def getConfig(self, sectionNames=None): sectionNames = sectionNames or [self.mainSectionName] configDict = { '%s_%s' % (sectionName, k): v for sectionName in sectionNames for k, v in self.section(sectionName).items() } config = Enum(**configDict) return config
def _initLogger(self, configuration): self.cfg.logger = logger level = Enum(**dict(CRITICAL=logging.CRITICAL, FATAL=logging.CRITICAL, ERROR=logging.ERROR, WARNING=logging.WARNING, WARN=logging.WARNING, INFO=logging.INFO, DEBUG=logging.DEBUG, NOTSET=logging.NOTSET)) self.cfg.LOG_LEVEL = level self.cfg.logger.setLevel( getattr(level, configuration.get('log', 'level')))
def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' Constructor ''' self.ENUM = Enum() self.template = Enum() self.params = Enum() self.template.fields = 'fields=%(fields)s' self.params.fields = [] #join on comma self.template.offset = 'offset=%(offset)s' self.params.offset = 0 #pagination offset self.template.limit = 'limit=%(limit)s' self.params.limit = 20 #pagination limit, max per page self.template.fieldName_searchTerm = 'qterm.field.%(fieldName)s=%(searchTerm)s' self.params.fieldName = '' self.params.searchTerm = '' self.template.fieldName_groupByValues = '' self.params.groupByValues = [] #join on comma # self.getGroupByValues = lambda: ','.join(self._groupByValues) self.ENUM.ORDER_BY = Enum(**{'asc': 'ASC', 'desc': 'DESC'}) self.template.fieldName_order = 'orderBy=%(fieldName)s %(order)s' self.params.order = self.ENUM.ORDER_BY.asc self.template.containerId = 'containerId=%(containerId)s' self.params.containerId = '' self.ENUM.VERSION_OPTIONS = Enum( **{ 'in_progress': 'VERSION_INPROGRESS_OPT', 'head': 'VERSION_HEAD_OPT', 'in_progress_head': 'VERSION_INPROGRESS_HEAD_OPT', 'all': 'VERSION_ALL_OPT', 'na': 'VERSION_NA_OPT' }) self.template.version = 'versionOpt=%(version)s' self.params.version = self.ENUM.VERSION_OPTIONS.all self.template.deleted = 'deleteOpt=%(deleted)s' self.params.deleted = 'DELETED_FALSE_OPT' self.ENUM.USAGE_PERMISSION = Enum(**{'use': 'use', 'view': 'view'}) self.template.usage = 'usage=%(usage)s' self.params.usage = self.ENUM.USAGE_PERMISSION.use self.params.__dict__.update(kwargs)
from core.base.enum import Enum CredentialType = Enum( **{ 'Username/Password': '******', 'Encrypt/Decrypt': 'Encrypt/Decrypt', 'Certificate with Private Key': 'Certificate with Private Key', 'SSH': 'SSH', 'Certificate/PK': 'Certificate/PK' })
from core.base.enum import Enum ScriptErrorAction = Enum(**{ 'Abort': 'Abort', 'Continue': 'Continue', 'SkipPackage': 'SkipPackage' })
from core.base.enum import Enum ProxyType = Enum( **{ 'PROXY_SOCKS5': 'PROXY_SOCKS5', 'PROXY_HTTP': 'PROXY_HTTP', 'PROXY_HTTPS': 'PROXY_HTTPS' })
from core.base.enum import Enum AuthType = Enum( **{ 'AUTH_SESSION': 'AUTH_SESSION', 'AUTH_CONFIGURED': 'AUTH_CONFIGURED', 'AUTH_NONE': 'AUTH_NONE' })
from core.base.enum import Enum RaidLevel = Enum(**{'raid5': 'raid5', 'striped': 'striped', 'linear': 'linear', 'mirrored': 'mirrored'})
from core.base.enum import Enum ImportMode = Enum( **{ 'Create': 'Create', 'Lookup': 'Lookup', 'Update': 'Update', 'CreateOrUpdate': 'CreateOrUpdate', 'Delete': 'Delete' })
from core.base.enum import Enum ErrorLevel = Enum( **{ 'info': 'info', 'fatal': 'fatal', 'none': 'none', 'warning': 'warning', 'error': 'error' })
''' Created on Nov 30, 2012 Basically a compensation for non straight forward or miss-spelled asset<->service name mappings @author: dawood ''' from collections import defaultdict from core.base.enum import Enum import re SERVICE_ACTION = Enum(**{'GET': 'get', 'SEARCH': 'search'}) def lookup(asset, action=SERVICE_ACTION.GET): serviceName = None if action == SERVICE_ACTION.GET: serviceNameOrPattern = SERVICE_GET_NAMES[asset] elif action == SERVICE_ACTION.SEARCH: serviceNameOrPattern = SERVICE_SEARCH_NAMES[asset] if serviceNameOrPattern is None: raise RuntimeError('No %s service for asset %s' % (action, asset)) if re.match('.*%\(.*\)s.*', serviceNameOrPattern): serviceName = serviceNameOrPattern % {'assetName': asset} return serviceName or serviceNameOrPattern lookup.ACTION = SERVICE_ACTION SERVICE_GET_NAMES = defaultdict(lambda: 'get%(assetName)s')
from core.base.enum import Enum ResourceMetricType = Enum( **{ 'workload': 'workload', 'inetaddr': 'inetaddr', 'vcpu': 'vcpu', 'cost': 'cost', 'memory': 'memory', 'disk': 'disk' })
] #include leafs of ke.objectID else: [ flatmap.update([ ('%s%s%s.%s' % (parentKey, '.' if parentKey else '', k, item[0]), item[1]) ]) for item in idmap(v, keyField='id', defaultToIndex=True).items() ] else: flatmap['%s%s%s' % (parentKey, '.' if parentKey else '', k)] = v return flatmap SELECT_FIELDS_MATCH = Enum( **dict(PREFIX='prefix', SUFFIX='suffix', REGEX='regex')) def selectFields(item, fields=None, factory=dict, ignore=False, default=None, match=SELECT_FIELDS_MATCH.PREFIX, flatten=False): ''' selects a subset of dict (key, value) pairs or object attribute (name, value) pairs behaves differently from selectFieldsWith[Prefix, Suffix, Regex] is that it selects the set of fields as provided in the args in addition to expanding the field set with the matched fields, which is more suitable for reports since it will preserve the columns provided, and expand on them if applicable For example: fields = ['id', 'name', 'properties'] and match=SUFFIX
from core.base.enum import Enum ScriptState = Enum( **{ 'Unknown': 'Unknown', 'Running': 'Running', 'Success': 'Success', 'Failed': 'Failed' })
from core.base.enum import Enum LookupFailCode = Enum(**{'Fail': 'Fail', 'Continue': 'Continue'})
from core.base.enum import Enum AccessListDirection = Enum(**{'Input': 'Input', 'Output': 'Output'})
from core.base.enum import Enum ValueConstraintType = Enum(**{'tree': 'tree', 'none': 'none', 'list': 'list'})
from core.base.enum import Enum State = Enum(**{'Destroyed': 'Destroyed', 'Unknown': 'Unknown', 'Paused': 'Paused', 'Failed': 'Failed', 'Running': 'Running', 'Stopped': 'Stopped', 'Stopping': 'Stopping', 'Degraded': 'Degraded', 'Starting': 'Starting'})
''' Created on Nov 30, 2012 @author: dawood ''' from agilityshell import agility from logger import logger from core.base.enum import Enum __all__ = ['assignedResources', 'diffAssignedResources', 'diffAssignedDisks', 'disks', 'nics', 'processors', 'memory'] RESOURCE_TYPES = Enum(**{'ETHERNET_ADAPTER' : 'Ethernet Adapter', 'DISK_DRIVE' : 'Disk Drive', 'PROCESSOR' : 'Processor', 'MEMORY' : 'Memory' }) #aliases getField = selectFields = #building blocks asList = lambda r: r if isinstance(r, (tuple, list)) else [r] resourcesOf = lambda compute, resourceType=RESOURCE_TYPES.DISK_DRIVE: [r for r in compute.get('resources', default=[], wrapper=asList) if getField(r, 'resourceType', '') == resourceType] disks = lambda compute: resourcesOf(compute, RESOURCE_TYPES.DISK_DRIVE) nics = lambda compute: resourcesOf(compute, RESOURCE_TYPES.ETHERNET_ADAPTER) processors = lambda compute: resourcesOf(compute, RESOURCE_TYPES.PROCESSOR) memory = lambda compute: resourcesOf(compute, RESOURCE_TYPES.MEMORY) def assignedResources(computeList, resourceType=RESOURCE_TYPES.DISK_DRIVE, removeEmpty=True): ''' returns a map of : list of resource entries where resourceType == 'Disk Drive' '''
from agilityshell import agility as a, agility from logger import logger import re #some shorthands idmap = namemap = validSymbol = DEFAULT_TREE = {'container' : { 'container' : {}, 'customContainer' : {}, 'package' : {}, 'containerRight' : {}, 'policy' : {}, 'script' : {}, 'domain' : {}, 'project' : {}, 'stack' : {} } } TYPE = Enum(**{'ASSET_LIST' : 'AssetList', 'ASSET_MAP' : 'AssetMap', 'ASSET' : 'Asset', 'ASSET_SUMMARY' : 'AssetSummary' }) containerTypes = ['Container', 'Project', 'Topology', 'Template', 'Stack', 'Package', 'Script', 'Instances', 'ContainerRight', 'Policy'] hasattrs = lambda obj, attrlist: all([getattr(obj, attr, None) for attr in attrlist]) allhaveattrs = lambda sequence, attrlist: all([hasattrs(item, attrlist) for item in sequence]) def deeptype(obj): idandtype = ['id', 'type'] type_ = type(obj) if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): if allhaveattrs(obj, idandtype): type_ = TYPE.ASSET_LIST
from core.base.enum import Enum Architecture = Enum(**{'x86_64': 'x86_64', 'i386': 'i386', 'Any': 'Any'})
from core.base.enum import Enum LaunchItemState = Enum( **{ 'Ordered': 'Ordered', 'Failed': 'Failed', 'Unknown': 'Unknown', 'DeployPending': 'DeployPending', 'Deleting': 'Deleting', 'Rejected': 'Rejected', 'Paused': 'Paused', 'Released': 'Released', 'Running': 'Running', 'Stopped': 'Stopped', 'Deploying': 'Deploying', 'DeployFailed': 'DeployFailed', 'Stopping': 'Stopping', 'OrderFailed': 'OrderFailed', 'Degraded': 'Degraded', 'OrderProvisioning': 'OrderProvisioning', 'Starting': 'Starting', 'OrderPending': 'OrderPending', 'Deployed': 'Deployed' })
from core.base.enum import Enum DeploymentState = Enum( **{ 'Failed': 'Failed', 'Unknown': 'Unknown', 'Released': 'Released', 'Running': 'Running', 'Stopped': 'Stopped', 'Stopping': 'Stopping', 'Starting': 'Starting', 'Deployed': 'Deployed' })
ResourceType = Enum( **{ 'DVD Drive': 'DVD Drive', 'Graphics Controller': 'Graphics Controller', 'Other': 'Other', 'Memory': 'Memory', 'Other Storage': 'Other Storage', 'Parallel SCSI HBA': 'Parallel SCSI HBA', 'Other Network Adapter': 'Other Network Adapter', 'IEEE 1394 Controller': 'IEEE 1394 Controller', 'PCI Controller': 'PCI Controller', 'Storage Extent': 'Storage Extent', 'SIO Controller': 'SIO Controller', 'PS2 Controller': 'PS2 Controller', 'CD Drive': 'CD Drive', 'None': 'None', 'iSCSI HBA': 'iSCSI HBA', 'Base Partitionable Unit': 'Base Partitionable Unit', 'Keyboard': 'Keyboard', 'Power Supply': 'Power Supply', 'IB HCA': 'IB HCA', 'Ethernet Adapter': 'Ethernet Adapter', 'Processor': 'Processor', 'Pointing Device': 'Pointing Device', 'Disk Drive': 'Disk Drive', 'Serial Port': 'Serial Port', 'Floppy Drive': 'Floppy Drive', 'Parallel Port': 'Parallel Port', 'USB Controller': 'USB Controller', 'I/O Device': 'I/O Device', 'Tape Drive': 'Tape Drive', 'Computer': 'Computer', 'FC HBA': 'FC HBA', 'I/O Slot': 'I/O Slot', 'Cooling Device': 'Cooling Device', 'Partitionable Unit': 'Partitionable Unit', 'IDE Controller': 'IDE Controller' })
from core.base.enum import Enum Product = Enum( **{ 'None': 'None', 'Planner': 'Planner', 'Factory': 'Factory', 'Platform': 'Platform', 'Manager': 'Manager', 'CenterPoint': 'CenterPoint' })
from core.base.enum import Enum ResourceAffinity = Enum( **{ 'None': 'None', 'Host': 'Host', 'Network': 'Network', 'Cloud': 'Cloud', 'Location': 'Location' })
import logging import os import reporter from queries.exportcsv import customReport from core.base.enum import Enum from xlswriter import ExcelReport from reporting import LOGGER_NAME COMPONENT_NAME = LOGGER_NAME import logger logger = logger.getLogger('%s.%s' % (COMPONENT_NAME, __name__)) COMPARE_MODE = Enum( **{ 'EXACT': 'master_equal_slave', 'MASTER_INTACT': 'master_subset_slave', 'SLAVE_INTACT': 'slave_subset_master' }) DIFF_REPORT_INCLUDE = Enum( **{ 'ALL': 'delete_insert_replace', 'DELETED': 'delete', 'ADDED': 'insert', 'MODIFIED': 'replace', 'EQUAL': 'equal' }) COMPARE_OPCODES = Enum(**{ 'EQUAL': 'equal', 'REPLACE': 'replace',
from core.base.enum import Enum ScriptType = Enum( **{ 'Platform': 'Platform', 'Configuration': 'Configuration', 'Guest': 'Guest', 'Provider': 'Provider' })