxinf1 = [boxshape[0], boxshape[1], boxshape[2]]
    boxinf1 = np.array(boxinf1)

    print "MapPrepare: Filling the FFT BOX"
        imap, r, mapinf, box, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)

    nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
    nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
    nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)

    #nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(params['boxshape']))
    #nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
    #nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)

    #print boxinf1
        nmap, r, mapinf, nbox, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)

    if mmap != None:
        mbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
        mbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
        mbox = algebra.make_vect(mbox)
            mmap, r, mapinf, mbox, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)
        return box, nbox, mbox
        return box, nbox
Example #9
 def execute(self, nprocesses=1):
     """Worker funciton."""
     params = self.params
     # Make parent directory and write parameter file.
                            params['output_root'] + 'params.ini',
     save_noise_diag = params['save_noise_diag']
     in_root = params['input_root']
     all_out_fname_list = []
     all_in_fname_list = []
     # Figure out what the band names are.
     bands = params['bands']
     if not bands:
         map_files = glob.glob(in_root + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + "_*.npy")
         bands = []
         root_len = len(in_root + 'dirty_map_')
         for file_name in map_files:
     # Loop over files to process.
     for pol_str in params['polarizations']:
         for band in bands:
             if band == -1:
                 band_str = ''
                 band_str = "_" + repr(band)
             dmap_fname = (in_root + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + band_str +
             # Load the dirty map and the noise matrix.
             dirty_map = algebra.load(dmap_fname)
             dirty_map = algebra.make_vect(dirty_map)
             if dirty_map.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec'):
                 msg = ("Expeced dirty map to have axes ('freq',"
                        "'ra', 'dec'), but it has axes: " +
                 raise ce.DataError(msg)
             shape = dirty_map.shape
             # Initialize the clean map.
             clean_map = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(dirty_map.shape))
             clean_map.info = dict(dirty_map.info)
             clean_map = algebra.make_vect(clean_map)
             # If needed, initialize a map for the noise diagonal.
             if save_noise_diag:
                 noise_diag = algebra.zeros_like(clean_map)
             if params["from_eig"]:
                 # Solving from eigen decomposition of the noise instead of
                 # the noise itself.
                 # Load in the decomposition.
                 evects_fname = (in_root + 'noise_evects_' + pol_str +
                                 +band_str + '.npy')
                 if self.feedback > 1:
                     print "Using dirty map: " + dmap_fname
                     print "Using eigenvectors: " + evects_fname
                 evects = algebra.open_memmap(evects_fname, 'r')
                 evects = algebra.make_mat(evects)
                 evals_inv_fname = (in_root + 'noise_evalsinv_' + pol_str +
                                    "_" + repr(band) + '.npy')
                 evals_inv = algebra.load(evals_inv_fname)
                 evals_inv = algebra.make_mat(evals_inv)
                 # Solve for the map.
                 if params["save_noise_diag"]:
                     clean_map, noise_diag = solve_from_eig(
                         evals_inv, evects, dirty_map, True, self.feedback)
                     clean_map = solve_from_eig(evals_inv, evects,
                                                dirty_map, False,
                 # Delete the eigen vectors to recover memory.
                 del evects
                 # Solving from the noise.
                 noise_fname = (in_root + 'noise_inv_' + pol_str +
                                band_str + '.npy')
                 if self.feedback > 1:
                     print "Using dirty map: " + dmap_fname
                     print "Using noise inverse: " + noise_fname
                 noise_inv = algebra.open_memmap(noise_fname, 'r')
                 noise_inv = algebra.make_mat(noise_inv)
                 # Two cases for the noise.  If its the same shape as the map
                 # then the noise is diagonal.  Otherwise, it should be
                 # block diagonal in frequency.
                 if noise_inv.ndim == 3:
                     if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec'):
                         msg = ("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                "('freq', 'ra', 'dec'), but it has: " +
                         raise ce.DataError(msg)
                     # Noise inverse can fit in memory, so copy it.
                     noise_inv_memory = sp.array(noise_inv, copy=True)
                     # Find the non-singular (covered) pixels.
                     max_information = noise_inv_memory.max()
                     good_data = noise_inv_memory < 1.0e-10 * max_information
                     # Make the clean map.
                     clean_map[good_data] = (dirty_map[good_data] /
                     if save_noise_diag:
                         noise_diag[good_data] = \
                 elif noise_inv.ndim == 5:
                     if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra',
                         msg = ("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                "('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra', 'dec'), "
                                "but it has: " + str(noise_inv.axes))
                         raise ce.DataError(msg)
                     # Arrange the dirty map as a vector.
                     dirty_map_vect = sp.array(dirty_map)  # A view.
                     dirty_map_vect.shape = (shape[0], shape[1] * shape[2])
                     frequencies = dirty_map.get_axis('freq') / 1.0e6
                     # Allowcate memory only once.
                     noise_inv_freq = sp.empty(
                         (shape[1], shape[2], shape[1], shape[2]),
                     if self.feedback > 1:
                         print "Inverting noise matrix."
                     # Block diagonal in frequency so loop over frequencies.
                     for ii in xrange(dirty_map.shape[0]):
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print "Frequency: ", "%5.1f" % (
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print ", start mmap read:",
                         noise_inv_freq[...] = noise_inv[ii, ...]
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done, start eig:",
                         noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1] * shape[2],
                                                 shape[1] * shape[2])
                         # Solve the map making equation by diagonalization.
                         noise_inv_diag, Rot = sp.linalg.eigh(
                             noise_inv_freq, overwrite_a=True)
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done",
                         map_rotated = sp.dot(Rot.T, dirty_map_vect[ii])
                         # Zero out infinite noise modes.
                         bad_modes = (noise_inv_diag <
                                      1.0e-5 * noise_inv_diag.max())
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print ", discarded: ",
                             print "%4.1f" % (100.0 * sp.sum(bad_modes) /
                             print "% of modes",
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print ", start rotations:",
                         map_rotated[bad_modes] = 0.
                         noise_inv_diag[bad_modes] = 1.0
                         # Solve for the clean map and rotate back.
                         map_rotated /= noise_inv_diag
                         map = sp.dot(Rot, map_rotated)
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done",
                         # Fill the clean array.
                         map.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                         clean_map[ii, ...] = map
                         if save_noise_diag:
                             # Using C = R Lambda R^T
                             # where Lambda = diag(1/noise_inv_diag).
                             temp_noise_diag = 1 / noise_inv_diag
                             temp_noise_diag[bad_modes] = 0
                             # Multiply R by the diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
                             # Broadcasting does equivalent of mult by diag
                             # matrix.
                             temp_mat = Rot * temp_noise_diag
                             # Multiply by R^T, but only calculate the
                             # diagonal elements.
                             for jj in range(shape[1] * shape[2]):
                                 temp_noise_diag[jj] = sp.dot(
                                     temp_mat[jj, :], Rot[jj, :])
                             temp_noise_diag.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                             noise_diag[ii, ...] = temp_noise_diag
                         # Return workspace memory to origional shape.
                         noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1], shape[2],
                                                 shape[1], shape[2])
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print ""
                 elif noise_inv.ndim == 6:
                     if save_noise_diag:
                         # OLD WAY.
                         #clean_map, noise_diag, chol = solve(noise_inv,
                         #        dirty_map, True, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # NEW WAY.
                         clean_map, noise_diag, noise_inv_diag, chol = \
                                   solve(noise_fname, noise_inv, dirty_map,
                                   True, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # OLD WAY.
                         #clean_map, chol = solve(noise_inv, dirty_map,
                         #            False, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # NEW WAY.
                         clean_map, noise_inv_diag, chol = \
                                   solve(noise_fname, noise_inv, dirty_map,
                                   False, feedback=self.feedback)
                     if params['save_cholesky']:
                         chol_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'chol_' +
                                       pol_str + band_str + '.npy')
                         sp.save(chol_fname, chol)
                     if params['save_noise_inv_diag']:
                         noise_inv_diag_fname = (params['output_root'] +
                                                 'noise_inv_diag_' +
                                                 pol_str + band_str +
                         algebra.save(noise_inv_diag_fname, noise_inv_diag)
                     # Delete the cholesky to recover memory.
                     del chol
                     raise ce.DataError("Noise matrix has bad shape.")
                 # In all cases delete the noise object to recover memeory.
                 del noise_inv
             # Write the clean map to file.
             out_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'clean_map_' + pol_str +
                          band_str + '.npy')
             if self.feedback > 1:
                 print "Writing clean map to: " + out_fname
             algebra.save(out_fname, clean_map)
             if save_noise_diag:
                 noise_diag_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'noise_diag_' +
                                     pol_str + band_str + '.npy')
                 algebra.save(noise_diag_fname, noise_diag)
             # Check the clean map for faileur.
             if not sp.alltrue(sp.isfinite(clean_map)):
                 n_bad = sp.sum(sp.logical_not(sp.isfinite(clean_map)))
                 msg = ("Non finite entries found in clean map. Solve"
                        " failed. %d out of %d entries bad" %
                        (n_bad, clean_map.size))
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
Example #10
    def GetRadioFFTbox(self):
        params = self.params
        resultf = params["hr"][0]
        if len(params["last"]) != 0:
            resultf = resultf + params["last"][0]
        resultf = resultf + "-" + params["hr"][1]
        if len(params["last"]) != 0:
            resultf = resultf + params["last"][1]

            # Make parent directory and write parameter file.
        parse_ini.write_params(params, params["output_root"] + "params.ini", prefix="pk_")
        in_root = params["input_root"]
        out_root = params["output_root"]
        mid = params["mid"]
        all_out_fname_list = []
        all_in_fname_list = []
        OmegaHI = params["OmegaHI"]
        Omegam = params["Omegam"]
        OmegaL = params["OmegaL"]
        fkpp = params["FKPpk"]
        FKPweight = params["FKPweight"]

        #### Process ####
        pol_str = params["polarizations"][0]
        hr_str = params["hr"][0]
        end = pol_str
        if len(params["last"]) != 0:
            end = end + params["last"][0]
        imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + ".npy"
        imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
        imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
        if imap.axes != ("freq", "ra", "dec"):
            raise ce.DataError("AXES ERROR!")

        box = np.load(imap_fname)

        nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + ".npy"
            nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
            nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

            bad = nmap < 1.0e-5 * nmap.flatten().max()
            nmap[bad] = 0.0
            non0 = nmap.nonzero()
            # imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
        except IOError:
            print "NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One"
            nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
            nmap.axes = imap.axes
            nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
        if FKPweight:
            for i in range(nmap.shape[0]):
                # nmap[i] = nmap[i]/(1.+nmap[i]*fkpp)
                nmap[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + nmap[i] * fkpp)

                # Using map in different day
        hr_str = params["hr"][1]
        end = pol_str
        if len(params["last"]) != 0:
            end = end + params["last"][1]
        imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + ".npy"
        imap2 = algebra.load(imap_fname)
        imap2 = algebra.make_vect(imap2)
        if imap2.axes != ("freq", "ra", "dec"):
            raise ce.DataError("AXES ERROR!")

        box2 = np.load(imap_fname)

        nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + ".npy"
            nmap2 = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
            nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)

            bad = nmap2 < 1.0e-5 * nmap2.flatten().max()
            nmap2[bad] = 0.0
            non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
            # imap2[non0] = imap2[non0]/nmap2[non0]
        except IOError:
            print "NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One"
            nmap2 = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap2.shape))
            nmap2.axes = imap2.axes
            nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)
        if FKPweight:
            for i in range(nmap.shape[0]):
                # nmap2[i] = nmap2[i]/(1.+nmap2[i]*fkpp)
                nmap2[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + nmap2[i] * fkpp)

                # print imap2.flatten().min()
                # print dmap2.flatten().min()
                # print nmap2.flatten().sum()

        mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)
        # print imap.shape

        r = self.discrete(self.fq2r(imap.get_axis("freq")))
        ra = self.discrete(imap.get_axis("ra")) * deg2rad
        de = self.discrete(imap.get_axis("dec")) * deg2rad
        ra0 = ra[int(ra.shape[0] / 2)]
        ra = ra - ra0
        dr = r.ptp() / r.shape[0]
        dra = ra.ptp() / ra.shape[0]
        dde = de.ptp() / de.shape[0]
        disc_n = params["discrete"]

        # print r.min(), r.max()
        # print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.min())
        # print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.min())
        # print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.min())
        # print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.min())
        # print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.max())
        # print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.max())
        # print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.max())
        # print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.max())

        # return 0

        mapinf = [dr, dra, dde, disc_n]
        mapinf = np.array(mapinf)

        # box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
        # box.axes = ('x','y','z')
        # box = algebra.make_vect(box)
        # boxshape = np.array(box.shape)

        # box2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
        # box2.axes = ('x','y','z')
        # box2 = algebra.make_vect(box2)

        xrange0 = params["Xrange"][0]
        yrange0 = params["Yrange"][0]
        zrange0 = params["Zrange"][0]
        boxunit = params["boxunit"]
        shapex = params["boxshape"][2]
        shapera = ra.shape[0]
        V = params["boxunit"] ** 3

        boxinf = [xrange0, yrange0, zrange0, boxunit]
        boxinf = np.array(boxinf)

        print "PowerMaker: Filling the BOX"
        # MakePower.Filling(imap, imap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
        # MakePower.Filling(dmap, dmap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)

        # normalize
        # nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
        # nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
        # nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)
        # nbox2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
        # nbox2.axes = ('x','y','z')
        # nbox2 = algebra.make_vect(nbox2)

        ##non0 = nmap.nonzero()
        ##nmap[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap[non0])
        ##non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
        ##nmap2[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap2[non0])

        # MakePower.Filling(nmap, nmap2, nbox, nbox2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)

        nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(params["boxshape"]))
        nbox.axes = ("x", "y", "z")
        nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)
        nbox2 = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(params["boxshape"]))
        nbox2.axes = ("x", "y", "z")
        nbox2 = algebra.make_vect(nbox2)

        if params["saveweight"]:
            sp.save(out_root + "Weight_" + resultf, nbox)
            sp.save(out_root + "Weight2_" + resultf, nbox2)
            print "\t::Weight Saved "

        normal = (nbox ** 2).flatten().sum()
        normal2 = (nbox2 ** 2).flatten().sum()
        normal = sqrt(normal) * sqrt(normal2)
        # print normal
        box = box * nbox
        box2 = box2 * nbox2

        print "PowerMaker: FFTing "
        inputa = np.zeros(params["boxshape"], dtype=complex)
        inputa.real = box
        outputa = np.zeros(params["boxshape"], dtype=complex)
        fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa, outputa, direction="forward", flags=["measure"])
        # box = outputa.real**2 + outputa.imag**2
        # inputb = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
        # inputb.real = box2
        # outputb = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
        # fft = FFTW.Plan(inputb,outputb, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
        # FFTW.execute(fft)
        fftbox = (outputa * (outputa.conjugate())).real
        fftbox = fftbox * V / normal  # /2./pi/pi/pi
        # boxN = params['boxshape'][0]*params['boxshape'][1]*params['boxshape'][2]
        # fftbox = 2*fftbox*V/boxN #/2./pi/pi/pi

        return fftbox
Example #11
	def GetWindowFunctionData(self):
		params = self.params
		boxshape = params['boxshape']
		boxunit = params['boxunit']
		resultf = params['hr'][0]
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			resultf = resultf + params['last'][0]
		resultf = resultf + '-' + params['hr'][1]
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			resultf = resultf + params['last'][1]
		FKPweight = params['FKPweight']
		in_root = params['input_root']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		mid = params['mid']
		fkpp = params['FKPpk']

		# Make parent directory and write parameter file.
			params['output_root']+'params.ini',prefix='wd_' )
		all_out_fname_list = []
		all_in_fname_list = []
		#### Process ####
		pol_str = params['polarizations'][0]

		hr_str = params['hr'][0]
		end = pol_str
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			end = end + params['last'][0]
		imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + '.npy'
		imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')
		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + '.npy'
			nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

			bad = nmap<1.e-5*nmap.flatten().max()
			nmap[bad] = 0.
			non0 = nmap.nonzero()
			#imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
			nmap.axes = imap.axes
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
		nmap.info = imap.info
		if FKPweight:
			for i in range(nmap.shape[0]):
				nmap[i] = 1./(1.+nmap[i]*fkpp)
				#nmap[i] = nmap[i]/(1.+nmap[i]*fkpp)

		hr_str = params['hr'][1]
		end = pol_str
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			end = end + params['last'][1]
		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + '.npy'
			nmap2 = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
			nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)
			bad = nmap2<1.e-5*nmap2.flatten().max()
			nmap2[bad] = 0.
			non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap2 = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
			nmap2.axes = imap.axes
			nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)
		if FKPweight:
			for i in range(nmap.shape[0]):
				nmap2[i] = 1./(1.+nmap2[i]*fkpp)
				#nmap2[i] = nmap2[i]/(1.+nmap2[i]*fkpp)

		weight, weight2 = self.fill(nmap, nmap2)

		#MakePower.Filling(nmap, weight, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		#MakePower.Filling(nmap2, weight2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		#weight_fname = in_root + 'Weight_' + resultf + '.npy'
		#weight = algebra.load(weight_fname)
		#weight = algebra.make_vect(weight)

		#weight_fname = in_root + 'Weight2_' + resultf + '.npy'
		#weight2 = algebra.load(weight_fname)
		#weight2 = algebra.make_vect(weight2)
		normal = (weight**2).flatten().sum()
		normal2 = (weight2**2).flatten().sum()
		normal = sqrt(normal)*sqrt(normal2)

		print "WindowFunctionMaker: FFTing "
		inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		outputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputa, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		inputa.imag = 0.
		inputa.real = weight

		#inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		outputb = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputb, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		inputa.imag = 0.
		inputa.real = weight2

		V = params['boxunit']**3

		fftbox = (outputa*(outputb.conjugate())).real
		fftbox = fftbox*V/normal

		WindowF = np.zeros(40)
		k = np.zeros(40)
		WindowF2 = np.zeros(shape=(10, 10))
		k2 = np.zeros(shape=(2, 10))
		MakePower.Make(fftbox, WindowF, k, WindowF2, k2)
		kunit = 2.*pi/(params['boxunit'])
		k = k*kunit
		k2 = k2*kunit
		#WindowF = WindowF#/V
		#WindowF2 = WindowF2#/V

		return WindowF, k
Example #12
    def execute(self, nprocesses=1) :
        """Worker funciton."""
        params = self.params
        # Make parent directory and write parameter file.
        parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root'] + 'params.ini',
        save_noise_diag = params['save_noise_diag']
        in_root = params['input_root']
        all_out_fname_list = []
        all_in_fname_list = []
        # Loop over files to process.
        for pol_str in params['polarizations']:
            dmap_fname = in_root + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + '.npy'
            noise_fname = in_root + 'noise_inv_' + pol_str + '.npy'
            # Load the dirty map and the noise matrix.
            dirty_map = algebra.load(dmap_fname)
            dirty_map = algebra.make_vect(dirty_map)
            if dirty_map.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
                raise ce.DataError("Expeced dirty map to have axes "
                                   "('freq', 'ra', 'dec'), but it has axes: "
                                   + str(dirty_map.axes))
            shape = dirty_map.shape
            noise_inv = algebra.open_memmap(noise_fname, 'r')
            noise_inv = algebra.make_mat(noise_inv)
            # Initialize the clean map.
            clean_map = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(dirty_map.shape))
            clean_map.info = dict(dirty_map.info)
            clean_map = algebra.make_vect(clean_map)
            # If needed, initialize a map for the noise diagonal.
            if save_noise_diag :
                noise_diag = algebra.zeros_like(clean_map)
            # Two cases for the noise.  If its the same shape as the map then
            # the noise is diagonal.  Otherwise, it should be block diagonal in
            # frequency.
            if noise_inv.ndim == 3 :
                if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
                    raise ce.DataError("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                       "('freq', 'ra', 'dec'), but it has: "
                                       + str(noise_inv.axes))
                # Noise inverse can fit in memory, so copy it.
                noise_inv_memory = sp.array(noise_inv, copy=True)
                # Find the non-singular (covered) pixels.
                max_information = noise_inv_memory.max()
                good_data = noise_inv_memory < 1.0e-10*max_information
                # Make the clean map.
                clean_map[good_data] = (dirty_map[good_data] 
                                        / noise_inv_memory[good_data])
                if save_noise_diag :
                    noise_diag[good_data] = 1/noise_inv_memory[good_data]
            elif noise_inv.ndim == 5 :
                if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra', 'dec') :
                    raise ce.DataError("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                       "('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra', 'dec'), "
                                       "but it has: "
                                       + str(noise_inv.axes))
                # Arrange the dirty map as a vector.
                dirty_map_vect = sp.array(dirty_map) # A view.
                dirty_map_vect.shape = (shape[0], shape[1]*shape[2])
                frequencies = dirty_map.get_axis('freq')/1.0e6
                # Allowcate memory only once.
                noise_inv_freq = sp.empty((shape[1], shape[2], shape[1],
                                           shape[2]), dtype=float)
                if self.feedback > 1 :
                    print "Inverting noise matrix."
                # Block diagonal in frequency so loop over frequencies.
                for ii in xrange(dirty_map.shape[0]) :
                    if self.feedback > 1:
                        print "Frequency: ", "%5.1f"%(frequencies[ii]),
                    if self.feedback > 2:
                        print ", start mmap read:",
                    noise_inv_freq[...] = noise_inv[ii, ...]
                    if self.feedback > 2:
                        print "done, start eig:",
                    noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1]*shape[2],
                    # Solve the map making equation by diagonalization.
                    noise_inv_diag, Rot = sp.linalg.eigh(noise_inv_freq, 
                    if self.feedback > 2:
                        print "done",
                    map_rotated = sp.dot(Rot.T, dirty_map_vect[ii])
                    # Zero out infinite noise modes.
                    bad_modes = noise_inv_diag < 1.0e-5*noise_inv_diag.max()
                    if self.feedback > 1:
                        print ", discarded: ",
                        print "%4.1f"%(100.0*sp.sum(bad_modes)/bad_modes.size),
                        print "% of modes",
                    if self.feedback > 2:
                        print ", start rotations:",
                    map_rotated[bad_modes] = 0.
                    noise_inv_diag[bad_modes] = 1.0
                    # Solve for the clean map and rotate back.
                    map_rotated /= noise_inv_diag
                    map = sp.dot(Rot, map_rotated)
                    if self.feedback > 2:
                        print "done",
                    # Fill the clean array.
                    map.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                    clean_map[ii, ...] = map
                    if save_noise_diag :
                        # Using C = R Lambda R^T 
                        # where Lambda = diag(1/noise_inv_diag).
                        temp_noise_diag = 1/noise_inv_diag
                        temp_noise_diag[bad_modes] = 0
                        # Multiply R by the diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
                        # Broadcasting does equivalent of mult by diag matrix.
                        temp_mat = Rot*temp_noise_diag
                        # Multiply by R^T, but only calculate the diagonal
                        # elements.
                        for jj in range(shape[1]*shape[2]) :
                            temp_noise_diag[jj] = sp.dot(temp_mat[jj,:], 
                        temp_noise_diag.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                        noise_diag[ii, ...] = temp_noise_diag
                    # Return workspace memory to origional shape.
                    noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1], shape[2],
                                            shape[1], shape[2])
                    if self.feedback > 1:
                        print ""
            elif noise_inv.ndim == 6 :
                raise NotImplementedError("Full noise matrix not yet "
                                          "implemented.  Best we can do is "
                                          "block diagonal in frequency.")
            else :
                raise ce.DataError("Noise matrix has bad shape.")
            # Write the clean map to file.
            out_fname = params['output_root'] + 'clean_map_' + pol_str + '.npy'
            algebra.save(out_fname, clean_map)
            if save_noise_diag :
                noise_diag_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'noise_diag_'
                                    + pol_str + '.npy')
                algebra.save(noise_diag_fname, noise_diag)

        # Finally update the history object.
        history = hist.read(in_root + 'history.hist')
        history.add('Read map and noise files:', all_in_fname_list)
        history.add('Converted dirty map to clean map.', all_out_fname_list)
        h_fname = params['output_root'] + "history.hist"
Example #13
	def execute(self, nprocesses=1):
		params = self.params

		# Make parent directory and write parameter file.
		parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root']+'params.ini',prefix='jk_')
		in_root = params['input_root']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		mid = params['mid']
		all_out_fname_list = []
		all_in_fname_list = []
		n_processes = params['processes']

		#### Process ####
		pol_str = params['polarizations'][0]
		#hr_str = params['hr'][0]
		for hr_str, ii in zip(params['hr'], range(len(params['hr']))):
			end = pol_str
			if (len(params['last'])!=0):
				end = pol_str + params['last'][ii]

			print 'Making JK Map for:' + hr_str[:-1]
			#imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + '.npy'
			imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + '.npy'
			imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
			imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
			imap = imap - imap.flatten().mean()
			if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
				raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

			imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + '.npy'
				nmap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
				nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
				if nmap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
					raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')
			except IOError:
				print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
				nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
				nmap.axes = imap.axes
				nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
			nmap.info = imap.info
			if nmap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
				raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

			shape = np.array(imap.shape)
			print shape
			stop0 =0
			stop1 =0
			stop2 =0
			r  = self.fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq'))
			dr = (r.max()-r.min())/params['jkn0']
			ranger = np.searchsorted(r,np.arange(r[0], r[-1], dr))
			num = 0

			#print range(0, shape[1], shape[1]/params['jkn1'])
			#print range(0, shape[2], shape[2]/params['jkn2'])
			#return 0
			#jkmap = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(imap.shape))
			#jkmap.info = dict(imap.info)
			#jkmap = algebra.make_vect(jkmap)

			#njkmap = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(nmap.shape))
			#njkmap.info = dict(nmap.info)
			#njkmap = algebra.make_vect(njkmap)

			list_abandon = []

			for ii in range(params['jkn0']):
				begin0 = ranger[ii]
				if begin0==ranger[-1]:
					stop0 = shape[0]
					stop0 = ranger[ii+1]

				for begin1 in range(0, shape[1], shape[1]/params['jkn1']):
					stop1 = begin1 + shape[1]/params['jkn1']

					for begin2 in range(0, shape[2], shape[2]/params['jkn2']):
						stop2 = begin2 + shape[2]/params['jkn2']

							[begin0, stop0, begin1, stop1, begin2, stop2])
					num = num + 1

			n_new = n_processes
			n_map = len(list_abandon)
			if n_new <=1:
				for ii in range(n_map):
					jkmap_fname = \
					jknmap_fname = \
						list_abandon[ii], imap, nmap, jkmap_fname, jknmap_fname)
			elif n_new >32:
				raise ValueError("Processes limit is 32")
				process_list = range(n_new)
				for ii in xrange(n_new+n_map):
					if ii >= n_new:
						if process_list[ii%n_new].exitcode != 0:
							raise RuntimeError("A thred faild with exit code"
								+ str(process_list[ii%n_new].exitcode))
					if ii < n_map:
						jkmap_fname = \
						jknmap_fname = \
						process_list[ii%n_new] = mp.Process(
							target=self.process_map, args=(list_abandon[ii],
								imap, nmap, jkmap_fname, jknmap_fname))
Example #14
	def GetFFTbox(self):

		params = self.params
		in_root = params['input_root']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		filename = params['filename']
		selection = params['selection']
		OmegaHI = params['OmegaHI']
		Omegam = params['Omegam']
		OmegaL = params['OmegaL']
		FKPweight = params['FKPweight']

		imap_fname = in_root + filename + '.npy'
		imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap_fname = in_root + selection + '.npy'
			nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

			bad = nmap<1.e-5*nmap.flatten().max()
			nmap[bad] = 0.
			non0 = nmap.nonzero()
			#imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
			nmap.axes = imap.axes
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)
		if FKPweight:
			for i in range(nmap.shape[0]):
				nmap[i] = nmap[i]/(1.+nmap[i]*1.e4)

		#Using map in different day 
		imap2 = imap.copy()
		if imap2.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap2 = nmap.copy()

		mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)

		r  = self.discrete(self.fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq')))
		ra = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('ra'))*deg2rad
		de = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('dec'))*deg2rad
		ra0= ra[int(ra.shape[0]/2)]
		ra = ra - ra0
		dr = r.ptp()/r.shape[0]
		dra= ra.ptp()/ra.shape[0]
		dde= de.ptp()/de.shape[0]
		disc_n = params['discrete']

		mapinf = [dr, dra, dde, disc_n]
		mapinf = np.array(mapinf)

		box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box = algebra.make_vect(box)

		box2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box2 = algebra.make_vect(box2)
		boxshape = np.array(box.shape)

		xrange0 = params['Xrange'][0]
		yrange0 = params['Yrange'][0]
		zrange0 = params['Zrange'][0]
		boxunit = params['boxunit']
		shapex = params['boxshape'][2]
		shapera = ra.shape[0]
		V = params['boxunit']**3

		boxinf = [xrange0, yrange0, zrange0, boxunit]
		boxinf = np.array(boxinf)

		MakePower.Filling(imap, imap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		#MakePower.Filling(dmap, dmap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)

		# normalize 
		nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
		nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)
		nbox2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		nbox2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		nbox2 = algebra.make_vect(nbox2)

		#non0 = nmap.nonzero()
		#nmap[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap[non0])
		#non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
		#nmap2[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap2[non0])

		MakePower.Filling(nmap, nmap2, nbox, nbox2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		#if params['saveweight']:
		#	sp.save(out_root+'Weight_'+resultf, nbox)
		#	sp.save(out_root+'Weight2_'+resultf, nbox2)
		#	print '\t::Weight Saved '

		normal = (nbox**2).flatten().sum()
		normal2 = (nbox2**2).flatten().sum()
		normal = sqrt(normal)*sqrt(normal2)
		box = box*nbox
		box2 = box2*nbox2

		inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		inputa.real = box
		outputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputa, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		box = outputa.real**2 + outputa.imag**2
		inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		inputa.real = box2
		outputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputa, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		box2 = outputa.real**2 + outputa.imag**2
		fftbox = box.__pow__(0.5)*box2.__pow__(0.5)
		fftbox = fftbox*V*V/normal/V #/2./pi/pi/pi
		return fftbox
Example #15
	def fill(self, imap, nmap, mmap=None):
		params = self.params
		mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)

		r  = self.fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq'))
		ra = imap.get_axis('ra')*deg2rad
		de = imap.get_axis('dec')*deg2rad
		ra0= ra[int(ra.shape[0]/2)]
		ra = ra - ra0
		dra= ra.ptp()/ra.shape[0]
		dde= de.ptp()/de.shape[0]

		#print r.min(), r.max()
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.max())

		###return 0

		mapinf = [ra.min(), dra, de.min(), dde]
		mapinf = np.array(mapinf)

		box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box = algebra.make_vect(box)
		box_xrange = params['Xrange']
		box_yrange = params['Yrange']
		box_zrange = params['Zrange']
		box_unit = params['boxunit']
		box_disc = params['discrete']

		box_x = np.arange(box_xrange[0], box_xrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)
		box_y = np.arange(box_yrange[0], box_yrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)
		box_z = np.arange(box_zrange[0], box_zrange[1], box_unit/box_disc)

		#print box_x.shape
		#print box_y.shape
		#print box_z.shape

		boxshape = np.array(box.shape)*box_disc

		boxinf0 = [0, 0, 0]
		boxinf0 = np.array(boxinf0)
		boxinf1 = [boxshape[0], boxshape[1], boxshape[2]]
		boxinf1 = np.array(boxinf1)

		print "MapPrepare: Filling the FFT BOX"
			imap, r, mapinf, box, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)

		nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
		nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)

		#nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(params['boxshape']))
		#nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
		#nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)

			nmap, r, mapinf, nbox, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)

		if mmap != None:
			mbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
			mbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
			mbox = algebra.make_vect(mbox)
				mmap, r, mapinf, mbox, boxinf0, boxinf1, box_x, box_y, box_z)
			return box, nbox, mbox
			return box, nbox
Example #16
 def execute(self, nprocesses=1) :
     """Worker funciton."""
     params = self.params
     # Make parent directory and write parameter file.
     parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root'] + 'params.ini',
     save_noise_diag = params['save_noise_diag']
     in_root = params['input_root']
     all_out_fname_list = []
     all_in_fname_list = []
     # Figure out what the band names are.
     bands = params['bands']
     if not bands:
         map_files = glob.glob(in_root + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + "_*.npy")
         bands = []
         root_len = len(in_root + 'dirty_map_')
         for file_name in map_files:
     # Loop over files to process.
     for pol_str in params['polarizations']:
         for band in bands:
             if band == -1:
                 band_str = ''
                 band_str =  "_" + repr(band)
             dmap_fname = (in_root + 'dirty_map_' + pol_str + 
                           band_str + '.npy')
             # Load the dirty map and the noise matrix.
             dirty_map = algebra.load(dmap_fname)
             dirty_map = algebra.make_vect(dirty_map)
             if dirty_map.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
                 msg = ("Expeced dirty map to have axes ('freq',"
                        "'ra', 'dec'), but it has axes: "
                        + str(dirty_map.axes))
                 raise ce.DataError(msg)
             shape = dirty_map.shape
             # Initialize the clean map.
             clean_map = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(dirty_map.shape))
             clean_map.info = dict(dirty_map.info)
             clean_map = algebra.make_vect(clean_map)
             # If needed, initialize a map for the noise diagonal.
             if save_noise_diag :
                 noise_diag = algebra.zeros_like(clean_map)
             if params["from_eig"]:
                 # Solving from eigen decomposition of the noise instead of
                 # the noise itself.
                 # Load in the decomposition.
                 evects_fname = (in_root + 'noise_evects_' + pol_str +
                                 + band_str + '.npy')
                 if self.feedback > 1:
                     print "Using dirty map: " + dmap_fname
                     print "Using eigenvectors: " + evects_fname
                 evects = algebra.open_memmap(evects_fname, 'r')
                 evects = algebra.make_mat(evects)
                 evals_inv_fname = (in_root + 'noise_evalsinv_' + pol_str
                                    + "_" + repr(band) + '.npy')
                 evals_inv = algebra.load(evals_inv_fname)
                 evals_inv = algebra.make_mat(evals_inv)
                 # Solve for the map.
                 if params["save_noise_diag"]:
                     clean_map, noise_diag = solve_from_eig(evals_inv,
                                 evects, dirty_map, True, self.feedback)
                     clean_map = solve_from_eig(evals_inv,
                                 evects, dirty_map, False, self.feedback)
                 # Delete the eigen vectors to recover memory.
                 del evects
                 # Solving from the noise.
                 noise_fname = (in_root + 'noise_inv_' + pol_str +
                                band_str + '.npy')
                 if self.feedback > 1:
                     print "Using dirty map: " + dmap_fname
                     print "Using noise inverse: " + noise_fname
                 noise_inv = algebra.open_memmap(noise_fname, 'r')
                 noise_inv = algebra.make_mat(noise_inv)
                 # Two cases for the noise.  If its the same shape as the map
                 # then the noise is diagonal.  Otherwise, it should be
                 # block diagonal in frequency.
                 if noise_inv.ndim == 3 :
                     if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
                         msg = ("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                 "('freq', 'ra', 'dec'), but it has: "
                                 + str(noise_inv.axes))
                         raise ce.DataError(msg)
                     # Noise inverse can fit in memory, so copy it.
                     noise_inv_memory = sp.array(noise_inv, copy=True)
                     # Find the non-singular (covered) pixels.
                     max_information = noise_inv_memory.max()
                     good_data = noise_inv_memory < 1.0e-10*max_information
                     # Make the clean map.
                     clean_map[good_data] = (dirty_map[good_data] 
                                             / noise_inv_memory[good_data])
                     if save_noise_diag :
                         noise_diag[good_data] = \
                 elif noise_inv.ndim == 5 :
                     if noise_inv.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra',
                         msg = ("Expeced noise matrix to have axes "
                                "('freq', 'ra', 'dec', 'ra', 'dec'), "
                                "but it has: " + str(noise_inv.axes))
                         raise ce.DataError(msg)
                     # Arrange the dirty map as a vector.
                     dirty_map_vect = sp.array(dirty_map) # A view.
                     dirty_map_vect.shape = (shape[0], shape[1]*shape[2])
                     frequencies = dirty_map.get_axis('freq')/1.0e6
                     # Allowcate memory only once.
                     noise_inv_freq = sp.empty((shape[1], shape[2], 
                                     shape[1], shape[2]), dtype=float)
                     if self.feedback > 1 :
                         print "Inverting noise matrix."
                     # Block diagonal in frequency so loop over frequencies.
                     for ii in xrange(dirty_map.shape[0]) :
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print "Frequency: ", "%5.1f"%(frequencies[ii]),
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print ", start mmap read:",
                         noise_inv_freq[...] = noise_inv[ii, ...]
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done, start eig:",
                         noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1]*shape[2],
                         # Solve the map making equation by diagonalization.
                         noise_inv_diag, Rot = sp.linalg.eigh(
                             noise_inv_freq, overwrite_a=True)
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done",
                         map_rotated = sp.dot(Rot.T, dirty_map_vect[ii])
                         # Zero out infinite noise modes.
                         bad_modes = (noise_inv_diag
                                      < 1.0e-5 * noise_inv_diag.max())
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print ", discarded: ",
                             print "%4.1f" % (100.0 * sp.sum(bad_modes) 
                                              / bad_modes.size),
                             print "% of modes",
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print ", start rotations:",
                         map_rotated[bad_modes] = 0.
                         noise_inv_diag[bad_modes] = 1.0
                         # Solve for the clean map and rotate back.
                         map_rotated /= noise_inv_diag
                         map = sp.dot(Rot, map_rotated)
                         if self.feedback > 2:
                             print "done",
                         # Fill the clean array.
                         map.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                         clean_map[ii, ...] = map
                         if save_noise_diag :
                             # Using C = R Lambda R^T 
                             # where Lambda = diag(1/noise_inv_diag).
                             temp_noise_diag = 1/noise_inv_diag
                             temp_noise_diag[bad_modes] = 0
                             # Multiply R by the diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
                             # Broadcasting does equivalent of mult by diag
                             # matrix.
                             temp_mat = Rot*temp_noise_diag
                             # Multiply by R^T, but only calculate the
                             # diagonal elements.
                             for jj in range(shape[1]*shape[2]) :
                                 temp_noise_diag[jj] = sp.dot(
                                     temp_mat[jj,:], Rot[jj,:])
                             temp_noise_diag.shape = (shape[1], shape[2])
                             noise_diag[ii, ...] = temp_noise_diag
                         # Return workspace memory to origional shape.
                         noise_inv_freq.shape = (shape[1], shape[2],
                                                 shape[1], shape[2])
                         if self.feedback > 1:
                             print ""
                 elif noise_inv.ndim == 6 :
                     if save_noise_diag:
                         # OLD WAY.
                         #clean_map, noise_diag, chol = solve(noise_inv,
                         #        dirty_map, True, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # NEW WAY.
                         clean_map, noise_diag, noise_inv_diag, chol = \
                                   solve(noise_fname, noise_inv, dirty_map,
                                   True, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # OLD WAY.
                         #clean_map, chol = solve(noise_inv, dirty_map, 
                         #            False, feedback=self.feedback)
                         # NEW WAY.
                         clean_map, noise_inv_diag, chol = \
                                   solve(noise_fname, noise_inv, dirty_map,
                                   False, feedback=self.feedback)
                     if params['save_cholesky']:
                         chol_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'chol_'
                                     + pol_str + band_str + '.npy')
                         sp.save(chol_fname, chol)
                     if params['save_noise_inv_diag']:
                         noise_inv_diag_fname = (params['output_root'] +
                                    'noise_inv_diag_' + pol_str + band_str 
                                    + '.npy')
                         algebra.save(noise_inv_diag_fname, noise_inv_diag)
                     # Delete the cholesky to recover memory.
                     del chol
                 else :
                     raise ce.DataError("Noise matrix has bad shape.")
                 # In all cases delete the noise object to recover memeory.
                 del noise_inv
             # Write the clean map to file.
             out_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'clean_map_'
                          + pol_str + band_str + '.npy')
             if self.feedback > 1:
                 print "Writing clean map to: " + out_fname
             algebra.save(out_fname, clean_map)
             if save_noise_diag :
                 noise_diag_fname = (params['output_root'] + 'noise_diag_'
                                     + pol_str + band_str + '.npy')
                 algebra.save(noise_diag_fname, noise_diag)
             # Check the clean map for faileur.
             if not sp.alltrue(sp.isfinite(clean_map)):
                 n_bad = sp.sum(sp.logical_not(sp.isfinite(clean_map)))
                 msg = ("Non finite entries found in clean map. Solve"
                        " failed. %d out of %d entries bad" 
                        % (n_bad, clean_map.size)) 
                 raise RuntimeError(msg)
Example #17
	def execute(self, nprocesses=1):
		params = self.params
		resultf = params['hr'][0]
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			resultf = resultf + params['last'][0]
		resultf = resultf + '-' + params['hr'][1]
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			resultf = resultf + params['last'][1]

		# Make parent directory and write parameter file.
		parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root']+'params.ini',prefix='pk_' )
		in_root = params['input_root']
		out_root = params['output_root']
		mid = params['mid']
		all_out_fname_list = []
		all_in_fname_list = []
		#### Process ####
		pol_str = params['polarizations'][0]
		hr_str = params['hr'][0]
		end = pol_str
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			end = end + params['last'][0]
		imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + '.npy'
		imap = algebra.load(imap_fname)
		imap = algebra.make_vect(imap)
		if imap.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + '.npy'
			nmap = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

			bad = nmap<1.e-5*nmap.flatten().max()
			nmap[bad] = 0.
			#non0 = nmap.nonzero()
			#imap[non0] = imap[non0]/nmap[non0]
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
			nmap.axes = imap.axes
			nmap = algebra.make_vect(nmap)

		##  Using map in different day 
		hr_str = params['hr'][1]
		end = pol_str
		if len(params['last']) != 0:
			end = end + params['last'][1]
		imap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[0] + end + '.npy'
		imap2 = algebra.load(imap_fname)
		imap2 = algebra.make_vect(imap2)
		if imap2.axes != ('freq', 'ra', 'dec') :
			raise ce.DataError('AXES ERROR!')

		nmap_fname = in_root + hr_str + mid[1] + end + '.npy'
			nmap2 = algebra.load(nmap_fname)
			nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)
			bad = nmap2<1.e-5*nmap2.flatten().max()
			nmap2[bad] = 0.
			#non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
			#imap2[non0] = imap2[non0]/nmap2[non0]
		except IOError:
			print 'NO Noise File :: Set Noise to One'
			nmap2 = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap2.shape))
			nmap2.axes = imap2.axes
			nmap2 = algebra.make_vect(nmap2)

		## FKP ##
		fkp = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
		fkp.axes = imap.axes
		fkp = algebra.make_vect(fkp)

		fkp2 = algebra.info_array(sp.ones(imap.shape))
		fkp2.axes = imap.axes
		fkp2 = algebra.make_vect(fkp2)

		OmegaHI = params['OmegaHI']
		Omegam = params['Omegam']
		OmegaL = params['OmegaL']
		freq = imap.get_axis('freq')
		z = 1.4e9/freq -1.
		a3 = (1+z)**(-3)
		Tb = 0.3e-3 * (OmegaHI/1.e-3) * ((Omegam + a3*OmegaL)/0.29)**(-0.5)\
			* ((1.+z)/2.5)**0.5

		for i in range(fkp.shape[0]):
			fkp[i] = fkp[i]*Tb[i]/(1.+Tb[i]*1.e4)
			fkp2[i] = fkp2[i]*Tb[i]/(1.+Tb[i]*1.e4)

		#print imap2.flatten().min()
		#print dmap2.flatten().min()
		#print nmap2.flatten().sum()

		mapshape = np.array(imap.shape)
		#print imap.shape

		r  = self.discrete(self.fq2r(imap.get_axis('freq')))
		ra = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('ra'))*deg2rad
		de = self.discrete(imap.get_axis('dec'))*deg2rad
		ra0= ra[int(ra.shape[0]/2)]
		ra = ra - ra0
		dr = r.ptp()/r.shape[0]
		dra= ra.ptp()/ra.shape[0]
		dde= de.ptp()/de.shape[0]
		disc_n = params['discrete']

		#print r.min(), r.max()
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.min())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.min(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.min(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.min(), de.max(), r.max())
		#print self.xyz(ra.max(), de.max(), r.max())

		#return 0

		mapinf = [dr, dra, dde, disc_n]
		mapinf = np.array(mapinf)

		box = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box = algebra.make_vect(box)
		boxshape = np.array(box.shape)

		box2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		box2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		box2 = algebra.make_vect(box2)
		xrange0 = params['Xrange'][0]
		yrange0 = params['Yrange'][0]
		zrange0 = params['Zrange'][0]
		boxunit = params['boxunit']
		shapex = params['boxshape'][2]
		shapera = ra.shape[0]

		boxinf = [xrange0, yrange0, zrange0, boxunit]
		boxinf = np.array(boxinf)

		print "PowerMaker: Filling the BOX"
		MakePower.Filling(imap, imap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		#MakePower.Filling(dmap, dmap2, box, box2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)

		# normalize 
		nbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		nbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
		nbox = algebra.make_vect(nbox)
		nbox2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		nbox2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		nbox2 = algebra.make_vect(nbox2)

		#non0 = nmap.nonzero()
		#nmap[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap[non0])
		#non0 = nmap2.nonzero()
		#nmap2[non0] = np.sqrt(1./nmap2[non0])

		MakePower.Filling(nmap, nmap2, nbox, nbox2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		if params['saveweight']:
			sp.save(out_root+'Weight_'+resultf, nbox)
			sp.save(out_root+'Weight2_'+resultf, nbox2)
			print '\t::Weight Saved'

		## FKP box ##
		fkpbox = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		fkpbox.axes = ('x','y','z')
		fkpbox = algebra.make_vect(fkpbox)
		fkpbox2 = algebra.info_array(sp.zeros(params['boxshape']))
		fkpbox2.axes = ('x','y','z')
		fkpbox2 = algebra.make_vect(fkpbox2)
		MakePower.Filling(fkp, fkp2, fkpbox, fkpbox2, r, ra, de, boxinf, mapinf)
		fkpnormal = (fkpbox**2).flatten().sum()

		#nbox = np.ones(params['boxshape'])
		#nbox2 = np.ones(params['boxshape'])

		#bad = nbox<1.e-5*nbox.flatten().max()
		#nbox[bad] = 0.
		#non0 = nbox.nonzero()
		#nbox[non0] = 1./nbox[non0]
		normal = (nbox**2).flatten().sum()
		#bad = nbox2<1.e-5*nbox2.flatten().max()
		#nbox2[bad] = 0.
		#non0 = nbox2.nonzero()
		#nbox2[non0] = 1./nbox2[non0]
		normal2 = (nbox2**2).flatten().sum()
		normal = sqrt(normal)*sqrt(normal2)
		#print normal

		#box = box*nbox
		#box2 = box2*nbox2

		box = box*fkpbox
		box2 = box2*fkpbox2

		print "PowerMaker: FFTing "
		inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		inputa.real = box.copy()
		outputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputa, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		box = outputa.real**2 + outputa.imag**2
		inputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		inputa.real = box2.copy()
		outputa = np.zeros(params['boxshape'], dtype=complex)
		fft = FFTW.Plan(inputa,outputa, direction='forward', flags=['measure'])
		box2 = outputa.real**2 + outputa.imag**2
		fftbox = box.__pow__(0.5)*box2.__pow__(0.5)

		V = params['boxunit']**3

		#fftbox = fftbox*V*V/normal #/2./pi/pi/pi

		fftbox = fftbox*V*V/fkpnormal #/2./pi/pi/pi
		#boxN = params['boxshape'][0]*params['boxshape'][1]*params['boxshape'][2]
		#fftbox = fftbox*V*V/boxN #/2./pi/pi/pi

		PK = np.zeros(40)
		k = np.zeros(40)
		PK2 = np.zeros(shape=(10, 10))
		k2 = np.zeros(shape=(2, 10))
		MakePower.Make(fftbox, PK, k, PK2, k2)
		kunit = 2.*pi/(boxunit)
		k = k*kunit
		k2 = k2*kunit
		PK = PK/V
		PK2 = PK2/V
		#PK = PK/(V*boxN)
		#PK2 = PK2/V/boxN

		non0 = PK.nonzero()
		#print PK2
		#print PK
		#print k[non0]
		#return 0
		sp.save(out_root+'fkpPK_'+resultf, PK)
		sp.save(out_root+'fkpPK2_'+resultf, PK2)
		sp.save(out_root+'fkpk_'+resultf, k)

		if self.plot==True:
			print PK[non0]
			#print k
			#print PK
			plt.scatter(k.take(non0), PK.take(non0))
			plt.xlim(xmin=k.min(), xmax=k.max())
			plt.title('Power Spectrum')
			plt.ylabel('$P(k) (Kelvin^{2}(h^{-1}Mpc)^3)$')

			PK = PK*k*k*k/2./pi/pi
			#print PK
			plt.scatter(k.take(non0), PK.take(non0))
			plt.xlim(xmin=k.min(), xmax=k.max())
			plt.xlabel('$k (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			plt.ylabel('$\Delta^2 (Kelvin^{2})$')
			plt.savefig(out_root+'fkppower_'+resultf+'.eps', format='eps')

			PK2 = np.log10(PK2)
			extent = (k2[0][0], k2[0][-1], k2[1][0], k2[1][-1])
			plt.imshow(PK2, origin='lower', extent = extent, interpolation='nearest')
			plt.xlabel('$k vertical (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			plt.ylabel('$k parallel (h Mpc^{-1})$')
			cb = plt.colorbar()
			cb.set_label('$lg(P^{2D}_{k_pk_v}) (Kelvin^2(h^{-1}Mpc)^3)$')
			plt.savefig(out_root+'fkppower2_'+resultf+'.eps', format='eps')

			#print 'Finished @_@ '
		return PK